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Necula Bogdan-Mihai


Construction Management Project

Necula Bogdan-Mihai

Necula Bogdan-Mihai
1. Concrete composition design:

1.1.Project data:

Concrete strength:
N=4=> My concrete strength is given by 3N+1 situation, My strength class is
C30/37 due to XS1 exposure class


Elements characteristics:
N=4 My elements characteristics is given by 4N chase from the project data=>
60x60cm column, reinforced with 1618; 4 reinforcement bars on each side.
h, v, c will be determined according to point 3.1.2
Cnom= Cmin+Cdev
Cnom= max(Cmin,b; Cmin,dur, +Cdur,-Cdur,st-Cdur,add; 10mm)
Cmin,b is the maximum reinforcement diameter=> 30mm Cmin,dur is determined
basted on the structural class S3 and the exposure class XS1
Cdur, is recomanded to be 0
Cdur,st is recomanded to be 0
Cdur,add is recomanded to be 0
Cnom= Cmin+Cdev= 30mm+ 10mm=> 40 mm=Cnom


Exposure class and environment conditions:

My situation is given by the 3N+1 chase from the project data=>
Situated on the seaside unheated during winter
Aggregates humidity:
My situation is given by the 2N chase from the project data=>
Sand humidity=2.5%
Gravel humidity(U)=1%


Concrete homogeneity index:

My situation is given by 3N+1 chase from the project data=> II


Transportation and casting conditions:

Necula Bogdan-Mihai

My situation is given by 2N chase from project data=> Transportation with a

truck and casting with a ladle

Nature of the aggregates:

My situation is given by 2N chase from the project data natural gravel

1.2 Preliminary procedures for determining the quality of the concrete mix constituents:
The factors influencing the quality of the concrete mix constituents are:

Concrete consistency

Exposure classes

Maximum size of aggregates

w/c ratio

minimum cement content


Concrete consistency

From tabel 25 according to the type of the element, we choose a consistency class.
My element is a column, so I get the S3 class with 100150 mm compaction.
1.2.2 Minimum cement content
Basted on the concrete type and on the exposure class, we choose the minimum cement
content from tables 37&38.
For exposure class XS1 and concrete class C30/37=> 300kg/m3


I have natural gravel, basted on table 45 we choose the density of the aggregates

Necula Bogdan-Mihai

Maximum size of the aggregates
Dmax 600=> 150mm
Dmax min(DH, Dv)-5mm => 464-5=459mm
Dmax min distance between reinforcements=> 86-5=>81mm
Dmax1.3x40= 52mm=> max particle size is 32mm, from the standard dimentions.
So I choose Dmax=32 mm
Particle griding:
For the maximum particle size 32 mm we look at the figure 15, on favorable area 3
Sieve 00.125: 3%
Sieve0.1250.25: 6%
Sieve0.25 0.5: 10%
Sieve 0.51: 20%
Sieve 12: 25%
Sieve24: 30%
Sieve 48: 50%
Sieve 816: 70%
Sieve 1632: 100%


Cement type

If we look into tables 27 to 33 we can choose from many types of cement according to my
exposure class. But the most popular ones are:

Necula Bogdan-Mihai

Cem II A/B-S 42.5 N or R

Cem II A-L 42.5 N or R
I choose Cem II A-S 42.5 N or R

Water Cement Ratio

Based on the exposure class XS1 I look in the table 37 and get the maximum w/c ratio of 0,55
and a minimum accepted class of C30/37.

1.3 Procedures for determining the weights for the concrete mix constituents



Based on the concrete strength class and consistency, in table 43 we choose the estimated water
quantity W => W=215 l/m3

Water/cement ratio

From table 44, according to the concrete strength, cement type and homogenity index, we can
determine the w/c ratio. => 0.47


C=W/w/c ratio [Kg/m3] => 215/0.47 => 457.45 kg/m3

Max(457.45 ; 300)= 457.45 kg/m3

Necula Bogdan-Mihai

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