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We affirm, Resolved: Prioritizing economic development over environmental

protection is in the best interest of the people of India

We observe:
FIRST Economic development is defined by The International
Economic Development Council as the creation of jobs and
wealth, and the improvement of quality of life
OR Tragakes, Ellie. Chief Examiner for IB Economics. "Glossary." Economics for
the IB Diploma. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009. Page 543.
Economic development: Broad based rises in the standard of living and wellbeing of a population, particularly in economically less developed countries. It
involves increasing income levels and reducing poverty, reducing
income inequalities and unemployment, and increasing provision and
access to basic goods and services such as food and shelter, sanitation,
education, and health care services.
< which do u like?

Second, PRO doesnt have the burden of feasibility

Lastly, The words best interest suggests that whichever
provides the greatest benefit affecting the greater number of
people, wins todays debate.

Contention 1: Povertys rising




India experiences some of the largest population growth in the world, and according
to Ranjit Goswami Dean of the Institute of Management Technology, Much of
Indias population increase has occurred among the poorest socioeconomic percentile. This growth is problematic as written by Dr. Nagdeve
of the ENVIS center who furthers in 2006 Rapid population growth and
poverty. is adversely affecting the environment University of Mumbai writes
this year that with every significant addition to population, there is misuse
of resources. The result of this misuse is that a huge quantity of waste is
generated directly affect[ing] the environment.Thus without the
implementation of economic opportunities for the growing population of poor, the
environment cannot be improved.



As explained by International Institute for Population Sciences stationed in Mumbai,

in 2006 Poverty is said to be both cause and effect of environment
degradation. The poor people, who rely on natural resources more than
the rich, deplete natural resources faster as they have no real prospects
of gaining access to other types of resources[however] degraded
environment can accelerate the process of impoverishment, This creates an
unbreakable cycle of poverty. BUT Policies directed at protecting the environment
only exacerbate the problem, according to the Journal of Epidemiology and
community health in 2004 the poor will bear disproportionate shares of the
economic burdens of any environmental regulations that unduly increase
prices . Economic developmental would fix this through The creation of
employment opportunities < which> is essential in agricultural areas with
high poverty. The World Watch Institute, in 2013 cites such programs already
underway in the state of Kerala, India saying it provides a model of fighting
poverty with grassroots participation.

CONTENTION 2) Infrastructure is
critical to developing the economy
and environment
A) Infrastructure
Along with providing jobs and demand for manufacturing the development of Indias
infrastructure is critical for its huge population centers, Manish Agarwal in 2013
writes For Indias economy to make sustained progress, we have to build
better roads so that the transportation of goods becomes efficient; ..
Addionally Lack of infrastructure is key to environmental problems too as
explained by PollutionIssues lack of appropriate infrastructurefrom
water-treatment facilities to better roads and communicationall
exacerbate the twin problems of poverty and environmental degradation.
B) Development of solar energy
India has a crippling lack of energy infrastructure, with common blackouts and
many rural areas with no connection the the power grid. However, Solar energy is
one of the most feasible remedies to the worlds energy crisis and According to
Goswami in 2013, india Even if a tenth of this potential was utilized, it could
mark the end of India's power problems However the development of
Solar energy would spell more than an end to power problems for the
people of India, Goswami furthers Renewable energy has the potential to reenergize India's economy by creating millions of new jobs, allowing the
country to achieve energy independence, reduce its trade deficits and
propel it forward. Additionally, Solar Energy development has the
potential to hugely benefit small rural areas again Goswami explains,
renewable energy has particular relevance in remote and rural areas,
where there are around 289 million people who don't have access to
reliable sources of energy. Solar energy is the most cost-effective option
for India to reduce energy poverty Also, Solar energy will boost the Indian
manufacturing industry as written by The World Bank in 2013 India has
great potential to manufacture its own components for Concentrated solar
power,. This could give birth to a new industry, This is beneficial to the
Indian people as it both strengthening the economy and helping the

IN CONCLUSION, economic development must be prioritized

over environmental protection because any environmental
degradation will only worsen with overpopulation and poverty,
thus development should be tackled first. Secondly,
Infrastructure is desperately needed for the Indian people to
ensure better economic opportunities and safety. Lastly, solar
energy will help reduce the power issues many in India face,

will boosting economic growth, and creating jobs. We strongly

urge a pro ballot. Thank you

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