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jOOQ Release notes

For an interactive overview, see also
For a formatted text version, see
For a text version, see
Version 3.4.2 - August 08, 2014
This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.4 branch
Bug fixes
--------#3392 - Call setAccessible(true) only if really needed
#3400 - ALTER TABLE generates invalid syntax on Firebird when data types are
#3402 - Wrong character length generated by jOOQ for Firebird
#3408 - Remove the default log4j.xml configuration file from the maven plugin
#3413 - Oracle generated ArrayRecords cannot be constructed through reflection
if deprecated flag is set to off
#3420 - NullPointerException when generating code for Oracle AQ Tables
#3430 - JDBC escape syntax is not correctly rendered from plain SQL
#3437 - QualifiedField does not respect RenderContext.qualify()
#3445 - Cannot run Maven code generator with professional edition
#3450 - Backslashes in SQL comments don't get escaped
#3455 - UPDATE .. FROM statement renders incorrect SQL for derived tables or
aliased tables
#3456 - Name clash in generated code when Routine argument is called "f"
(functions) or "p" (procedures)
#3462 - Field<Object>.in(Object...) can be called with Select<?> arguments,
#3463 - methods shouldn't return trueCondition() or
#3473 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field (null) is not contained in Row
#3488 - Compilation error in generated code, when a similar tables T_A and TA
#3489 - DefaultTransactionProvider does not call
Version 3.4.1 - July 11, 2014
This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.4 branch
Bug fixes
--------#3347 - should defend against Collection arguments
#3359 - store() after copy() executes an UPDATE instead of an INSERT, when
Settings.updatablePrimaryKeys is set
#3360 - SQLite regression when using special characters in identifiers
#3362 - DSLContext.batchStore() executes INSERT if records are batch stores are
executed two times in a row on new records, if
Settings.updatablePrimaryKeys is set to true

#3363 - executes UPDATE instead of INSERT after

delete(), if Settings.updatablePrimaryKeys is set to true
#3382 - NOT NULL constraints and type information are incorrectly generated when
using Firebird DOMAINs for data types
Version 3.4.0 - June 20, 2014
With this awesome new minor release version, we have finally started supporting
a couple of very important aspects of the SQL language:
- Common table expressions
- Transactions
Common table expressions have been missing from jOOQ for a long time, and
they're now finally part of our DSL API, both for recursive or regular usage.
Transactions are handled very nicely in JavaEE or through Spring TX. But if
you're running small standalone programs with JDBC (and jOOQ) only, you have to
resort to a transaction API that is no longer contemporay. With jOOQ 3.4, we're
now shipping a Java-8 ready transaction API and a default implementation backed
by JDBC transactions. Our manual also contains an example implementation that is
backed by Spring TX. While we do not want to compete with popular transaction
models, we do want to provide a simple, functional-interface oriented API to
apply transactions in client code.
DDL is very hard to standardise across databases, and with jOOQ 3.4, we have now
started adding type safe support for some DDL statements, including thus far:
We're going to be adding support for more DDL statements in jOOQ 3.5 as part of
our more general DDL support strategy.
Apart from that, there is a tremendous amount of minor improvements. See below
for details:
Features and improvements
------------------------#454 - Add support for CTE (Common Table Expressions / WITH-clause)
#682 - Mavenise jooq-test
#883 - Add support for DDL statements
#1061 - Support "DEFAULT" keyword in INSERT and UPDATE statements
#2573 - Generate DAOs for tables with composite primary keys
#2646 - SQL Server error "The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be
compared or sorted" when using LIMIT with a SELECT [text, image]
#2675 - Add test to verify if jOOQ correctly binds NULL values with the right
JDBC type in batch INSERT operations
#2694 - Unify RenderContext and BindContext traversal
#3010 - Generate POJOs for Oracle and PostgreSQL UDTs
#3016 - Adapt manual to recommend also other popular connection pools
#3030 - Add support for ALTER SEQUENCE ... RESTART [ WITH ... ]
#3075 - Add support for Oracle TEMPORARY tables
#3076 - Add ExecuteListener.warning(ExecuteContext) to allow for listening to
#3077 - Let Sequence implement QueryPart
#3080 - Generate Interfaces for Oracle and PostgreSQL UDTs

#3081 - Let generated POJOs reference generated UDT POJOs instead of UDT Records
#3084 - SQL Server unique indexes are not loaded by jOOQ-meta
#3093 - Add code-generation configuration to treat UNIQUE keys as primary keys
to generate UpdatableTables
#3094 - Add Relations.getUniqueKeys(SchemaDefinition), getUniqueKeys()
#3095 - Add SchemaDefinition.getTables()
#3111 - Support multiple Converters for the same <U> type in the code generator
#3115 - Support hypothetical set function syntax (for CUME_DIST, RANK,
#3116 - The jOOQ Scala manual examples use T_BOOK instead of BOOK
#3125 - Generate default ArrayRecord constructors that don't need a
#3130 - Generated UDTRecords should be more similar to generated TableRecords
#3139 - Add <T1, ..., T[N]> Result<Record[N]<T1, ..., T[N]>>
DSLContext.newResult(Field<T1>, ..., Field<T[N]>)
#3153 - Add a paragraph to the manual explaining classpath behaviour of the
standalone code generator
#3154 - Add code-generation configuration to generate synthetic primary keys for
updatable views
#3169 - Add more ResultQuery.fetchAnyXXX() convenience methods
#3180 - Add a Java 8 example to the documentation
#3181 - Update external manual links to point to the JavaSE 8 Javadoc
#3189 - Add DSL.sequenceByName(String...)
#3199 - Add some Javadoc to Result.attach() and Result.detach() to explain the
#3202 - Allow for Pattern.COMMENTS in code generation configuration's regexes
#3203 - Add DSL.not(Field<Boolean>) as a convenience for DSL.not(Condition)
and condition(Field<Boolean>)
#3204 - Clarify what "fully qualified" means in the context of <include/> and
<exclude/> in the code generator configuration
#3205 - Add DSL.condition(Boolean) as a convenience for
#3212 - Add support for value types in DefaultRecordMapper, when mapping
Record1 types
#3229 - Add DSLContext.transaction() to implement nested transaction semantics
through functional interfaces
#3230 - Implement TransactionProvider for use with DataSourceConnectionProvider
#3232 - Add optional <type/> configuration to <customType/> in order to specify
different converters for the same Java type
#3233 - Add DataTypeDefinition.getConverter()
#3240 - Add DSL.sequence() methods for plain SQL sequence construction
#3252 - Relax bounds on <R> for DSLContext.batchInsert()
#3253 - Pull up TableRecord.insert()
#3264 - Use try-with-resources statements in the manual
#3265 - Add manual examples for include / exclude that explicitly use schemas
(and other fully qualified object names)
#3275 - Use maven-plugin-annotations in jOOQ-codegen-maven instead of Javadoc
#3286 - Add MySQLDSL.encode(byte[]) and decode(byte[])
#3288 - Add, DSL.time(String), and DSL.timestamp(String), as
shortcuts for respective valueOf() methods
#3305 - Add SQLDialect.families() to access all SQLDialect families
#3307 - Change internal representation of AbstractRecord to use Object[] and
BitSet instead of Value[]
#3319 - Update the jOOQ LIMIT .. OFFSET manual page
#3316 - Add RecordContext.recordType() to allow for introspecting record types
when implementing RecordListeners
#3321 - Add support for Oracle's (+) JOIN syntax
#3322 - Add<?>...), insert(Field<?>...),

API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#3126 - Deprecate generated ArrayRecord constructors that take a Configuration
#3127 - Deprecate ArrayRecord.set(Array)
#3128 - Change ArrayRecord.setList(List<? extends E>) into
ArrayRecord.set(Collection<? extends E>)
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#3247 - InsertSetMoreStep must not extend InsertSetStep
Behavioural changes (backwards-incompatible)
-------------------------------------------#3131 - Query.getBindValues() should not return inlined bind values
#3132 - Quoting identifiers that contain "special characters" may lead to
unexpected results when using RenderNameStyle.AS_IS
#3306 - Let Record.key() return a "copy record", instead of a view to the
original record
Bug fixes
--------#2335 - SQL syntax error when projecting two columns of the same name along with
a LIMIT clause in Oracle
#2700 - DAO.insert() and other DAO operations do not respect DEFAULT values
#2973 - should accept wildcard instead of T
#3011 - Routines do not propagate errors raised from T-SQL with sqljdbc_4.0
#3018 - Add <outputSchemaToDefault/> to support "default schemas" during code
#3055 - Add missing MariaDB and MS Access support to the manual
#3057 - Wrong paths in and maven-install.bat
#3060 - Conversion fails for Oracle VARRAY / TABLE types, nested in UDTs
#3069 - jOOQ calls, which is available only in JDBC 4.0 / Java 1.6
#3090 - Bad predicates generated from nullable keys on refresh(), update(),
#3099 - executes INSERT instead of UPDATE when used
with nullable composite primary keys
#3101 - MutablePOJOMapper doesn't work with annotated boolean getters
#3108 - Local Fields' Converters should be preferred over globally registered
#3117 - jOOQ illegally generates covariant setters on UDTRecords and UDT Pojos
when <pojos/> and <interfaces/> are activated
#3119 - Upgrade to JUnit 4.11 and omit using deprecated junit.framework.Assert
in tests
#3120 - Outdated link to Spring TX in the manual
#3122 - Runtime Schema mapping doesn't work for UDT
#3131 - Query.getBindValues() should not return inlined bind values
#3133 - Code generation marks all PostgreSQL Fields as having a default value
#3143 - Bad Javadoc in the package: JSON tools are not
#3147 - Field.sortAsc() and sortDesc() should generate inlined values for sort
#3155 - Improve documentation of <forcedType>'s <types/> element
#3156 - "Column ambiguously defined" when emulating derived column lists with
duplicate column names
#3159 - Replace BoneCP with Apache DBCP in examples and manual
#3161 - Bad XSD version number referenced from jOOQ 3.3 manual
#3162 - NullPointerException when referencing window name that was not declared

#3164 - Missing formatting when rendering formatted MERGE statement's SET clause
#3168 - Bad download link in documentation
#3176 - Don't generate "assignment-constructors" for POJOs and Records with more
than 255 columns
#3179 - PDF manual's white-on-black code sections are hard to read with Kindle
#3183 - Add some clarification to the manual's section about the H2 MERGE
#3186 - Bad SQL rendered for FOR UPDATE clause in Firebird
#3187 - Manual section about Groovy has a couple of Scala references in them
#3191 - ResultQuery.keepStatement(true) doesn't work correctly with
#3194 - Avoid using deprecated Maven mojo descriptor @parameter
#3195 - IN predicate with subquery cannot have LIMIT .. OFFSET clause in Oracle
#3200 - Converter does not work when loading CSV files
#3211 - Dead codegen example POM link in manual
#3214 - Error when inserting PostgreSQL enum array
#3217 - Manual was not updated after fixing #2910
#3218 - Fix the manual and suggest using DSL.field() instead of
#3226 - DefaultConnectionProvider shouldn't use DSL class for DEBUG logging
#3234 - Connection Leak With BatchCRUD operations
#3237 - executes INSERT instead of UPDATE when nullable
primary keys are NULL
#3241 - Cursor.iterator() does not correctly implement contract
with respect to NoSuchElementException
#3244 - InsertQuery.setDefaultValues() is not supported by the ACCESS dialect
#3249 - DSL.selectZero() and DSL.selectOne() should alias column names
#3267 - Misleading DSLContext.batch() Javadoc. It should be clear that an
additional call to execute() is needed.
#3277 - SQLite DECIMAL(p, s) types are not correctly recognised
#3282 - inputSchema / outputSchema codegen configuration has no effect in
Oracle, if inputSchema is lower-cased
#3293 - Bad composite foreign key references generated for H2
#3294 - DSLContext.renderNamedParameters() doesn't replace ?, ? by :1, :2 in
plain SQL QueryParts
#3297 - Bind variables are erroneously inlined into quoted identifiers, if
identifiers contain question marks
#3300 - executes INSERT instead of UPDATE when nullable
primary keys are NULL, and the updatablePrimaryKeys setting is active
#3309 - Don't use "deploy" as Maven <defaultGoal/>
#3328 - Re-create old DefaultConfiguration constructors for backwardscompatibility
#3333 - maven-compiler-plugin configuration in jooq-parent pom file uses the
deprecated compilerArguments parameter
#3342 - Cannot INSERT into tables with Firebird BLOB types
Version 3.3.0 - February 14, 2014
Finally, a new awesome jOOQ release is ready for you to download! The most
important feature first:
The SEEK method
--------------We've been blogging about keyset paging before:

Every SQL developer should have this tool in their toolchain. And now, with
jOOQ 3.3, we natively support a synthetic SQL clause for you to express keyset
paging very easily. jOOQ is the only database software out there to do so!
Gudu Software's SQL 2 jOOQ Parser
--------------------------------We're very happy to announce our collaboration with Gudu Software Ltd who have
implemented a very powerful SQL parser and transformer for enterprise databases.
Together with Gudu Software, we have created an Open Source SQL 2 jOOQ parser
that takes native SQL statements as input and generates jOOQ code as output.
The source code can be found here:
And our manual features a tutorial here:
We will ship, test and maintain this awesome new addition with our own
deliverables. So far, SQL 2 jOOQ supports the MySQL and PostgreSQL dialects and
it is in an alpha stadium. Please, community, provide as much feedback as possib
to make this great tool rock even more!
Please take note of the fact that the sql2jooq library is Open Source, but it de
on the commercial gsp.jar parser, whose trial licensing terms can be seen here:
Great new SQL Feature Support
----------------------------We've been looking around for SQL standard and vendor-specific features, such as
for inserts, and nice datetime arithmetic functions and emulations thereof.
As always, we've also blogged about all these features. See the following links
for more details:
Formal Spring integration support
--------------------------------Spring is one of the most popular frameworks to handle transactions, and it does
so very well. With the help of our community, we've established new standards an

examples of how to get started very quickly with jOOQ and Spring. See the follow
resources for details:
Features and improvements
------------------------#531 - Add support for the WINDOW clause
#845 - Add support for the T-SQL and Oracle 12c CROSS APPLY clause
#846 - Add support for the T-SQL and Oracle 12c OUTER APPLY clause
#1018 - Add support for PostgreSQL and SQL Server non-standard UPDATE .. FROM
#1070 - Add support for SQL Server table-valued functions
#1506 - Allow for inserting empty records through INSERT INTO .. DEFAULT VALUES
#2093 - Add comment functionality from DISQUS to website
#2246 - Add <T> T DSLContext.fetchValue(Select<Record1<T>>) to support more
typesafety when fetching single values
#2576 - Integrate with Travis-CI to run automated builds
#2657 - Add support for ORDER BY .. SEEK .. LIMIT to implement the "seek method"
for faster offsets
#2709 - Add Record[N].value1(xx), value2(xx) setter methods
#2734 - Add support for lateral derived tables
in DB2
#2767 - Add support for CUBRID 9.2 features
#2776 - Add support for the PostgreSQL ONLY clause
#2778 - Add detailed section to the manual about settings.xml
#2779 - Add support for LEFT(), RIGHT() functions
#2780 - Add PostgresDSL.oid(Table<?>) to produce table.oid references
#2784 - Add DSL.row(Collection<?>) to allow for interacting with collections of
values or Fields
#2790 - Add a Context data map scoped to the current subquery
#2801 - Mention licensing options from the manual, add help message to
jOOQ-Codegen when OSS users try using commercial databases
#2805 - Add seekAfter() and seekBefore() to allow for paging in both directions
#2806 - Add ResultQuery.fetchSize() to influence the JDBC Statement's fetch size
#2809 - Add support for MySQL's MID() function, which is a synonym for
#2810 - Add support for the REVERSE() function, where it is supported
#2824 - Log 500 records on TRACE level, instead of just 5
#2828 - Use a default Database for code generation, in the absence of an
explicit database
#2829 - Enhance Loader API to allow for importing JSON data in addition to CSV
#2832 - Add OracleDSL.toChar()
#2838 - Add more sophisticated CustomField example to the manual
#2840 - Add, DSL.time(), and DSL.timestamp() to extract date, time,
timestamp parts from a TIMESTAMP
#2844 - Let JAXB emit more warnings when loading the code generation
#2848 - Add support for infix-notation for bitwise operations
#2851 - Add some documentation to the manual about custom code sections in
generated code
#2853 - Add DSLContext.fetchFromJSON()
#2854 - Add a JAX-RS (with Spring) and jOOQ example to the manual
#2860 - Add manual section about using jOOQ with Groovy
#2876 - Add some Javadoc about the fact that some SQLDialects are available in

commercial distributions only.

