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Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'use enum for column OptionType
Public Enum ReturnValue
ValueBS = 1
DeltaBS = 3
GammaBS = 5
ThetaBS = 6
RhoBS = 8
VegaBS = 10
End Enum
'use enum for column OptionType
Public Enum OptionCalculation
Call_BlackSchole = 1
Put_BlackSchole = 2
End Enum

mOptionType As Long
mStrikePrice As Double
mSharePrice As Double
mTimeToExpiry As Double
mRiskFreeInterestRate As Double
mSigma As Double
mDividend As Double
mlngID As Long

Private Sub Class_Initialize()


mOptionType = 0
mStrikePrice = 0
mSharePrice = 0
mTimeToExpiry = 0
mR = 0
mRiskFreeInterestRate = 0
mSigma = 0

End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Public Property Get StrikePrice() As Double
StrikePrice = mStrikePrice
End Property
Public Property Let StrikePrice(dblVal As Double)
'verifies rate is between 0 and 1
If dblVal <= 0 Then

Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Strike price must be

greater than 0"
End If
mStrikePrice = dblVal
End Property
Public Property Get OptionType() As OptionCalculation
OptionType = mOptionType
End Property
Public Property Let OptionType(lngVal As OptionCalculation)
'verifies rate is between 0 and 1
If lngVal <> Call_BlackSchole And lngVal <> Put_BlackSchole Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Option type not valid
End If
mOptionType = lngVal
End Property
Public Property Get SharePrice() As Double
SharePrice = mSharePrice
End Property
Public Property Let SharePrice(dblVal As Double)
'verifies rate is between 0 and 1
If dblVal < 0.00001 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Share price must be g
reater than 0.00001"
End If
mSharePrice = dblVal
End Property
Public Property Get TimeToExpiry() As Double
''mTimeToExpiry is in years, but converts back to days based on 365 daya calenda
TimeToExpiry = mTimeToExpiry * 365
End Property
Public Property Let TimeToExpiry(dblVal As Double)

''receives days, but converts to year based on 365 daya calendar

''requires value is greater than 0
'verifies rate is between 0 and 1
If dblVal <= 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Expiry must be greate
r than 0"
End If
mTimeToExpiry = dblVal / 365
End Property
Public Property Get RiskFreeInterestRate() As Double
RiskFreeInterestRate = mRiskFreeInterestRate
End Property
Public Property Let RiskFreeInterestRate(dblVal As Double)
''requires decimal interest rate, not percent
'verifies rate is between 0 and 1
If dblVal < 0 Or dblVal > 1 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Rate must be between
0 and 1, here 1 = 100%"
End If
mRiskFreeInterestRate = dblVal
End Property
Public Property Get Sigma() As Double
Sigma = mSigma
End Property
Public Property Let Sigma(dblVal As Double)
''requires decimal standard deviation
'verifies rate is between 0 and 1
If dblVal < 0 Or dblVal > 1 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Sigma (Standard Devia
tion) must be between 0 and 1"
End If
mSigma = dblVal
End Property
Public Property Get Dividend() As Double

Dividend = mDividend
End Property
Public Property Let Dividend(dblVal As Double)
'verifies dividend is between 0 and 1
If dblVal < 0 Or dblVal > 1 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Dividend must be betw
een 0 and 1"
End If
mDividend = dblVal
End Property
Private Sub Verify()
If mOptionType = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Option type must
be defined."
ElseIf mStrikePrice = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Strike Price must
be defined."
ElseIf mSharePrice = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Share Price must
be defined."
ElseIf mTimeToExpiry = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Time to Expiry mu
st be defined."
ElseIf mRiskFreeInterestRate = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Risk Free Interes
t Rate must be defined."
ElseIf mSigma = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Sigma (Standard D
eviation) must be defined."
End If
End Sub
Public Function Calculate(ByVal Command As ReturnValue) As Double
' Calculates the value of an European Option (Black-Scholes)
' Typ -> Call or Put
' Command -> Price, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho

mTimeToExpiry = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Max(0.00001, mTimeToExpiry)
Dim d1 As Double
Dim d2 As Double
Dim dblTempHolder As Double
dblTempHolder = 0
If (mSigma * mStrikePrice * mTimeToExpiry > 0) Then
d1 = Log(mSharePrice / mStrikePrice) + ((mRiskFreeInterestRate - mDivide
nd) + 0.5 * mSigma * mSigma) * mTimeToExpiry
d1 = d1 / (mSigma * Sqr(mTimeToExpiry))
d2 = d1 - mSigma * Sqr(mTimeToExpiry)
End If
Select Case Command
Case ValueBS
If mOptionType = Call_BlackSchole Then
Calculate = (mSharePrice * Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry) * Cum
ulativeDistributionFunction(d1)) - (Exp(-mRiskFreeInterestRate * mTimeToExpiry)
* mStrikePrice * CumulativeDistributionFunction(d2))
ElseIf mOptionType = Put_BlackSchole Then
Calculate = Exp(-mRiskFreeInterestRate * mTimeToExpiry) * mStrik
ePrice * CumulativeDistributionFunction(-d2) - mSharePrice * Exp(-mDividend * mT
imeToExpiry) * CumulativeDistributionFunction(-d1)
End If
Case DeltaBS
If mOptionType = Call_BlackSchole Then
Calculate = Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry) * CumulativeDistribu
ElseIf mOptionType = Put_BlackSchole Then
Calculate = Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry) * (CumulativeDistrib
utionFunction(d1) - 1)
End If
Case GammaBS
Calculate = nprime(d1) * Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry) / (mSharePr
ice * mSigma * Sqr(mTimeToExpiry))
Case ThetaBS

If mOptionType = Call_BlackSchole Then

dblTempHolder = -(mSharePrice * nprime(d1) * mSigma * Exp(-mDivi
dend * mTimeToExpiry) / 2 / Sqr(mTimeToExpiry))
dblTempHolder = dblTempHolder + (mDividend * mSharePrice * Cumul
ativeDistributionFunction(d1) * Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry))
dblTempHolder = dblTempHolder - (mRiskFreeInterestRate * mStrike
Price * Exp(-mRiskFreeInterestRate * mTimeToExpiry) * CumulativeDistributionFunc
Calculate = dblTempHolder / 100
ElseIf mOptionType = Put_BlackSchole Then
dblTempHolder = -(mSharePrice * nprime(d1) * mSigma * Exp(-mDivi
dend * mTimeToExpiry) / 2 / Sqr(mTimeToExpiry))
dblTempHolder = dblTempHolder - (mDividend * mSharePrice * Cumul
ativeDistributionFunction(-d1) * Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry))
dblTempHolder = dblTempHolder + (mRiskFreeInterestRate * mStrike
Price * Exp(-mRiskFreeInterestRate * mTimeToExpiry) * CumulativeDistributionFunc
Calculate = dblTempHolder / 100
End If
dblTempHolder = 0
Case RhoBS
If mOptionType = Call_BlackSchole Then
Calculate = (mStrikePrice * mTimeToExpiry * Exp(-mRiskFreeIntere
stRate * mTimeToExpiry) * CumulativeDistributionFunction(d2)) / 100
ElseIf mOptionType = Put_BlackSchole Then
Calculate = (-mStrikePrice * mTimeToExpiry * Exp(-mRiskFreeInter
estRate * mTimeToExpiry) * CumulativeDistributionFunction(-d2)) / 100
End If
Case VegaBS
Calculate = (mSharePrice * Sqr(mTimeToExpiry / 3.1415926 / 2) * Exp(
-0.5 * d1 * d1) * Exp(-mDividend * mTimeToExpiry)) / 100
Case Else
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 512, "European Option", "Return value not
End Select
End Function
Public Function ValueArray() As Variant
ValueArray = Array(OptionType, SharePrice, StrikePrice, Sigma, TimeToExpiry,
RiskFreeInterestRate, Dividend, Calculate(ValueBS), Calculate(DeltaBS), Calcula
te(GammaBS), Calculate(ThetaBS), Calculate(VegaBS), Calculate(RhoBS))

End Function
Private Function CumulativeDistributionFunction(x As Double) As Double





1 / (1 + 0.33267 * Abs(x))

CumulativeDistributionFunction = 1 - 1 / Sqr(2 * 3.1415926) * Exp(-0.5 * x *

x) * (a * d + b * d * d + c * d * d * d)
If x < 0 Then CumulativeDistributionFunction = 1 - CumulativeDistributionFun
End Function
Private Function nprime(x As Double) As Double
nprime = Exp(-0.5 * x * x) / Sqr(2 * 3.1415926)
End Function

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