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Kitaab ul Hajj

Hajj or more commonly known in the English language as the pilgrimage is

made obligatory by verses of the quran1 and texts of ahaadeeth2. Hajj is fardh upon every
able Muslim, provided he is free, i.e. he is not a slave, and must be mature i.e. of age,
sane and understanding/ intelligent and healthy. Also he must be able to manage the
journey physically and financially, he must also be able to complete the journey in a
financial state that the people left at home are able to survive in his absence, and once he
returns his monetary affairs should be stable.

Types of Hajj
There are three types of hajj; Ifraad, Tamattu and Qiraan. A pilgrim performing
Ifraad will be called a Mufrid, the one performing Tamattu will be called a mutamatti
and he who is performing Qiraan will be called a Qaarin.
1. The first type of hajj is Ifraad. This type of hajj is when the pilgrim intends hajj
and hajj alone. The pilgrim will come into the state of Ihraam with the sole
purpose of completing hajj.
2. The second type of hajj is Tamattu. This type of hajj is when the pilgrim enters
into the state of Ihraam for Umrah, when finishing his Umrah he will come out
of the state of Ihraam and once again don the Ihraam for hajj, this will be done
the 8th of zhul hijjah.
3. The third type of hajj is Qiraan. This is when the pilgrim enters into the state of
Ihraam for Umrah after completion he will remain in this state till he finishes his

Ihraam is a condition one enters on his way to Makkat-ul-mukarramah, one has to
enter into the state of Ihraam for either hajj or umrah before passing the meeqaat.

pilgrimage to the house is a duty that the people who are able to find a way there owe to Allaah S3:V97
Quran Made Easy Vol. 1 page 146.

whoever comes to this house without engaging in sexual activities nor committing any sin will return free
from sins as the day he was born. (Sahih Al Bukhari, 1819) (Sahih Al Muslim, 1350)

Meeqaat are those boundaries where a person should not enter into Makkat-ulmukarramah without being in the state of Ihraam. The mawaaqeet (plural) are as follows,
for Madinat-ul-munawwarah it is bir-e-Ali (formerly known as zhul Hulayfah), for
Shaam (Syria, Palestine, Jordan etc.) it is Jath, for Najd and Taaif it is Qain or Wazi
maHram, for Iraq it is Zaath and for Yemen and other eastern countries (India, Pakistan
etc.) it is Yalamlam.
Note: if one is coming to the holy land by means of aeroplane beware of passing
the Meeqaat before landing. One must come into the state of Ihraam on the flight before
passing the boundary or at the airport before departure!
A person will enter into the state of Ihraam by two things, first by making an
intention (non-verbal) and by praying the Talbiyyah (verbal). The full procedure is as
First, one should wear the clothes of Ihraam, which for men is two un-sewn white
cloths, however before this one should do ghusl or make wudhu, ghusl is preferable. At
this point using perfume is allowed. For women the Ihraam is their regular clothes while
abstaining from covering their faces.
Second, one should perform two rakat nafl salaah with intention of donning the
Ihraam whilst performing this prayer the men are allowed to cover their heads. After the
completion of this prayer the pilgrim will pray the supplication of either Hajj or Umrah,
specifying which hajj if intending hajj, i.e. Ifraad, Tamattu or Qiraan. When making this
supplication the head of the man should not be covered. In the fore mentioned salaah it is
Sunnah to pray surah Kafiroon in the first rakat and surah ikhlaas in the second rakat.
At this point one will pray the Talbiyyah and will enter into the state of Ihraam.
A few acts prohibited while in the state of Ihraam,


To interact with ones spouse in a sexual manner i.e. kissing, hugging, talking about
sex in the presence of women3.
Dirty Behaviour i.e. vulgar language, Fighting Arguing etc4.
Hunting or even aiding the act
Applying perfume or using scented products
Grooming the hair or clipping the nails
For a man to cover his head or the central bone on the upper part of the foot
For a women to cover her face

