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Corruption High Court rules on BI graft defendants

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 03/06/2009 12:05 PM | National

According to the Corruption High Court, the alleged embezzlement of Rp 68.5 billion (US$5.6
million) of Bank Indonesia (BI) funds given to former BI officials for legal aid in 2003 would
not eventuate in any loss to the state.
The former BI officials had returned some of the embezzled money and promised to return the
rest money by 2011, Madya Suhardja, spokesman of the high court, said on Friday.
"This means there will be no state losses," he said as quoted by
Madya also said the high court had reduced the prison term of convicted former BI legal bureau
head Oey Hoey Tiong from four years to 3.5, because at the time of committing his crime Oey
had been acting under orders from his superiors.
However, the high court had prolonged the sentence of former BI communications head Rusli
Simanjuntak to 4.5 years in prison, six months more than was handed down by the Corruption
Previously, the high court had also extended the prison term of the former BI governor
Burhanuddin Abdullah, by six months to 5.5 years, for his role in the misappropriation.
Abdullah was said to have known about and approved the disbursement of Rp 100 billion of BI
Indonesian Banking Development Foundation (YPPI) funds.
The money was used for personal and family expenses, including buying homes and opening
savings accounts, as well as to halt investigations by the Attorney General's Office into BI
Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) cases involving five former senior BI officials - Paul Sutopo,
Hendro Budiyanto and Heru Soepraptomo, Iwan R. Prawiranata and Soedradjad Djiwandono.
And until now, despite the seemingly suspicious nature of their cases, these five former BI
officials have remained off the hook.
The remaining Rp 31.5 billion of the YPPI money had allegedly been given to members of the
House of Representatives' then Commission IX (which oversaw financial affairs) to expedite the
settlement of the BLBI cases and the amendment of the 1999 BI law. (dre)
Korupsi Pengadilan Tinggi aturan tentang BI graft terdakwa
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 2009/03/06 12:05 | Nasional
Menurut Pengadilan Tinggi Korupsi, dengan dugaan penggelapan Rp 68,5 miliar (US

$ 5,6 juta) Bank Indonesia (BI) dana yang diberikan kepada mantan pejabat BI
untuk bantuan hukum pada tahun 2003 tidak akan berakibat pada kerugian negara.
Mantan pejabat BI telah kembali beberapa menggelapkan uang dan berjanji untuk
mengembalikan sisa uang pada tahun 2011, Madya Suhardja, juru bicara
pengadilan tinggi, mengatakan pada hari Jumat.
"Ini berarti tidak akan ada kerugian negara," katanya seperti dikutip oleh
Madya juga mengatakan pengadilan tinggi telah mengurangi jangka dihukum
penjara mantan kepala biro hukum BI Oey Hoey Tiong dari empat tahun untuk 3.5,
karena pada waktu melakukan kejahatan Oey nya telah bertindak atas perintah dari
Namun, pengadilan tinggi telah memperpanjang kalimat komunikasi mantan kepala
BI Rusli Simanjuntak menjadi 4,5 tahun penjara, enam bulan lebih dari yang
diturunkan oleh Pengadilan Tipikor.
Sebelumnya, pengadilan tinggi juga memperpanjang jangka penjara mantan
Gubernur BI Burhanuddin Abdullah, dengan enam bulan sampai 5.5 tahun, untuk
perannya dalam penyimpangan tersebut.
Abdullah mengatakan sudah tahu tentang dan menyetujui pencairan dana Rp 100
miliar BI Yayasan Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (YPII) dana.
Uang itu digunakan untuk pribadi dan pengeluaran keluarga, termasuk membeli
rumah dan tabungan membuka rekening, serta untuk menghentikan penyelidikan
oleh Kejaksaan Agung ke Bantuan Likuiditas BI (BLBI) kasus yang melibatkan lima
mantan pejabat senior BI - Paul Sutopo, Hendro Budiyanto dan Heru Soepraptomo,
Iwan R. Prawiranata dan Soedradjad Djiwandono.

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