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It is used mainly in order to speak of facts 1.-Add stress or contradict: I do want to do well.
more or less permanent and of actions They do not do that.
habitual. 2.-Form question or negative statements?
WHAT FORMS DOES IT HAVE? Do you go to the lake in the summer?
-Simple present, I do not know what you are talking about.
-Present progressive perso
n singular plural
-Present emphatic.
1 I do sing i.e. do sing
PRESENT SIMPLE.-is used for:
2 you do sing you do sing
1.-An action (or state) occurring in the
present. 3 She/he/it does sing they do sing
They speak Chinese.
2.-A habitual action (which is still true): NEGATIVE:
I always study in the evening. interrogative Negative
3.-Existing facts and external truths: Do I speak English? I do not speak English
Paris is the capital of France. you do not speak
I think therefore I am. Do you speak English? English
Does he/she speak he/she does not speak
There is only one inflected form in the English? English
we do not speak
simple present. That is the third person
Do i.e. speak English? English
singular, which adds “s”. you do not speak
Do you speak English? English
perso singular plural they do not speak
n Do they speak English? English
1 I sing we sing
2 you sing you sing PAST TENSES IN INGLISH:
3 She/he/it sings they sing There are three past tenses corresponding to the
three present tenses.
PRESENT SIMPLE FORM 3 PERSON THE SIMPLE PAST: is the second principal part of
SIGULAR: the verb regular ends in ED I talked. And verb
irregular. I sang
a) Verbs ending in O preceded by a
constant add ES. To do=> he doES, to :
go=>he goES. person singular plural
b) Verbs ending in Y preceded by a 1 I sang we sang
constant. Change Y for I and add ES. 2 you sang you sang
To carry=>he carriES. To tidy=>he
3 She/he/it sang they sang
c) Verbs ending in Y preceded by a vowel
add ‘S’. THE PAST PROGRESSIVE is formed by the simple
To buy=>he buys. To pay=>he pays. past of the verb TO BE plus the present participle
d) Verbs ending in CH, SH, S, X, Z : add of the main verb.
ES. To be +present participle.
To teach=>he teaches; to person singular plural
brush=>he brushes. 1 I was singing we were singing
To cross=> he crosses.
2 you were singing you were singing
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE/CONTINUOUS: 3 she was singing they were singing
It is use to describe an action that this
producing at the moment in which it is THE PAST EMPHATIC: DO=> DID+INFINITIVE
spoken: Is used to: person singular plural
1.-Stress the continuing nature of the 1 I did sing we did sing
verb’s action in 2 you did sing you did sing
either a statement or a question:
3 she did sing they did sing
I am still (aun) trying
Are you going to the library now?
2.-Make a future action more immediate: OTHER PAST FORMS:
We are reading this book next week. INMEDIATE PAST action: to have just
I am going to the show tomorrow. (acabamos de) plus past participle. Example: Mary
has just arrived this minute.
This tense is formed with the present HABITUAL PAST action: used to or would plus
tense of TO BE plus the present infinitive
participle. BE + VERB END ING: I used to go (solia ir) the movies every week. For
a long time
pers I would see (me justaria ver) them every day.
on singular Plural REPEATED PAST action: kept on plus present
1 I’ m Singing we are singing participle.
You are He kept on (seguir) doing it.
2 singing You are singing
She/he/it is They are PRESENT PERFECT
3 singing singing HAVE+ PAST PARTICIPLE
A consequence in the present of a state or an
action of the past.
FUTURE TENSES IN ENGLISH: Regular verbs: the past participle is ED the same
WHAT FORMS DO THEY HAVE? There are as the past simple; clean=> cleaned
only two tenses for future time: the future Irregular verbs: the past participle is sometimes
and the future progressive. Both are the same as the past simple and sometimes
compound tenses. different. Buy=>bought. Fall=>fallen
THE FUTURE is formed by using the past participle
auxiliary WILL plus infinitive: I (he) have ('ve) cleaned
person singular plural have not
We (hemos) (haven't) finished
1 I shall sing we shall sing
You (has) started
2 you will sing you will sing They (han) lost
3 she will sing they will sing He (que ha) has ('s) done
FORM INTERROGATIVE She has not (hasn't) been
Shall I /we work? it gone
Will you/she/he/it/they work?
I / we shall not work ( WE / YOU / THEY)
you/she/he/it/they will not work HAS HE DONE?
with the future of TO BE plus the present I have=he :we have=hemos; you have=habeis;
participle. they have=han
person singular plural He/she/ it has=ha
we will be
1 I will be singing singing I have Just(acaba de)+past participle
you will be you will be Just= a short time ago
2 singing singing
she will be they will be
They have just arrived
3 singing singing I have already(ya he) +past participle
Already=before you expected (esperar)
FUTURE IMMEDIATE: We have already met(cumplir/encontrar)
I am going to work I have not+past participle+yet:
FUTURE TIME Yet=until now (todavia), yet is usually at the end.
WILL.-We often call this the future You can use yet in negative sentences and questions
simple, but technically there are no future No they have not arrived yet.
tenses in English. The word will is a modal Have they arrived yet?
auxiliary verb. How long have(hace cuanto tiempo) subject+past
1.-NO PLAN.- We use will when there is participle
no prior(antes) plan or decision to do Haw long has she been in Ireland?
something before we speak. We make the She has been in Ireland since(desde) Monday
decision at the time of speaking. She has been in Ireland for(durante)three days
Hold on. I’ll get a pen
We often use will with the verb think:
I think I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.
2.-Prediction.-We often use will to
make a `prediction about the future.
It will rain tomorrow.
3.-BE.-the verb be is an exception with
I will be in London tomorrow.
GOING TO.-We use special going to
construction when we have the intention
to do something before we speak.
I am going to buy a new TV.
We often use going to make prediction
about the future. Our prediction is based
on evidence.
It is going to snow.
WILL.-we use will when we decide to
do something at the time of speaking.
The speaker has not decided before.
Going to.-we use (be) going to when
we have already decided to do

