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Trigger workflow when a document is Parked Part 1


Initiator parks the document.

Workflow is triggered on COMPLETED event.

It is sent to Finance Officer

He /she either release the document for payment or reject it.

Upon release document is sent to Finance Manager.

That person can view it, post it or reject it.


When workflow is triggered, initiator receives a mail that document has been
sent to his supervisor.

When document is rejected, workflow is set to complete and initiator can be

sent a comments mail.

Used Business Object


Workflow Creation Steps

Go to transaction code SWDD. Create a new workflow and save it under your package.

Go to the Work flow container and add a new element. The following screen opens:

Create a new element ZFIPP as we are using BO FIPP

Also set import and export parameters:

Click on the Basics Data button or press Ctrl-f8 and enter the work flow starting event:

We want the work flow to start on Completed event OF FIPP BO.

Activate the triggering event. It will be done through a Customizing Request.

Also generate Automatic Binding

Both the Activation and Binding buttons should be green by now

Now our workflow should look like this: Event is successfully configured.

On the next series we will detail the workflow design, covering task creation, notifications and
events. Please be sure to come back tomorrow!
Trigger workflow when a document is Parked Part 2

Following Part 1, this tutorial explains a step by step process for the creation of the SAP
Business workflow, which is triggered whenever a document is parked, as well as the
functionality for posting and the necessary workflow configuration.
Now we want to send mail to the initiator that document no xxxxx has been sent to his
Enter a mail step:

Now we want to add a task which will enable the supervisor to release amount for subsequent
posting. Add a new task we will use the RELEASE method of FIPP BO.

Our workflow looks like this:

Now on the rejection task, we want to add a MAIL interface, so that the Supervisor role can add
some comments on why he is rejecting this document. We will be using standard SAP business
workplace mail for this purpose.
On rejection add the following standard task under a new activity: TS20000139. Also add a
process control which will set our workflow to complete:

Trigger workflow when a document is

Parked Part 3
Following the first two articles of this series, Part 1 and Part 2, we now progress further aiming
to develop a fully functional SAP Business workflow which triggers when a document is parked
in the SAP FI module.
So our Workflow now looks something like this:

You should also add a mail step in the rejection task to send an e-mail to the initiator informing
that the document has been rejected. At this stage, we will come to the condition when the
Supervisor releases the payment. It is important that set a release flag to control this behaviour.
Define an element named released and make sure you dont forget to set its import and export

Add a container operation and set the following settings:

By now, this part of your workflow should look like this:

Now that the document is released by the Finance Officer, we will add a User decision step, to
capture the Managers decision. When receiving the Work Item, the Manager will have the
following options available:
1. View the document
2. Reject the document
3. Post the document

For the review branch, add a new activity using the standard method DISPLAY of BO FIPP.

For the post branch, add a new activity using the standard method POST of BO FIPP.

For the rejection branch, use the previous email step to send an e-mail to the Initiator, informing
that the document has been rejected.
The user decision step should look similar to this (the rejection email task is not shown below):

We have now done all the required Workflow tasks and steps.

Trigger workflow when a document is

Parked Part 4
Following the first three articles of this series, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, we now progress further
and look on how to perform the last FI parking SAP Business workflow configuration steps.
Execute transaction code OBWA and create a new variant.

Execute transaction code OBWJ and assign your new variant to your own Company Code.

The necessary workflow configuration is now complete. We have created a new variant and
registered it to our Company Code. Our workflow is now ready for testing.
In order to test your new Workflow, execute transaction code FV60

Enter the relevant data for your Invoice and press the Park Button. The document will be

When the user presses the Save as Completed button, the workflow will be triggered and the
Supervisor user role will receive an email.

The Finance Officer will receive the following work item:

He will have option to release or reject the document:

If the Finance Officer chooses reject, a Comments screen is opened for him. An automatic
notification is also sent to the Initiator so that he knows the reason why the document has been

If the Finance Officer releases the Document, it will be sent to the Finance Manager who can
either post it, reject it or view it.

Wrap Up
This completes our FI Document Parking workflow. Weve seen the events to trigger the
workflow, release it for payment, email notification for the relevant users, use the standard BO
FIPP methods for posting and display, and weve also seen how to configure it.

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