Holy Quran, S2:V197

Holy Quran, S2:V197

Days of Hajj (bullet point)

8th Zhul Hijjah
Day one,
Enter into Ihraam
Tawaaf-ul-Qudoom (saee can be done know or when doing Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah)
Pray Fajr in Makkat-ul-mukarramah, then head for Mina.
In Mina spend the day and the night, praying five salawaat including the next
days Fajr.
9th Zhul Hijjah
Day two,
Go to Arafah, after Fajr but before Zuhr
Perform Zuhr and Asr in the time of Zuhr
Go to Muzdalifah after sunset and perform Maghreb and esha in esha time
Stay the night in Muzdalifah and collect pebbles 49 or 70.
10th Zhul Hijjah
Day three,
Pray Fajr, leave for Mina just before sunrise
Stone the jamarat-ul-aqabah
Sacrifice an animal (for Qaarin and mutamatti), Halq or Qasr
Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah (and saee if not done with Tawaaf-ul-qudoom)
Spend the night in Mina.
11th Zhul Hijjah
Day four,
All salaah in Mina
Stone all the Jamaraat
Stay the night in Mina
12th Zhul Hijjah
Day five
All salaah in Mina
Stone all the Jamaraat with seven pebbles each
Before dawn head for makkat-ul-mukarramah for Tawaaf-ul-wida or stay for a
sixth day in mina
13th Zhul Hijjah
Day six
Pray Fajr and zuhr in mina
Stone all the Jamaraat again
Then head for makkat-ul-mukarramah for Tawaaf-ul-wida if you are an Aafaaqi.

The Days of Hajj

The bullet point chart explained the hajj in less detail, for more information on the
pilgrimage I have included this summary on the chart.
The pilgrim will enter into the state of Ihraam by the 8th of Zhul Hijjah; he will
have completed an Umrah if included in his intention of hajj. On the 8th the pilgrim will
do Tawaaf-ul-qudoom, at his juncture the pilgrim may complete saee now or after
Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah, then the pilgrim will leave Makkat-ul-mukarramah for Mina after
sunrise, on the way to mina the Talbiyyah should flow from your lips. Whilst you are in
Mina there are four remaining salaah remaining for that day, it is Sunnah to spend this
night in Mina, the following fajr and the previous four salawaat are mustahab when read
in Mina.
Note: please be aware of the rules pertaining to Qasr and the shortening of salaah
whilst travelling, they still apply during hajj.
On the second day of hajj (9th Zhul Hijjah) the pilgrim will leave mina and head
towards Arafah, to leave for Arafah after fajr is Sunnah, leaving before fajr is contrary to
the Sunnah. At the time of zuhr in Arafah if possible to combine zuhr and the following
asr then do so, being mindful of the conditions. If all the conditions are found then it is
waajib to join the salaah together in one time i.e. the time of zuhr. If one of the conditions
is not found then it is not permissible to join the two salaah together rather they will be
prayed in their respective times.
Conditions for the gathering of the two salaah;
1. Time (Zuhr time, 9th Zhul Hijjah)
2. Place (in or near to Arafah)
3. The Sultan or his representative should be present
4. The salaah should be prayed congregationally
5. The performer of the salaah should be in the state of Ihraam.
Now the pilgrim will go to Muzdalifah after sunset but will not perform Maghreb
salaah until later, he will only perform the maghrib salaah in the time of esha salaah. The
two salaah will be combined whether prayed in a congregation or separately. The
procedure is as follows,
Azhaan (one call for two prayers)
Iqaamah (one call for two prayers)
Fardh of Maghreb
Fardh of esha
Sunan of Maghreb
Sunan of esha not forgetting the witr as well.
It is Sunnah Muakkadah to remain in Muzdalifah until dawn, when youre
waiting here you can pick the stones needed for pelting the Jamaraat. Depending on
whether you decide to stay for the sixth day will result the amount of pebbles picked. If

one decides he will leave on the 12th he will only need 49 pebbles, however if he is to
stay that extra day he will need a total of 70 pebbles.

