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International Journal of Agricultural

Science and Research (IJASR)

ISSN(P): 2250-0057; ISSN(E): 2321-0087
Vol. 4, Issue 6, Dec 2014, 171-184
TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


Department of Soil Science, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, India

An investigation was carried out on soils of Sarvar village situated at latitude and longitude of 20o5055 N and
73o3655 E, respectively (an elevation of 350 to 458 m above msl.) in undulating hilly sloppy land of Dang district of
Gujarat (India) with an objective to characterize soil resource, classify these soils as per land capability and also to evaluate
their suitability for crops. The village comes under heavy rainfall zone with an average annual rainfall of around 2500 mm.
Seven pedons were dugout at varying elevation in the village and studied and samples were collected from each pedon.
Samples were analyzed for important physical, Physico - chemical and chemical characters. Based on the analytical data
and limitations, soils were classified as per USDA soil class, Land capability class and based on the optimum growth
requirement of crop in relation to climate, soil-site parameters, the suitability of soils for prevailing crops were evaluated,
keeping in mind the ecological stability of the area. Results revealed that texture of surface soils varied from gravelly loam
or gravelly clay loam, while slope varied from 0-1% (nearly flat land) to 25-35% (steep sloping land). The depth of
different pedons varied widely i.e. from <7.5 (very very shallow) to >90 cm (deep). The erosion varying widely ranged
from e1 (slight/ sheet erosion) to e4 (very severe/ big gully). Pedon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were classified as Fluventic
Ustochrep, Vitrandic Ustochrept, Lithic Eutrochrept, Fluventic Ustochrept, Lithic Ustochrept, Udic Ustochrept and Lithic
Ustorthent respectively. Pedon 1 and 6 were classified under land capability sub-class IIes to IIesw, while pedon 2, 3, 4, 5
and 7 came under IIIs, Ves, IIIes, VIes and VIIes sub-classes, respectively. Considering the extent and type of limitations,
sub classes were further classified in to different capability units. Very gently sloping flat (<2%) land and very gently
sloping flat hill top (2 to 3%) coming under IIes and IIesw sub-class were marginally suitable for (S3) rainfed rice, finger
millet and vari, and moderately suitable (S2), particularly during kharif rainy season, for sorghum, pigeon pea and
groundnut, vegetables like, cabbage, tomato, french bean, peas and cowpea and horticultural plants like, mango, custard
apple, guava and cashew nut. Very gently sloping (4 to 5%) land coming under IIIs sub-class were placed under marginally
suitable (S3) for all the above crops with proper land conservation measures during Kharif and moderately suitable (S2) for
all horticultural plants as above. Undulating moderately sloping terrace (5 to 8%) land coming under IIIes sub-class could
be placed as non-suitable (N1) to marginally suitable (S3) after proper management for all the crops as above, excepting
horticultural plants as above which were moderately suitable (S2). Undulating moderately sloping (9 to 10%) land coming
under Ves sub-class was considered non-suitable (N1) for all arable crops and marginally suitable (S3) for all horticultural
plants as above. Moderately to strongly sloping (14 to 16%) and strongly sloping hill cap (19 to 20%) land coming under
VIes and VIIes sub-classes were non-suitable (N1) for arable crops and should be grouped for development of forest and
pasture land with Teak, Subabul, Nilgiri, Khair, Kalam, Karanj, etc. for income generation and ecological stabilization as

KEYWORDS: Hilly Undulating Terrain, Dang District, Soils, Characterization, Classification, Crop Suitability


Amaresh Das & Rajkumar D. Shinde

Decreasing land resources is also a major concern in India owing to salinization of soil, conversion of
agricultural land into non-agricultural land for their use as roads, residential and industrial purposes. 57% of the total
geographical area in India is suffering from various types of land degradation (Yadav, 2003). Efficient management and
maintenance of soil health/ quality is the key to accomplish sustained high productivity, food security and environmental
safety (Tripathi et al., 2006). Thus, developing and adopting an ideal land use plan based on the soil quality and constraints
for plant growth is of immense use for achieving sustainable crop production system without degradation of soil health
and environmental quality. Therefore, characterization, classification and evaluation of soils for different land uses are the
first milestone to develop sustainable and eco-friendly land use system. Systemic study of soil as natural resource provides
information on nature and type of soil, their constraints, potentials, capabilities and their suitability for various uses
(Sehgal, 1996). Keeping the above view in mind, the present investigation was undertaken in the Sarvar village of Dang
district of Gujarat situated at undulating hilly terrain with an objective to characterize soil in respect to physical and
chemical properties and classify soils, and also to find out Suitability for various crops.