#2883 - Add support for PostgreSQL COUNT(DISTINCT(a, b, ...)) through
#2885 - Generated enum values contain extra comma
#2891 - Add a jOOQ / Spring-TX example to GitHub under jOOQ-examples
#2894 - Enable automated CI on github
#2898 - Add DSL.generateSeries(int, Field<Integer>) and (Field<Integer>, int)
#2900 - Overload MockFileDatabase constructor to allow for Readers,
InputStreams, and Strings
#2909 - Improve manual's jOOQ syntax highlighting: Highlight SQL keywords
#2912 - Add convenience methods set(Connection), set(DataSource),
derive(Connection), derive(DataSource) to DefaultConfiguration
#2915 - Log JDBC URL in code generator configuration log
#2921 - Add support for ad-hoc table renaming
#2931 - Add DSLContext.fetchCount(Table<?>) and fetchCount(Table<?>, Condition)
#2932 - Retry loading the GenerationTool configuration file with a / prepended
if it fails
#2933 - Add {Result.into|ResultQuery.fetch}{Map|Group}({Field<?>|Field[]},
RecordMapper<R, E>)
#2944 - Add support for GROUP_CONCAT in SQLite
#2945 - Deprecate the <generateInstanceFields/> code generation flag
#2946 - Add a section to the manual explaining how to programmatically
configure the code generator
#2950 - Add Table.getComment() and Field.getComment() to access comment meta
information from the schema
#2969 - Add support for SQL Server SOUNDEX() and DIFFERENCE() functions
#2970 - Add DSL.isnull() as a synonym for NVL() for the SQL Server dialect
#2971 - Add to support the SQL Server specific SPACE() function
#2976 - Add bookmarks to the PDF manual
#2979 - Add Maven install scripts (.bat and .sh) to deliverables
#2981 - Add an official Spring / Guice example
#2984 - Add <R extends Record> Table<R> table(Result<R>) to allow to fetch
from / join / etc in-memory tables
#2985 - Add DSL.values(RowN...)
#3001 - Add VisitContext.clausesLength() and queryPartsLength() to indicate
the depth of the currently visited QueryPart tree
#3002 - Add the BindVariableAbbreviator VisitListener example to the manual
#3009 - Add DSL.dateAdd(Field<Date>, Field<? extends Number>, DatePart) and
timestampAdd(Field<Timestamp>, Field<? extends Number>, DatePart) for
better cross-database datetime arithmetic
#3015 - Add support for HSQLDB user-defined aggregate functions
#3044 - Integrate SQL 2 jOOQ beta in deliverable
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#2811 - Deprecate ResultQuery.fetchLazy(int) - fetchSize is now passed to
ResultQuery.fetchSize() not only for lazy fetching
#2837 - Deprecate code generation configuration's <expressions/> in favour of
#2878 - Deprecate Record.getValue() and Result.getValue() methods that take a
defaultValue argument
#3007 - Add API guarantee to ResultQuery.fetch() methods indicating that all
JDBC resources are freed
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#2910 - The new matchers configuration cannot be used with Maven
#3038 - Add RecordListener.exception(RecordContext) and

Behavioural changes (backwards-incompatible)

-------------------------------------------#2863 - Remove unnecessarily cached Connection in DataSourceConnectionProvider
Bug fixes
--------#2016 - Bad parsing of MySQL ENUM literals by jooq-meta, if they contain special
#2152 - Invalid column type: 16, when binding null as java.lang.Boolean onto a
NUMBER(..) column in Oracle
#2633 - Fix manual to link to appropriate Javadoc
#2655 - Improve ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 error message when unknown
field is accessed from a record
#2658 - Inefficient emulation of row value expression comparison predicates <,
<=, >, >=. Factor out predicates for improved index usage
#2773 - Confusion of Unix vs Windows style line terminators in source code
#2781 - Disambiguate collisions between enum literals and package names
#2792 - data(Object, Object) methods do not unset the value if null is passed
#2795 - Bad Javadoc on DSLContext.fetchOne(String) method
#2798 - Inconsistent logic executed between Record.setValue(Field<T>, T) and
BookRecord.setId(Integer) (generated)
#2816 - Manual shows wrong DefaultConfiguration constructor call for use with
#2819 - Invalid SQL rendered for Ingres row value expression predicates
#2820 - Invalid SQL rendered for Ingres derived column lists
#2825 - IngresDatabase treats unique keys as primary keys
#2831 - Bad Javadoc formatting on MySQLDSL's and MariaDBDSL's enumType() method
#2835 - and DSLContext.executeInsert() show different
behaviour with respect to NULL value insertion
#2842 - Sybase CAST(? AS LONG VARCHAR) must not contain a length
#2845 - AbstractStoreQuery.prepare() does not apply RenderKeywordStyle when
specifying column names for return after INSERT
#2857 - Unnecessary whitespace rendered in USING() clause
#2858 - Bad example in manual related to stored procedure call
#2864 - Check if ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS exists before using it (e.g. against an
Oracle 9i database)
#2866 - Wrong implementation for check if ALL_COLUMNS.DEFAULTED exists
#2869 - DefaultRecordMapper should attach resulting records according to
Settings.attachRecords, if target type implements Attachable
#2872 - Possible StackOverflowError when using plain SQL tables with inlined
#2879 - An exception in the check constraint loader can cause all constraint
loading to fail
#2881 - Throw IllegalArgumentException when calling SelectQuery.addJoinOnKey()
and addJoinUsing() with bad JoinType
#2887 - jooq-codegen-maven should use a target directory relative to the module
#2913 - Improve code generator compatibility with PostgreSQL 8.x by removing the
#2916 - Improve code generator compatibility with PostgreSQL 8.x by avoiding the
use of window functions
#2917 - Improve code generator compatibility with PostgreSQL 8.x by avoiding
casting to enum types
#2922 - Manual Bug: SQL Builder example does not compile
#2923 - Manual Bug: It is not clear where FK_BOOK_AUTHOR is imported from
#2926 - Add code-generation support for the MySQL / MariaDB TINYTEXT data type
#2937 - Fix trailing whitespaces in generated code
#2942 - Error in the manual: Wrong class linked
#2956 - Field.isFalse() / isTrue() result in extra parameters
#2958 - Error when the code-generation database user has insufficient grants to

read the "mysql" meta schema

#2963 - Lower log level for warnings about unknown SQL data types from
MetaDataFieldProvider (plain SQL)
#2977 - Missing parent pom.xml file in deliverables
#2982 - Variable binding doesn't work in vendor-specific UPDATE t1 JOIN t2
queries, when joined tables are subqueries with bind values
#2987 - Bind values are not debug-logged for standalone stored procedure or
function calls
#2989 - Inherit complete Record state when calling Record.into(Class<? extends
#2994 - Manual Bug: The jOOQ 2.x Table.getFields() method is used, which doesn't
#3013 - The Configuration's RecordMapperProvider is not used when mapping
#3019 - Bad SQL rendered from HSQLDBDatabase when loading check constraints
#3023 - DefaultRecordMapper does not map nested UDTs onto nested POJOs
#3027 - Missing whitespace / newline on emulated multi-value INSERT
#3036 - RecordListeners don't receive "end" events when exceptions occur
#3039 - Cannot bind NULL with JDBC Types.BOOLEAN in DB2
#3046 - UDTRecordImpl.toString() may throw NullPointerException, if custom
RecordMapperProvider maps Record to null
#3048 - Nested UDTs are no longer attached when fetched from queries (as opposed
to procedures)
#3050 - DefaultRecordMapperProvider should implement Serializable
Version 3.2.0 - October 9, 2013
With the new jOOQ 3.2, apart from introducing great new features, we are
changing quite a few things on how we operate. At Data Geekery GmbH, we believe
in Open Source. But we also believe in the creative power enabled by commercial
software. This is why we have chosen to implement a dual-licensing strategy.
Read more about this strategy here:
But jOOQ 3.2 also ships with great new features! They include:
A new RecordListener SPI which can be hooked into the Configuration in order to
control ActiveRecord lifecycle events. This is very useful if you want to
initialise some database records prior to inserting new data, or if you want to
implement a central ID generation strategy, e.g. by generating Java UUIDs.
A new, experimental VisitListener SPI which can be hooked into the Configuration
in order to control jOOQ's complete QueryPart rendering and variable binding
lifecycle. Use this powerful SPI to perform custom SQL transformation, e.g. to
implement shared-schema multi-tenancy, or a security layer centrally preventing
access to certain data.
With this release, the Oracle and DB2 SQL dialect families will now be able to
distinguish Oracle 10g, 11g, 12c features, as well as DB2 9.x, 10.x features.
This is important as more and more databases start supporting the SQL standard
OFFSET .. FETCH clause and other clauses that are emulated by jOOQ.
The code generator has experienced a lot of improvements, mainly including a new
MatcherStrategy, which can be configured through Maven or XML code generator
configurations. This generator strategy will allow you to implement several
regular-expression based naming pattern replacements for all sorts of generated

artefacts. This is extremely useful to generate table, record, pojo class name
prefixes, suffixes in particular, or to just completely redesign the way the
jOOQ code generator generates things.
Features and improvements
------------------------#674 - Add <fluentSetters/> code generation flag to let generated setters
return this
#996 - Add support for various Postgres ARRAY operations
#1079 - Add support for Oracle's FLASHBACK QUERY clause
#1171 - Add a MatcherStrategy GeneratorStrategy to allow for configurative regex
pattern matching and replacement
#1644 - Add DSL.dual() to explicitly create a DUAL table that works with any
#1903 - Duplicate Query construction API between DSLContext and DSL
#2010 - Add listener API to Record / UpdatableRecord
#2352 - Enhance <ForcedType/> to allow for forcing a type upon all columns /
parameters / attributes of a given data type
#2542 - Add a Keyword type and DSL.keyword(String) to construct it
#2593 - Add Meta.getPrimaryKeys()
#2594 - Add primary key and foreign key navigation support in JDBCDatabase
#2595 - Add implicit conversions from Scala functions to RecordMapper
#2603 - Add <includeExcludeColumns/> flag to code generation configuration to
indicate that <includes/> and <excludes/> shall also match column names
#2606 - Distinguish ORACLE10G, ORACLE11G, ORACLE12C SQLDialects within the
ORACLE family
#2618 - Document the fact that different packages are generated for different
#2619 - Add an example ExecuteListener to the manual, showing how UPDATE and
DELETE statements without WHERE clause can be aborted
#2630 - Add DSL.queryPart(String, Object...) and similar methods to create
simple plain SQL query parts
#2652 - Change tutorial to use the common AUTHOR table, instead of POSTS
#2660 - Add some documentation about jOOQ not supporting operator precedence
#2665 - Implement SPI for RenderContext listening to allow for custom SQL
#2666 - Pull up RenderContext.sql(QueryPart) and BindContext.bind(QueryPart) to
#2667 - Add org.jooq.Clause and let org.jooq.Context listen on start(Clause) and
end(Clause) events
#2676 - Add QueryPartInternal.clause() to allow for QueryParts to return Clause
information to org.jooq.Context
#2689 - Expose a DAO's internal RecordMapper through DAO.mapper()
#2696 - Provide default implementation for CustomQueryPart.bind() (for all
Custom QueryParts)
#2699 - Generate DEFAULT and NULL metadata information on generated DataTypes
#2701 - Document the fact that jOOQ sets changed flags to true, even if
Record.setValue() sets the value already present in the record
#2702 - Add DataType.defaulted() and DataType.nullable()
#2706 - Generate "full" constructors in records, allowing to construct a record
with all values set
#2713 - Add support for custom code sections in generated code
#2722 - Add DSLContext.newRecord(Field<?>...) to support the creation of custom
record types
#2723 - Add example VisitListener implementation that prevents UPDATE, DELETE
statement execution without explicit WHERE clause
#2724 - The default logger should log the number of affected records, if
#2725 - Add ExecuteContext.rows() to indicate the number of affected rows in the
last executed statement


Add Attachable.detach()
Emulate IS DISTINCT FROM through IS / IS NOT in SQLite
Add the default log4j.xml configuration file to the maven plugin
Generate default constructor and "assignment-constructor" in POJOs
Add support for DB2 10.5
Add some documentation to the manual showing how GeneratorStrategy SPI
is used by jOOQ-codegen
#2764 - Let CRUD operations be able to perform UPDATEs on primary keys
#2765 - Add support for a database-agnostic GENERATE_SERIES(FROM, TO) table
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#2581 - Deprecate fetchLater() and FutureResult<R>
#2662 - Deprecate the internal method
DSLContext.bind(QueryPart, PreparedStatement)
#2719 - Change various method(Collection<SortField<?>>) into
method(Collection<? extends SortField<?>>)
Bug fixes
--------#1908 - Compilation error in generated code when a MySQL procedure and function
share the same name and signature
#2534 - Correctly handle Oracle BLOB and CLOB data types, when fetched through
plain SQL
#2580 - Bad SQL rendered when combining DISTINCT with LIMIT .. OFFSET in DB2,
SQL Server
#2584 - ORA-00904: "SYS"."ALL_PROCEDURES"."OBJECT_TYPE": invalid identifier when
running code generation with Oracle 10gR1
#2586 - Bad SQL dialect referenced from ASE's and CUBRID's
#2591 - Result.intoGroups() and similar methods create key Records with
#2592 - Qualified names created using should not render null
or empty string parts
#2596 - Scala tests don't run with Maven
#2597 - f1.concat(f2).toString() seems to render unnecessary cast expression
#2608 - Error in code generator when the sqlite_sequence table is missing
#2613 - The batch INSERT query example in the manual is no longer correct with
jOOQ 3.x
#2624 - Wrong SQL Server 2012 detection in jOOQ-Meta
#2628 - Add missing Javadoc to DefaultDSLContext
#2634 - Minor documentation bug: The MockDataProvider uses toLowerCase() but
upper-case SQL keywords
#2643 - Routine.execute(Configuration) should restore the original routine state
after execution
#2681 - "Type NULL is not supported in dialect MYSQL" when calling
Meta.getTables() with MySQL or MariaDB JDBC drivers
#2690 - Inaccurate runtime xsd versions in 3.1 manual
#2703 - SQLDialect.getNameLC() and getNameUC() are not NPE-safe
#2707 - PostgreSQL ENUM ordering is inconsistent with the database
#2708 - Wrong SQL rendered for CAST(x AS DECIMAL(y, z)). Precision and scale are
#2712 - Field.equalIgnoreCase(String) method broken for SQL Server
#2714 - Documentation bug in INSERT statements. Cannot combine Field<?> with
String arguments in VALUES() clause
#2717 - DefaultResultSet compile-time depends on Java 1.7 / JDBC 4.1
#2718 - NullPointerException in code generator when a primary key (or foreign
key) column is excluded from code generation
#2720 - Fix the manual's claim that <includes/> accepts comma-separated regular

#2730 - Immutable Pojo+Interface code generation produces uncompilable pojo

#2736 - Improve code generator compatibility with PostgreSQL 8.x by testing if
pg_catalog.pg_enum and information_schema.attributes exist
#2753 - DATE_DIFF() with CURRENT_DATE() returns wrong precision in Oracle
#2755 - Incomplete @Support annotations on OrderedAggregateFunction methods
#2758 - Duplicate primary key column references generated for DB2
#2759 - DSLContext.fetchCount() fails when argument SELECT statement does not
explicitly provide column names in SQL Server
#2760 - org.jooq.Meta should treat MySQL databases as Schema, not as Catalog
#2766 - Javadoc typo on DSLContext.batchDelete()
Version 3.1.0 - June 30, 2013
With this release, MariaDB is now finally officially supported by jOOQ! MariaDB
is a MySQL fork, which currently has a very similar feature set as its parent.
As such forks tend to evolve into different directions very quickly, it makes
sense to add formal support in jOOQ.
SQL Server 2012 is another SQL dialect that is now officially supported in jOOQ,
allowing to make use of the newly supported ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and similar
windowing clauses, as well as the long awaited OFFSET .. FETCH clause. From now
on, jOOQ allows to define a super-set of SQL dialects by the
same vendors with only subtle differences.
POJO mapping is taken to the next level. jOOQ opened up its internal
DefaultRecordMapper providing useful Record to POJO mapping algorithms. But your
custom domain model might be more complex. Instead of creating the next
impedance mismatch, trying to foresee your own mapping algorithm needs, jOOQ
allows you to inject a RecordMapperProvider into your Configuration, allowing to
override record mapping with arbitrary behaviour.
This minor release is also a strong step forward towards a more unified SQL
experience, where row value expression IN predicates and comparison predicates
are simulated with an equivalent EXISTS predicate. See this blog post for more
Note, that for technical reasons, jOOQ 3.0.0 could not yet be integration
tested with DB2, Ingres, and Sybase ASE. Consider using jOOQ 2.6, instead
Features and improvements
------------------------#552 - Add to group several SQLDialect versions of the same
#742 - Improve MySQL Stored Procedure support using MySQL 5.5's
#833 - Add integration tests for both jconn3 and jTDS JDBC drivers for Sybase
and SQL Server
#963 - Map SQL Server TINYINT to UByte
#965 - Add support for Sybase SQL Anywhere unsigned number types
#1373 - Add <T> Field<T> DSL.coerce(Field<?>, DataType<T>) and similar methods,
to coerce a field to a given data type (as opposed to casting it)
#1836 - Document using jOOQ with Spring for transaction support
#1885 - Add test to count opening and closing of Statements and ResultSets by
#2022 - Add support for SQL Server 2012 windowing clauses in window functions
#2058 - Add support for the MariaDB database
#2095 - Document <forcedType/>'s feature of forcing a column onto a SQL type

