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1 decembrie 1918 Alba Iulia

Expansion and diversification of areas of scientific research in all fields and to create
poles of excellence around centers, institutes or universities, with adequate financial
support to achieve performance;
A coherent funding of the curricula, depending on its level: bachelor, master, doctoral,
postdoctoral, focusing on financing master studies in both routes, both on the teaching
master, and especially the research master.

Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureti

1. Funding
Efficient allocation of public funding to institutions
Development of targeted/performance-based funding for HEIs
Increase in private contributions to funding of HE
Improvement of financial management of HEIs
Diversification of fundraising strategies for HEIs
Reason: To enhance the quality of education and research there is a need for securing the
necessary funding and for ensuring sustainability of funding. This can be achieved by: allocating
the public funding to institutions based on performance (e.g., based on employability
performance, quality of research results, knowledge transfer, etc.), ensuring additional income
for the HEIs, diversifying fundraising strategies and tools for HEIs, improving financial
management of institutions, increasing private contributions to HEIs funding.
Babes Bolyai
multiannual, predictable funding, (ii) funding per study programmes instead of funding per
student, (iii) strengthening of quality assurance criteria, (iv) resource concentration, (v) relaunching of the research grants competition.
Titu Maiorescu
Cercetarea tiinific, parte fundamental a misiunii nvmntului superior i a universitilor,
este, alturi de educaia academic, o prioritate. Dificultile privitoare la cercetarea tiinific se
refer, n mod esenial, la finanare. n condiiile specifice ale finanrii din sistemul
nvmntului romnesc, universitile particulare resimt n mod dramatic aceste dificulti. n
ciuda acestora, cercetarea tiinific rmne o prioritate a Universitii Titu Maiorescu, asumat
la nivel managerial.
Univ. Tehnica Cluj Napoca
Improving the research activity. The more fundamental oriented research is increasing the
academic visibility of university and the financing from public funds, while the applied one is

increasing the financing from companies and helps integrating easier the students for highly
specialised jobs.

Universitatea de Vest
Funding: Development of targeted / performance - based funding for HEIs
An overhaul of national funding structures, which should take advantage of demographic
changes (smaller student cohorts) to improve quality by rising per student funding without
significant pressure on the national budget. Funding cycles should also be more predictable, so as
not to become a limiting factor in institutional planning and strategy-making. This measure is to
be accompanied by reconsidering the criteria for quality assurance provisions. Current
regulations are too complex, change frequently and often focus on abstract, quantitative input
and output indicators that do not properly reflect what "quality" should mean, either in teaching
or in research. Also, the different methodologies (institutional and programme accreditation,
performance-based funding, etc.) should be mutually coherent, so that a more smooth transition
between different evaluation exercises can be established.
Financing universities must be based on uniform principles laid down in the European Higher
Education Area. Higher education institutions have gained greater autonomy, evermore
demanding expectations and commitment to the needs of society, thus enhancing its
responsibility and requirements. Within the framework of public accountability, public funding
remains a priority destined to ensure equitable and sustainable development of autonomous
higher education institutions.
Political commitment related to education and improved budget dimension and
better funding mechanism.(Student loan system should be added here)

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