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Planning/Zoning/regulatory side
Ratios of Affordable or the Housing/program side? 6
3. What tools are available to our
Housing housing branch to deal with
these questions through their
4. What would the process be to
That the March 10, 2009, Planning and
move forward on mechanisms
Development Department report
and policies to deal with this
2009PCP013 be received for
issue both on the
Planning/Zoning/regulatory side
Report Summary and the Housing/program side?
This report provides information on Report
low-cost housing. 1. What planning tools are available
Previous Council/Committee Action to address equitable distribution
and disbursement of low cost
• At the April 8, 2009, Executive housing, i.e., maximum
Committee meeting, the March 10, percentages, spatial disbursement
2009, Planning and Development or any other possible tools?
Department report 2009PDP013 was
made debatable and was postponed
• The term “low-cost housing” is a
to the April 22, 2009, Executive
generic term that can include a
Committee meeting.
broad range of market and non-
• At the December 17, 2008, market housing units occupied by
Councillors B. Henderson and households earning less than
J. Batty made the following inquiry: median income. The low-cost
A number of neighbourhoods in the housing that generates the greatest
City of Edmonton are under stress public attention is generally occupied
due to a high ratio of low cost by persons receiving social
housing, both market and non- assistance, income support, or
market. earning less than $25,000 annually.
1. What planning tools are available • Typically this type of housing
to address equitable distribution consists of government subsidized
and disbursement of low-cost housing, including shelters,
housing, i.e., maximum supportive and non-supportive
percentages, spatial accommodation, older private-sector
disbursement or any other apartments, rooming houses, and
possible tools? other rental units.
2. What mechanisms are being
• High proportions of low-cost, private
used by other municipalities
sector housing stock generally exists
across Canada and North
in neighbourhoods which are more
America to deal with this
than 60 years old that were originally
question, i.e., Chicago, Toronto,
developed with modest housing
Calgary and others, either in the
stock, accommodating lower to

ROUTING – Executive Committee | DELEGATION – S. Mackie/T. Loat

WRITTEN BY – L. Piroddi | March 10, 2009 – Planning and Development Department 2009PCP013
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Ratios of Affordable Housing

moderate income households. The Zoning Bylaw regulates the

These neighbourhoods were “use” of land rather then the “user”,
developed to provide housing for and the regulations are based on
workers employed in nearby tangible, measurable land-use
industrial areas, and the land use impacts related to such factors as
impacts from these industrial density, built form, and traffic.
activities influenced the price of
• Council determines the content of
Statutory Plans, policies, and the
• Examples would include, Zoning Bylaw; instruments that can
neighbourhoods built adjacent to influence the spatial allocation of
Edmonton’s former meat packing different land uses and built forms
plants and stockyards, or industrial throughout the city.
areas in the northeast. As the
• Council has recently approved text
housing stock aged and deteriorated,
amendments to the Zoning Bylaw
zoning was changed to allow
that increase the opportunity for
conversion of houses to dwellings
Secondary Suites, Garage Suites,
with suites and rooming houses, with
and Garden Suites. This change
some opportunities for apartment
may help increase opportunities for
redevelopment. Rezoning was
low-cost housing across a broader
intended to meet evolving housing
range of communities.
needs and stimulate redevelopment
in these areas. • In 1972, the City had a policy
requiring developers to provide land
• In order to effectively serve the
for social housing, to accommodate
needs of the lower income
five per cent of the projected
population drawn to these
population of a neighbourhood, in
neighbourhoods, both government
the form of medium density housing.
and non-profit agencies developed
The policy was challenged in the
various forms of subsidized housing,
Courts and ultimately struck down in
services, and support facilities. The
1979. During recent consultations
availability of less expensive land,
regarding the establishment of a City
and the opportunity to replace
inclusionary affordable housing
properties in poor condition, also
policy, representatives of the
influenced investment decisions.
development industry voiced their
• Land value significantly affects the strong opposition to the re-
housing development pattern and establishment of such a land
the type of re-development in dedication requirement.
established neighbourhoods. The
2. What mechanisms are being used
development of low-cost housing is
by other municipalities across
most often situated where land costs
Canada and North America to deal
are lowest.
with this question, i.e., Chicago,
• The number and nature of planning Toronto, Calgary and others,
or regulatory tools that can influence either in the
the distribution of low-cost housing in Planning/Zoning/regulatory side
a free-market economy are limited. or the Housing/program side?