#2235 - Add Result<?> DSLContext.fetchFromTXT() to allow for loading results

that were exported using Result.format()
#2236 - Add DSLContext.batch(String...) and batch(String, Object[]...) to easily
create batch statements from SQL strings
#2291 - Add DSLContext.fetchAny(Table, Condition) method and others
#2299 - Allow for setting ResultSet flags (e.g.
ResultQuery.resultSetConcurrency(), resultSetType(),
#2310 - Add DSL.using(Connection) and DSL.using(Connection, Settings) which
auto-detect the SQLDialect from the jdbc url
#2311 - Add Configuration.recordMapperProvider() to override jOOQ's internal
default ReflectionMapper
#2339 - Support CUBRID 9.1's new features
#2344 - Add a new ControlFlowSignal that is used to explicitly jump out of a
control flow
#2355 - Add support for Postgres / HSQLDB's TRUNCATE [...] RESTART / CONTINUE
#2357 - Add support for Postgres' TRUNCATE [...] CASCADE statement
#2395 - Simulate row value expression IN predicate using EXISTS
#2414 - Add Setting to influence parameter rendering (indexed, named, inlined)
#2416 - Add Result.intoXML(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler) to generate a SAX event
stream from a jOOQ result
#2423 - Add support for SQL Server 2012 native OFFSET .. FETCH clause
#2424 - Integration-test jOOQ with the SQLite xerial driver
#2426 - Add DSLContext.batch(Query, Object[]...) as a convenience for calling
#2427 - Add more Javadoc to ResultQuery.fetchResultSet() explaining that
underlying PreparedStatements are closed with ResultSet.close()
#2428 - Simulate row value expression comparison predicates using EXISTS
#2430 - Add CustomQueryPart for use with plain SQL and other places
#2434 - Add, Select) and,
QuantifiedSelect) to allow for more dynamic SQL
#2437 - Add RenderContext.paramType() and deprecate RenderContext.inline() and
#2440 - Expose the DataSource contained in the DataSourceConnectionProvider
#2441 - Add DSL.cast(Field<?>, XXX) for increased API consistency
#2446 - Add JDBCUtils.dialect(Connection) to "guess" the jOOQ SQLDialect from a
JDBC Connection
#2466 - Add a public DefaultDSLContext implementation that can be used by users
to override the default behaviour
#2485 - Allow for treating Field<Boolean> as Condition
#2496 - Add support for SQL Server 2012 sequences
#2499 - Add JDBCUtils.safeClose(Connection)
#2509 - Expose CHECK constraints in jOOQ-meta
#2519 - Add Record.from(Object, Field<?>...) from(Object, String...),
from(Object, int...) to copy only a select set of values from a POJO,
Array, Map
#2521 - Add {Row|Record}.fields(Field<?>...), {Row|Record}.fields(String...),
{Row|Record}.fields(int...) to extract Field<?>[] from a row or record
#2527 - Add to provide a default ResultSet
delegation implementation
#2531 - Add integration tests mapping binary(16) to java.util.UUID
#2532 - Let batch executions debug-log executed queries
#2535 - Convert.convert(Object, Class) should support simple casting
#2547 - Document some SQL language to jOOQ DSL API mapping rules in the manual
#2566 - Upgrade integration test jTDS version to 1.3.1
#2571 - Add a new RecordType<R extends Record> type to make up for the missing
recursive type definition on Record

API changes (backwards-incompatible)

-----------------------------------#2468 - API bug: MergeNotMatchedSetStep.set(Field, Select) returns
MergeMatchedSetMoreStep instead of MergeNotMatchedSetMoreStep
Bug fixes
--------#1520 - Handle Ingres', SQLite, SQL Server's, Sybase ASE's limitations of 1024,
999, 2100 or 2000 maximum bind values per query
#2135 - Postgres ENUM data type isn't supported correctly, if the ENUM needs
full qualification
#2323 - NullPointerException when calling Schema.getTables() on a meta schema
with SQLite
#2401 - Bad package name generated when <packageName/> contents are not trimmed
#2404 - Cannot combine <dateAsTimestamp/> with <forcedType/> if both match
#2412 - jOOQ Meta does not recognise non-uppercase IN, OUT, INOUT keywords in
MySQL stored procedures
#2413 - Suppress warnings in generated code (@SuppressWarnings("all") doesn't
suppress "rawtypes" warnings with javac)
#2418 - is not passed on to QueryParts when being rendered
#2422 - Upgrade RSyntaxTextArea to 2.0.7
#2432 - Manual refers to a package-private DefaultConfiguration constructor
#2443 - AbstractStoreQuery.execute() doesn't correctly operate on the
Configuration's ConnectionProvider in SQLite IDENTITY fetching queries
#2445 - JDBCDatabase doesn't recognise Oracle's VARCHAR2 data type (and other
vendor-specific data types)
#2447 - Tables collected through DSLContext.meta() return duplicate columns if
multi-schema environments contain identical tables
#2449 - JDBCDatabase doesn't use DataType.length(), precision(), and scale()
#2450 - Cannot set precision on TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT data types
#2461 - Generator Encoding Error for Database-Objects with Unicode-Names
#2464 - Bad SQL rendered from DELETE statements with aliased tables
#2469 - NullPointerException in AbstractResultQuery.fetchOneMap()
#2477 - MySQL's unsigned types cannot be used in other dialects
#2478 - IngresDatabase erroneously joins IIINDEXES to get constraint columns,
rather than using IIKEYS
#2494 - Possible null pointer passed to ConnectionProvider.release()
#2502 - Code generation fails to generate valid java for stored procedures that
accept parameters named configuration.
#2506 - SQLDialectNotSupportedException on DSL.inline(T, Class), when jOOQ's
internals are not (yet) properly initialised
#2515 - Compilation errors when generating code for artefacts that differ only
by a trailing underscore(s): A and A_ and A__
#2523 - Statement.close() may be called upon previously closed statements
#2528 - Combining renderFormatted with inlined bind variables will change bind$
values when they contain newlines
#2562 - Bad SQLDialect reference in Oracle and MySQL
#2569 - Error when rendering SQL Server procedures with Settings.renderSchema
== false
Version 3.0.0 - April 28, 2013
This major release is a great move towards better integration of SQL as a
language in Java. Unlike any other database abstraction framework, jOOQ now
formally supports the notion of "row value expressions". The jOOQ API uses
Xtend-generated API types from Row1 .. Row22, as well as Record1 .. Record22 to
bring you even more compile-time typesafety on a record-level.
In SQL, you can typesafely write

<pre class="prettyprint lang-sql">

SELECT * FROM t WHERE (t.a, t.b) = (1, 2)
SELECT * FROM t WHERE (t.a, t.b) OVERLAPS (date1, date2)
SELECT * FROM t WHERE (t.a, t.b) IN (SELECT x, y FROM t2)
UPDATE t SET (a, b) = (SELECT x, y FROM t2 WHERE ...)
INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES (1, 2)
In jOOQ, you can now (also typesafely!) write
<pre class="prettyprint lang-java">
select().from(t).where(row(t.a, t.b).eq(1, 2));
// Type-check here: -----------------> ^^^^
select().from(t).where(row(t.a, t.b).overlaps(date1, date2));
// Type-check here: ------------------------> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
select().from(t).where(row(t.a, t.b).in(select(t2.x, t2.y).from(t2)));
// Type-check here: -------------------------> ^^^^^^^^^^
update(t).set(row(t.a, t.b), select(t2.x, t2.y).where(...));
// Type-check here: --------------> ^^^^^^^^^^
insertInto(t, t.a, t.b).values(1, 2);
// Type-check here: ---------> ^^^^
This also applies for existing API, which doesn't involve row value expressions:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-java">
// Type-check here: ---------------> ^^^^
// Type-check here: -------------------> ^^^^
// Type-check here: ---------------> ^^^^
And for UNIONs
<pre class="prettyprint lang-java">
select(t1.a, t1.b).from(t1).union(select(t2.a, t2.b).from(t2));
// Type-check here: -------------------> ^^^^^^^^^^
These type-checks are preformed by your Java compiler, considering the generic
type information of your SQL statement's Record data types. These include:

Record2<T1, T2>
Record3<T1, T2, T3>
Record22<T1, T2, T3, .., T22>

The highest degree of typesafety was chosen to be 22, to match Scala's Tuple22,
Product22 and Function22 types. Higher degree records are still supported by
jOOQ, just without the additional typesafety.
This Record typesafety is applied to
- SELECT statements
- INSERT and MERGE statements: the VALUES() clause
- UPDATE statements: SET A = (SELECT...)

UPDATE statements with row value expressions: SET (A, B) = (SELECT...)

Quantified comparison predicates: ANY(SELECT...) and ALL(SELECT...)
Comparison predicates: = (SELECT...)
IN predicates: IN (SELECT...)
Generated records
The new VALUES() constructor
Scala integration for conversion of jOOQ Record[N] to Scala's Tuple[N]

Apart from this major improvement, there had been many minor changes throughout
the jOOQ API. Here are some important ones:
- Factory has been split into DSL (static QueryPart construction) and
DSLContext (Query execution, "attached" QueryPart construction). This greatly
improves the overall DSL experience while allowing for more fine-grained
Executor lifecycle control.
- A ConnectionProvider has been introduced as an abstraction of the JDBC
Connection lifecycle. The standalone Connection and pooled DataSource modes
are still supported, but you can now inject your own ConnectionProvider for
more control.
- A lot of performance improvements have been implemented within the jOOQ API
removing most of the overhead caused by jOOQ when fetching data from JDBC
- A JDBC Mock API has been added to help you create simple unit tests for your
application built on top of jOOQ.
- A VALUES() constructor is now supported, and derived column lists to alias
tables and columns in one go.
- The data type API has been greatly simplified. This allowed for the
introduction of runtime precision, scale, and length information.
- CRUD has been improved through many more CRUD batch operations, explicit
INSERT and UPDATE (in addition to store()), and explicit handling of jOOQ's
internal changed flags.
As this is a major release, some backwards-incompatibilities were inevitable.
For those users among you, migrating from jOOQ 2.x to 3.0, here are a couple of
useful hints:
Note, that for technical reasons, jOOQ 3.0.0 could not yet be integration
tested with DB2, Ingres, and Sybase ASE. Consider using jOOQ 2.6, instead
Note, that further code generation and model API improvements were postponed to
a later release
Note, previous release candidates contained more features, improvements and bug
fixes. See their respective sections for details.
Features and improvements
------------------------#2410 - Add some more API usage examples to the section about ResultSet fetching
#2415 - Add Constants.MINOR_VERSION and Constants.FULL_VERSION for internal and
external reuse
Bug fixes
--------#1998 - Wrong screenshots in the manual's section about code generation.
jooq-meta.jar is missing
#2407 - Fix bad references to pre-3.0 Factory in Javadoc
Version 3.0.0 (RC3) - April 12, 2013

This major release is a great move towards better integration of SQL as a

language in Java. Unlike any other database abstraction framework, jOOQ now
formally supports the notion of "row value expressions". The jOOQ API uses
Xtend-generated API types from Row1 .. Row22, as well as Record1 .. Record22 to
bring you even more compile-time typesafety on a record-level.
See release 3.0.0 for more information.
Features and improvements
------------------------#2195 - Remove the standalone tutorial, link to the manual
#2321 - Implement various Key.toString() methods
#2329 - Add Javadoc to Configuration.executeListenerProviders()
#2331 - Add hint to the manual about mvn eclipse:clean and eclipse:eclipse when
building jOOQ
#2363 - Change the readme file to use Markdown
#2366 - Add org.jooq.util.example package to jOOQ-codegen with some example
#2372 - Add aliases for arithmetic operators to be able to use Groovy default
operator overloading
#2389 - Make org.jooq.impl.DefaultConfiguration public
#2392 - Add Configuration.set() methods. They should allow for modifying a
#2396 - Add DSL.function(Name, Class, Field...) and
DSL.function(Name, DataType, Field...) to allow for custom,
fully-qualified function references
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#2378 - Allow for overriding getIdentity() and getReferences() in CustomTable
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#2328 - Remove UpdatableTable marker interface, pulling up methods to Table
#2342 - Change to return Map<Object, Object>
#2343 - Decouple lifecycle of Configuration and ExecuteContext
#2350 - Do not statically reference a Connection from GenerationTool
#2353 - Decouple org.jooq.Context from Configuration. Choose composition over
#2362 - Decouple org.jooq.DSLContext from Configuration. Choose composition over
#2379 - Replace 3.0-RC1 Executor type by a contextual DSL type constructed from
#2380 - Rename org.jooq.impl.Factory to org.jooq.impl.DSL
#2382 - Let DAO reference a Configuration instead of a DSLContext
#2388 - Replace Configuration's List<ExecuteListener> with
ExecuteListenerProvider[] to simplify correct and thread-safe client
#2390 - Change Configuration API to reflect jOOQ-style getter / setter naming
#2391 - Rename dialect-specific Factories [Dialect]Factory to [Dialect]DSL
#2399 - Remove support for the USE statement
Behaviour changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------------#2351 - Relax ConnectionProvider contract, allowing acquire() to return new
Connections even before release() is called
Bug fixes

#1868 - Cursor.close() doesn't terminate the ExecuteListener life cycle

#2325 - "HsqlException: incompatible data type in conversion" when binding a
UUID[] to an HSQLDB prepared statement
#2327 - Compilation error in generated tables, when a table contains a UNIQUE
key but no PRIMARY key
#2332 - Documentation example regarding DSL.concat() does not compile
#2336 - jOOQ 3.0 regression: NoClassDefFoundError caused by missing log4j
#2338 - Tutorial example unclear: There are three artefacts in Maven, not one
#2346 - org.jooq.Meta's generated Schema and other objects are Serializable, but
their enclosed Meta instance is not
#2347 - Let equals() implementations succeed early on identity
#2354 - Single page manual display errors on Firefox
#2361 - Inaccurate Configuration Javadoc explaining wrong ExecuteListener
#2367 - SQLite identifiers that collide with keywords should be quoted
#2381 - Do not add TableFieldImpl to table in constructor of TableFieldImpl
#2385 - fetchOne() and fetchLazy() don't terminate the ExecuteListener life
cycle when an exception occurs
#2393 - Fully qualified name not used for user-defined aggregate function
Version 3.0.0 (RC2) - March 8, 2013
This major release is a great move towards better integration of SQL as a
language in Java. Unlike any other database abstraction framework, jOOQ now
formally supports the notion of "row value expressions". The jOOQ API uses
Xtend-generated API types from Row1 .. Row22, as well as Record1 .. Record22 to
bring you even more compile-time typesafety on a record-level.
See subsequent release candidates or release 3.0.0 for more information.
Features and improvements
------------------------#2200 - Add Executor.fetchCount(Select<?>) and Select.fetchCount() to replace
the projection by a COUNT(*) query
#2244 - Add section to the manual indicating that the jOOQ generator can only
handle schemas of a certain size
#2255 - Add code generation option to avoid the generation of "global object
#2257 - Add List<IdentityDefinition> Database.getIdentities(SchemaDefinition)
for convenience to jooq-meta
#2258 - Restore private and deprecated versions of the Factory constructors,
adding some Javadoc about the changes between jOOQ 2.x and 3.0
#2270 - Add section to the manual indicating how to build jOOQ with Maven
#2272 - Add a paragraph to the manual's preface, explaining "why not just use
#2281 - Add Result<Record> Executor.fetchFromStringData(List<String[]>) in order
to reuse logic from fetchFromCSV
#2285 - Add more verbosity to the code generator, when configured badly
#2290 - Add Database.getUniqueKeys() and getForeignKeys to jOOQ-meta
#2297 - Add section to the manual indicating how the various generator flags
depend on each other
#2308 - Do not generate "final",, etc.
Bug fixes
--------#2212 - "code size too large" in generated SchemaImpl, when the number of tables
exceeds 15k
#2238 - Code generation runs extremely slow for large schemas (Inefficient

DefaultRelations.getUniqueKeys() and getForeignKeys() methods)