7 pebbles
21 pebbles
21 pebbles
21 pebbles

On the third day of hajj (10th Zhul Hijjah) fajr will be prayed slightly in the
beginning of its time. The wuqoof of muzdalifah is waajib, the wuqoof should commence
at subh-sadiq up and till sunrise, or just before. One should leave for Mina about 4-5
minutes before sunrise, or the time taken to read two rakat nafl salaah. On reaching Mina
there are four necessities needing to be carried out, stoning the jamarat-ul-Aqabah,
sacrificing an animal, either Halq (shaving of the head) or Qasr (trimming the hair).
These three acts are waajib upon the pilgrims, with the exception of the sacrificing the
animal, this is not waajib upon the Mufrid, but it is mustahab. After the removal of your
hair Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah is fardh. Before Tawaaf one may remove his Ihraam he no
longer remains in that state. After Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah one may have sexual relations
with ones spouse. If the Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah is completed and no saee5 is done with it
then there will be no need to apply Raml and Idhtibaa.
Raml is the type of walk where one walks with power and honour, raml includes
walking with short quick steps combined with a forceful nature, and also one will
moderately stick his chest out while moving the shoulders simultaneously. Idhtibaa is
where the pilgrim will fold his ihraam over the left shoulder from under his right armpit,
thus leaving the right arm and shoulder uncovered. Idhtibaa will be applied in all seven
of the rounds of the Tawaaf provided one does saee after the Tawaaf. Raml shares the
condition of being applied if there is a saee to be performed after the Tawaaf, however
Raml will only be done in the first three rounds of the Tawaaf.
After performing Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah on the 10th, the pilgrim will return to mina
where he will spend the night, on the 11th the pilgrim will pelt the Jamaraat (all three). To
stone the Jamaraat is Sunnah after mid-day up and till sun down.
On the fifth day of hajj (12th Zhul Hijjah) the pilgrim will again pelt all three
Jamaraat before sunset. If one remains in mina after sunset it is makrooh for him to leave
without pelting the Jamaraat on the 13th. If the pilgrim is there at the time of dawn on the
13th Zhul Hijjah it becomes waajib for him to complete a 6th day of hajj. This day (13th
Zhul Hijjah) is a Sunnah also.
Upon all the pilgrims who are Aafaaqi (those who stay outside the boundaries of
meeqaat) is Tawaaf-ul-wida waajib. This is the final waajib upon the pilgrims, this
Tawaaf is waajib upon all the types of pilgrims (Mufrid, Mutamatti and qaarin).if a
woman is unable to fulfil this duty, due to impurity from menstruation or post natal
bleeding then she will get away with this and not having to pay any penalty.

At this juncture the pilgrim either does saee for his Tawaaf or has already done it after his Tawaaf-ulqudoom.

Jinaayah is an act carried out by the pilgrim which has been prohibited while in
the state of Ihraam. Dam is a penalty given when a mistake has been committed, if the
mistake was done in full the paying dam will be waajib, if the mistake was done half way
or left incomplete then the penalty will be to pay sadaqah.
The amount to pay for a sadaqah is 2kgs of Barley or wheat, however due to
contemporary times and less use of payment with anything other than cash one may pay
the value of these items. The amount for dam however is more, the rule is slightly simple,
if the mistake was large then so will the penalty. The amount, in general, is to sacrifice
one goat in the haram, but for 2 jinaayaat it is more than a goat it is a badanah, which is a
large cow, camel etc.
Scented products
Wearing sewn clothes (men)
To cover the head (for a whole day) (men)
To remove any hair
To clip the nails
Sexual relations with one spouse after wuqoof-e-Arafah, is a badanah, if
done before wuqoof then the hajj will be violated
To discard a waajib act
Tawaaf-uz-ziyaarah in the state of janaabah or for a woman to be in the
state of menstruation or post natal bleeding, is a badanah

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