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Equations and Formulas


Compass directions 180 may also be 0 Solar South

V Volt
Voc open circuit voltage
A Amp (referred to as current, or I) Isc short circuit current I
W Watts
kW kilowatt
MW megawatt
watt-hrs wh
kilowatt-hrs kWh
1000 watt-hrs = 1 kWh
1 MW = 1000 kW = 1,000,000 Watts
Average Peak solar radiation at sea level, perpendicular to the sun:
1000 watts/m2
Watts per square meter watts/m2
MPP maximum power point, and MPPT max. power point racking
Earths tilt from plane of planetary solar system: 23.5 degrees
Standard Test Conditions: 1000 watts/ square meter, 25 C,
Area: Estimated PV system wattage per sq ft. for average efficiency PV array = 10 watts DC/sq ft
Estimated size of solar electric system: customer kWh/year x super duper PVWATTS design factor for
Optimal tilt angle for annual performance PV system is tilt = latitude of location
Average electricity usage, in kWh/day, kWh/month, and kWh/year Typical US residential in the following
range: low 10 kWh/day, med 25 kWh/day, high 40 kWh/day, extreme greater than 50 kWh/day
Simple economic payback in years = (Net Cost of PV system) divided by (Savings on electric bill/year)
Average Daily Peak Sun Hours is a handy design factor for grid-tie PV systems. For off-grid PV systems,
design for worst-case use winter peak sun hours and # of days of autonomy
E = IR Volts = Impedance x Resistance
W = V x A Watts = Volts x Amps
Wh = V x A x time (in hours)
Series: Add the voltage, current stays the same
Parallel: Add the current, Voltage stays the same
Series and parallel together: Add the Voltages for ONLY one string of solar panels, and add the current for
ALL the strings
DC Power Rating = # of solar modules x STC wattage rating
AC Power Rating = # of solar modules x PTC wattage rating x inverter efficiency. also called AC-CEC
rating, or CEC-AC rating
Estimate average PV system production, in kwh/day: peak sun hours x # of solar modules x STC wattage
rating x 0.8 overall PV system efficiency.
Take into account tilt and orientation. KWh/day x tilt and orient efficiency factor; or upsize PV system to
generate more electricity such as, AC rating divided by tilt and orientation efficiency factor
Maximum Voltage
Calculate Voc for one string of panels
Maximum Voltage = # of modules x Voc x (temperature correction factor) Refer to NEC 690 temperature
correction factors Table 690.7
Maximum Current
Maximum current Amps = # of strings x Isc / string x 125%
Maximum Size Breaker
(solar breaker Amps + Main service entrance breaker Amps) x 120% may not be greater than the rating for
the service entrance electrical panel.

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