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Dear Parents / Carers of Year 5,

Spring Term 2015

Welcome back to school after the Christmas break. Below is a brief outline of the areas we will be covering in our exciting new
themes Food, Glorious Food and Inventors and Inventions during the Spring Term.
During our daily English lessons this term we will continue to investigate a variety of different text types, with a
particular focus on Information Booklets, Film Narrative, Science Fiction Stories, and Poems with a Structure. Please
can we take this opportunity to express how important it is to read with your child on a regular basis as this not only
supports them during English lessons but all aspects of the curriculum.
Maths lessons will continue to have a focus on place value, mental strategies and how these are then developed into written methods.
There will be a particular focus on Measure and Geometry in the first half term, followed by work on Fractions and Statistics in the
second half term. Can we also take this opportunity to express the importance of regular practise of times tables.
Materials-Reversible and Irreversible changes is our topic in Science lessons during this term. The children will be planning and
carrying out a variety of experiments which will be reinforcing their understanding of solids, liquids and gases and changes in state.
Nationally, the subject of ICT has changed to Computing, with a significantly greater focus on areas linked to Maths and
Science, particularly programming. The children will continue to focus on programming, which is a new skill that the
children are just beginning to get to grips with, having worked on this during the autumn term. We will be using packages
such as Manga High (which will be used as the main Maths homework) and The Bug Club, which is a fantastic way of
offering a wider range of books that are interactive with comprehension questions.
World Food will be our focus for Geography lessons. We will explore aspects of foods from other countries, with an emphasis on
In History lessons, in the second half term, the children will focus on early Islamic Civilization, linked to the theme Inventors and
During DT lessons the children will focus on foods from other cultures, developing a range of cooking techniques.
Art lessons will be focussing on drawing and painting which will include making a series of observational drawings of
various still life arrangements of food, and the work of artists.
PSHE will give the opportunity for the children to learn the importance of staying safe, before moving on to focus on emotional and
physical health and development in puberty.
Gymnastics, with a specialised coach, is on the menu for PE lessons this term. These sessions will take
place in the hall on a Monday for both Falcon and Eagle Class.
The children will also focus on invasion and team games in their outdoor PE sessions (Falcon Class=Tuesday,
Eagle Class=Thursday)
Please ensure children have their full PE kit in school at all times, as changes can be made from time to time,
due to weather and access to the hall. Please note that tracksuit bottoms are advised for outdoor P.E. lessons with the cold weather
setting in.
RE lessons will continue with the theme of sacred books, focussing on Hinduism. Children will learn about Hindu teachings and
readings and understand that many forms of Hindu writing are in the form of stories. They will be encouraged to discuss different
ways of delivering a message and understand the importance of different Gods in the Hindu faith.
The children will also be having weekly French lessons, which will initially focus on numbers to 30, birthdays, special occasions and
months of the year. Games, songs and computer software will all be used to engage the children and help them to remember key
You can have a huge impact on how your child develops both in confidence and ability by encouraging and
supporting them with their homework. Children have been given a Spring Term spellings journal which includes
weekly spellings which will be tested each Friday. PLEASE encourage your child to practice their spellings at home
to ensure they achieve consistent marks. English and Maths homework will also be given on a Friday to be
returned the following Friday, allowing plenty of time for completion. Children may also be given a small amount of
personal research to carry out or something to bring in to support their other work in class. As mentioned
previously, the impact of reading with children at home on a regular basis is vast. In Year 5 we recommend that children should be
reading to an adult each night (approx. 15 mins) and also reading independently each night (approx. 10 mins) this really will make a
huge difference in your childs reading development.
As you can see, it is certainly going to be a busy term but an interesting and varied one! If you have any questions or feel you have a
particular expertise or interest in any of the above topics please let us know. I hope you have found this information useful and
please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Mrs Wade and Mr Moat.

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