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Session- 1: Introduction to Case Method & Operations Management

Date: - 26/08/2014

An introduction was given to students, how the course will work. How students can
learn best from participant centered learnings and case based classes.
There was a group based activity in which a students had to make paper planes of two
different types. This small activity was aimed to give students a glimpse of production
operations management
Details of activity: Cost of each paper is 50, raw material inventory cost is 5/ Minute,
finished goods cost 10/ minute, sale price of type 1 plane is 90 and type 2 is 100.
Time: 1 minute= 1 day , 3minutes= 3 days ( 1 period)
The delivery cost to 1st and 2nd Buyer is 25, to 2nd & 3rd is 10 and 1st & 3rd is 30
The objective is Maximize profit by fulfilling as much orders as students can. The group
with maximum profit will be winner.
At the end Sir related this activity with actual operations taking place in industries.
A note on how to approach POM cases was discussed.

Session- 2: Introduction to TOM Terminologies & Process Analysis

Date: - 28/08/2014

Handout of A glossary of TOM Terms, A note on process analysis was discussed.

Students learned about
What is Cycle Time and how to calculate it
What is Throughput time and how to calculate it
What is Capacity and how to calculate it
What is utilization and two methods to calculate it
That bottle neck is the most time taking process and is the cycle time of the whole
Capacity of the system is defined by bottle neck
What is yield and how to calculate it
What is productivity and how to calculate it
What is efficiency and how to calculate it
What is effectiveness
Solve 3 different examples to explain the above concepts

Session- 3: Operations Strategy & frame work

Date: - 2/09/2014

Labor utilization
Planned and unplanned DT

Idle time
Corporate strategy
Students also learned in order to make an effective operations strategy, we have to use
a systematic approach.
Identify and focus, where we can perform best.
Developing capabilities; focus on capabilities through different means

Session- 4: Benihana of Tokyo

Date: - 4/09/2014

Difference between Benihana production process and that of a typical restaurant

Examined the production choices
Agenda: Future expansion/ growth opportunity
Understanding of operations of Benihana
Growth analysis
Calculated Revenue, Costs and Profits
Understanding of process
Flowchart diagram
Growth opportunities
Options and recommendations

Session- 5: American Connector Company

Date: - 9/09/2014

Introduction/ setting of American connector Company

Agenda to save costs
Conditions of operations
Customers of ACC
Operations of ACC
Comparison of ACC with DJC on the basis of efficiency, packing, Quality, Sourcing,
Utilization, Technology, Customization, Planning, Process Inventory, Location, Products
and Organization
Strategy of ACC
Analysis of utilization and cost
Options and recommendations : Act now with focus on core competencies

Session-6: McDonalds Corporation (Abridged)

Date: - 11/09/2014

Settings and introduction of MC

Analyzed competition
Analyzed customers
Agenda: growth in terms of sales and market share
Discussed unique operations system of MC
Comparison of operations with competitors
Options and recommendations

Session- 7: Kristen Cookie Company

Date: - 16/09/2014

Settings and introduction of case

Cost, profit, Price and volume analysis
Offerings of KCC
Operating system of KCC
Flowchart diagram
Analysis of
1. Efficiency
2. Labor utilization
3. idle time
4. bottleneck
5. Throughput time
6. Equipment utilization
7. Capacity
8. Actual product
Analysis of operation taking different assumptions
Reaching out 3 different scenarios and recommendations

Session- 8: Designing Managing and Improving operations

Date: - 18/09/2014

Importance of the comprehension of case

Introduction to process design
Taxonomy of process design
Process focused and product focused operations
1. Process Focused- Job Shop
2. Product focused- Worker paced batch and single piece
3. Product focused- Machine paced
4. Product focused- Continuous flow process

Customization- volume chart based on process and product focused operations

Advantages and disadvantages of Job shop
Advantages and disadvantages of worker paced
Advantages and disadvantages of Machine paced
Advantages and disadvantages of Continuous flow process

Session- 9: Designing Thinking and innovation at Apple

Date: - 23/09/2014

What is design Thinking

Designer profile
How design thinking work
Discussed and related example of Nurse Shift
Discussed and related example of Kaiser
Discussed and related example bicycle
Product emergence
Discussed and related example of Arvind
Discussed and related example of Bank of America

Session-10: Movie JOBS related to the last session

Date: - 25/09/2014

After the movie discussed Design thinking VS traditional thinking

How to keep competitors away

Session-11: Febritek Corporation

Date: - 30/09/2014

Settings of case
Introduction of Febritek
Position of Febritek on quality, flexibility, speed and cost diagram
Process recognition as Job shop
Requirements of operations
Identification of problem
Reasons of problems

Process of febritek in terms of capacity, cycle time, external time)

Session-12: Celebrity Cruises
Date: - 02/10/2014

Groups allocation for WAC submission

Settings of case
Introduction of Industry
Comparison with competitors
Understanding customers
About celebrity
Position of Celebrity on flexibility-volume diagram
Positioning of celebrity on flexibility, quality, speed and cost diagram
Analysis of finances
Found three solutions
Structure policy

Action Plan
Session-13: Productivity and performance system: A comparative analysis of
Northern Telecom and United Parcel
Date: - 07/10/2014

Why to measure performance

Productive in terms of performance
Strategy of UPS
Analysis of UPS
Strategy of NTC
Analysis of NTC
Comparison of the measurement of both companies
Advantages and disadvantages of different approaches of both companies

Session-14: Dore-Dore
Date: - 21/10/2014

Dore dore follow batch flow in its operations

Process flow of dore dore that includes knit, dye, cut, sew
Cell manufacturing process
Shifting of hosiery for batch to cellular production. Key features are:
Batch throughput time reduce
Defect rate reduces
Cross trained workers
High labor utilization
Balance process flow and eliminating bottlenecks
Defects are easily identified in cell

Session-15: McLeod Motors

Date: - 23/10/2014

Settings of case
Discussed recent events at McLeod
Analysis of buffer stock, raw material, finished goods and Work in process
Analysis of production operation before changing the operations
Analysis of production operation after changer the operations
Flow chart diagram
New Throughput time
TPT per week
% value added time
Work in process new
Work in process old
Reasons of higher work in process
Holding cost
Options and recommendations

Session-16: Southwest Air Lines and Remedial Session

Date: - 28/10/2014

Discussed southwest airline case

Operations of southwest

Assumption for EOQ

EOQ batch size
Trade off in McLeod case

Session-17: Supply Chain Management

Date: - 30/10/2014

Introduction of the topic

Why supply chain- coordination problem
Serial supply chain
Distribution supply chain
Assembly network
Effects of supple chain
Advantaged of supply chain
Steps of supply chain
Supply chain Mark
Fill rate
Types of Supply chain ( functional supply chain and Innovative supply chain)
Performance indicators
Bullwhip effect
How to decrease bullwhip effect
How to increase responsiveness
Delayed differentiation
Read react capability
News vendor Model
Concept of Overage cost, underage cost and salvage cost
Critical fractile
Expected profit

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