#2239 - Code generation runs extremely slow for large schemas (Inefficient
AbstractDatabase.filterSchema() methods)
#2252 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, when rendering plain SQL that is
terminated by a comment
#2259 - RenderMapping has no effect, if not supplied to the Executor constructor
#2262 - RenderSchema has no effect, if not supplied to the Executor constructor
#2267 - SQLDialectNotSupportedException: Type class org.postgis.PGgeometry is
not supported in dialect null, when binding PG* objects
#2271 - jOOQ Unit tests fail when not run in CET / CEST
#2273 - Tutorial bug, referencing wrong Maven dependency. jOOQ 3.0.0 is not yet
released, only RC1
#2276 - Wrong MockDataProvider manual example
#2278 - Postgres (UUID and other) ARRAY types aren't correctly inlined as string
#2279 - UUIDs aren't correctly deserialised from Postgres UDTs
#2280 - Improve supported formats for MockFileDatabase
#2283 - Class loading issues in GenerationTool when called by Gradle
#2294 - Compilation errors when code generator is configured with
<daos>true</daos> and <relations>false</relations>
#2298 - Suppress warnings in generated code (@SuppressWarnings("all") doesn't
work with javac)
#2312 - Annotate org.jooq.Support with java.lang.annotation.Documented to make
it part of the public API (in Javadoc)
#2314 - Outdated GenerationTool Javadoc
Version 3.0.0 (RC1) - February 16, 2013
This major release is a great move towards better integration of SQL as a
language in Java. Unlike any other database abstraction framework, jOOQ now
formally supports the notion of "row value expressions". The jOOQ API uses
Xtend-generated API types from Row1 .. Row22, as well as Record1 .. Record22 to
bring you even more compile-time typesafety on a record-level.
See subsequent release candidates or release 3.0.0 for more information.
Features and improvements
------------------------#456 - Add runtime support for PRECISION, SCALE, and LENGTH attributes
#834 - Add support for the Firebird / Postgres UPDATE .. RETURNING clause
#915 - Add <T1, T2, ..., T[N]> Table<Record[N]<T1, T2, ..., T[N]>>
Factory.values(Row[N]<T1, T2, ..., T[N]>...), to create ad-hoc tables
from data
#1038 - Introduce new type GroupField for cube(), rollup() and groupingSets()
functions. Accept only GroupField... in groupBy() clauses
#1097 - Add org.jooq.Catalog, a type modelling an entity combining several
#1144 - Overload Executor.fetch[One|Lazy](ResultSet, X...) with X being
Field<?>, DataType<?>, Class<?>
#1178 - Allow for treating Condition as Field<Boolean>
#1583 - Add support for row value expressions in UPDATE statements: UPDATE ..
SET (A, B, C) = (SELECT X, Y, Z)
#1624 - Add support for java.util.UUID as a <T> type
#1663 - Document RenderContext and make it part of the public API
#1686 - Add UpdatableRecord.insert() and update()
#1689 - Generate <E> E into(E) and <E> R from(E) methods to generated records
#1690 - Add UpdatableRecord.key() returning a Record holding PK values
#1695 - Add Factory.all() and Factory.any() to create quantified expressions
#1703 - Add Executor.batchDelete(UpdatableRecord<?>...) to mass-delete a set of

#1801 - Add, String...) to allow for creating a table aliases
(correlation names) with derived column lists
#1874 - Add Record1, Record2, ... Record[N] similar to Row1, Row2, ... Row[N] to
support record type-safety
#1897 - Add a section to the manual about the migration to jOOQ 3.0
#1899 - Make some JDBC-related utility methods publicly available in
#1902 - Duplicate SELECT API between Executor and Factory
#1904 - Add Executor.fetch(ResultQuery), Executor.execute(Query), and similar
#1905 - Add Row[N].equal(Select<? extends Record[N]>) and similar methods
#1906 - Use Xtend to generate Row[N], Record[N] and other [N]-related API code
#1914 - Document the fact that SELECT * is performed by leaving the SELECT list
#1917 - Add support for CUBRID 9.0's window functions and MERGE statement
#1918 - Let generated Records implement Record[N] if applicable
#1919 - Support higher degrees of Row[N] and Record[N] types. Match Scala's max
degree of 22
#1920 - Add more implicit defs in order to treat Record[N] as Scala's Tuple[N]
#1923 - Add Record.intoResultSet() to create a single-record JDBC ResultSet from
a Record
#1924 - Add support for CUBRID 9.0's ENUM data type
#1932 - Generate Javadocs for Table constructors
#1934 - Improve generated Record Javadoc
#1951 - Add support for the SQL Server WITH (...) table hints
#1966 - Add Row[N].equal(Record[N]) and similar convenience methods
#1967 - Document using MySQL's SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS as an Oracle hint
#1968 - Add org.jooq.Meta returned from Executor.meta() to return a wrapped JDBC
DatabaseMetaData object
#1972 - Move MySQLFactory.md5() to Factory and simulate it for Oracle
#1973 - Add Executor.fetchOne(ResultSet)
#1975 - Add Result.sort{Asc|Desc}(int) and (String) to order by field index /
#1981 - Add support for DB2 CGTT and MQT
#1983 - Improve the Javadoc on and to hint at
case-sensitivity and RenderNameStyle
#1984 - Add ResultQuery.fetchOneInto()
#1986 - Add Record.fromMap() as the inverse operation of Record.intoMap()
#1987 - Allow for reading data from arrays, Maps through Record.from()
#1988 - Add Record.fromArray() as the inverse operation of Record.intoArray()
#1989 - Add Record.changed(Field<?>), changed(int), changed(String) to check
whether a single field's value has changed
#1990 - Add <T> T Record.original(Field<T>), original(int), original(String) to
get a Field's original value
#1991 - Reflect changed flag in Result.toString() (and thus also
#1999 - Add Record.changed(boolean) changed(Field<?>, boolean)
changed(int, boolean) changed(String, boolean) as setters for the
changed flag
#2000 - Add Record.reset(), reset(Field<?>), reset(int), reset(String) to
restore original values in a record
#2008 - Add elementFormDefault="qualified" to XSD specifications to allow for
XML validation of jOOQ configuration files
#2020 - Let org.jooq.ExecuteListener extend java.util.EventListener
#2021 - Add UpdatableRecord.refresh(Field<?>...) to allow for refreshing a
subset of the Record's values
#2027 - Document semantic versioning rules as understood by jOOQ
#2028 - Add Batch.size() to indicate the number of queries that will be executed

by a batch operation
#2030 - Add reusable wrapper types for JDBC Connection, Statement, ResultSet,
#2044 - Add various TableRecord.fetchParent(...), fetchChild(...) and
fetchChildren(...) methods to follow foreign key relationships
#2049 - Add gt() / ge() / lt() / le() to Row[N] types
#2052 - Add [not]Between[Symmetric]() to Row[N] types
#2053 - Add is[Not]Null() to Row[N] types
#2066 - Add Executor.extractBindValues(QueryPart), extractParams(QueryPart) to
extract bind values in the context of an Executor (i.e. Configuration)
#2072 - Let UDTRecordImpl and ArrayRecordImpl.toString() return a valid
constructor expression
#2078 - Add Postgres to @Support annotation of SelectForUpdateWaitStep.wait()
#2079 - Support generation of bean validation annotations on records and
#2089 - Generate an "empty" DefaultSchema for those databases that do not have
any schema (CUBRID, Firebird, SQLite)
#2094 - Add unit tests for
#2107 - Let Record implement Comparable
#2111 - Improve org.jooq.Record Javadoc, to explain the various Record subtypes
#2112 - Add Row.types() and Row.dataTypes() as a convenience
#2113 - Document Record.hashCode() and equals() through Javadoc
#2133 - Allow for mapping <outputSchema/> to "" (empty) in order to avoid the
generation of a schema
#2156 - Add Row.type(int), type(String), dataType(int), dataType(String) for
#2158 - Add Executor.fetchLazy(Table) and fetchLazy(Table, Condition) for
#2159 - Let ExecuteListener extend Serializable
#2160 - Add Executor.batchUpdate(UpdatableRecord<?>...) to mass-update a set of
#2161 - Add Executor.batchInsert(UpdatableRecord<?>...) to mass-insert a set of
#2162 - Add some more Javadoc to JooqLogger
#2170 - Add 0.0 and 1.0 to Convert.FALSE_VALUES and Convert.TRUE_VALUES
#2171 - Allow for converting booleans to numbers through
TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0
#2172 - Add <T> set(Field<T>, Select<? extends Record1<T>>) methods to UPDATE,
MERGE and INSERT statements
#2176 - Add hint in code generation, when an unsupported, old database version
is being used (e.g. MS SQL Server 2000)
#2177 - Add ResultQuery.intern() and Result.intern() for string interning in
result sets
#2179 - Add Javadoc to QueryPart.hashCode() and equals()
#2199 - Allow for INSERT and UPDATE of pre-existing records through
SET [ Record ] clauses
#2202 - Add Mock JDBC objects for unit testing with jOOQ
#2203 - Add and as a convenience to
apply runtime schema mapping
#2204 - Add BatchBindStep.bind(Object[][]) to bind lots of bind values at a time
#2205 - Add <R> Result<R> Executor.newResult(Table<R>) to generate custom
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1309 - Let Factory.val() return Param<T> instead of Field<T>
#2031 - Change union(Select<R>) and similar methods to
union(Select<? extends R>)
#2157 - Change the bounds of various <H extends RecordHandler<R>> H
fetchInto(H handler) methods to RecordHandler<? super R>

#2197 - Relax bounds on Factory.groupingSets(Collection<Field<?>>...) to

Collection<? extends Field<?>>...
#2206 - Relax bounds of R on Executor.newRecord() from TableRecord<R> to Record
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#1118 - Remove support for the code generation ant task
#1254 - Move contents to org.jooq.types (along with the
#1374 - Relax usage of generic <? extends T>. Replace by <T> where data types
are involved.
#1533 - Extract Executor API from Factory. Let Factory contain only static
QueryPart factory methods
#1549 - Externalise connection lifecycle through new ConnectionProvider
#1649 - Remove support for code generation from pre-jOOQ 2.0 .properties file
#1740 - Remove support for generated master data enums
#1875 - Add generic <R extends Record> type to SelectXXXStep DSL type hierarchy
for increased tuple type-safety
#1887 - Remove all deprecated code
#1894 - Remove constructors from dialect-specific factories
#1907 - Remove FactoryOperations, push its API down to org.jooq.impl.Executor
#1921 - Add <T1, T2, ..., T[N]> InsertValuesStep[N]<R, T1, T2, ..., T[N]>
Executor.insertInto(Table<R>, Field<T1>, Field<T2>, ..., Field<TN>)
#1926 - Add <T1, T2, ..., T[N]> MergeXXXStep<R, T1, T2, ..., T[N]>
Executor.mergeInto(Table<?>, Field<T1>, Field<T2>, ..., Field<TN>)
#1977 - Remove the confusing concept of having a "main key" as opposed to a
"primary key"
#2042 - Remove generated setters, setting foreign key values from records
#2043 - Remove generated navigation methods
#2060 - Remove redundant SimpleSelectXXX API
#2117 - Remove the FieldProvider marker interface. Simplify the FieldProvider
#2119 - Rename Row.getDegree() to Row.size()
Behaviour changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------------#1235 - SQLite BIGINT data type erroneously maps to java.math.BigInteger
#1578 - Change configuration of ExecuteListeners in Configuration. Listeners
instances should be provided, not classes
#2076 - Stop "supporting" comma-separated regular expressions in the code
generator configuration
#2088 - Do not treat CUBRID "owner" as schema in generated code
Bug fixes
--------#1170 - Improve performance on jOOQ's reflection usage
#1626 - Explicitly implement hashCode() and equals() in some additional
#1886 - Query.bind() has no effect when Query.keepStatement(true) and
StatementType.STATIC_STATEMENT are combined
#1890 - Bad Postgres array serialisation when " or \ characters are contained in
a String[]
#1938 - Improve AbstractField.hashCode() and AbstractTable.hashCode() and
similar, as these two are called very often
#1942 - Inefficient call to String.split() in StringUtils.toCamelCase() leads to
non-negligible performance overhead in POJO transformation calls
#1937 - Inefficient implementations of AbstractDataType.equals() and hashCode()
#1954 - Bad SQL rendered when combining ORDER BY [ some-function ] with LIMIT ..
OFFSET in DB2, SQL Server
#1958 - Bad SQL rendered for OVER (ORDER BY [ some-function ]) for SQL Server

and Sybase
#1974 - Optimise various Executor.fetchOne() methods, which consume the whole
ResultSet before throwing an InvalidResultException
#1979 - Thread safety issue in org.jooq.impl.FieldList
#1982 - Change RenderNameStyle.UPPER, LOWER, AS_IS to quote literals if needed
#1992 - Bad reference to org.jooq.debug.[impl].DebugListener in the manual
#1993 - Bad code generated when the same table name exists in multiple schemas
in SQL Server
#1995 - Record.original() values aren't updated after a operation
#1997 - Review the manual's tutorial for integrity
#2001 - Named Params are treated as null literals on right sides of comparisons
#2007 - Bad type coercion on the right hand side of a comparison predicate, when
the left hand side is Field<Object>
#2011 - Implement some micro-optimisations in DefaultRenderContext
#2025 - Correctly handle multiple foreign keys defined on the same column
#2045 - Bad hashCode calculation when Records contain arrays or byte[]
#2055 - MySQL's UPDATE [t1] JOIN [t2] syntax can cause syntax errors as column
references are not fully qualified
#2057 - Cannot properly extract bind values for LIMIT .. OFFSET clause from a
SELECT statement
#2063 - jOOQ-meta loads Firebird composite unique key columns in wrong order
#2073 - The code generator's <dateAsTimestamp/> flag doesn't affect Oracle
VARRAY and TABLE types
#2082 - Oracle PIVOT expression doesn't bind any variables of a derived table
being pivoted
#2085 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled()Z
when logger dependency is missing
#2086 - SQL syntax error when aliasing outcome of a relational division
#2091 - CUBRID doesn't really have a NVARCHAR data type
#2098 - NullPointerException when org.jooq.impl.EnumConverter converts null
#2104 - SQLite code generation treats multi-column primary keys like multiple
single-column unique keys
#2108 - SQLite returns NULL for val(new Date(0)).add(-1) and some other date
time arithmetic expressions
#2128 - Misleading Javadoc in Factory / Executor.selectCount()
#2137 - Failure to assign a value to a record pojo for a column with a
composite type when using select into.
#2139 - batchStore with Postgres composite types incorrectly reuses values from
the first record.
#2140 - No table java mapping generated using maven plugin - missing inputSchema
in postgres
#2143 - UnsupportedOperationException when binding UDTRecord in batchStore() for
#2144 - Improve AbstractField.equals() and AbstractTable.equals() and similar,
as these two are called very often
#2145 - Improve QueryPartList.removeNulls() as this is called very often
#2154 - Generated Records should access values by index, not by field, for
performance reasons
#2165 - Add H2 database definitions to the jOOQ-scala module (to prevent
compilation errors)
#2167 - Convert.convert("xx", boolean.class) returns null, instead of false
#2178 - Improve FieldList. Avoid creating excessive array lists, where simple
(immutable) Field<?>[] are sufficient
#2180 - Optimise DAOImpl by using the new ReflectionMapper instead of calling
Record.into() all the time
#2187 - Change all Javadoc <h3/> tags to <h5/> (To fix Java 7 standard Javadoc
style layout issues)
#2210 - Executor.fetchFromCSV() shouldn't mark resulting records as "changed"
#2215 - Improve example in the "jOOQ for CRUD" section. Use only columns from
the sample database

#2223 - SQL injection is possible in org.jooq.impl.Val, if client code doesn't

correctly enforce generic typesafety, and bind variables are inlined
#2227 - doesn't convert argument values to the Field's type
Version 2.6.0 - October 26, 2012
This release has a new main feature: the type-safe support for row value
expressions also known as tuples - up to a degree of 8. The API is formed in a
similar way as pre-existing tuple support in languages like C# or Scala.
jOOQ's Scala integration has also been improved through the new jOOQ-Scala
module, which provides some useful implicit defs for operator overloading.
Future versions of jOOQ-Scala may experiment with Scala 2.10's Macros
This release also ships with a lot of new deprecation to help you prepare for
the upcoming major release.
Minor feature improvements include:

Lots of new fetchGroups() and intoGroups() methods, thanks to Ivan Dugic

JDBC execution control support, such as cancel(), maxRows(), queryTimeout()
Allowing for re-using JDBC PreparedStatement between Query executions
Support for the SQL standard OVERLAPS predicate
A new RecordMapper, similar to the existing RecordHandler