have got: positive question: negative
I / you/ we/ they:
I/ you / we/ they: (HAVE GOT) I / you/ we/ they:(have got) (haven’t got)
They have got a new car How many children have you got? we have not got a dog
They’ve got a new car He /she / it: (has got) we haven't got a dog
he/she/it :(HAS GOT) How many children has he got? he/she/it:(hasn’t got)
he has got a new car (there is no contracted) she has not got a dog
he' s got a new car she hasn't got a dog
(contraction: YES) (contracted: yes)
have positive question: negative
I/you/we/they: (have) I/you/we/they: (have) I/you/we/they: (have)
How many children do you
They have a new car have? they do not have a dog
he/she/it; (has) he/she/it (has) they don’t have a dog
How many children does he
he has a new car have? he/she/it: (have)
(there is no contraction), (there is no contracted) she does not have a dog
she doesn’t have a dog
(contracted: YES)

Have got can only be used for possession COULD (poder en condicional). Used for
Both have and have got may be used for form the past subjunctive to express the
possession. possibility and ask permission of form
Only have is used when talking about educated.
actions, I wish I could play the piano
Have got is only used in the present COULD +HAVE+PARTICIPLE PAST.
simple. Express an action that there has been no.
Have use for the tenses or future forms. Could not=couldn’t
PRETERITE.- to have (got) Could I have happened.
I had (got) MAY.-Express a uncertainty, eventuality
You had (got) and permission in the present and future.
He / she / it / had (got) In the past used : may+ have+
We had (got) participle past
You had(got) In the sentences interrogatives is use: to
They had(got) be likely (ser probable). It may have
AUXILIARES: happened.
BE (SER) It is used by conjugation of the Might (poder, ser posible) .Express an
verbs in the progressive times. eventuality more unlikely that may.
HAVE (haber) It is used by conjugation in
In the past: might+ have+ participle past.
times compound of the past.
DO (hacer) for form the sentences
WILL. Express a will (voluntad) or a
interrogatives and negatives y answers shorts rejection.
and insist sentences affirmatives. Will you have some tea?
LET (dejar) used to form imperative. Listen will you?
WILL y SHALL.-It is auxiliary the future. SHALL. To propose and it is used of form
SHALL.-It is use by 1ra. Person singular and interrogative of 1ra. And 3ra. Person
plural. singular and plural.
Shall not=shan’t Shall I help you?
Will not= won’t Shall we take my car?
We shall come with you Must:(deber) Express an obligation only
WOULD(podria).- it is auxiliary of conditional. exist in the present simple.
Would not = wouldn’t We must find a solution
I’d like to believe you With Must the questions and negations is
CAN (poder).-express a capacity, a Mustn’t=is used to Express a prohibition
permission or a possibility. Can you In the past is use to: must+ have+
count? I can’t hear you participle past
Too to verbs perception involuntary (to I must have put the wrong address
hear) and operations intellectuals (to In the future : be sure to
The past is could.
The future is will be able to
SHOULD (deber en condicional). Express WHY (porqué) it is used for ask which is
an advice, suggestion or a probability. reason of event or action.
Should not=shouldn’t. Why don’t you like her?
Present: should + infinitive WHERE (dónde) one talks about at
Past: should + have+ participle past location.
You should always have an umbrella with Where can I buy stamps?
you. WHEN (cuándo) one talks about to the
OUGHT TO.-(deber en condicional).- date or an hour When does it open?
indicate an obligation outside too express Whose (cuyo, de quién) one talks about
