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B. 3D View Navigation Navigating in 34 space requires 3 Types. of movement: 34. Rotate (Grok), Pan and Zoom. These tives ‘asks are accomplished eaasiy with 2 2-button moure In lender. on the keyboard, the numpad area Is" also. dedvated to. viewport handling tases. “o change the shading type of the 3d viewport dse the Z key (ie. switch between wireframe and Sold shading). 7 center the view of @ window to include a objects use the Home key. “op, Side and Front orthogonal views Include an auto-adjusted gr in the background ore properties of a 3d view (including background image) can be changed Inthe "View" menu located atthe header area of the 34 view window. D. Buttons Window Alot of the commands in blender fre aceesed trou the use of the buttons window. ‘The buttons window groups buttons into "categories. The main Categories are: Ealting(F8), Moateralsifs),ObjecttF7) "and Scene(Fi0}. The lfferent categories are accessed through the buttons in the neader of the buttons window, Some of the main fategories of buttons have Subcategories Inside each buttons category the buttons are a Inpanels blender quickstart ‘A. The Interface ‘The blender interface consists of fullscreen workspaces. Each workspace is divided into multiple ‘windows. The default workspace fs the “madeling” workspace and is. vied i hee windows €. Selection Methods Blender Is very flexible In its selection methods. To select a single abject you right cick on 't. To do mutisle selection you can shit4rightcice to Asairemove objects from the selection et “o use 2 selection rectangie use B-key{stands for border select). Bey Is ais used to initiate "brush selection mode (see G) (ne of the most powerfull selection methods Is the lasso selection where you press ct and drag a free hand line around the objects you want to elect, “Tp duplicate objects use ShiM-D, To delete objects use Key. IN BLENDER WE SELECT WITH RIGHT CLICK! E. Object & Edit Mode Blender seperates the handling of the postion, sealing and rotation of an object ana the modication of i's Shape in two modes: Object Mode fand Edt Mode” You switch modes through the menu in the header of the 3aview or by Tabtey. Other modes include pose and weight paint (character animation) Sana seulpe (model by. painting Srecty on the mesh) To change the layout of a workspace you can adjust the size of the. windows. by draging. the limits between them. You can also add. and. remove windows by spiting or joining existing ‘windows. To do that, right-click at the limits of the window you want fo. spltjain and select. the appropriate action You can maximizefrestore any vwindow by pressing Ctrl-Space (ools and keyboard shortcuts are ‘elative fo the window that's under the ‘mouse cursor at anytime} F. Basic Transformations There are three universal commangs for transformation: S'ab, rotate, and scale. These can be activated by keyboard short cuts fr by dragging the handles of the ‘ransform manipulators “anslorms inttated by keyboard need confirmation (eft clickienter) fr can be canceled (right cliekles¢) Heel O By default all the transformations take place along the *globsl” X.Y. axis (orientation of the 34 word). fanstormations can also happen along. an object's “local” Sriertation, along. the. viewport's Drentation (2. pointing. towards you) and custom, userdetned rentations All transformations are calevated in elation toa pivot point which facts. like the “center of” the ansformation| Different combinations _of transform orlentations and pivot points} determine the outcome of 5 transformation, G. Mesh Modelling Cae ese eee ep © Toho Pe Feel Stmttocrares went | Pats ss pogo ane - = levels. Mesh. modelling. has more Selection tools Selecting Seperated parts of @ mesh is dane with the L- fey (Select Linked). Brush selection, where you select things Col // Goa by painting over them, fs inflated {aan by pressing the B-key twice Selected elements of 2 mesh geometry can be manipulated with the basic transformation methods (see F). In dalton to these, edt mode provides alot of operations which allow for adding, removing and aecting geometry. Extrude duplicates the selected geometry, links the duplicate to the original and initates grab mode. In order to completely cance’ an extrusion you have to press Esc (exit grab mode) and issue CtrZ (undo the duplication). ‘other operations are fil, whien links geometry, join which joins triangular faces Inte quads (4-sided faces) and merge, which merges mufple vertices into one. A fo of actans can be performed via the Editing buttans im the buttons window and the specials ane edge menus. More operation shortcuts ae ited above on the Key™map, Blender allows for selectioncreation and removal of edge loops. Edge loops are certain connection patterns between edges of s mesh that enable you to add detall and manipulate tin non-destructive manner H. Constraints ‘The basic transformations can be further controled By constrains and snaps. ‘A constraint “locks” the transformation on an axis oF plane. While in grab mode for example, to move along the ‘the. global X axis you | «an press the Xckey. To move It along the selected orlentation’s X axs press the Kexey twice. To move Ir in the global YZ plane (excluding the xX axl) press Shit+X. The same applies to al other ax’ and transformations “Tanstormations can be further controled by using the snapping helper The ‘most Usual snap helper is "closest” which snaps the closest vertex-of the Selection to another vertex in the scene geometry. Constraints and snaps can cooperate to achieve more complex tasks that require precision Layers Layers help organize a scene by seperating objects. and. controling their visibly, pETatectisnare 1 J. File Open/Save In the blender file savelopen dialog select fles with righteliec A drop- ‘mena of common directories is located at the top-left corner of the file dialog. To quicksave use Ci (write to fie)

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