Features and improvements

------------------------#385 - Allow for keeping open statements in a Query
#600 - Add support for Oracle / SQL Standard linear regression functions
#1058 - Add <T1, T2, .. TN> Factory.row(T1, T2, .. TN) and Factory.row(
Field<T1>, Field<T2> ... Field<TN>) to allow for creating tuples / rows
#1077 - Add support for the SQL standard OVERLAPS predicate
#1245 - Improve formatting for DECIMAL data types in Result.format(). Nicely
align the decimal point and reserve space on both sides
#1484 - Let XJC-generated artefacts implement Cloneable
#1527 - Support for converting String to,, and
#1674 - Export data types with Result.formatXML() and Result.formatJSON()
#1679 - Add Factory.table(String, QueryPart...)
#1708 - Add <T, E> Map<T, List<E>> ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Field<T>, Class<E>)
#1709 - Add Map<Record, Result<R>> ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Field<?>[])
#1710 - Add <E> Map<Record, List<E>>
ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Field<?>[], Class<E>)
#1719 - Make logic from ResultQuery.fetchArray() available in Result.intoArray()
#1728 - Add support for the MySQL COUNT(DISTINCT expr, expr...) aggregate
function syntax
#1744 - Add support for the CUBRID DECR() function
#1756 - Add RecordMapper<E>, similar to RecordHandler<R>, mapping records to
custom types
#1762 - Add to add Javadoc documentation to all packages
#1766 - Simulate row comparisons where they are not supported
#1773 - Add a new jOOQ-Scala project and jooq-scala artefactId, to contain jOOQ
extensions in the Scala language
#1782 - Move JAXB bindings out of XSD, in order to support more advanced
#1783 - Generate @SuppressWarnings("all") in jOOQ-generated artefacts
#1784 - Enhance the BETWEEN predicate, introducing the AND keyword
#1810 - Add <T, E> Map<T, E> ResultQuery.fetchMap(Field<T>, Class<E>) and

Result.intoMap(Field<T>, Class<E>)
#1816 - Add support for materialized views in Oracle's code generator
#1828 - Reduce log level for Factory deserialisation to TRACE
#1837 - Add support for @java.beans.ConstructorProperties when fetching into
immutable POJOs
#1841 - Add SortField Field.sort(SortOrder) to allow for dynamic sorting
#1842 - Add Condition, Field<T>) to allow for dynamic
#1844 - Add Table<Record> Table.join(TableLike<?>, JoinType) to allow for
dynamic joining
#1845 - Add Factory.schemaByName(String) for plain SQL schemata
#1848 - Add Record.changed() to indicate whether a Record contains "dirty"
#1849 - Add Record.original() to obtain the originally fetched values from a
#1854 - Add ResultQuery.maxRows(int) to limit the number of actually fetched
#1855 - Add Query.cancel() to support for interrupting statements prematurely
#1856 - Add Query.queryTimeout(int) to support for JDBC's
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1800 - Deprecate AliasProvider
#1807 - Result.intoArray() declares "throws MappingException", which isn't true
#1839 - Deprecate the various Result.getValuesAs[Type] and
Record.getValueAs[Type] methods
#1840 - Deprecate org.jooq.Store
#1866 - Deprecate [Schema-Name]Factory, remove reference to it from the
#1869 - Deprecate org.jooq.NamedQueryPart
#1870 - Deprecate org.jooq.NamedTypeProviderQueryPart
#1872 - Improve jOOQ's RenderContext pretty printing behaviour
#1881 - Deprecate ConditionProvider, OrderProvider, LockProvider types
Bug fixes
--------#1593 - Factory.field("{1} + {0} + {0}", val(1), val(2)) doesn't work. Cannot
re-use / re-order placeholders
#1720 - Improve performance by using Record.getValue(int) instead of
Record.getValue(Field) internally, where more than one value is
retrieved from a record
#1751 - Result.intoResultSet() generates wrong ResultSetMetaData if runtime
schema mapping is applied
#1764 - Add missing @Support({ ... FIREBIRD ... }) annotations
#1768 - NullPointerException when DAO.fetchOne() returns no record
#1774 - QueryPart.toString() does not load default settings from classpath
#1786 - Fix SEQUENCE support for Firebird
#1791 - Log a table's input/output names, and PK name when generating code
#1792 - Factory.fieldByName() and tableByName() do not correctly escape quotes
#1797 - SQL syntax errors when plain SQL contains comments with question marks
and SQL is executed as StatementType.STATIC_STATEMENT
#1802 - Result.into(Table) doesn't work correctly, if the same field name
appears twice in Result
#1806 - Let Record.toString() wrap the record in a temporary Result and call
Result.toString() instead
#1819 - MappingException in Record.into(Class), when POJO setters have
applicable names but non-applicable argument types
#1820 - Cannot fetch into non-public POJO classes. Their members / getters /
setters should be made accessible

#1829 - Factory.execute(String) may cause errors when plain SQL returns results
#1830 - Allow for passing null or empty arrays to intoMap(Field[]) and
#1850 - Record.equals() returns true as soon as both records hold a "null" value
for a given field
#1860 - Bad Results returned from plain SQL "select *" queries, if several
selected columns share the same name
#1876 - NULL constraint violation when storing a copied record
Version 2.5.0 - August 26, 2012
Welcome to another great database integration in jOOQ: Firebird! This is one of
the more popular open source SQL databases out there, with a rich feature set,
including the SQL standard MERGE statement.
Apart from this, the main new features are:
- Optimistic locking. jOOQ's UpdatableRecord API transparently implements
optimistic locking on its store() and delete() methods. By default, the
in-memory record is compared with the one in the database at write time. But
you can also let jOOQ handle incremented VERSION or TIMESTAMP columns for you.
- Oracle feature increment. Many nice Oracle features are now supported:
user-defined aggregates, regular expressions, Oracle Text, CONNECT_BY_ROOT and
ORDER SIBLINGS BY clausess, partitioned outer joins and more
- jOOQ's convenience API has been greatly enhanced. This includes many improved
fetch methods and new short forms for equal=eq, notEqual=ne, greaterThan=gt,
etc. to better align jOOQ with JPA, XSL, QueryDSL and many other tools that
abbreviate these keywords
- Many types and methods have been deprecated to help you foresee the upcoming
changes in jOOQ 3.0
Please consider also the updated manual with its new, more user-friendly
Features and improvements
------------------------#430 - Add support for the Firebird database
#457 - Add support for Oracle user-defined AGGREGATE functions
#620 - Add support for the SQL:2008 standard LIKE_REGEX operator
#722 - Remove casting of bind values in Ingres
#727 - Simulate RPAD and LPAD in SQLite
#816 - Add support for Oracle Text functions
#1339 - Add option to generate immutable pojos
#1547 - Support "optimistic locking" in and delete()
#1552 - Generate fetchBy[ColumnName] methods in generated DAO classes
#1553 - Add some Javadoc to document the difference between using a Factory with
a Connection or with a DataSource
#1556 - Add javax.validation API to full deliverable
#1565 - Add Factory.connectByRoot(Field<?>) to support the Oracle
CONNECT_BY_ROOT pseudo column
#1570 - Add Factory.condition(String, QueryPart...) similar to
Factory.field(String, QueryPart...)
#1582 - Add support for Oracle's ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause, in combination with
#1586 - Add missing constructors taking DataSource to dialect-specific factories
#1587 - Generate missing constructors taking DataSource in schema-specific
#1595 - Simulate REPEAT() in SQLite
#1596 - Add support for optimistic locking using generated information about


#1684 #1685 #1688 #1692 #1696 #1698 #1701 #1704 #1707 #1712

#1721 #1722 #1723 -

"timestamp" or "version" columns

Handle NULL in CSV imports/exports
Add support for Oracle's PARTITION BY clause in OUTER JOINs
Reorganise the manual
By default, activate <relations/> in the code generator
Add support for the empty GROUP BY () clause
Add support for the SQL standard IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM predicate
Overload all plain SQL DSL methods to also accept QueryPart arguments
Simulate empty GROUP BY () clause in Sybase ASE and Ingres, joining a
dummy table and grouping by a constant field
Add <attachRecords/> Setting to indicate that fetched records shouldn't
be automatically "attached"
Improve Javadoc of Attachable.attach(). Document how "detaching" works
Add <E> E Record.into(E) as a complement to <E> E Record.into(Class<E>)
Replace Factory.executeInsert(), Factory.executeUpdate() and similar
methods with more succinct variants
Add short versions of comparison predicate methods, such as eq, ne, gt,
ge, lt, le
Add support for the SQL standard BETWEEN SYMMETRIC predicate
Add Factory.not(Condition) as a synonym for Condition.not()
Document the behaviour of Factory.newRecord(Table<?>, Object) and
Record.from(Object) with respect to
Add <K> Map<K, Result<R>> ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Field<K>) and
Add <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Result.sortAsc .sortDesc(Field<T>)
Add <T> Result.sortAsc, .sortDesc(Field<T>, Comparator<? super T>)
Add Result.sortAsc, .sortDesc(Comparator<? super R>)
Document usage of InvalidResultException on the ResultQuery.fetchXXX()
Add <K, V> Map<K, List<V>> ResultQuery.fetchGroups(Field<K>, Field<V>)
and Result.intoGroups(Field<K>, Field<V>)
ResultQuery.fetchArray(int) and .fetchArray(String) should return a
typed array, even if this cannot be checked by the compiler
Add Factory.fetchLazy(ResultSet)

API changes (backwards-compatible)

---------------------------------#1544 - Remove Attachable interface from QueryPart hierarchy
#1579 - Deprecate org.jooq.Type
#1580 - Deprecate org.jooq.SchemaProvider
#1638 - Deprecate org.jooq.ArrayRecord.createArray()
#1639 - Deprecate org.jooq.Adapter
#1687 - Let Cursor.fetchInto(Table<Z>) return Result<Z> instead of List<Z>
#1736 - Deprecate TableRecord.{store|refresh|delete}Using() methods as being
part of jOOQ's internal API
#1741 - Deprecate org.jooq.MasterDataType
Bug fixes
--------#1572 - Use Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() to load
ExecuteListener classes as a workaround for experienced class loading
problems when using OSGi
#1584 - Code generation error with Oracle UDT static functions
#1632 - Improve the performance of various DefaultRenderContext methods, by
locally caching Settings values
#1633 - Improve the performance of CursorImpl.CursorIterator by setting Record
values by index rather than by Field
#1635 - Improve the performance of Factory.fetch(ResultSet) by caching data type
normalisation regex in FieldTypeHelper
#1650 - jOOR Fix #16: Can't call Reflect.create(A, B, null)

#1660 - Factory.renderContext().castMode(CastMode.NEVER).render(query) doesn't

work. CastMode is not applied
#1667 - Bad variable binding when NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST is simulated in SQL
Server and other databases
#1673 - Result.formatXML() and Result.intoXML() do not render namespaces
#1683 - Oracle code generation regression for 10g. No such column
#1693 - Cannot bind UDT values from other schemata to stored procedures
#1730 - Compilation errors in SQLite generated code when flag <instanceFields/>
is set to true
Version 2.4.0 - July 8, 2012
This release's main new feature is jOOQ's added convenience in
Factory initialisation for those users who get their database
connectivity through JDBC DataSources. If supplied with a
DataSource, a jOOQ Factory will handle the Connection lifecycle
internally, closing the Connection when no longer needed.
The H2 MERGE statement syntax is now supported and simulated in
other databases, for those users that prefer its more intuitive
syntax over the SQL standard.
The code generator now also allows for generating interfaces and
DAOs per table. DAO generation was previous discussed on the user
group and seen in a competitor product called OneWebSQL.
The jOOQ Console now supports breakpoints for even more effective
SQL development
Features and improvements
------------------------#1141 - Add Result.intoResultSet() to wrap a Result in a JDBC
#1253 - Avoid JDBC escape syntax for date/time literals
#1280 - Generate DAO classes and interfaces for POJOs
#1404 - Document the lifecycle of an ExecuteListener in the
#1411 - Add support for Postgres "any" data type (with quotes!).
This seems to map well to java.lang.Object
#1418 - Support case-insensitive schema names in code generation
#1419 - Add some WARN-level logging when the source-code
generator doesn't generate any artefacts
#1423 - Add Field.likeIgnoreCase() to support Postgres' ILIKE
#1424 - Add Factory(DataSource) and similar constructors
#1427 - Add Factory.batchStore(Collection<? extends
UpdatableRecord<?>>) for convenience
#1428 - Add DataType.convert(Object...) and
DataType.convert(Collection<?>) for convenience
#1431 - Add org.jooq.Name to contruct
QueryParts that are escaped according to
#1432 - Add Factory.fetch(String, QueryPart...) and
Factory.execute(String, QueryPart...) and similar methods
to support arbitrary QueryParts in plain SQL
#1434 - Add UniqueKeyDefinition.isPrimaryKey() for completeness
#1438 - Add Result<Record> Factory.fetchFromCSV(String)

#1440 - Add top-level pom.xml for jooq-parent artefact (GitHub

Issue #14)
#1446 - Converting arbitrary strings to Number / Date should
return null, instead of throwing an exception
#1449 - Generate some meaningful Javadoc into the generated
[schema-name]Factory classes
#1454 - Add line breaks to generated Javadoc where appropriate
#1463 - Add option to let generated Record / POJO objects
implement a common generated interface
#1470 - Support interface types in ResultQuery.fetchInto(Class),
Result.into(Class), and Record.into(Class) methods,
returning a proxy
#1471 - Upgrade internal jOOR dependency to jOOR 0.9.4
#1473 - Add IdentityDefinition to jooq-meta
#1501 - Add support for conversion of String to
java.sql.{Date, Time, Timestamp}. GitHub issue #22
#1504 - Document behaviour of fetch() and fetchOne() in case jOOQ
cannot fetch actual records
#1509 - Minor improvements in the generator source code. GitHub
pull request #23
#1510 - Generate additional setters for foreign keys, accepting
records as arguments
#1521 - Expose Connection methods, such as commit(), rollback()
and similar transaction-related methods in Factory
#1523 - Support ROW_NUMBER() OVER() for the latest version of
Derby and H2, which support it
#1524 - Simulate ROW_NUMBER() OVER() in HSQLDB using ROWNUM()
#1528 - Let generated interfaces extend Serializable
#1532 - Clarify the lifecycle of in the
#1534 - Generate more meaningful Javadoc where "an uncommented
item" stands now
#1536 - Add documentation to the FOR UPDATE OF clause, indicating
that DB2 may have stricter requirements regarding
updatability of fields
#1541 - Add support for the H2 MERGE syntax - GitHub Issue #18
#1542 - Simulate the H2 MERGE syntax in other dialects supporting
the SQL standard MERGE statement - GitHub Issue #18
#1545 - Website and Documentation anchors should be links to
themselves, visually recognisable
Features and improvements (jOOQ Console)
---------------------------------------#1398 - Allow for adding breakpoints in jOOQ Console
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1408 - Relax bounds of <R> in Factory.truncate() to Record,
instead of TableRecord
#1429 - Change Convert.convert(List, XXX) to accept Collection
instead of List
Bug fixes
--------#1020 - Improve Oracle's LIMIT .. OFFSET clause simulation.
GitHub Issue #16
#1358 - Compilation errors in generated source code when Oracle
overloaded procedures collide with procedures that end
with numbers
#1437 - Error in Javadoc of FactoryOperations.fetchOne(). This

method may return null

#1441 - Performance issue with AbstractDataType.convert(Object).
Avoid conversions when they're obviously unneeded
#1448 - Handle String to Enum conversion (when Java Enums are
stored as Strings in the database) - GitHub issue #15
#1459 - Generated static class too large (static
initialiser can become bigger than 64kb)
#1460 - Table.getReferencesTo(Table) doesn't work correctly for
aliased tables
#1461 - Exception when rendering of {fn datetimeadd(...)} for
HSQLDB and Derby
#1462 - Document missing GeneratorStrategy features, such as
#1465 - Custom generator strategy's printImplements() is called
with Mode == RECORD for tables
#1478 - Caching SQLDialect in AbstractDatabase heavily improves
code generation performance
#1483 - Inefficient cloning of default settings using JAXB
unmarshalling leads to non-negligible overall overhead.
Use serialisation instead (short of a useful XJC clone
#1489 - Fix manual where it claims to throw SQLExceptions
#1490 - Compilation error when a SQL Server stored procedure has
a parameter named "value"
#1493 - Bad syntax for SELECT /*+hint*/ DISTINCT ... in Oracle
#1498 - jOOQ does not compile using JDK 7 / JDBC 4.1. GitHub
Issue #24
#1499 - Generated members of are not final
#1505 - Bad exception message when ON DUPLICATE KEY IGNORE cannot
be simulated
#1515 - Splitting of large NOT IN conditions is wrong. The parts
should be connected with AND, not with OR
#1522 - fetch().into(Table) doesn't initialise records correctly,
such that subsequent calls to store() will execute an
INSERT, rather than an UPDATE
#1525 - Generate missing Javadoc to getters for procedure OUT
#1529 - Factory.batchStore() logs all single statements to DEBUG
output. Find a more accurate log output
#1537 - Factory.batchStore() renders bad SQL for Postgres. The
RETURNING clause is not allowed in batch INSERTs
Version 2.3.1 - May 11, 2012
This is an important patch release fixing some regressions in the
code generator for the Postgres dialect. With 2.3.0, it was no
longer possible to generate schemata of which the database user
was not the owner.
Bug fixes
--------#1334 - Fix inaccurate simulation of TRUNC(number, decimals) for
#1403 - Documentation bug: ctx.statement() can be replaced in
executeStart(). This is not documented
#1406 - Compilation errors in generated source code when Postgres
stored procedure parameter is called "NAME"
#1407 - Compilation errors in generated source code when Postgres
data-type is "any" (with quotes!)
#1409 - Postgres code generation broken when not connecting with