a probability. to the position. Whose is that?
She ought to be back new
Ought not to= oughtn’t to EXPRESSIONS
NEED (necesitar) Express a necessity or EVER: A sentence negative, have only a
an opinion of speaker. term negative.
In the past: need+ have+ participle past In one sentence that already includes a
Need I tell you? term negative how nothing (nada), no one
DARE (atreverse). It is used in the form (nadie) , it is used ever.
negative. I can never get an arrow onto the target.
I daren’t think about it. Nothing ever works in this kitchen.
FORMS OF HELPING VERBS EVER (nunca). It is used in asks in simple
Primary helping verbs: present and present perfect it is placed
Do=>to make simple tenses, and before of verb main.
questions and negatives Do you ever play tennis?
Be => to make continuous tenses, and Have you ever tired going onto the
the passive voice. Internet before?
Have =>to make perfect tenses. She’s the nicest girl I’ve ever met.
Modal helping verbs: Visit the Eiffel tower If you ever go to
Can(poder) =>could (podria) Paris.
May (poder)=>might (podria) NEVER (nunca).It is used only in form
Will (deseo)=>would(se,desearia) affirmative.
Shall (deber)=>should(deberia) I never drink drive.
Must(deber)=>Ought to(beberia) No one ever comes to visit me.
Table rules Nothing’s ever perfect.
Can => possible How much.-are adjective interrogatives
Can’t => impossible of amount, it is use before noun countless.
must => necessary How much Money is it?
have to => obligatory How many.-it is use before of a noun
don’t have to=> not necessary accountant in plural. How many books do
mustn’t => prohibited or forbidden you have?
ADJECTIVE SOME (algunos,as). It is used
THE MAINS INTERROGATIVES: before of a noun countless singular or
WHO+ auxiliary+ subject+ verb? accountant plural for express a amount
WHO (quien).one always talks about a vague.
person. Who ask you? Who did you ask? Some children were playing outside.
WHICH (cuál) One always talks about as PROUNOM SOME (algo, un poco) It is
person how a things. Which teacher do used for a noun countless o accountant in
you like? the plural.
WHAT (qué-cuál) one talks about(se If you like milk, I have some.
refiere) a persons, but it can to talk about NO...ANY (no...ninguno) in the sentences
a things. negatives replace to any for the adjective
What sport do you play? some.
HOW (cómo) Express the mode or the
facts of an action. SINCE (desde) It is used how preposition
Mode: how do you spell your before of the date, hour, the moment that
name? the action has begun.
Fact: How do you travel to work? I have known her since 1999
How adjective or adverb, it is used for ask SINCE (desde que) it is used how
to somebody: how are you? conjunction in order to introduce a
HOW+ Adjective/Adverb+ Verb+ Subject? sentence subordinate.
How tall are you? QUITE (desde luego, muy realmente) it is
How long =durante/desde hace cuanto used in order to Express facts presented
how irrefutable.
You are quite right.
QUITE (desde luego, totalmente).One is QUITE (bastante) one is used too with
used only in order to express an approval. objectives that they express an opinion
That was a good meal, yes quite. personnel.
He is quite good at tennis.
QUITE A FEW (un buen numero de) one
is used with a noun plural in order to THAT (aquel, aquella) Express the
Express one great amount. distance in the space or in the time.
I have quite a few letters for you. I’m looking forward to that
Singular:this  plural these
SO (tan)+ adjective / adverb. It serves Singular: that  plural those
in order to express one acclamation. TO REMEMBER in order to evoke an
action of the past.
SO (asi, entonces) placed to principle of I remember my first day at work.