Overview of Site
Sarvar village is situated at latitude and longitude of 20o5055 N and 73o3655 E, respectively at an elevation
of 350 to 458 m above msl. It has total geographical area of 460 ha, of which area under cultivation, forest and pasture are
332, 120.52 and 7.50 ha, respectively. Geologically, the village comes under trappean basalts with litho-units Basalt which
is hard in nature. It has fair climatic conditions with well defined seasons exhibiting summer, rainy and winter.
The average annual rainfall of the village is around 2500 mm. The entire village falls under hyperthermic temperature
regime with an ustic moisture regime. Soils of Sarvar village are hilly undulating highly dissected piedmont plateau and
escarpment slope are shallow with excessive relief. The soils are stony/ gravelly in surface and severely eroded,
non-calcareous with low in water holding capacity and slightly acidic reaction, mixed in clay minerals, well drained and
highly permeable. Major soils have developed with a lithic contact at higher physiographic position except in nearly flat
land and in valleys. The natural vegetation consists of deciduous forests interspersed with scrub forest which includes Teak
(Tectona grandis), Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus), and Australian babul (Acacia auriculiformis) and Catch tree/ Khair
(Acacia catechu) etc., while the land use consists of Paddy and minor millets as the major crops followed by Blackgram,
Groundnut, Vari, Tur, Niger, etc. during kharif and Groundnut, Gram and Vegetables are grown during rabi season.
Field Survey, Sample Collection and Analysis
A field survey was undertaken through rapid traversing to cover up the soils at varying physiographic position and
elevation. Then, depending upon physiographic position, slope, drainage and seven representative pedons were dug out and
pedons soil studied thoroughly (Anon., 1951). Collection of soil samples was done from different horizons and depths from
all pedons as per standard procedure. The samples were air-dried, sieved (<2 mm) and processed for laboratory analysis.
Sand, silt and clay (%) and pH & EC and exchangeable bases (Na+ and K+ using flame photometer Ca2+ and Mg2+ by
EDTA-titration method) of soils were determined as per Gupta (2007), while structure and consistency as describe by
Anon. (1951). Bulk density, CEC of soil (by using ammonium acetate extract having pH 7.0) and Clay were determined
by the methods as described by Black et al (1965). Organic carbon was estimated by following Walkley and Black rapid
titration method (Piper, 1966). Exchangeable acidity and free Fe2O3 were determined following methods as described by
Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

Soil Resource Characterization, Land Capability and Suitability of Soils

in Hilly Undulating Terrain - A Case Study


Patiram et al. (2007) and Dewis and Freitas (1984), respectively. Effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) of clay was
obtained by adding of total exchangeable bases with exchangeable Al 3+ ions and was expressed as cmol(p+)kg-1 Sand/ silt
ratio, exchangeable Ca/Mg, ESP and Base Saturation (BS) were computed from relevant data obtained from laboratory
analysis. Soils were classified taxonomically as per USDA classification (Anon., 1998). Land Capability Classification was
done as per the procedure giving by Klingebiel and Montgomery, (1966). Suitability of soils for growing different crops
currently in practice was evaluated based on the field and laboratory data of soils taking into consideration all plant-growth
related constraints using criteria given by FAO (1976).