the owner of a schema

Version 2.3.0 - May 6, 2012
This is a minor feature increment release, featuring many useful
API enhancements, some new functions, some new syntax support
elements, improved source code generation and a lot of
improvements on the jOOQ Console, thanks to Christopher Deckers.
The updated jOOQ Console now allows for filtering incoming
statements directly on the server side, using regular expression
filters on statement text and other features. These improvements
are a part of a general strategy to introduce breakpoints and
more sophisticated debugging capability to the jOOQ Console.
Features and improvements
------------------------#597 - Add support for Oracle KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST...)
aggregate function clause
#910 - Add ExecuteListener extension to allow for overriding
exception translator to handle vendor-specific error
#1286 - Add "renderSchema" flag to Settings, to completely
disable rendering of schema names
#1293 - Generate setter methods for JAXB annotated configuration
#1295 - Add support for MySQL's INSERT IGNORE clause
#1296 - Simulate the FOR UPDATE clause for SQL Server, CUBRID,
#1302 - Add Factory.inline() to allow for flagging inline-only
"bind values"
#1303 - Add connection-less Factory constructors for convenience,
when jOOQ is only used as a SQL query builder
#1304 - Add option to generate JSR-303 @NotNull and @Size
annotations to generated POJO's
#1307 - Let HSQLDB dialect render NVL2() as NVL2() instead of
CASE expression
#1312 - Allow for omitting <inputSchema/>, and generate all
available schemata in that case
#1315 - Let generated factories use their associated Schema as
the Settings' RenderMapping's defaultSchema
#1319 - Move jooq-spring's FactoryProxy to the core jooq project
#1322 - Add Factory.dateAdd() and timestampAdd() for convenience
#1327 - Add DataType.isLob()
#1328 - Add Field<String> inline(char), inline(Character),
inline(CharSequence) for convenience
#1333 - Add support for the Oracle TRUNC function, for numeric
#1336 - Let Record.into(Class<?>) and similar methods accept
"immutable" classes, i.e. setter-less classes that take
several constructor arguments
#1340 - Use Constructor.setAccessible(true), if no default
constructor is available on the target type of
#1342 - Improve Javadoc on Factory.function(). Document arguments
#1349 - Add support for the CUBRID Click-Counter INCR()
#1352 - Allow for creating syntax-error and SQL-injection safe
qualifiers for org.jooq.Field and org.jooq.Table
#1361 - Add Factory.batchStore(TableRecord<?>...), to allow for

batch UPDATE/INSERTs of many records

#1367 - Make configured ExecuteListeners default constructors
#1366 - Let org.jooq.Batch extend Serializable
#1378 - Upgrade internal jOOR dependency to jOOR 0.9.3
#1379 - Upgrade internal jOOU dependency to jOOU 0.9.1
#1390 - Add RenderContext.qualify() to indicate whether
QueryParts should render qualified versions of themselves
or not
Features and improvements (jOOQ Console)
---------------------------------------#1242 - Upgrade jOOQ Console dependency on RSyntaxTextArea from
1.5 to 2.0.2
#1249 - Allow for filtering incoming statements in jOOQ Console
#1393 - Implement a communication protocol between Console server
types and Console client types to allow for more
sophisticated functionality
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1310 - Deprecate Factory.literal() in favor of Factory.inline(),
and Factory.field()
#1368 - Promote AbstractQuery.isExecutable() to the public API
Bug fixes
--------#989 - INSERT and UPDATE statements always render non-qualified,
escaped field names. This may cause trouble when using
plain SQL fields
#1109 - Standalone TABLE or VARRAY types are not correctly
initialised before referencing tables load them
#1279 - NullPointerException when leaving <inputSchema/> empty
#1283 - The LIKE escape character needs escaping, too, in
contains(), startsWith(), endsWith()
#1306 - Add missing INTERVAL data types to HSQLDBDataType
#1308 - Oracle's DataTypeDefinition reports the length of a BLOB
/ CLOB data type to be 4000
#1313 - <includes/> and <excludes/> match only table names, not
fully qualified names
#1323 - Add support for byte[] in Postgres UDTs
#1324 - Code generation error in Oracle 10g when generating
stored procedures
#1326 - Error when deserialising BLOBs from Oracle UDTs
#1329 - NullPointerException when passing null to
timestampDiff(Field, Field)
#1343 - Regression in insertInto(...).values(...). Cannot pass
Field<?> to values()
#1344 - Initialise Result ArrayLists to their expected size, if
that size is known.
#1360 - jOOR issue 12: "Don't reset the accessible flag to false,
if setting it to true is required, to avoid race
conditions in concurrency contexts"
#1371 - Missing conversion when using unsafe Field<?> types in
BATCH statements
#1376 - Oracle UDTs in REF CURSORs are not deserialised correctly
from procedure OUT parameters
#1377 - Oracle UDTs are not deserialised correctly when the same
UDT name is present in multiple schemata
#1394 - NullPointerException when omitting <generate/> element in

code generation configuration

Version 2.2.1 - April 12, 2012
This is a minor patch release, fixing some issues related to the
code generation of the new CUBRID integration as well as other,
minor issues. Upgrade if you're using CUBRID
Bug fixes
--------#1287 - Remove oracle.sql dependency also from OSGi information
in pom.xml
#1288 - SQL syntax errors from sequences when using RenderMapping
with defaultSchema
#1289 - DefaultBindContext logs as Util.class
#1297 - Compilation error in CUBRID generated artefacts
referencing OBJECT types
#1298 - Avoid source code generation errors when generating code
for unknown, dialect-specific data types
Version 2.2.0 - April 09, 2012
Finally, jOOQ has added support for another database, and a very
promising one, that is. is a surprisingly
original mixture of a relational and object-oriented database
where tables and classes are synonyms, so are records and
instances. The CUBRID database has a high level of compatibility
with MySQL and is aimed at MySQL users wanting more performance
for their web applications. For details, see the slides here:
jOOQ is proud to have become a CUBRID partner, looking forward
to further cooperation with CUBRID in the near future.
Apart from that, jOOQ now fully supports SQL standard INTERVAL
data types. With JDBC and JPA lacking official support for this,
jOOQ aims for becoming the tool of choice for vendor-specific
date time arithmetic. True INTERVAL data type support is given in
HSQLDB, Ingres, Oracle, Postgres databases. Besides that, CUBRID
and MySQL support INTERVAL data type arguments in functions. In
other dialects, jOOQ simulates DATEADD(), TIMESTAMPADD(),
For jOOQ's OLAP friends, there is now also support for the Oracle
LISTAGG function (LIST() in Sybase, XMLAGG() in DB2, STRING_AGG()
in Postgres, GROUP_CONCAT() in CUBRID, H2, HSQLDB, MySQL).
LISTAGG is an "ordered aggregate function", meaning that the
aggregation is done using a specific ordering. Keep an eye out
for more such function support in future versions.
Features and improvements
------------------------#566 - Add support for INTERVAL data types
#585 - Add support for DATE, TIME and INTERVAL arithmetic
#1183 - Add support for DEFAULT values in Oracle stored procedure

#1243 - Let generated POJOs (and Records) extend base classes

and implement interfaces
#1252 - Avoid JDBC escape syntax for Oracle stored procedure
calls. Generate PL/SQL syntax, instead
#1255 - Let generated Tables contain a public default constructor
to be able to extend those classes - Github issue #12
#1257 - Add CUBRID support
#1268 - Add Factory.field(String, QueryPart...) to generate
custom clauses
#1269 - Add YEAR(), MONTH(), DAY(), HOUR(), MINUTE(), SECOND()
function support as shortcuts for EXTRACT()
#1273 - Simulate GROUP_CONCAT() aggregate function using Oracle's
LISTAGG() function, where available
#1274 - Add support for the Oracle LISTAGG(...) WITHIN GROUP
(ORDER BY ..) [ OVER (..) ] aggregate / analytic function
#1275 - Simulate Sybase LIST() aggregate function using Oracle's
LISTAGG() function
#1276 - Simulate Oracle's LISTAGG() in DB2 using XMLAGG(),
#1278 - DEBUG log both executed SQL and SQL with inlined bind
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1262 - Pull up OracleFactory.prior() and other CONNECT BY
related methods to Factory
Bug fixes
--------#1241 - Wrong variable binding when comparing CHAR columns in
Derby and DB2 without explicit casting to VARCHAR
#1244 - Cannot override class name in GeneratorStrategy in
#1248 - Setting both <records>false</records> and
<relations>true</relations> leads to compilation errors
#1256 - Fixed code generation issue with H2 user defined
functions returning VARCHAR
#1263 - Pass fetchsizes <= 0 to the JDBC driver (for vendorspecific MySQL compatibility)
#1270 - Most databases allow for multiple identical foreign keys.
This leads to compilation errors in generated source code
Version 2.1.0 - March 18, 2012
With this version, jOOQ attempts to follow versioning rules
imposed by semantic versioning:
There will be 1 minor release per month, and a couple of patch
releases per year, depending on popular demand
The main improvements for this release include
- The possibility of providing jOOQ with a custom type mapping.
You can now define your own Converter types that are used by
jOOQ to map a database's SQLDataTypes to your custom types.
This is particularly useful for Java's enums. Read more about
custom converters in the manual:
- There are a lot of new runtime configuration options to control

the SQL style of SQL rendered by jOOQ. You can now specify
whether table/column names should be quoted / capitalised /
lower-cased, whether SQL keywords should be capitalised or not,
- The handling of NULL has been improved in favour of using jOOQ
as a SQL builder library (e.g. along with Spring for execution)
NULL is no longer inlined, but bound as a variable.
- jOOQ now supports simulation of the relational division
operation using an intuitive syntax. Read more about the
relational division here:
Features and improvements
------------------------#161 - Add runtime configuration to pretty print rendered SQL
#349 - Add SQLite relations support
#491 - Add runtime configuration for SQL keyword style (upper
case, lower case)
#521 - Add runtime configuration for SQL reference style (upper
case, lower case, as-is, quoted)
#1150 - Add code generation option to disable generation of
#1181 - Add support for SQL Server data types timestamp and
#1188 - Load default Settings from the classpath at
/jooq-settings.xml, or from -Dorg.jooq.settings
#1193 - Specify main-class in jOOQ Console's and
include dependency in jar file
#1194 - Add ColumnDefinition.isNullable()
#1202 - Add support for the relational division operation:
A.divideBy(B).on(A.ID.equal(B.A_ID)).returning(A.X, ...)
#1207 - Add Factory.batch(Collection<? extends Query>) for
#1208 - Render @javax.persistence.Column(nullable = false)
property, if available
#1209 - Render @javax.persistence.Column(length, precision,
scale) properties, if available
#1215 - Add org.jooq.Converter<T, U> for custom type mapping
#1216 - Overload Record, Result.getValue() and .setValue()
methods to accept a Converter
#1217 - Add EnumConverter as a base type for custom enum
#1218 - Add code generation options to generate <customTypes/>
referencing a Java type and a Converter
#1224 - Add DataTypeDefinition.getLength() to jooq-meta's type
#1233 - Support custom JDBC properties for jooq-codegen
#1234 - Add Database.getTable(SchemaDefinition, String, boolean)
to fetch tables case-insensitively
#1239 - Add Factory.fetchLazy(String, Object...)
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1191 - Deprecate ConfigurationRegistry and replace by equivalent
ExecuteListener feature
#1219 - API Bug: Cannot use LIMIT .. OFFSET along with FOR UPDATE
Bug fixes

--------#625 - Remove dependency from generated Routines to the

generator's SQLDialect
#1128 - NULL is inlined in INSERT statement instead of binding it
as a variable. This can cause issues when using jOOQ with
#1137 - Exclude MySQL column-level enum types when that column is
overridden by a <forcedType/>
#1158 - Derby cannot handle inlined NULL literals in some
#1180 - Execute BatchMultiple (multi-query batch query), when
executing BatchSimple (single-query, multi-bind-value
query) with StatementType == STATIC_STATEMENT
#1189 - TableMapping regression for SQLite database
#1190 - Cannot store SQLite records when using
#1199 - Table.getFields() returns an internal representation of a
table's field list. Make generated tables immutable!
#1200 - Internal API leak exposed through covariance in
#1211 - Enforce method name disambiguation also when using custom
strategies in jooq-codegen
#1212 - Enforce identifier disambiguation also when using custom
strategies in jooq-codegen
#1221 - Incorrect ExecuteListener invocation for INSERT ..
RETURNING. executeStart() and executeEnd() are omitted
#1223 - Cache ExecuteListener classes for performance
#1225 - Bind NULL byte[] as java.sql.Types.BINARY instead of
BLOB in Postgres, to avoid errors
#1226 - Bind NULL UDTs with their associated type name in Oracle
#1232 - SQLException when Factory.fetch() does not return a
#1237 - Don't generate enum classes for columns in MySQL tables
that are excluded from code generation
Version 2.0.5 - February 26, 2012
This release finally introduced basic runtime configuration
features for the jOOQ Factory. This configuration now includes:
- Execute listener and SQL tracing support. jOOQ allows you to
hook your own listeners into jOOQ's query execution engine to
be notified of all sorts of events
- The existing SchemaMapping features. They are now part of the
runtime configuration
- StatementType settings. Specify whether a Factory should
execute java.sql.PreparedStatements (with bind variables) or
static java.sql.Statements with inlined variables.
The runtime configuration is documented here:
The listener and tracing support has been requested by
Christopher Deckers, a new jOOQ user who has had the courtesy to
contribute the new jOOQ Console, which is documented here:

Apart from that, another long-requested feature is now fully

implemented: The GeneratorStrategy, allowing for custom naming
strategies in generated source code. This will allow for
generating custom table / record class name prefixes / suffixes,
as well as overriding the default behaviour for rendering UPPER,
lower and CamelCase artefacts. See the manual for details:
Features and improvements
------------------------#93 - Add Field.equalIgnoreCase(), Field.notEqualIgnoreCase()
#408 - Add class prefixes, suffixes and other options to the
code generator
#492 - Add runtime configuration
#1107 - Let Field.contains() support the Postgres ARRAY @> ARRAY
#1140 - Add ResultQuery.fetchResultSet() to return the underlying
JDBC result set
#1143 - Add Result.isNotEmpty() for convenience
#1145 - Add runtime configuration to specify whether jOOQ should
execute java.sql.PreparedStatement (with bind variables)
or a java.sql.Statement (with inlined parameters)
#1146 - Add Query.getSQL(boolean) to indicate that bind values
should be inlined (as a convenience for
#1148 - Add Cursor.resultSet() to expose the underlying ResultSet
#1149 - Allow for optional
namespace in jooq-codegen configuration
#1152 - Add <E extends java.lang.Enum<E> & org.jooq.EnumType>
E MySQLFactory.enumType(Class<E>, int) for enum reverse
lookups of MySQL-specific enums
#1159 - Support matching numbers with LIKE, e.g. ID LIKE '%33%'
#1160 - Implement Field.contains(), .startsWith(), .endsWith()
for numeric values, too
#1161 - Use reflection to remove compile-time dependency on
ojdbc for creating ARRAYs
#1162 - Integrate jOOR into jOOQ for simpler reflection
#1164 - Distinguish between Definition.getInputName(),
#1165 - Add constraint name to generated javadoc
#1167 - Trivial issue with org.jooq.Factory.exists Javadoc GitHub issue #10
#1169 - Add Configuration.setData(), getData() to convey custom
data in a configuration's lifecycle
#1172 - Add runtime configuration to deactivate JooqLogger
#1177 - Add jOOQ-Console module to jOOQ
#1184 - Add DataType.isArray()
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1142 - Rename Result.exportXML() to Result.intoXML() to stay
more consistent
#1151 - Deprecate SchemaMapping in favour of new runtime
Bug fixes
--------#978 - Schema.getTables() and similar methods return empty lists

when Schema is mapped with SchemaMapping

#1153 - Bad inlining of booleans in Sybase ASE / DB2 / Oracle
SQL Server / SQLite
#1154 - Bad inlining of byte[] in most dialects
#1155 - byte[] are erroneously converted to String when using
#1156 - Bad inlining of DATE / TIME / TIMESTAMP data types in
Ingres (and other dialects, when the setting differs from
the default)
#1166 - Some generated Javadoc uses naming strategy or plain
output name, instead of qualified output name
#1168 - Oracle packages are generated as static, instead of
static final
#1175 - Factory.use() seems to render SQL with the Schema name
still present
#1179 - Oracle-generated ArrayRecords need a reference to
org.jooq.Schema to read TABLE of OBJECT from stored
Test cases
---------#1147 - Add integration tests for executing SQL generated using
Version 2.0.4 - February 12, 2012
This release introduced many improvements to source code
generation. These improvements include:
- Maven and standalone code generation now use the same XML
configuration, which is read by jOOQ-codegen using JAXB. This
allows for more complex configuration elements in the future
- jOOQ-codegen can now handle multi-schema databases and generate
code for tables referencing tables from other schemata. This
is integration tested against the SQL Server AdventureWorks
- jOOQ now allows to generate simple POJOs in addition to Records
and to annotate both POJOs and Records with JPA annotations
such as @Entity, @Table, @Id, @Column, @UniqueConstraint, etc.
You can migrate your existing .properties configuration by running
> org.jooq.util.GenerationTool / migrate
Besides that, there is a lot of ongoing work to improve the
integration of Oracle's TABLE and VARRAY types.
Features and improvements
- Add JPA annotations to generated POJOs / Records
#282 - Add support for multi-schema databases
#287 - Add support for Oracle TABLE types
#395 - Use XML configuration file instead of properties file
#1089 - Add Field.contains(), .startsWith(), .endsWith() as a
convenience for (including escaping)
#1092 - Move master data table configuration from
generator.generate to generator.database namespace
#1093 - Add support for generator.strategy in Maven source code
#1094 - Add support for in