the sentence one is used how Adverb. TO REMIND. To that remember
So you found a job. something.
Remind me to phone him.
ALL (todos).one is used how adjective HERE (aqui).-Designate the place where
before of a noun accountant or countless. find the person that speak.
If indicated the totality of something HIERE (alli/allá). Designate a place
defined, the noun goes preceded of THE distance of the person that Speak.
or of adjective demonstrative or
possessive. THE APOSTROPHE
When ALL express a mailing general the FORMING POSSESSIVES OF NOUNS
noun not takes article. 1-To see if you need to make a
ALL. It can use too with pronouns possessive, turn the phrase around and
personnel. make it an OF the. Phrase.
Pronouns personnel+ all The boy’s hat= the hat of the boy
Three day’s journey=journey of three
All+ of+ pronoun personnel days
ALL (todo lo que).-All that. - That’s all we 2.-No apostrophe is needed if the noun
have/need. after OF is a building, an object, or a piece
of furniture.
TO BE LIKELY (ser probable) one is used Room of the hotel= hotel room
with infinitive in order to Express one Door of the car= car door
action present and future. Leg of the table= table leg.
This meeting is likely to born me. 3.-Once you’ve determined whether (si
FOR+expresión de duracion: I’ve lived aunque) you need a possessive, follow
in south for five years. these rules to create one.
SINCE +punto de partida: since I was ADD S’ to the singular form of the word(
11 years old. even(incluso) if it ends in –S)
AGO=expresa la nocion (hace). The owner’s car
The couple met 2 years ago. James’s hat
ADD S’ to the plural forms that do not
A LITTLE (un poco).-it is used before of end in –S
the adjective or after the verb. The children’s game
We wanted a little fresh air. The geese’s honking
ADD ‘ to the end of plural nouns that
A BIT (un poco).-lenguaje colloquial. It’s a end in –S
bit bright but it looks nice. My parents’ house
OLD(edad): to be+ number +years old. Three friends’ letters
I’m 19 years old ADD S’ to the end of compound words
My brother-in-law’s money
THE DEMOSTRATIVES ADD S’ to the last noun to show joint
THIS este, esta) Express the proximity in possession of an object.
the space or in the time. Ted and Anne’s flat.
I think we met this morning. ADD ‘ or ‘S to the end of proper names:
Mr Jones’ wife OR Mr Jones’s wife.
Don’t= do not
I’m= I am
Midday=noon(12:00) Who’s =who is
Afternoon=12-6pm Shouldn’t =should not
Morning=12 am-12 midday Didn’t= did not
Evening=6pm -12 midnight Could’ve= could have
Sunrise(salida del sol)=dawn(alba)=6am
Subset(puesta del sol)= dusk LOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS
(anochecer)=6pm SINGULAR PLURAL
It is=It’s: 2DA your Your
7:00 Seven ô clock 3RA his their
her their
11:20 Eleven twenty
1:15 A quarter past one SINGULAR PLURAL
One fifteen 1RA me Us
One a quarter 2DA you You
8:10 Eight ten 3RA
Ten past eight masculine him Them
6:40 Six forty feminine her Them
Forty past six Neutral it Them
Twenty to seven
One of five TENSES
12:35 Twelve thirty five The past continuous tense expresses
Twenty five to one action at a particular moment in the past.
2:55 Five to three The action started before that moment
4:15 A quarter past four but has not finished at that moment.
12:00 Noon, midday
auxiliary main
12:00 Midnight (medianoche) subject verb verb
PROPOSITION OF TIME I/he/she/it was being silly
AT=(a) One is used with the hours and you/they/we were joking
indicate one moment precise. I/he/she/it was not playing football
At(home, school, work, the doctor’s, the you/they/we were not playing football
cinema, the airport, the station, seven, was I/he/she/it being Silly?
noon) were you/they/we playing Football?