Field Survey
Texture of surface soils varied from gravelly loam or gravelly clay loam. Village land was distributed at varying
slope gradient i.e. from 0-1% (nearly flat land) to 25-35% (steep sloping land) of which major land belong to between
moderately sloping land and steep sloping land (Table 1). The depth of soil varied widely i.e. from <7.5 (very very
shallow) to >90 cm (deep) (Table 2). The erosion of village land varied widely(Table 3). The class of erosion varied from
e1 (slight/ sheet erosion) to e4 (very severe/ big gully).
Physical Properties
The depth of seven pedon varied from very very shallow to very deep ranging from 7 to 165 cm. Colour of
different horizons of pedon varied widely. However, with increase in physiographic position, soil colour generally changes
from yellow or yellowish to red or reddish (Table 4). Pedons showed slightly hard to very hard consistency under dry
condition, friable to very friable or firm under moist condition, slightly sticky to very sticky and non-plastic under wet
condition. The variation in soil consistency was mainly due to the variation in clay type and content. The higher degree of
stickiness was observed in soils at upper elevation as compared to those at lower elevation under wet condition. All the
pedons showed abundant amount of roots (fine and coarse in size and few and many in quantity) in surface layer which
decreased with depth. Roots generally of had been observed.
The sand, silt and clay content of these soil pedon varied from 22.72 to 68.56, 10.98 to 53.52 and 15.20 to 49.84%
with mean value 44.32, 27.05 and 28.63%, respectively in soil <2 mm. However, all the pedons contained very high per
cent of coarse fragments (>2 mm) (12.34 to 97.14% with mean of 44.82%), particularly in pedon 1, 2 and 5 which had
shown >35% of gravels. Barring the pedon 1, clay content generally decreased with depth of soil which might be due to the
variability in weathering of different horizons. However, the clay content in pedon 1 and 3 was lower than pedon 2. The
texture of soil (<2 mm) varied widely from pedon to pedon ranging from clay to sandy loam (Table 4). Textural variations
of soils were mainly associated with variation in topography coupled with land use at varying elevation and degree of
weathering. The sand/silt ratio of pedon 1 to 6 varied from 0.50 to 4.39 with mean value 1.94, which indicated the variation
in weathering as well as erosion of finer particles from upper surface to lower one due to high rainfall. In majority of
pedons, soil structure was moderate medium sub-angular blocky. However, medium massive, massive structure-less had
also been observed. Depending upon physiological position of pedons, soil texture in combination with organic matter
played highly positive role in the development of structure (Table 4). The bulk density of pedons varied from 1.48 to 1.95
Mg m-3 with mean value of 1.67 Mg m-3 which was generally higher at higher elevation or upper pediment. The bulk
density of pedon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 varied from 1.48 to 1.62, 1.52 to 1.72, 1.51 to 1.79, 1.69 to 1.82, 1.63 to 1.93, 1.62 to
1.95 and 1.67 to 1.79 Mg m-3, respectively

(Table 4).