Maven source code generation

#1095 - Move generator.generate.unsigned-types to
generator.database namespace
#1096 - Add support for generator.generate.unsigned-types in
Maven source code generation
#1103 - Add support for SQL Server data type uniqueidentifier
#1106 - Add Factory.escape(Field<String>, char) for use with LIKE
#1108 - Add support for multi-schema databases using Maven code
#1115 - Add support for Oracle VARRAY/TABLE of OBJECT types
#1127 - Add support for POJO classes generation
#1129 - Allow for using Param in LIMIT .. OFFSET clauses
#1132 - Add RenderContext.castMode() to allow for avoiding casts
where this is not really needed
#1136 - Add generation option to enable/disable generating
navigation methods
Bug fixes
--------#1099 - Derby generated artefacts are not sorted alphabetically
#1101 - Internal API leak exposed through covariance in
AbstractTable.joinXXX() methods
#1110 - VARRAY element type information is lost when unnesting
VARRAY's in Oracle
#1111 - VARRAY element type information is lost when unnesting
VARRAY's returned from functions in Oracle
#1114 - Syntax error when unnesting TABLE of OBJECT in Oracle.
The unnested table contains several columns but jOOQ only
unnests "COLUMN_VALUE"
#1117 - NullPointerException when passing an ArrayRecord
containing a null array to a stored function in Oracle
#1125 - Postgres needs casting for date time data types in
queries like SELECT ? FROM DUAL
#1131 - DB2: [Noauthorized routine named "LIKE" of type
"FUNCTION" having compatible arguments was found] when
using, y))
#1133 - Compilation errors in generated source code if the same
constraint name exists in several schemata
#1134 - NullPointerException in code generation when a foreign
key constraint references a table from another schema
that is not being generated
#1135 - Generated Javadoc references inputSchema instead of
Test cases
---------#1009 - Add more integration tests for proper handling of
java.sql.Date, Time, Timestamp
#1090 - Run jOOQ tests against AdventureWorks SQL Server sample
#1105 - Add integration tests for multi-schema source code
generation and querying
#1122 - The 10k lines of integration test code are too heavy for
the compiler. Create test modules with fewer lines of
code, each.
Version 2.0.3 - January 29, 2012
This release focuses on increased compatibility between various

SQL dialect integrations as far as ARRAY and JOIN support is

- ARRAY types are only available in H2, HSQLDB, Oracle, Postgres.
Nevertheless, they can be somewhat simulated in other dialects
using nested selects with UNION ALL. Increased compatibility
leads to a nicer API, where ARRAYs are used along with ALL/ANY
quantifiers, for instance.
- JOIN syntaxes can be quite powerful in SQL. Apart from
simulating NATURAL JOIN, JOIN USING clauses, as well as a
synthetic "KEY JOIN" syntax, jOOQ now also supports nesting
JOIN expressions to create more complex table sources. See a
recent blog post on the subject here:
Features and improvements
------------------------#578 - Add KEY JOIN syntax to simulate joining using generated
foreign keys
#577 - Simulate NATURAL JOIN syntax, where this is unavailable
#582 - Simulate JOIN USING syntax, where this is unavailable
#671 - Allow for nesting JOIN clauses
#676 - Add Table.join() methods to create more flexible table
#993 - Add Field.equalAny(T[]), .equalAny(Field<T[]>) methods
#1048 - Simulate <op> <quantifier> (array) syntax for dialects
that do not support arrays
#1051 - Add Factory.execute(String, Object...) as a convenience
method for Factory.query(...).execute()
#1055 - Simulate Factory.table(Object[]) and table(List<?>) using
UNION ALL in dialects that do not support arrays
#1060 - Improve debug logging of H2 arrays. The syntax is not
ARRAY[1, 2], but (1, 2)
#1065 - Add OracleFactory.sysContext(String, String) to support
Oracle's SYS_CONTEXT function
#1069 - Add support for INSERT INTO table(field1, field2, ...)
SELECT syntax - as opposed to the existing INSERT INTO
table SELECT
#1072 - Add support for LIKE .. ESCAPE .. syntax
#1074 - Add Field.notBetween(T, T) for convenience
#1080 - Add support for JDBC's Statement.setFetchSize() in
#1082 - Add some more DEBUG logging in AbstractResultQuery
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1059 - Change SelectFromStep.from(Collection<TableLike<?>>) to
from(Collection<? extends TableLike<?>>)
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#1087 - Change the NTILE function to return Field<Integer>
instead of Field<BigDecimal>
Bug fixes
--------#1071 - Make Sequence Serializable
#1081 - Derby error in NULL handling when simulating unnested

arrays that contain NULL values

#1084 - Bind index mismatch in val(null).equal(null) and in
#1091 - Add missing @Support annotations on Table.crossJoin()
Test cases
---------#1026 - Add integration tests for NTILE window function and
document compatibility
#1073 - Add integration tests for NOT IN queries holding NULL
Version 2.0.2 - January 8, 2012
This is a maintenance release for jOOQ 2.0. The main improvements
- The whole jOOQ API is now annotated with a new org.jooq.Support
annotation to help you assess whether a certain SQL clause is
available in your database or not. This is particularly useful
when your application should support several databases at once
(e.g. MySQL, Postgres, Oracle)
- The Oracle PIVOT clause is now formally supported for advanced
statistical queries in Oracle. This clause will be simulated in
other dialects in the future.
- The DATE data type can be mapped to TIMESTAMP. This important
when you query a legacy Oracle database, where DATE columns
can also contain time information
- Several convenience methods have been added for more fluent
syntax, when using plain SQL result queries, subqueries as
tables, or when unnesting arrays in ANY() and ALL() quantifiers
Further type mapping support is still experimental. An official
cooperation with MinuteProject for source code generation is
being analysed. With MinuteProject, many source code generation
issues could be addressed centrally, as MinuteProject specialises
in source code generation:
Features and improvements
------------------------#595 - Add support for Oracle's PIVOT clause
#869 - Add support for using ANY, ALL with arrays, not just with
#1007 - Formally document the API methods to indicate whether
something is supported by any given SQL dialect
#1011 - Add code generation configuration parameter to avoid
generating @Generated annotation
#1019 - Render LIMIT x OFFSET y also for MySQL, instead of
LIMIT y, x
#1022 - Add missing Sybase ASE implementation for Factory.use()
#1024 - Add Factory.resultQuery(String, Object...) to allow for
arbitrary execution modes of plain SQL queries (lazy,
later, into, array, etc)
#1025 - Add missing SQLite implementation for Factory.deg() and
#1033 - Generate table comments into generated as

#1040 - Add Object[][] Result.intoArray() and
Object[] Record.intoArray() for convenience. Let
<E> E Record.into(Class<E>) also support array types.
#1041 - Add <R> Table<R> Factory.table(Select<R>) convenience
method for more fluency
#1042 - Add support for DISTINCT keyword in SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX
aggregate functions
#1046 - Generate Ingres table and column comments in generated
source code (only Ingres 10)
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#1050 - Deprecate usage of SOME quantifier in predicates, such as
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#1036 - Fixed API typo in
#1037 - The fluent API allows for JOIN clauses without FROM
Bug fixes
--------#1010 - The MERGE INTO .. WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT .. syntax
may cause type-safety issues in some databases. VALUES
should be converted before binding
#1014 - FindBugs: Latent risk of infinite recursion due to typo
in QueryPartList.retainAll();
#1015 - FindBugs: 7 occurrences of "Bad attempt to compute
absolute value of signed 32-bit hashcode". In extreme
cases, this could lead to SQL syntax errors
#1016 - The Oracle CONNECT BY cond1 AND cond2 syntax erroneously
creates a WHERE cond2 CONNECT BY cond1 statement
#1028 - Syntax errors when using untyped param() in HSQLDB (and
other strongly typed dialects)
#1029 - Postgres can't bind NULL values in cases, where bind type
is Object.class and bind value was created with
#1030 - UnsupportedOperationException when calling
Query.bind(int, Object) on a query containing plain SQL
#1031 - Incorrect debug logging when plain SQL QueryParts like
field("?") bind null values
#1032 - Incorrect debug logging when plain SQL QueryParts contain
String literals, such as 'Hello? Anyobody out there?'
#1047 - Field.notEqualAny() erroneously renders <> ALL()
Test cases
---------#1021 - Add explicit integration tests for
Version 2.0.1 - December 23, 2011
This is a maintenance release for jOOQ 2.0. The main improvements

- Better integration for using jOOQ with Spring Data. This

includes support for named parameters, as well as allowing to
change bind values on previously constructed Query objects
- The MERGE statement has been enhanced for better integration
with Oracle.
- jOOQ is now ready to use with Scala / Groovy
For more information about using jOOQ with Scala, see this blog
There is now also experimental support for a custom type mapping.
This mapping allows to rewrite data types at code generation time
as well as to specify custom enum data types (e.g. boolean Y/N).
Not all integration tests run smoothly for custom data types,
hence, this feature is not yet fully supported.
Features and improvements
------------------------#691 - Add support for Oracle CURSOR REF IN / INOUT parameters
#677 - Add type-mapping configuration, enforcing types for
#947 - Add custom type mapping support (experimental)
#968 - Allow for custom enum types, configured in the code
generator (experimental)
#974 - Add Schema.getTable(String), getSequence(String),
getUDT(String) for better runtime Schema meta-navigation
#975 - Add Sequence.getName(), getSchema(), getDataType()
#980 - Add support for named parameters, to better interact with
#991 - Add Query.bind(String, Object) and bind(int, Object) to
easily modify existing bind values
#992 - Document thrown DataTypeException in Convert methods
#998 - Enhance MERGE statement for Oracle extensions:
#1000 - Add support for MySQL's INSERT INTO .. SET .. syntax in
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#981 - Cannot insertInto(table("my_table")), as plain SQL tables
return Table<Record>, not Table<TableRecord>. Relax
bound on R
#988 - Change Factory.field(String) to return Field<Object>
instead of Field<?>
clauses optional
#1001 - Identity.getField() should return TableField<R, T>
instead of Field<T>
#1006 - Add Factory.value(...) as a synonym for Factory.val(...)
for increased Scala / Groovy compatibility
Bug fixes
--------#973 - EnumType renders name() instead of getLiteral() in
formatXXX() methods
#977 - EnumType renders name() instead of getLiteral() in
Convert.convert() method
#979 - Record.from() sets all changed flags to true. That's not

#985 #986 #990 #995 #1002 #1003 #1005 -

necessarily correct in the event of storing the record

back to the DB
AbstractRecord.equals() does not correctly compare
arrays. Compare them using Arrays.asList()
Postgres / DB2 / Sybase ASE foreign-key namespace is
unique-per-table. jOOQ forces all foreign keys from all
tables into the same namespace
Problems when encoding arbitrary byte[] as String(byte[])
in inlined SQL. This can cause issues when DEBUG-level
logging is activated
Routines don't respect SchemaMapping - Github issue #8
TableRecord.storeUsing() doesn't update IDENTITY column
values, if the column is not part of the main unique key
Sybase / SQL Server / MySQL / Ingres / H2 / Derby's
INSERT .. RETURNING simulation returns null if a table
has an IDENTITY column, but no primary/unique key
The INSERT INTO .. VALUES .. syntax may cause type-safety
issues in some databases. VALUES should be converted
before binding

Test cases
---------#984 - Detach IDENTITY column tests from UNIQUE KEY tests,
create a dedicated test suite instead
Version 2.0.0 - November 25, 2011
This release is a fresh start in many areas of jOOQ, adressing
issues that have been requested by users for a long time. These
release notes docment the most important changes, a detailed
upgrade guide, as well as the detailed list of improvements.
Most important changes
---------------------- The API became more static. This applies to many Factory
methods, such as val(), literal(), as well as to many Field
methods that have been moved over to the Factory. For example,
when before, you wrote this using "postfix function notation":
<pre>NAME.replace(" ", "_").trim()</pre>
you will now write (just as in SQL):
<pre>trim(replace(NAME, " ", "_"))</pre>
Using static imports of Factory.*, jOOQ makes SQL look even
more like SQL. The current "postfix notation" is maintained for
backwards compatibility.
- By default, jooq-codegen will now generate a "dynamic" meta
model as opposed to the existing static one. Generated tables
covariantly override the as(String) aliasing method, leading
to a much more convenient aliasing style. When before, you
Table<TRecord> parent ="parent");
Table<TRecord> child ="child");
Condition join =

You can now write:

T parent ="parent");
T child ="child");
Condition join = parent.ID.equal(child.PARENT_ID)
Of course, the existing notation still works
- Exceptions are no longer checked. When previously, the DB's
SQLException was propagated to client code, there is now an
unchecked DataAccessException hierarchy, similar to that of
Spring. This will eventually give way to a standardised error
handling abstraction, in future developments.
- Window functions are now constructed from their underlying
aggregate functions just like in SQL. For example:
This makes for a more concise API, especially when considering
future extensions, such as Oracle's KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST...)
- More type safety has been introduced regarding various places
where generic <R extends Record> and <T> types are involved.
This is especially true for INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE statements
- Sequences now also have a <T> type
- Unsigned number types are now supported in those databases that
use them. Unsigned numbers are implemented in jOOU, a spin-off
open source project. For convenience, this library is
"internalised" into jOOQ, to avoid adding a dependency
Upgrade instructions:
--------------------Various of the above changes are incompatible with jOOQ 1.x. In
order to upgrade, please be aware of the following pitfalls:
- The schema needs to be re-generated.
- Much of the post-fix function notation is replaced by static
methods in the Factory. Today's org.jooq.Field API is
maintained in jOOQ 2.0, for backwards compatibility. It will
be removed, eventually, though. Expect some incompatible
changes, where window functions are involved
- Some Factory instance methods (such as val(), literal()) are
now static. They are compatible, but may cause compiler
- The meta model is now an instance model by default. If you
prefer the static meta model, you can configure this in your
jooq-codegen configuration.
- The additional typesafety involving <R> and <T> types may cause
compiler warnings and errors.
- SQLException is no longer part of the API. This can cause
compiler issues, in particular when extending jOOQ
- Some utility classes have moved to

