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Computer Applications 2

Shelly Cashman web site:

Access 2010 Project 1 Creating and Using a Database
___Read and complete all activities in this chapter (p AC 2 AC 63). You will be creating the Camashaly Design database. Keep all
printouts until you have completed the reading and activities of the chapter. Staple all printouts together in order and hand in. When
you save or name a database, table, report, query, etc. always include your name ie. Client John Doe. Since the header in Access
is automatic, this will distinguish your work from someone elses work on the printer. The table for the first table can be found on
page 13.
In the Lab
___ #2: Creating the Walburg Energy Alternative Database. (p AC 68 69) Remember to add your name to every object. You need
to print the Vendor table, the Inventory Status Report and Item-Scryps Queery. Staple and hand in the three printed documents
___ #3: Creating the Philamar Training Database. (p AC 70 71) Remember to add your name to every object. Staple and hand in
the four printed documents. Print out the Client Table in landscape view. Print out the Trainer Table in landscape view. Make sure to
change the margins to normal. Print out the Client Query, Print the Client Status Report. Staple and hand in the four printed
___ Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___ Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___ Testing
___ Last date to hand in Project 1 daily work.

Access 2010 Project 2 Querying a Database

___Read and complete all activities in Project 2 (pp AC 74 AC 128). You will be querying the Camashaly Design Database. Do not
print the query in the particular chapter. It would not include your name. Save the queries when the textbook tells you to and Print
when the text tells you to.
In the Lab
___2 Querying the Walburg Energy Alternatives Database (AC 134-135)Name the queries Lab 2-2 step 1 your name. Staple
queries in order and hand in the 12 queries.
___3 Querying the Philamar Training Database (AC 135)(Save queries as In the Lab 2-3 part 1a Your Name etc. etc.) Hand in all
parts in order. You will have 10 queries.
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last date to hand in Project 2 daily work.

Access 2007 Project 3 Maintaining a Database

___Read and complete all activities in this chapter (pp AC 138-AC196). You will be maintaining the Camashaly Design Database.
Make sure to print in Landscape view. Print Client Financial Report after step 4 on Page 177. Print Business Analysis Table after
Step 2 on Page 178. Print the Business Analysis Table after step 2 on page 181. Print the Relationships Report after step 6 on
Page189. Staple and hand in the four pages.
In the Lab
___2 Maintaining the Walburg Energy Alternatives Database. (AC 202 - 203) Print the Relationships Report. Print the Item
Table, Print the Inventory Status Report. Staple the three printouts and hand in.
___3 Maintaining the Philamar Training Database. (AC 204)Read all of the directions for Part 1 before beginning. Print the
Client Table. Part 2: Print the Trainer Table Table, Part 3: Print the Relationships Report staple, and hand in the three
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
Assignment Sheet Computer Applications 2
Access 2010 Proj 1-5
Updated 12/16/2014


___Last date to hand in Project 3 daily work.

Access 2010Project 4 Creating Reports and Forms (Advanced Book)
___Read and complete all activities in this project (AC 212 AC 260). You will be working with the Camashaly Design Database.
Print the report on page 236, Print on Page 259 (Staple the 2 printouts in order and hand in.)Keep all printout until you have
completed reading the project and then staple in order and hand in.
In the Lab
___1 Presenting Data in the ECO Clothesline Database (AC266 268) A copy of ECO Clothesline Database is on the Y Drive.
Add your name to the table names .Always include your name in the title of the reports and forms. Print the Cutomer Balance Report,
The Customers by Sales Rep Report and the mailing labels. Do a Screen Shot of the form and print it out in Word. Staple the four
printouts in order and hand in.
___2 Presenting Data in the Walburg Energy Alternatives Database. (AC 268 -270)Add your name to the table names. Always
include you name in the title of the reports and forms. Print the Revised Inventory Status Report, the Filtered Inventory Status Report
and the Items by Vendor Report. Do a Screen Shot of the form and print it out in Word. Staple them together and hand in..
___3 Presenting Data in the Philamar Training Database. (AC271)Add your name to the table names .Always include you name in
the title of the reports and forms. Print out part one the Client Status Report and Part 2 the Clients by Trainer Report. Part 3 Do a
Screen Shot of the form and print it out in Word. Staples in order and hand in.
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last dat to hand in Project 4 daily work.
Access 2007 Project 5 Multi-table Forms (Advance Book)
___Read and complete all activities in this project (AC 277 AC 326) Always include your name in the report and form names. Do a
screen shot after page 317. Print the image out in Word.
In the Lab
___1 Adding Fields and Creating Multi-Table Forms for the ECO Clothesline Database. (AC 330)Take a screen shot after step 3.
Print out the query Computer Skills Query in step 4.
___2 Adding Fields and Creating Multi-Table Forms in the Walburg Energy Alternatives Database.. (AC331-332)Take a screen
shot after step 3. Print out the query Returns-Online.
___3 Adding Fields and Creating Multi-table forms for the Philamar Training Database. (AC333) Print out a screen shot after
Part 2 and print out the query Certification in part 3.
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last day to hand in Project 5 daily work.

Assignment Sheet Computer Applications 2

Access 2010 Proj 1-5
Updated 12/16/2014


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