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Republic of the Philippines

DepEd Region III

City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Third Periodical Test in Science and Health 4
S.Y. 2014-2015
I. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The energy that is possessed by a rock on top of the cliff is_____________________________
a. Chemical potential energy
b. Gravitational potential energy
c. Elastic potential energy
d. None of these
2. The grade four class are planning to roller skate race. Which surface would be the best for their race?
a. blacktop
b. gravel
c. grass
d. sand
3. A runner wears rubber shoes with spikes because such would _________________________
a. Increase friction
b. Make him control his movement
c. Make it easier on stop
d. All of these
4. The direction of the heat transfer is from __________________.
a. Bottom to top
b. Hot to cold
c. Cold to hot
d. Top to bottom
5. Which has kinetic energy?
a. a ladder leaning on the wall
b. a cart pulled by a walking child
c. a bat held by a baseball player
d. a slingshot on boys hand
6. Betty asked Armando to push the cabinet in a cemented floor to the end of the room. What should he do to push
the cabinet easily?
a. scrub the floor
b. put wheel or ball bearing in the cabinet
c. tie a rope into the cabinet
d. put lubricant on the floor
7. What comes from decomposed plant and animal remains?
a. soil
b. food
c. rock
d. humus
8. Santino bought a new pair of shoes last June. Now, the sole of his shoes has worn out. What do you think have
caused it?
a. asphalt
b. friction
c. energy
d. motion
9. The energy that is stored and not in actual use is called _______________________.
a. chemical energy
b. heat energy
c. kinetic energy
d. potential energy
10. All are examples of a change from potential energy to kinetic energy except:
a. a man pushing an object has stopped
b. the archer released the band in the bow and it fell on the ground
c. a volleyball player dropped the ball and it fell on the ground
d. a horse moved and started pulling the cart
11. A piece of wood was burned wherein the light and smoke were given off. The substances in the wood changed.
This shows that:
a. the wood has undergone a chemical change b. heat transferred to the wood
c. the wood has undergone a physical change d. all of these
12. A metal spoon dipped into hot water will eventually feel hot. Heat is transferred by:
a. combustion
b. convection
c. conduction
d. radiation
13. Which can speed up erosion?
a. crop rotation
b. contour plowing
c. strip cropping
d. digging up soil
14. If your clothes are on fire you should:
a. pour water to yourself
b. run and call the nearest fire station
c. fold your arms over your face and cover yourself with a blanket
d. all of these
15. This occurs when environmental factors such as water, wind, temperature changes and weather break rocks and
soil into smaller pieces and loosen them from the Earths surface.
a. chemical weathering
b. mechanical weathering
c. erosion
d. none of these
16. How does soil erosion affect the fertility of the soil?
a. when soil is eroded, it does not affect the fertility of the soil
b. when soil is eroded, the topsoil is left exposed
c. when soil is eroded, the bedrock is exposed which cannot planted
d. when soil is eroded, the subsoil is left which is not favourable for plant growth
Third Periodical Test in Science and Health 4
S.Y. 2014-2015 P|1

17. Lance and KC went for a walked along the nearby dike. They observed some small water channels along its slope.
These channels are called _______________________
a. delta
b. guillies
c. dunes
d. rills
18. Lola notice that her sweet potatoes had been washed away when it rained hard. He decided to plant her sweet
potatoes in a row alternately with rows of her corn plants. This called ______________________.
a. contour plowing b. riprap
c. strip cropping
d. terracing
19. A practice wherein the farmers plow ridges across a slope to slow down the flow of rain water.
a. contour plowing b. riprap
c. strip cropping
d. terracing
20. The instrument used to measure wind speed. Patrick and sponge decided to cancel their picnic because they
observed dark rain clouds in the sky.
a. anemometer
b. thermometer
c. barometer
d. wind vane
21. This measures the hotness or coldness of the air in the atmosphere.
a. cirrus clouds
b. stratus clouds
c. cumulus clouds d. nimbus clouds
22. This measures the hotness or coldness of the air in the atmosphere
a. temperature
b. humidity
c. air pressure
d. all of these
23. The layer of the soil that is composed of big rocks so no plants will grow on it.
a. topsoil
b. humus
c. subsoil
d. bedrock
24. Air pressure is measured by:
a. an anemometer b. a thermometer c. a barometer
d. a wind vane
25. Wind direction is measured by:
a. an anemometer b. a thermometer
c. a barometer
d. a wind vane
26. After PAGASA announced that a super typhoon has entered the country, which is most likely to happen?
a. flights are cancelled
b. fishermen would go out fishing
c. people will stay indoors where its safe d. all of these
27. This is the upper layer of the soil.
a. topsoil
b. humus
c. subsoil
d. bedrock
28. In which landforms would soil be easily eroded?
a. plain
b. mountain
c. plateau
d. valley
29. Temperature is measured through
a. litre
b. Celsius
c. kilometer
d. centimetre
30. This type of thermometer is used by the scientists in their laboratory work.
a. oral thermometer
b. Laboratory thermometer
c. rectal thermometer
d. clinical thermometer
31. A type of thermometer that is used for babies.
a. oral thermometer
b. Laboratory thermometer
c. rectal thermometer
d. clinical thermometer
32. A cloud cover that is one fourth of the sky is covered with clouds.
a. clear
b. partly cloudy
c. overcast
d. generally cloudy
33. Roasting, bon fire and the heat from the sun is an example of heat transfer by ____________________
a. conduction
b. combustion
c. radiation
d. convection
34. Clouds that are like fluffy cotton in the sky is called __________________
a. cirrus clouds
b. stratus clouds
c. cumulus clouds d. nimbus clouds
35. Weathermen are also called as _________________________
a. Scientist
b. Meteorologist
c. Chemist
d. Dentist
36. What is the result when materials combine with water, air, or soil and lead to unfavourable conditions of the
a. Radiation
b. Erosion
c. Pollution
d. Skin discoloration
37. People living on mountains and hills put big stones and cement on the side of these to prevent erosion. this
process is called _________________________________
a. contour plowing b. crop rotation
c. strip cropping
d. terracing
38. This is the water structure of the Earth
a. atmosphere
b. lithosphere
c. hydrosphere
d. stratusphere
39. Which of the following is the best way to prevent fire?
a. do not touch matches
b. use matches only when necessary
c. leave matches to the elders
d. matches away from the reach of children
40. People nowadays are engage in burning of trees which is commonly known as
a. illegal logging b. reforestation
c. kaingin
d. deforestation

Third Periodical Test in Science and Health 4

S.Y. 2014-2015


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