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Ratios of Affordable Housing

• Some municipalities have adopted 3. What tools are available to our

policies and processes to specifically housing branch to deal with these
address concerns about the questions through their policy?
equitable distribution of housing,
• Under the Cornerstones Plan,
including low-cost housing. Administration has allocated a
• The City of Toronto’s Official Plan, limited amount of capital grant
(2007), includes a detailed policy funding to facilitate the development
designed to distribute the full range of both supportive and non-
of affordable housing across the city, supportive housing that falls within
and within neighbourhoods. The “full the definition of low-cost housing
range” of housing includes rental and cited in this report. The current
ownership, shelters to mid-range criteria for awarding this grant
market, and existing housing stock. funding does not include
consideration of the location of the
• The City of Portland adopted a
proposed project relative to any
Location Policy addressing
existing area where there is a high
geographic concentrations of poverty
ratio of low-cost housing.
in 1994. The policy restricts city-
controlled funding for affordable • Administration could apply such a
housing in “impact areas”. The criteria in adjudicating applications
City’s Community Residential Siting for grant funding; however, this
Program provides a centralized point would require reaching agreement
of information to deal with questions, on what constitutes an acceptable
and mediate concerns around the ratio of low-cost housing and
location of residential social services. subsequently, developing
neighbourhood profiles to identify
• The City of Denver passed a Large
existing neighbourhoods, meeting or
Residential Care Use Ordinance in
exceeding the threshold.
1993, to address concerns of both
supportive housing advocates and • A Place to Call Home - Edmonton's
residents in neighbourhoods in which Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness
the proposed facilities are to be is centred on the “Housing First”
located. The law specifies size philosophy. The “Housing First”
limits, minimum separation philosophy is that people need to be
requirements among facilities, and given the choice of being housed
creates a consultation mechanism first, and then provided with the wrap
between the developer and the around services needed for them to
neighbourhood, mediated by city maintain stable occupancy.
staff. Typically such programs make use
of private-market rental units
• The Alberta Municipal Government
dispersed throughout the community.
Act does not provide the same
Some housing first programs have a
opportunities or authority as other
policy of capping the percentage of
their clients that can be housed in
any one building.

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Ratios of Affordable Housing

4. What would the process be to by establishing strong, socially

move forward on mechanisms and balanced communities.
policies to deal with this issue
both on the Planning/Zoning/ Policy
regulatory side and the Housing/ This report supports Plan Edmonton
program side? direction to:
1.1.1 Provide for choices regarding the
• While not dealing directly with low-
types of developments in which
cost housing, the draft Municipal
people want to live and do
Development Plan (MDP) does
include a section on affordable
1.7.2 Provide for a range of housing
housing. The draft text identifies a
types and densities in each
number of policy objectives that can
residential neighbourhood.
affect affordable housing
3.9.2 Endorse a mix of housing types
development and distribution. It
for a wide range of household
includes a focus on developing
types and incomes in all areas of
affordable housing at premium
the City that are reflective of the
transit locations and using
City’s population profile.
government-owned surplus land to
3.9.3 Encourage new development and
accommodate affordable housing
infill redevelopment to incorporate
units. These provisions do not
affordable housing that is visually
specifically refer to low-cost housing;
indistinguishable from market
however, Council could direct that
these policies be amended in the
3.9.4 Work in partnership with other
MDP to influence the distribution of
orders of government, private
low-cost housing. The effectiveness
owners and landlords and the
of dealing with urban land
community to maintain, upgrade,
distribution issues not related to use
and expand the new and existing
is limited because of the nature of
affordable rental housing supply
land use policy and zoning
in the City.
• As noted in section 3 of this report, Focus Area
Council could direct Administration to The information in this report relates to
include criteria in its approval the Diverse Communities and Inclusive
process for Cornerstones funding, Communities focus area to provide
that would preclude locating new affordable housing.
low-cost housing in areas where
there is already a high concentration
of such housing.
• Council can use these approaches to
offset the tendency for low-cost
housing to be concentrated in certain
areas of the City. While this could
result in increased cost for housing
projects, it could fulfill citizens’ needs

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