IN= (en) One is used with the months, We can join past continuous and simple
station and years. past with when or while.
ON=(el, los) One is used in order to Long action (watching TV), expressed with
introduce a date specific. past continuous tense.
Indicate a day of the week. Short action (telephoned), expressed with
On september 24 th, on Saturday. simple past tense.
I was watching Tv. When you telephoned.
Verbs not used with continuous tenses.
We usually use the following verbs
with simple tenses only.
Hate (odio), like, love, need, prefer, want
wish (deseo), believe(creer), imagine,
know, mean, realize, recognize,
remember, suppose, understand,
belong(pertenecer), concern, consist,
contain, depend, involve(implicar), matter,
owe(deber), own(propio), possess(poseer),
appear(aparecer), resemble(parecerse),
seem(parecer), hear, see.
I want a coffee
It seemed wrong.
Notice(aviso) that we often use
I can see someone in the distance
I can’t hear you very well.



TRAVEL The word travel is used to talk about going from one place to
-verb: Tom travels a lot in his job.
-noun: travel nowadays is faster and less expensive then
-adjective: there is a travel agency beside the bank.

TRIP The word TRIP is used to talk about a short journey

somewhere for a purpose o pleasure.
My boss is often away on business trips.
JOURNEY A journey is the distance covered in travelling from one place
to another. Can refer to a long or a short regular one.
How long is your journey to work? Just about 20 minutes
TOUR A tour is journey during which several places are visited.
We went on a tour of Italy.
VOYAGE A voyage is a long journey by sea or in space.

at the corner in the garden on the wall
At the bus stop In London On the ceilling
At the door In France On the door
At the top of the page In a box On the cover
At the end of the road In my pocket On the floor
At the entrance In my wallet On the carpet
At the crossroads In a building On the menu
In a car On a page
HAVE TO (objective obligation)
In general, have to expresses impersonal obligation. The subject of have to is obliged or
forced to act by a separate, external power. The obligation is imposed from outside.
In France, you have to drive on the right.

main verb
subject auxiliary verb have infinitive
past simple I had to work yesterday
present simple I have to work today
future simple I will have to work tomorrow
present continuous She is having to wait
present perfect we have had to change the time
modal (may) they may have to do it again


ADJETIVES Most 2-syllable nouns; PRESent. Export,
There are two ways to make or form a Table.
comparative adjective. Most 2-syllable adjectives: PREsent,
Short adjectives add ER SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy
Short adjectives: Most 2-syllable verbs: to preSENT, to
One syllable: old => oldER: fast=> deCIDE. To beGIN,
Two syllable: ending in Y: (second from end)
happy=> happiER :easy=> easiER Words ending in IC: GRAPHic,
Syllable ending in E add R: late=>later geoGRAPHic, geoLOGic,
Syllable ending in vowel and Words ending in SION and TION:
Consonant: big=>bigger teleVIsion, reveLAtion.
Long adjectives: add MORE STRESS ON ANTE-PENULTIMATE(third
2 syllable not ending in Y: from end).
modern=>more modern Words ending in CY, Ty, PHY, GY:
All adjectives of 3 o more syllables: deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy,
expansive=>more expensive. geOLogy.
EXCEPTIONS: Words ending in AL: CRItical, geoLOGical.
Good=> better Well=> better COMPOUND WORDS:
Bad=>worse Far=>farther For compound NOUNS, the stress is on
USE OF COMPARATIVE the first part: BLACKbird, GREENhouse.
Although we use comparative adjectives when For compound ADJECTIVES,the stress is
talking about two things (not three or more
things). In fact one or both of the things may on the second part: bab-TEMpered, old-
be a group of things. FASHioned.
He is taller than john. For compound VERBS, the stress is on the
I want to have a more powerful computer. second part.: to underSTAND, to overflow

SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES . How to pronounce ED in English.

A superlative adjective expresses the The past simple tense and past participle
extreme or highest degree of a quality. of all regular verbs end in ED. There are 3
We use a superlative adjective to ways: id-t-d.
describe the extreme quality of one Unvoiced (t): want => wanted =>id
thing in a group of things. Voiced (d): end=>ended=> id
Abc => A is the biggest. Unvoiced ends in one of these sounds(p,
SHORT ADJECTIVES add EST f, s, ts, k) =>like=>t
One syllable adjectives: Old=> the Voiced (all other sounds):=>play, allow,
oldest beg :=>d
Two syllable adjectives ending in Y: EXPRESSING LIKES AND DISLIKES
happy=>the happiest ++ I really love it (lo amo realmente)
I really enjoy
LONG ADJECTIVES use MOST I really like
Two syllable adjectives not ending in Y: + I quite enjoy it (completamente
modern=>the most modern. disfruto de ello)
All adjectives of 3 or more syllables; I quite like
expensive=> the most expensive. - - I really hate it (lo odio realmente)
EXCEPTION: - I don’t like it very much (no me justa
GOOD => the best mucho)
Bad=> the worst COMPARATIVES:
Far=> the furthest. Boys are stronger than girls
WHAT IS WORD STRESS? In English, Girls aren’t as stronger as boys
we do not say each syllable with the Girls are better students than boys
same force or strength, in one word, Boys aren’t as good students as Girls
we accentuate one syllable. We say
one syllable loudly and all the other
syllables very quietly.
There are two very important rules
about word stress:
1.-one word, one stress
2.-the stress is always on a vowel

