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PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY, International Journal of Solar Energy, 10:3-4, 205-210
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Int. J. Solar Energy, 1991, Vol. 10, pp. 205-210

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WIP-Munich Sylvensteinstrasse 2 D-8000 Munich 70 F. R. Germany

(Received November 6, 1990; in final form January 15, 1991)
A practical method of calculating the power and energy capabilities of a PV array source is presented
in this paper. The method is based on power flow relationships with average values for constants and
actural measurements of key variables, solar irradiance and module temperature on an hourly basis or

other discrete time intervals. Included in this paper is an example for a PV plant and a simple
procedure for constructing and validating the math model.
The method is applicable to any PV array configuration which is operating normally, i.e., when no
PV modules are bypassed by the shunt diodes. The array can comprise one or more PV modules. The
accuracy of this method is dependent upon proper selection of the values of various constants in the

math model as well as how well the model has been validated. The calculation and display of
maximum power capability in real-time have been implemented in several PV plants. Some of them
have found it to be very useful for operation, maintenance, performance analysis, and energy
utilization improvement purposes.

KEY WORDS: Power and energy capability, Real-time calculation, Photovoltaic array, Energy
utilization, European Community projects

To optimize the PV array design or to determine how well the capability of the
installed PV array is being used (i.e., the array utilization factor), a knowledge of
the power and energy capability of the array is essential. However, existing math
models for such parameters, depending on the approach taken, are usually very
complicated because they resort to the current-voltage model of the PV array
rather than the power relationship and/or involve a heat-transfer model [1-5].
Most of the computer programmes [3-6] were developed for system sizing or
design analysis purposes. Hence, PV designers and operators have not exploited
the use of these specific parameters for operational optimization or system
performance analysis purposes.
If a simplified calculation procedure is available to calculate these parameters
using a certain set of measurements, more plant designers and operators will
make greater use of these parameters for real-time display and/or subsequent
performance analysis. This calculation capability is especially important for
stand-alone systems because they do not operate at the array maximum power
point most of the time. Even for the grid-tied PV plants, these parameters are
very useful for detection of major faults in the inverter and the array subfields.
For the purpose of this paper the power capability of a PV array is defined as the
maximum power available from the array at the array de bus at a given time.

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There are basically two approaches in formulating a steady-state math model of

a flat-plate PV array operating in a terrestrial environment. One is to use an
equivalent circuit containing all current sources and discrete devices. The current
sources can be at the individual solar cell or PV module level. Discrete devices in
each array string are usually the line resistances and diodes. The solution of this
PV array equivalent circuit for output voltage from zero to the maximum value
(or array current equal to zero) yields the complete I-V curve of the total array.
For each given computational time interval, the maximum available power can
then be calculated from the array I-V curve. Compared to the power flow
representation, the formulation of the math model for such a V-I equivalent
circuit is more complex and not warranted for the purpose intended here.
Another approach which is easier and faster to calculate makes use of a power
relationship as a function of PV module temperature and solar irradiance. This
approach is presented in this paper as the "simplified method."
The power capability of any PV module type at a given time or time interval is
basically a function of module temperature and solar irradiance as follows:

These terms are defined in Table 1. The power capability for an array string in
the array configuration shown in Figure 1 with N number of modules in series is:
Other terms are defined in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 1. The resulting array
field power capability at a given time for M number of strings in parallel is:
When eq. 1 to 3 are combined, psa can be expressed in the following form with
only three variables, PmO, Tt, and HI (the other terms are constants):
Table 1. PV Array power capability determination equation and definition of its terms

Terms used in basic PV module power and array relationships (eq. ! and 4) are:

Pmo = Average module maximum power at a known or reference solar irradiance, Ho and reference

cell temperature To (usually !OOO W1m2 and 25'C, respectively. Pmo should be the mean of the
modules in the field if such a value is available; if not, the rated value is acceptable)
P. = Array maximum power at measured intensity HI and cell temperature 1;, respectively
{Ju= Temperature coefficient of module maximum power expressed in % per 'C (a negative
constant, usually available from the module supplier for the cell used)
N = Total number of modules connected in series in a string
M = Total number of strings paralleled at the array bus
n. = Diode efficiency
n mm = Mismatch factor for series-connected modules
nbm = Mismatch factor for parallel-connected strings
nbw = Intra-module wiring loss factor
n... = Field wiring loss factor
K. = Power loss factor for dust and dirt on module cover glass andlor power degradation factor



1st Slring""\

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AlTIII' Return

FJgUre1 Simplified power flow diagram of the PV array field, showing typical string wiring.


= Correction factor to be established when validating the above equation

from actual measurements, and

Note that the product MxN is the total number of modules in the array.
The array energy capability, E sa , is the integral of Psa profiles during a sunlight
period. When discrete measurements of HI and TI are available, E sa can be
expressed as:

E sa = o; 1O-3Pmo 2: {[l- fJ(TI


25)]H; L\ti }




The method may be illustrated by calculating the maximum power and energy
capability for one discrete time interval for which appropriate data are available.
For this example, we will use the VULCANO PV pilot plant located on Vulcano
Island north of Sicily. It has the following characteristics:

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PV array rating:
Array bus voltage:
Number of modules:

80 kW
300 Vdc nominal
1,344 Ansaldo and 672 Pragma

Further, let us assume the following measured values (HI> T1 ) , predefined

constants and values of parameters as listed in Table 2:
= 820 W 1m2 average for a l-hour /).( as measured by the plane-of-array
irradiance sensor
T, = 450C average for a J-hour /).( for Ansaldo modules (as measured by the
back-of-module sensor)
T; = 42C average for Pragma modules
Pmo = 33 W for Anslado modules, and 55 W for Pragma modules (for other
modules, derate 5 to 15% of rated value, depending on the manufacturer)
p = 0.996 for the Anslado subfield, and 0.971 for the Pragma subfield
determined from validation data
(Note: p should be calculated from eq. 4 when the inverter MPPT is operating
such that maximum ps can be actually measured along with HI and TI )
nd =0.995
f3 = 0.0050 for Ansaldo modules, and 0.0045 for Pragma modules
K d = 0.95 for either module


Then the total array field power capability is the sum of ps for the Ansaldo and
Pragma subfields using equation (4):
For the Ansaldo array,

e; = (0.996)(1,344)(0.98)(0.995)(0.98)(0.99)2(0.95)(33)
x [1 - 0.005(45 - 25)]820 10- 3
Table 2. Recommended values of parameters for use in array power
capability calculations

0.98 for 28 Vdc Array Bus
0.99 for 120 Vdc Array Bus
0.995 for 200-300 Vdc Array Bus
0.0045 for monocrystalline
0.0050 for polycryslalline Si module



For the Pragma array,

P", = (0.971)(672)(0.98)(0.995)(0.98)(0.99)

x x(0.99)(0.95)(55)[I- 0.0045(42 - 25)]820 10- 3

=24,181 W
Hence, the total average maximum power available for the l-hour period is:
29,007 W + 24,181 W = 53,188 W

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and the array energy capability E", during this one hour is 53.2 kWh.


It is possible to further improve the accuracy of ps and E s by finding a range of
values of p in equation (4) as a function of seasonal periods like summer and
winter and adjustments of 1; and fJ based on actual data. It is advisable to first

correct the values of fJ and T1 before making any changes to p. The following
steps are suggested:

(1) Correct {3 - Validate the value of the temperature coefficient of maximum

power, {3, at the module level via your own measurements. If not, use the
manufacturer's {3 for the cells used in the module and calculate it for the
module, considering the cell interconnection IR losses. The best method is to
use actual I-V curves on the PV module obtained at different temperatures
(e.g., OC and 60C) because the I-V curves include the cell interconnection
(2) Correct 1; - The value of T1 should theoretically be the average temperature of all cells in the array. In reality, there is a temperature gradient across
the entire array, so one cannot make precise measurements to arrive at an
average value. Therefore, a single temperature transducer measurement on one
or more modules may not necessarily be representative of the average module
temperature. However, this difference can be minimized by measuring the
open-circuit voltage (Voc) of the entire array or several individual array strings
and the module temperature transducer (1;). The new 1; is the average array
temperature determined from the Voc vs, module temperature relationship.
(3) Correct p - With the system operating at the array peak power point, make
measurements of the three parameters, Ps", Hi> and 1; at different times during
one or more sunny days during the summer. From a few selected measurements of Ps", Hi> and 1;, determine the value for p which gives the best fit
using eq. (4).
Repeat the above procedure during the winter months to determine the value
of p for the "cold days."
The basic math model has been evaluated at several PV plants [7-10]. The
preliminary observations are that the accuracy of the power and energy capability
calculation using the simplified model is betweert 2-4% for solar irradiances
above 300 W1m2 [I]. TEAM reported that the real-time power capability



capability parameter has been extremely valuable for the assessment of the
ZAMBELLI PV pumping system performance [7]. ZAMBELLI operates in the
stand-alone mode.

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A simple method of determining the power and energy capabilities of a PV array
is described. It is based on power flow relationships and a minimum set of
real-time measurements (plane-of-array irradiance and back-of-module temperature). This method is applicable to any size and configuration of PV array. Its
accuracy is dependent on how the validation is accomplished. A real-time
calculation of maximum array power can serve very effectively as a "gauge" for
sensing the actual PV array capability (both instantaneous power and energy).
These parameters are also very useful for system efficiency optimization and
real-time operation improvement.
6 References
1. Evans, D. L., "Simplified Method for Predicting Photovoltaic Array Output," Solar Energy
(27:6), pp. 555-560, 1981.
2. Siegel, M. D., Klein, S. A., and Beckman, W. A., "A Simplified Method for Estimating the
Monthly Average Performance of Photovoltaic Systems," Solar Energy, V. 26, pp. 413-418,
3. Menicucci, D. F., and Fernandez, J. P., "User's Manual for PVFORM, A Photovoltaic System
Simulation Program for Stand-alone and Grid-Interactive Applications," Sandia National
Laboratories, SAND 85-0376, 1988.
4. Chapman, R. N., and Fernandez, J. P., "A User's Manual for SIZEPV, A Simulation Program
for Stand-alone PV Systems," SAND 89-0616, March 1989.
5. "Analysis Methods for PV Applications," Solar Energy Research Institute (Denver, CO.),
SERI/SP-35231, 1984.
6. Wrixon, G. T., McCarthy, S., and Keating, L., "Computer Modelling and Simulation," CEC
Contract EN3S-0129-IRL, National Microelectronics Research Centre (Cork, lRL), 1989.
7. Private communication with Mr. A. Sorokin of TEAM (Rome, IT) on Zambelli 65-kW PV plant
monitoring system performance, July-September 1990.
8. Private communication with Mr. B. Mortensen of Jydsk Telephone (Aarhus, DK) on Bramming
5-kW PV House, comparison with that of the existing software in their monitoring system, May
9. Private communication with Dr. A. Previ of ENEL (Milan, IT) on Vulcano 80-kW PV Plant
performance, December 1989.
10. Private communication with Mr. E. Ehlers of W1P (Munich, FRG), January-August 1990, on
several PV projects in the German National PV programme.

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