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Leaving the Wheel of Karma

I write this for myself. You are welcome to read it... with an open mind.

Currently the New Age paradigm, which includes quite a few "old" ideas, says som
ething along the lines of this:
We are souls on a very long journey, developing and learning, reincarnating acco
rding to lifeplans and contracts, working out our karma. Once we die and pass ov
er, usually with the help of a bright light or beings we can trust, we are reuni
ted with lost family members. All pain and discomfort vanish and we feel incredi
bly loved.
While this sounds already quite wonderful many have a problem believing it could
be "that good". Others just accept it to some extend and continue with their "r
eal life" here.
This is indeed what happens, unless you have strong beliefs (religious or otherw
ise) that tell you something else - in which case you get your version of it, ac
cording to those.
"How is this possible?" you might ask, believing there is only "one world", basi
cally like here... which is shared by all. To find this out one has to understan
d where "there" actually is. Our current model of "here" and "there", whereby "t
here" is everything we don't have conscious access to right now is an extreme ov
Let's call it the 4th dimension, skipping the "isn't this time?"-issue and conce
ntrating on the matter at hand - where we go after we die - the next dimension.
If you've ever remembered some of your dreams then you know they have their own
kind of rules, or lack thereof - it works differently than here. "Aren't they ju
st happening in my head?" would be a legitimate question, although I don't see m
uch of a difference for this explanation now. Whether you know your consciousnes
s to be travelling while your body is asleep or believe it all to be happening i
nside your brain - the things happening are very much in accordance with our bel
iefs, fears and whatever derives from our personality - concious or subconscious
This way, just as in a dream, when you die you get either whatever is in alignme
nt with your deep convictions - or an open, general, happy theme.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Sure, if you want to continue doing this... and suffering through 3D life - like
the one you currently live. Afterall the system ensures you come back here, hav
ing to start over - trying to "get it right" this time, without knowing anything
at all. Great fun, right?
You will *never* get it right. You can't. Too much stuff happens all the time th
at would keep you stuck in this endless loop. It's impossible to break free of y
our "karma" with this kind of "an eye for an eye" payback-system.
If you are happy with that though, just doubting its validity, I recommend readi
ng some of the countless books revolving around the afterlife, life between live
s, near death experiences ect. Personally I liked Michael A. Newton starting wit
h "Journey of Souls".

------------------------------------------------------------Let's say you are unhappy with this kind of situation but know something along t
hose lines is going on. You know, through deep inner conviction, that you are an
eternal being... and might not want to continue reincarnating into the same mes
s over and over again. You want a more fun environment... or a more loving one.
A different game, if you will.
If you ever had a lucid dream, that is to say a dream where you know you were dr
eaming... and might even have gotten control over what was happening, making thi
ngs appear or disappear, then you're familiar with how you vibrationally create
something on other levels of existance. That is not to say yours is the only cre
ation, because as you die here you will, most likely, see the light and feel the
love coming from it. Being well trained by the media and feeling naturally attr
acted to a state so loving, unlike anything you had to deal with here, you are i
nclined to to what just about everyone else does.
Let's change course here. Don't enter the light.
Please bear with me for a
world and get lost in an
of death and rebirth into
e, your soul, or whatever

moment. You do want to move on and not cling to the 3D

inbetween state - but you, wanting to leave the cycle
this prison, would want to go "home". Home... to sourc
is beyond the 4th dimension that you just entered.

The explanation of what happens can be found in the Bhagavad Gita as well as in
the Bardo Thodol, written in a language that people of the time would understand
You go to a place that matches your own state of consciousness.
To pass through and go beyond the 4th dimension, after just having died, it requ
ires a consciousness that has overcome all the pitfalls of the 3rd dimension.
It is a sort of barrier that can only be passed if you have vibrationally cleane
d yourself up enough as to not manifest fears that would draw you down again.
In other words: It requires love/compassion.
A life spent loving to such an extend that even after dying you remain in that s
tate and not get drawn down by your own creations -whatever your mind is filled
with becomes reality- that would happen there just like in a very lucid dream st
Dying consciously is the only way out on this road. The alternatives are much ha
rder and would require a specific training which has the living from the heart-s
tate as a basic necessity.
In other words: If you just manage to overcome all fears and live from the heart
, remembering to go home after death, setting this intention within your own bei
ng (instead of blindly going into the bright white light) you will be fine. Sour
ce might be seen as a golden light, which has a different feel to it. Free Will
is paramount - nobody can make you go anywhere, only invite you. Your vibrationa
l makeup will determine your reaction/emotional state after dying and your inten
tion will be the horse pulling you behind it. I'm eager to go home, what about y
"Let goodness and virtue be perfected in every way."

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