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Quantum Gravity and God

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Modern world is occupied with one force that is GRAVITY that binds everyhting.
It is centripetal and in TIME tends to Black Hole, Singularity, disorder and Death.
It utterly fails to comprehend a Force that is Primal and eternal that creates and
sustains the Universe in time. This is because scientists fail to understand lifes

role in cosmos, specially the role of human soul and mind. Life has inner spacetime field carrying information that opposes gravity. Here it transforms gravity
force into anti-gravity force. Time direction in life is opposite to that of material
world and its tendency. This is a proven fact. The second law of thermodynamics
applied to life and material system shows this opposition. Material world tends to
disorder or entropy increase, in contrast entropy and disorder decreases in life.
We have two options here to visualize cosmos. Either we can visualize it as
material as the west think or visualize universe as living as the east did. Life is not
beyond time and time direction. This means birth and death and rebirth is a reality.
In short, Big Bang is a reality and it calls for sensible perception of Big Bang
including life, especially we the human beings. Max Planck said, All matter
originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the
existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter

This means one SUPREME LIVING BEING, one cell, one soul, and it inner space
that carries energy or information can resist the gravity of the whole universe and
transform it giving it new life. Ancient spiritual people knew this truth and thus
they developed the concept of GOD and Supreme Heart and Mind that governs the
universe. Ancient east seems to have understood the Black hole, Big Bang and
Singularity as they said Universe is Supreme conscious and intelligent field and we
are simply individuated consciousness that is born and die into it to get reborn
again in perpetual cycles. It says universe is thought projection of Mind of God; we
also create our world through such thought projections.
Ancient Scriptures seems to hold the secret of Quantum Gravity and knowledge to
thrive on earth. It says that humans are created in Gods Image. This becomes a
science when we think of DNA duplication and cell division. This reality of life
can be extrapolated to atomic and particle level. [Reference 1,2,3]. Now, the
Biblical writing that God gave Dominion to Humans, invariably means, humanity
once Knew Truth and Knowledge of Nature and Life in its fullness and in
simplicity. In short, we knew the Heart and Mind of God. The forbiddance that
God laid on Humanity now can be interpreted as a resistance to humans from
becoming ego, self and material centered, thus aligning our mind and its force with
material force, which creates a time direction to death. This was a resistance to
Quantum Gravity of Cosmos from collapsing to singularity. However,
humanity takes the forbidden path
The Light and knowledge that was given to humanity was lost when humanity
turned his face away from God. It was lost to humanity when he began to use the

Gods Knowledge or Grace for self-advancement and development of his

kingdoms. The fall of the world has direct relation people in spiritual institutions.
Bible tells us that a fallen angel manifest as serpent to coax Adam and Eve to eat
the forbidden fruit. Humanity today is in quest for this lost knowledge.
Modern Science took birth as anti to religious institutions by separating spirit/soul
and mind and seeking truth in material world. By the power of mind and its
thinking process scientist have developed the present world. However, it is
becoming apparent today that we cannot know the Lost Truth by our self-centered
mind that is looking to external world through its five senses. All that science has
managed contribute in their present thinking is technologies to exploit material
nature and thus has given more power to evil minds ruling us. Einstein said
Technological progress is like axe in the hand of pathological criminal
In the failure of scientists to unearth truth and light, religions not only thrived but
are taking new wings, striving for number and power at all cost. We are seeing
birth of New Churches, New Temples. We see people killing in the name Life
giving God, amassing wealth in the name God. Unseen God has become a means
of easy livelihood and social respect for many. World God is used recklessly to
exploit humanity at will.
Once time is set, nothing can stop. When the spiritual people fall by Ego, Self and
uses God for material objective time manifests. People fallow suit. God resist this
collapse. This dual role of God as creating and resisting force does manifest in
science as Gravitational and inertial mass. As time goes, it aggravates the force of
collapse. The gravity field of the material world gains exponentially increasing
power from by the non-illuminated mind of people who are aligned with material
force. The gravity force thus is exponentially increasing and heading to singularity
and death in this world. The technologies that science is developing are fuelling it.
The scenario gave no hope for this world in my mind. Science we all know
presents a Big Collapse. It also presents scary picture of runway universe, where
energy in matter is lost and universe shreds away. Hope returned when I
surrendered my mind and accepted death unconditionally to experience
enlightenment. Today I know that The Creator; the Selfless Supreme Heart and
Mind has acted not only to support the universe from collapsing but He is leading
us to back to Light Age or Golden Age. In spite of all the destructions, we see in
this world, we have hope for the world in CALVARY sacrifice of Christ. Christ is
Light and knowledge. Christ did not ask for creating religion out of Him. He asked
to spread His Light and Knowledge. No enlightened souls wrote any religious

scriptures. They simply connected to inner source and spoke what had to be spoken
and did the act, which that period of the time cycle needed. All religious scriptures,
cultures are written to save the message of the enlightened. A collective group that
grows deteriorates when the evil minds enters it, seeking self. Vedas clearly write
that universal cycle is a cycle of deterioration of Truth and Justice. Christ mediates
the return back to Kingdom of God or Golden Age or Truth and Justice We are
on the way Be still and experience that Force called God.

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