SHOULD(deberia) CAN: possibility and ability

SUBJECT+SHOULD +MAIN VERB We use can to talk about what is possible,
subject auxiliary verb main verb what we are able or free to do:
She can drive a car
+ he should go
John can speak Spanish.
- he should not go Normally, we use can for the present. But it is
? should he go ? possible to use can when we make present
decisions about future ability.
Should is invariable. There is only one auxiliary main
form of should. subject must verb
I can play tennis
The main verb is always the
He can’t play tennis
bare(exponer) infinitive (infinitive
Can you play Tennis?
without to)
CAN: Requests(solicitor) and orders:
We use should mainly to: We often use can in a question to ask
Give advice(consejo), opinion or somebody to do something.
recommendations(similar to ought to) Can you make a cup of coffee, please
-You should speak to him about it. Can you put the TV on
Talk about obligation, duty, CAN: permission(permiso)
correctness(also similar to ought to) We sometime use can to ask or give
-You should be wearing your seat belt. permission for something.
(obligation) Can I smoke in this room?
-they should do something about this You can’t smoke here, but you can smoke in
the garden.
terrible train service
Should express a personnel opinion COULD (podría): possibility, ability and
and is much weaker and more personal We use could to talk about what was possible
than Must or have to. It is often in the past, what we were able or free to do:
introduced by I think. I could swim when I was 5 years old.
I think they should replace (sustituir)
him. main
subject auxiliary must verb
My grandmother could swim
MUST (subjective obligation)
she Couldn’t walk
In general, must Expresses personal
could Your grandmother Swim?
obligation. Must expresses what the
speaker think is necessary. Must is
BE ABLE TO (ser capaz de): ability. We
subjective. It is not imposed from
use be able to for express ability.
Can and could have no infinitive form. So
I must stop smoking
we use be able to when we want to use
You must visit us soon(pronto)
other tenses or the infinitive.
We can use must to talk about the
I was able to drive
present or the future.
I will be able to drive
I must go now (present)
I have been able to drive
I must call my mother tomorrow
(future). Able
auxiliary subject Be main verb adjective infinitive
subject must main verb I am able To drive
I must go home she Isn’t able To drive
you must visit us are you able To drive?
we must stop now
Like all (como todos) auxiliary verbs,
must cannot be followed by: TO.
I must go now.
MUST NOT=MUSTN’T (prohibition).
Must not expresses prohibition-
something that is not permited, not
allowed. The prohibition can be
subjective (the speaker’s opinion) or
objective (a real law or rule).
subject must main verb
I Mustn’t forget keys
you Mustn’t disturb him
students Must not be late
WAKE UP despiertese Anything else Algo mas
Well yes Pues si Are you coming vienes
I don’t know No lo sé To come out(v) Salir, quitar
To have on (v) Llevar/ That’s all Es todo
To come down to(v) Bajar, llegar Let’s see veamos
everything todo How much cuanto
everybody todos To be right(v) Tener razon
Not yet Todavia no To be careful(v) Tener cuidado
To look like (v) parecer Why not Porque no
I think so Eso creo What about Que hay de
To be all right Estar bien What else Que mas
I am all right Estoy bien What’s going on Que ocurre
See you tomorrow Hasta mañana Let me see A ver
Lucky you Que suerte Which one A cual
How many cunatos Right here Aqui mismo
By the way Por cierto so Asi que, bien
Let’s try Voya intentarlo To have a look Echar una ojeada
O’ clock En punto To take off(v) quitar
It’ s very easy Es muy facil To take long(v) Necesito mucho tiempo
Of course Por supuesto On the left A la izquierda
To get up (v) levantarse To run out of Faltar, quedarse
All over totalmente High street Calle mayor
Never mind No importa.da igaul To queue up (v) Hacer cola
How long Cuanto tiempo It doesn’t matter No importa
Can I help you Puedo ayudarlo To come back (v) volver
All right De acuerdo To find out(v) Enterarse, encontrar
That’s right Es verdad Look for buscar
before antes Look at mirar
during durante Look after cuidar
while mientras Take care Tener cuidado
after despues Think about Pensar en
Very nice Muy bonita Think of parece
truly verdaderamente Wait for esperar
Very friendly Muy amable To<> from A<> de
lovely bello Into<>out of Dentro<> fuera de
Write to me soon pronto On<> off
What can I do for you Can I help you Up<> down Arriva<> abajo
I’ve an appointment Tengo una cita Through<>round A traves de<>redondo
Hold on please Espera por favor Along<> across A lo largo<> a traves
What is your job Cual es su trabajo past Por delante
What do you do Que hace usted Next to cerca
So that De modo que beside A lado de
He leaves home Se va de casa between entre
Get back home Vuelve a casa In front of frente
never nuca behind detras
Hardly ever Casi nunca opposite opuesta
sometimes A veces above arriba
often A menudo below debajo
usually habitualemente Get home Llegar a casa
always siempre Arrive home Llegar a casa
Put on ponerse Get to Llegar a

