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Body System Review

Aim: How can we review various body systems?
Learning Objectives:

SWBAT to identify the main functions of various human body systems such as: Skeletal, Muscle,
Integumentary, Circulatory, Nervous, and Respiratory Systems.
SWBAT to identify the various organs and functions for these systems through a variety of Lab
Activities and Worksheets employing multi-sensory learning strategies - kinesthetic, visual & auditory .
SWD & ELLs will benefit from using pictures, physical labs, highlighters, post-its and graphic organizers.

Standards: LE1.1a-d, LE 1.1e,g, LE1.2a,b, LE5.1b, LE5.2f, LE1.2f, LE5.1f,LE1.2g

Do Now: : 1) Using the chart below list the body parts/organs & functions for the Circulatory System
Body System



2)How do you feel after running for 5 minutes? What happens to your heart rate?
Mini Lesson/Modeling: Demo 2 more Lab Activities from Muscle Fatigue
and Measuring Pulse Rate. Students will use stop watches, clothespins,
tennis balls & popsicle sticks. Explain how to use various body system lab activities
and/or worksheets. Students will be working in groups of 2-3 to complete various
tasks for each body system. Students will select a lab or worksheet activity based
on their content needs see student group chart in room.

Muscle Fatigue Activities students who have been identified that need assistance with the Skeletal/Muscle
Group will select 2 Muscle Fatigue Activities.
Students who have been identified will choose a Circulatory Lab- Measuring Pulse Rate
Students identified for Respiratory System review can use review using various Respiratory Worksheet Activities.
Students will fill out Body System Review sheet

Differentiated Activities: Students will be identified via Body Systems Exit Slip and grouped according to
the content area(s) they need to additional help to review. Chart with students per body system posted in
class. Upon completion of a body system lab activity or worksheet & graphic organizer - students will
move on to the next content area needed. If student completes all Lab Activities and worksheets for their
Content based needs - they can move to the Expert Group upon completion of tasks. The Expert Group
will be given higher order tasks and /or assist other students needing help in a particular content area.
Share Out: Students will explain the basic functions, organs and key words for each body system they
worked on using the Body System Review graphic organizer.



Integumentary (Skin)

Homework: Students will use the Body System Summary Review sheet to fill in and complete
worksheet activities from class. Complete worksheets, graphic organizers from class using their
texts, worksheets, & internet.

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