Amaresh Das & Rajkumar D. Shinde

Chemical Properties
The pH of soils varied from very strongly acid to neutral (4.83 to 6.60) with mean value 6.02 in pedons. In pedon
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7, pH ranged from 6.50 to 6.60, 6.15 to 6.40, 5.65 to 6.09, 5.75 to 6.05, 5.94 to 6.04 and 5.60 to 5.80,
respectively, exhibiting neutral to very strongly acid in reaction. In general pH increased (barring pedon 1) with depth of
soil(Table 10). Major surface soils had lower pH values, perhaps due to the acids produced during decomposition of
organic matter and leaching of bases for sloppy landscape as a result of heavy rainfall. The results are supported by
Vadivelu and Bandyopadhyay (1997) and Mahapatra et al. (2000). The increase in soil reaction down the slope could be
due to leaching of bases from higher topography and their subsequent deposition at lower elevations (Gangopadhyay et al
2001, Masri Sitanggang et al. 2006 and Vara Prasad Rao et al. 2008). The electrical conductivity of pedons was very low
which might be due to well to excessively drained condition that triggered off the removal of bases through percolating and
drainage water particularly in soils of higher sloppy lands. EC varied from 0.026 to 0.057 dS m -1 in pedons with mean
value 0.040 dS m-1 (Table 10). The results are strongly supported by the findings of Leelavathi et al. (2009).
The soil organic carbon in pedons varied from very low to high (0.97 to 13.53 g kg -1) with mean value 3.78 g kg-1
(Table 10) and showing decreasing trend with depth of soil, barring pedon 1. In general, organic carbon content increased
in soils at higher elevation and topography. The higher organic carbon content in surface soils of pedons could be
attributed to leaf-litter fall/ decay, vegetation, plant coupled with heavy rainfall. Results are supported by work done
elsewhere by Vara Prasad Rao et al., (2008), Sharma et al., (2004) and Gangopadhyay et al., (2008).
The value of exchangeable calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in pedons varied from 4.4 to 12.6, 1.0 to
7.1, 1.6 to 2.5 and 0.6 to 3.9 cmol(p +)kg-1, with mean values of 7.5, 4.1, 2.1 and 1.6, respectively, while the total bases
varied from 11.5 to 24 cmol(p+)kg-1 with a mean value of 15.2 cmol (p+)kg-1 (Table 10). A mixed trend was observed for
both the exchangeable calcium and magnesium in pedon 1 with soil depth, while in rest of the pedons, exchangeable
calcium generally decreased with depth with simultaneous increase in exchangeable magnesium which might have derived
from the parent material rich in ferro-magnesium mineral. Among the exchangeable bases, calcium ion dominated over
magnesium ion followed by sodium and potassium ions. Similar result was obtained by Gangopadhyay et al. (2008); Vara
Prasad Rao et al. (2008) and Leelavathi et al. (2009).
The cation exchange capacity of pedons varied from 16.6 to 24 cmol (p+)kg-1 with a mean value of 19.9
cmol(p+)kg-1 exhibiting decreasing trend with depth of soil, except pedon 1 which showed mixed trend down the pedon
(Table 10). The magnitudes of CEC were indicative of presence of mixed type of clay minerals in the pedons. Variation of
clay type and content, organic matter and presence of free iron oxides were responsible for variation in CEC in different
pedons at varying physiographic positions. The results corroborates with the findings of Mahapatra et al., (2000),
Gangopadhyay et al. (2001), Maji et al. (2005), Raj-Kumar et al. (2005), Gangopadhyay et al. (2008), Vara Prasad Rao et
al. (2008) and Leelavathi et al. (2009).
The exchangeable Ca/Mg ratio of six pedons varied from 0.8 to 12.6 with mean of 2.4, indicating increasing trend
of magnesium ion with depth with simultaneous decrease of calcium ion from surface to down below, expecting pedon 1
and 6. Similar phenomenon was also observed elsewhere by Gangopadhyay et al., (2008).The base saturation of pedons
were >60% and which varied from 67.55 to 84.17% with mean value 76.29%. The possible reason for higher base
saturation might be due to higher amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions occupying the exchange sites on the colloidal complex of
soils in pedons. ESP showed an increasing trend with depth which varied from 8.33 to 13.18 with a mean value 10.50 and
Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0