In front of delante Let’s go vamos

Full board Pension completa I would like Me gustaria
To have just done Acaba de hacer algo Everyday diario
Llegar de manera On all days En todos los dias
To turn up out of the blue inesperada
Everybody todos
In order to Para: con el fin de
everyone Cada uno
Cut-price rebajado
everything todo
Car park aparcamiento
All the things Todas las cosas
What it will be like Como cual será
money/time/people 2da person singular and plural
Adjective+enough: tall, good, -Take a seat
old/enough -Follow me, please
Can => pasado could => futuro will be 1ra and 3ra person singular and
able plural:
SONG .Let+ pronouns personal + infinitive
EL CONDOR PASA (the shire) without to.
I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail .Let+ group nominal +infinitive without
Yes, I would( si me gustaria) to
If I could (si yo pudiera) Let me check in the dictionary
I surely would Let the party begin
Hm .. I ‘d rather be a hommer than a nail Let’s(let us) go to the beach
Yes I would Let them do what they want
I surely would 2nd. person singular and plural
Hm.. away .Do not+ infinitive without to
I’d rather sail away Don not touch that
Like a swan that’s here and gone Don’t not be silly
A man gets tied up to the ground Language culture 1ra person of the
He gives the world plural:
It’s saddest sound Let’s (let us)+not+ infinitive without to
I’d rather be a forest than a street Let’s not argue.
Yes, I would Language colloquial: 1ra. And 3ra.
If I could Person:
I surely would .Do not+ let+ pronouns personal
I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet complement+ infinitive without to
Yes, I would .Do not+ let+ group nominal+ infinitive
If I only could without to.
I surely would Don’t let me tall asleep
Away I’d rather sail away Don’t let the children do what the want
Like a swan
That’s here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world
Its saddest sound
I’d rather be a forest than street
Yes, I would
If I could
I surely would
I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes, I would
If I only could.
Never <hardly ever<sometimes<often
(Nuca) ( apenas) (a veces) (a
Usually < always
(habitualmente) (siemppre)
What time do you wake up? .
(a que hora) (despertarse)
I wake up at 6 am
What time do you get up? (levantarse)
I get up at 6:30 am
What time do you leave home? (salir de
I leave home at 6:40 am
What time do you go to work? (ir a
I go to work at 6:45 am.
What time do you get to work? (llegar a
I get to work at 7: am
What time do you start work? (comensar
I start work at 7:30 am
What time do you have lunch? (comer)
I have lunch at noon
What time do you finish work? (termina a
I finish at 4:30 pm
What time do you get home? (llegar a
I get home at 5: pm
What time do you have dinner? (cenar)
I have dinner at 9 :pm
What time do you go to bed? (va a
I go to bed at 11:30 pm
What do you have for breakfast?
(que tienes para desayunar)
I have milk, bread toast, butter and jam
How do you get to work? (como llega al
I get to work by car, or train
Where do you come from? (de donde
I come from the Spain.(vengo de)
Where do you live? (donde vives)
I live in Barcelona
What do you say? (que me dices)
What did you say? (que dijiste)
What can I do for you? Can I help you?
I have to see Dio
I have an appointment with him
Hold on please, I will call him, look for
I will see what I can do
(veré) (que puedo hacer)

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