Soil Resource Characterization, Land Capability and Suitability of Soils

in Hilly Undulating Terrain - A Case Study

was within the permissible limit of light textured soils. Similar opinion had been expressed elsewhere by Tripathi et al.
The total exchangeable acidity of pedon 1 varied from 0.1 to 1.2 cmol(p +)kg-1 with a mean value 0.4 cmol(p+)kg-1.
while the same in pedon 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 varied from 0.2 to 0.3, 0.4 to 0.7, 0.2 to 0.6, 0.9 to 1.2, 0.4 to 0.6 and 0.6 to 0.8
cmol(p+)kg-1, respectively and declined with increase in pH of soil. Results are supported by Patton et al. (2007) and
Rudramurthy et al. (2007)
Free iron oxides in pedons exhibited increasing trend with depth of soil, except pedon 1. It varied from 0.41 to
49.6% with mean of o.28 % (Table 10). More free iron oxides were in soils of upper physiographic positions with higher
slope indicated relatively higher degree of drainage and thereby access for producing more non-hydrated iron oxide.
The result is in accordance with the work done elsewhere by Masri Sitanggang et al., (2006). An increasing trend was also
observed by Sarkar et al., (2002).
The CEC of clay varied widely from pedon to pedon (from 14.6 to 49.2 cmol(p+)kg-1 ) with a mean value of 28.7
cmol(p+)kg-1 (Table 10). The value of CEC indicated that the clay of all the pedons were of mixed nature. Sen et al. (1994)
reported that the CEC of clay were decreased with increase in depth and related with amount of clay and organic matter
content. The results are supported by Patil and Prasad (2004), wherein they linked degree of weathering with difference of
CEC of soil clay.
Effective cation exchange capacity of clay in pedons varied from 11.5 to 20.2 cmol(p+)kg-1 with a mean value
15.3 cmol(p+)kg-1 (Table 10). ECEC decreased with the depth of soil except pedon 1 and 6 which showed mixed and
increasing trend respectively. The decrease of CEC value with depth was also reported by Sen et al., (1994).
Soil Taxonomic Classification
Based on soil-site and morphological characteristics, temperature class, moisture regime and analytical data
presented in the forgoing sections, the soils have been classified taxonomically. Pedon 1 situated at very gently sloping flat
(<2%) land classified as loamy skeletal, mixed, hyperthermic, deep, Fluventic Ustochrep, Pedon 2 situated at very gently
sloping (4 to 5%) land classified as sandy-clay skeletal , mixed, hyperthermic, deep, Vitrandic Ustochrept. Pedon 3 situated
at undulating moderately slopping (9 to 10%) land classified as sandy-loam skeletal, mixed, hyperthermic, medium, Lithic
Eutrochrept. Pedon 4 situated at undulating moderately slopping terrace (5 to 8%) land classified as gravelly-clay to
gravelly silty clay loam, mixed, hyperthermic, medium, Fluventic Ustochrept. Pedon 5 situated at moderately to strongly
slopping land (14-16%) land classified as clay to loamy-skeletal, mixed, hyperthermic, shallow, Lithic Ustochrept. Pedon 6
situated at very gently sloping flat hill top (2 to 3 %) land classified as gravelly clay to gravelly sandy loam, mixed,
hyperthermic, medium, Udic Ustochrept. Pedon 7 situated at strongly slopping (19 to 20 %) hill cap land classified as clay
to sandy loam, mixed, hyperthermic, very very shallow, Lithic Ustorthent.
Land Capability Classification (LCC)
Based on the major limitations of soils like, drainage, soil erosion, soil slope, soil depth, soil pH, coarse
fragments, the pedon 1 and 6 were classified under land capability sub-class IIes to IIesw, while pedon 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
came under IIIs, Ves, IIIes, VIes and VIIes sub-classes, respectively (Table 11). Considering the extent and type of
limitations, the capability units under pedon 1 and 6 were identified as IIe1s2, IIe2s3, IIe1s2w1, IIe2s3w1 and under pedon
2 as IIIs2, IIIs3, in pedon 3 as Ve1s2, Ve2s2, Ve3s2, Ve3s3, in pedon 4 as IIIe1s2, IIIe1s3, IIIe2s2, IIIe2s3, in pedon 5 as


Amaresh Das & Rajkumar D. Shinde

VIe2s2, VIe2s3, VIe3s3 and in pedon 7 as VIIe2s2, VIIe2s3, VIIe3s3.

Soil Suitability Class for Various Crops
Based on the optimum growth requirement of crop in relation to climate and soil-site parameters i.e. drainage,
flooding, surface stoniness, texture, depth and other soil properties like, organic carbon, CaCO 3, coarse fragments, CEC,
base saturation, pH and EC, soil suitability classifications for different crops were done. Very gently sloping flat (<2%)
land and very gently sloping flat hill top (2 to 3%) land ( IIes and IIesw sub-class of LCC and with IIe1s2, IIe2s3,
IIe1s2w1, IIe2s3w1 capability units) can be utilized as marginally suitable (S3) for rainfed rice, finger millet and vari, and
moderately suitable (S2) particularly during kharif/ rainy season for sorghum, pigeon pea and groundnut and vegetables
like, cabbage, tomato, french bean, peas and cowpea and horticultural plants like, mango, custard apple, guava and cashew
nut. Because of high content of coarse fragment and low moisture holding capacity, water and soil conservation measures
are must. Very gently sloping (4 to 5%) lands (IIIs sub-class with IIIs2, IIIs3 capability units) are moderately suitable (S2)
for all the above horticultural plants. So, raising these crops under such situation not only would fetch higher monetary
return, but also improve environmental security. These lands also can be utilized for rain fed rice, finger millet, vari,
sorghum and pigeon pea as marginally suitable (S3) after taking heavy and appropriate soil and water conservation
measures. Undulating moderately sloping terrace (5 to 8%) land (IIIes sub-class with IIIe1s2, IIIe1s3, IIIe2s2, IIIe2s3
capability units) can be placed moderately suitable (S2) for above horticultural plants and accordingly should be adopted.
However, these lands can also treated as non-suitable (N1) to marginally suitable (S3) after proper management and
adoption of conservation practices for raising rice, finger millet, sorghum, pigeon pea and ground nut. Undulating
moderately sloping (9 to 10%) land (Ves sub-class withVe1s2, Ve2s2, Ve3s2, Ve3s3 capability units) are considered
marginally suitable (S3) for all above horticultural plants. Accordingly land can be utilized after taking heavy and
appropriate soil and water conservation measures. Moderately to strongly sloping (14 to 16%) and strongly sloping hill cap
(19 to 20%) land ( VIes and VIIes sub-classes with VIe2s2, VIe2s3, VIe3s3 and VIIe2s2, VIIe2s3, VIIe3s3 capability
units, respectively) are non-suitable (N1) for arable crops and may be grouped for development of forest and pasture land
with Teak, Subabul, Nilgiri, Khair, Kalam, Karanj, etc. The action in this line would also improve ecological stability and
environmental security of this village. Very shallow to shallow depth of soil, high degree of slope and gravelliness of soil,
had been reported non-suitable (N1) for arable crops by Tripathi et al., (2006).
Results also revealed that soils coming under IIIs, Ves, IIIes, VIes and VIIes sub-classes have severe limitations
of slope and coarse fragments and are considered non-suitable (N1) for rice, finger millet and vari crops (Batta et al., 2005;
Gangopadhyay et al., 2008 and Leelavathi et al., 2009). However, with adoption of soil proper conservation measures like
field bunding, contour bunding and terracing soils having current slope gradient 4 to 5% with LCC sub-class IIIs, can be
placed marginally suitable (S3) for raising these three crops. Raising these two crops during post-rainy season is difficult
because of non-availability of irrigation water in the village. However, in the vicinity of nala or valley if water available,
such land also can be marginally utilized for raising post-rainy season crops. Soils coming under IIIs and IIIes LCC
sub-class can be considered as a marginally suitable (S3) for Sorghum crop during kharif season (Gabhane et al., 2006 and
Satyavathi and Reddy, 2004). However, sowing of crop against the slope or sowing without line sowing as well as soil
conservation measures like, field bunding, stone bunding are essential to control soil erosion, improvement of AWC with
simultaneous improvement in crop productivity. Soils coming under sub-class Ves, VIes and VIIes are not suitable (N1)
for sorghum crop. The very gently sloping (4 to 5%) land having LCC sub-class IIIs and undulating moderately sloping

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0


Soil Resource Characterization, Land Capability and Suitability of Soils

in Hilly Undulating Terrain - A Case Study

terrace land having sub-class IIIes are considered to be currently non-suitable (N1) but can be placed under marginally
suitable (S3) for pigeon-pea crop during kharif after adoption of soil conservation measures like, field bunding, stone
bunding to control soil erosion, improvement of AWC with simultaneous improvement in crop productivity apart from
other measures like, sowing of crop against the slope or sowing without line sowing (Gabhane et al., 2006). Soils coming
under rest of the sub-classes of LCC, are non- suitable (N1) for this crop due to higher degree of slope coupled with
erosion, medium to shallow depth of soil and soil with high quantity of coarse fragments. The soils at very gently sloping
flat (<2%) land and very gently sloping flat hill top (2 to 3%) land coming under IIes and IIesw sub-class of land capability
classification may be moderately suitable (S2) and very gently sloping (4 to 5%) land having LCC sub-class IIIs can be
placed under non-suitable (N1) to marginally suitable (S3) for groundnut crop. Soils of higher physiographic position with
higher land slope containing higher coarse fragments are non-suitable (N1) for groundnut [Savalia and Gundalia (2009)
and Satyavathi and Reddy (2004)]. soils coming under LCC sub-class IIes, IIesw, IIIs and IIIes have been found
moderately suitable (S2) and LCC sub-class Ves can be marginally suitable (S3) for the above Horticultural crops.
However, at higher degree of slope due to higher coarse fragments and shallow to medium soil depth, major limitations
would be moisture and nutrient availability. Utmost care should be taken for conservation of moisture around the plant
development of half-moon terracing along with mulching around plant, particularly at early growth stage, would be
helpful. The sub-class VIes and VIIes are non-suitable (N1) for horticultural plantation crops because of constraints of
slope, depth of soil and coarse fragments at higher degree. Vegetables like cabbage, tomato, french bean, peas and cowpea
are moderately suitable (S2) for the soils coming under sub-class IIes and IIesw and IIIs, where soil pH is above 5.1 and
per cent of coarse fragments does not exceed 35%. However, soil can be marginally suitable (S3) for tomato, french bean
and cowpea where acidity is slightly less and cabbage and peas may not be suitable due to soil acidity below pH 5.1. Soils
coming under LCC sub-class VIes and VIIes with constraints like, very shallow to shallow depth of soil, high degree of
slope and gravelliness of soil, have been found non-suitable (N1) for arable crops (Tripathi et al., 2006) so, may be
grouped for development of forest and pasture land with Teak, Subabul, Nilgiri, Khair, Kalam, Karanj, etc. These areas can
also be utilized for timber production and growing of pasture and grasses.


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Amaresh Das & Rajkumar D. Shinde


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Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0


Soil Resource Characterization, Land Capability and Suitability of Soils

in Hilly Undulating Terrain - A Case Study

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Table 1: Category of Slope and Their Distribution at Cultivated Land of Sarvar Village

*Area covered through traversing: 332 ha

Table 2: Class of Soil Depth (Cm) and Their Distribution at Sarvar Village under Different Category

*Area covered through traversing: 332 ha

Table 3: Class of Soil Erosion and Their Distribution at Sarvar Village under Different Category
Class Description
Slight (sheet) erosion
Moderate (rill) erosion
Severe (small gully) erosion
Very severe (big gully) erosion
*Area covered through traversing: 415 ha

Area (Ha)

% of Area Covered*


Amaresh Das & Rajkumar D. Shinde

Table 4: Physical Properties of Soil

Parent material
Land use

Pedon No. 1

Pedon No. 2

350 m above msl

372 m above msl

Very gently sloping flat land

Alluvium material of
weathered Basalt deposited
from the upper slope
Imperfectly to moderately

Very gently sloping land

4 to 5%
Intertrappean basalt overlain
by weathered material
deposited from the upper slope

Paddy, gram, groundnut,

finger millet, sorghum

Partly used for nagali (finger
millet), tur, sorghum during
kharif, small bushes

Table 5

Table 6

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0


Soil Resource Characterization, Land Capability and Suitability of Soils

in Hilly Undulating Terrain - A Case Study

Table 7

Table 8
Physiographic position
Parent material
Land use

Pedon No. 6
452 m above msl
Very gently sloping flat hill top
Intertrappean basalt
Imperfectly to moderately drained
Finger millet, paddy, groundnut,
gram and vegetables

Pedon No. 7
458 m above msl
Strongly sloping hill cap
19 to 20%
Excessively drained
Forest species

Table 9

Values indicated in bold letters are mean values of the respective columns
Roots: fm= fine and many, fc= fine and common, ff= very fine and few, cm= coarse and common, cc=
coarse and common, cf= coarse and few.
Structure: For form/ type- sbk= sub-angular blocky, m= massive; for grade/ distinction- 0= structureless,
1= weak, 2= moderate and for size/ class- m= medium, c= coarse.
Consistency: 1. Wet- i. Sticky ness- 0= Non-sticky, 1= Slightly sticky, 2= Sticky and 3= Very sticky;
ii. Plasticity- 0= Non-plastic, 1= Slightly plastic, 2= Plastic and 3= Very plastic;
2. Moist- 0= Loose, 1= Very friable, 2= Friable, 3= Firm, 4= Very firm and 5= Extremely
firm, and
3. Dry- 0= Loose, 1= Soft, 2= Slightly hard, 3= Hard, 4= Very hard


Amaresh Das & Rajkumar D. Shinde

Table 10: Chemical Properties of Soil

Values indicated in bold letters are mean values of the respective columns
Table 11: Land Capability Classification of the Soils of Sarvar Village

*Textural class as based on soil <2mm fraction

*Textural class considered as based on soil <2mm fraction
**Depth considered d1=very very shallow, d2= very shallow, d3= shallow, d4= medium deep and d5= deep.
Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

Soil Resource Characterization, Land Capability and Suitability of Soils

in Hilly Undulating Terrain - A Case Study


Table 12: Chemical Properties of Soil

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