Should these incompatibilities be too significant for your

project, you can still stay on the 1.x branch, which will be
maintained for a while. Be aware that upgrading might be more
difficult, later, though.
Features and improvements
------------------------#55 - Implement improved exception handling
#117 - Improve DSL support for field and table aliasing (decrease
#519 - Add support for MySQL UNSIGNED numeric types
#626 - Create static function access
#661 - Add support for bitwise operators
#718 - Sequences should be mapped to appropriate type (e.g.
#734 - Add support for Oracle / SQL Server CUBE() and ROLLUP()
grouping functions
#751 - Add support for Oracle / SQL Server GROUPING SETS()
#799 - Add support for Oracle PL/SQL's object-oriented MEMBER
#804 - Add <R extends Record> to Insert, Update, Delete
#835 - Review API typesafety for <T> InsertSetMoreStep
set(Field<T>, T) and similar methods
#890 - Add Factory.selectCount() convenience method
#891 - Let min() max(), etc functions return a new type
AggregateFunction. This type can then be used as an entrypoint for window functions
#892 - Add support for Oracle / SQL Server GROUPING() and
GROUPING_ID() functions to be used along with CUBE() and
#893 - Simulate ROLLUP() function for MySQL, using the WITH
ROLLUP grouping modifier
#894 - Move functions from Field<?> to org.jooq.impl.Factory
and make them static
#895 - Add power(..., Field<? extends Number>)
#897 - Add (experimental) Spring integration project
#898 - Replace usage of checked SQLException by an unchecked
DataAccessException, similar to that of Spring
#899 - Build jOOQ .jar files as bundles to be deployed into OSGI
#900 - Purge deprecated API - Prior to 2.0
#901 - Introduce InvalidResultException as a subtype of
DataAccessException for integrity checks in methods like
ResultQuery#fetchOne(), ResultQuery#fetchMap(), etc.
#902 - Make AggregateFunction the base type for constructing
window functions
#904 - Move SQLDialectNotSupportedException into
org.jooq.exception package
#905 - Introduce MappingException as a subtype of
DataAccessException for integrity checks in methods like
ResultQuery#fetchInto(), etc.
#907 - Add missing<T>), notLike(Field<T>)
methods to overload the existing, notLike(T)
#908 - Change rpad / lpad functions to accept String instead of
#912 - Add <R extends Record> R newRecord(Table<R>, Object) as
the inverse of various into(Class<?>) methods
#916 - Add <R extends TableRecord<R>> {Record.into(Table<R>) |

#917 #918 #919 #923 #924 #928 #930 #931 #932 #933 #936 #938 #939 #953 #954 #955 #957 #958 #960 #961 #969 -

Result.into(Table<R>) | ResultQuery.fetchInto(Table<R>) |
Add various Cursor.fetchOneInto() convenience methods
Add CustomTable, CustomRecord as base classes for more
convenience when used with various into(Table) methods
Allow for accessing non-public constructors of Record
Move some utilities to
Generate a reference to every table in a new
class for improved static access
Add DataTypeException extending DataAccessException in
case something went wrong when converting data types
Support converting date time types to java.util.Calendar.
This applies to various into(Class<?>) methods, as well as
Result.getValue(xx, Class<?>)
Allow for conversion between Long and date/time types, and
vice versa
Let the bound of R in TableRecord extend TableRecord<R>,
in UpdatableRecord to extend UpdatableRecord<R>
Add support for type Character in Record.into(Class<?>)
methods and similar
Accept primitive types, such as int.class for type
CODEGEN: Add static/instance table field configuration
Include license.txt and readme.txt in .jar files' META-INF
Make DefaultGeneratorStrategy methods non-final to allow
for overriding
Add examples for source code generation of multiple
schemata with Maven
Generate a reference to every type in a new
Add <R> R Factory.newRecord(UDT<R>) for constructing
attached UDTRecords
CODEGEN: Add generation-time schema mapping, allowing for
re-writing schemata in jooq-codegen
CODEGEN: Add code generation configuration parameter to
avoid using the new UByte, UShort, UInteger, ULong wrappers
for UNSIGNED number types
Use Oracle's SYS.ALL_SEQUENCES.MAX_VALUE to determine the
type of a sequence.
Add <T> List<T> ResultQuery.fetch(Field<?>,
Class<? extends T>) convenience method

Bug fixes
--------#686 - Reduce the internal API leak by preventing access to
TableFieldImpl, UDTFieldImpl, ParameterImpl
#903 - lag(Field, int, T) erroneously delegates to lead()
#906 - Add more NullPointerException safety to API
#913 - NoClassDefFoundError in JooqUtil.isJPAAvailable()
#920 - Generic type is lost in Cursor.fetchInto(RecordHandler)
#925 - SelectConditionStep should extend SelectConnectByStep, not
#926 - AbstractRecord.into() fails to convert java.sql.Date into
#934 - Don't consider static members in reflection utilities when
used with Record.into(Class<?>) and similar methods
#935 - Don't consider final member fields in reflection utilities
when used with Record.into(Class<?>) and similar methods

#937 - In the event of name clash (same name for table and field)
generated code has errors
#945 - Calling UpdatableRecord.setValue() twice with the same
argument causes the changed flag to be reset to false
#948 - Always set the changed flag to true in Record.setValue()
#959 - Compilation errors in generated source code if MySQL enum
values match Java reserved words, such as 'true', 'false',
'new', etc...
#962 - Postgres ordering of generated enum literals is unstable
#967 - Better document type conversion
Version 1.7.0 - November 25, 2011
This is a maintenance release for the 1.x branch. Some important
bug fixes are merged from version 2.0. These include:
Bug fixes
--------#925 - SelectConditionStep should extend SelectConnectByStep, not
#926 - AbstractRecord.into() fails to convert java.sql.Date into
#937 - In the event of name clash (same name for table and field)
generated code has errors
#945 - Calling UpdatableRecord.setValue() twice with the same
argument causes the changed flag to be reset to false
#948 - Always set the changed flag to true in Record.setValue()
#951 - Empty Password for jooq-codegen-maven causes NPE
Version 1.6.9 - November 7, 2011
This is a maintenance release for the 1.x branch. Developments
on this branch will stop after version 1.6.9. Only important bug
fixes are merged to this branch. Developments for release 2.0
have started.
The most important functionality in release 1.6.9 is the newly
added support for JDBC batch operations. You can now batch
execute several queries.
See the official blog for more information:
Features and improvements
------------------------#621 - Add support for JDBC batch operations
#794 - Add support for ORDER BY [int value] in order to reference
a column index for sorting
#882 - Optimise Field.isTrue() and isFalse(). Take Field's data
type into consideration.
#885 - Add support for INSERT INTO .. VALUES (..) syntax,
omitting explicit field declarations
#887 - Add <E> List<E> Cursor.fetchInto(Class<E>)
Bug fixes
--------#748 - H2 regression in 1.3.158 regarding stored functions, which
return a ResultSet (this was fixed in H2)
#859 - Derby casting of numeric types to BOOLEAN doesn't work
#886 - Regression in date extract function when used in a

#888 - Derby casting of VARCHAR to FLOAT (and similar) doesn't
Version 1.6.8 - October 22, 2011
The main improvement of this release is the re-design of the
stored procedure / function API. With 12 supported RDBMS, which
all have their own idea about what is a stored procedure and what
is a stored function, it has proven to be a better design, to
unite them in one single type: org.jooq.Routine. A routine can
have a return value as well as OUT parameters. It can be embedded
in SQL and used as a field or a table.
This means, you will need to re-generate your database schema,
when upgrading to jOOQ 1.6.8. After re-generation, you'll need to
fix your client code. These are the package changes:




Oracle generated packages are not re-located. With these

improvements, using stored procedures and functions becomes even
more reliable, especially when cursor types are involved. Read
more about the rationale behind this change:
Apart from that, important improvements have been made in the
area of plain SQL tables. Also, consider a demo integration of
jOOQ with Google Cloud SQL:
Features and improvements
------------------------#271 - Don't pre-fetch table meta data when selecting from plain
SQL tables
#489 - Add support for SELECT * (i.e. render SELECT * where
#596 - Add support for VARIANCE() and STDDEV() OVER() window
#608 - Add jOOQ version number in generated source code
#670 - Add more Javadoc to functions
#692 - Add support for ResultSet type returned from HSQLDB
stored functions
#850 - Use as URL for the @Generated
#854 - Add convenience methods Fields.isTrue(), isFalse() for
conversion of "Y", "YES", "1", "true", "on", etc into a
boolean condition
#870 - Add support for MEDIAN aggregate function
#872 - Add support for STDDEV_POP(), STDDEV_SAMP(), VAR_POP(),
VAR_SAMP() aggregate functions
#874 - Reduce the number of internal classes for dialect-specific
function aliases
#878 - Implement DataType.equals() and hashCode()

API changes (backwards-compatible)

---------------------------------#851 - Change Field.{sortAsc|sortDesc}(List<T> sortList) into
Field.{sortAsc|sortDesc}(Collection<T> sortList)
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#848 - Purge deprecated API - Prior to 1.6.1
#849 - Replace Cursor.fetchResult() by Cursor.fetch()
#852 - Review stored procedures / functions concept. Merge them
all into a single "Routine" type
Bug fixes
--------#756 - Error when aliasing HSQLDB and Postgres unnested tables
#761 - Exception when TRACE logging execution with plain SQL
tables involved
#773 - Execute standalone stored functions as CallableStatement
to prevent issues with transactions
#847 - Query.getSQL() doesn't render dialect-specific SQL when
Query is constructed using the fluent API
#853 - DB2 generated convenience methods for stored functions
have unstable ordering
#857 - Derby casting of numeric types to String / VARCHAR does
not work
#858 - SQLDataType.getSQLDataType() should return itself, instead
of null
#860 - SQLite CEIL function is incorrectly simulated. CEIL(2.0)
returns 3.0 instead of 2.0
#861 - Field.replace(String) generates bad SQL for various RDBMS.
Field.replace(String, String) works, though
#863 - Ingres integration generates illegal SQL when selecting
things like SELECT 1 WHERE 1 = 1
#866 - Sybase ASE Field.replace(String) function incorrectly
removes the argument string
#873 - Error when selecting two times the same aggregate field
#877 - Compilation error in generated source code when a table
without a primary key has an identity column
#879 - Add Google Cloud SQL Example
#880 - Query.getSQL() does not consider SchemaMapping
Test cases
---------#811 - Loader integration tests fail for SQLite
#812 - CSV Loader test leaves Postgres JDBC connection in an
inconsistent transactional state on error
#856 - Add integration tests for Field.abs()
#865 - Add integration tests for Field.ascii()
#867 - Add integration tests for Field.sum(), avg(), max(), min()
#881 - Re-design H2 stored functions to be pre-compiled, in order
to speed up integration tests
Version 1.6.7 - September 25, 2011
This release coincides with the launch of the new website at Hence, it ships with little additions to the
deliverable itself.
Apart from new convenience methods, the main addition is a Maven

plugin for jooq-codegen contributed by Sander Plas.

Features and improvements
------------------------#797 - Create Maven plugin for source code generation
#825 - Add List<Result<Record>> Factory.fetchMany(String) to
allow for fetching several result sets from stored
procedures, such as Sybase ASE's "sp_help"
#838 - Implement MetaDataFieldProvider.toString()
#841 - Add <T> List<T> Result.getValues(Field<?>, Class<T>)
#842 - Add Query.getBindValues() method to allow for extracting
bind values in the correct order
#843 - Add Factory.fetch(ResultSet) to transform a JDBC ResultSet
into a jOOQ Result
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#837 - Avoid final keyword on Object methods, such as .equals(),
.hashCode(), etc
Bug fixes
--------#836 - Bad syntax when selecting from aliased plain SQL tables
#839 - Boolean conversion in getValueAsBoolean() should trim
String values first
#840 - Numeric conversions in getValueAsXXX() should trim String
values first
#844 - NullPointerException when selecting a column from a Result,
that does not exist
Version 1.6.6 - September 11, 2011
Finally, support for another RDBMS has been added. Sybase's other
important product Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (or simply
Sybase ASE) is now officially supported by jOOQ
Apart from this, there had been important improvements with the
recently added INSERT .. RETURNING clause, as well as some fixes
related to DECIMAL / NUMERIC data types
Features and improvements
------------------------#796 - Complete missing public org.jooq.impl Javadoc
#800 - Add support for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
#808 - Add support for INSERT .. RETURNING for Ingres
#809 - Add support for INSERT .. RETURNING for Sybase SQL
Anywhere using SELECT @@identity
#810 - Add support for INSERT .. RETURNING for SQLite using
#813 - Add DSL support for INSERT .. RETURNING
#814 - Change TableRecord to reload its trigger-initialised main
key in Oracle and other RDBMS that don't support IDENTITY
#818 - Add SQLiteFactory.rowid()
#819 - Support SQLite AUTOINCREMENT columns as IDENTITY
#820 - Add Factory.fetchOne(String) for executing plain SQL
queries that return single records
#826 - Allow for returning several records in the INSERT ..
RETURNING clause. This now works for DB2, HSQLDB, MySQL,

and Postgres
#827 - Support Sybase SQL Anywhere's TOP n START AT m clause
instead of simulating it with nested SELECT's
API changes (previous API now deprecated)
----------------------------------------#817 - Deprecate Factory.lastID(Identity)
Bug fixes
--------#815 - SQL Server fetching of IDENTITY value is broken
#821 - Optimise ResultQuery.fetchAny() executing fetchLazy()
internally, and only fetching one record from the cursor
#822 - Let Constant cast to more precise NUMERIC/DECIMAL types
in those RDBMS where casting is necessary
#823 - Cannot bind SQLite BigDecimal, BigInteger types - bind
them as String instead
#824 - BigInteger values cannot be bound in DB2, Derby
#828 - Document inefficient implementation for GREATEST and LEAST
in some RDBMS
Version 1.6.5 - August 28, 2011
This release finally adds a loader for CSV data to jOOQ. You can
now load CSV data using a simple fluent API, configuring error
handling, duplicate behaviour and transaction handling, as well
as various CSV parameters.
This release also changes the way generated keys are retrieved
after INSERT's. Instead of (potentially inconsistently) running
SELECT MAX(pk) immediately after the INSERT, Postgres' INSERT..
RETURNING clause is used (or simulated), in a single statement.
Features and improvements
------------------------#784 - Add Result.exportXML() to retrieve a DOM document similar
to that of .formatXML()
#792 - Add support for loading of CSV data into tables
#795 - Add <T> List<T> fetch(int, Class<T>) and
fetch(String, Class<T>) convenience methods
#803 - Add support for INSERT .. RETURNING or simulate it where
not available
#805 - Add <T> T[] fetchArray(int, Class<T>) and
fetchArray(String, Class<T>) convenience methods
#806 - Add <T> T fetchOne(int, Class<T>) and
fetchOne(String, Class<T>) convenience methods
Bug fixes
--------#798 - Oracle IN (...) clause with more than 1000 arguments does
not work
#802 - Use "INSERT .. RETURNING" instead of "SELECT MAX(pk)"
to retrieve the primary key of a new record
Version 1.6.4 - August 07, 2011
This release ships with a couple of useful concepts inspired by
other frameworks. These are:

- selecting into custom POJO's. Results can be mapped to POJO's

by convention or using JPA @Column annotations
- selecting into custom callbacks. This is already a wide-spread
practice in Spring JdbcTemplates.
- selecting long-running queries asynchronously. This idea has
been inspired by the Avaje Ebean framework
Apart from these changes and some bugfixes, the internal API has
been completely re-designed. The idea here is that query
rendering and variable binding are even faster (less String
objects), more extensible and more accurate. This is a prerequisite for many future developments with even more complex SQL
statements, such as for instance CTE's (Common Table Expressions)
Features and improvements
------------------------#137 - Add support for asynchronous query execution using
FutureResult<R> ResultQuery.fetchLater() similar to
Avaje Ebean
#198 - Add SELECT INTO functionality into POJO's using
<T> T ResultQuery.fetchInto(Class<T>) similar to JPA
#728 - Add .fetchInto(RecordHandler<R>) to ResultQuery, Result,
and Cursor to allow for callbacks similar to Spring's
JdbcTemplate/Ollin Framework
#774 - Add more TRACE logging to .fetchLazy()
#777 - CURSOR: Add function alias: UNNEST for TABLE
#781 - Add E function (Euler number)
#782 - Add <T> T Record.getValue(..., Class<? extends T>) methods
for convenient type conversion
#785 - Allow for storing TableRecord with a provided Field<?>[]
indicating the primary key
#786 - Document thread-safety facts in Factory Javadoc
#788 - Add Key.getFieldsArray() convenience method
#793 - Add support for Oracle's SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#758 - Change internal QueryPart rendering and binding API to use
Configuration and Context as callback parameters. If you
use CustomField or CustomCondition, please correct your
implementations accordingly. Other parts of the API should
not be affected
#778 - Purge deprecated API, deprecation prior to jOOQ 1.5.7
#790 - Purge deprecated generated code, deprecation prior to
jOOQ 1.5.7
API changes (previous API now deprecated)
----------------------------------------#776 - Deprecate QueryPart.getSQL(), add Query.getSQL()
#789 - Deprecate Record constructors with Configuration
Test cases
---------#636 - Add integration tests for more advanced CONNECT BY
#772 - Add integration tests for selecting cartesian products
(several tables in FROM clause)

Bug fixes
--------#730 - Sybase cannot bind null values in plain SQL
#759 - Omit the TOP 100 PERCENT clause in SQL Server ordered
top-level queries
#767 - An empty Java package is generated for PL/SQL packages
containing underscores
#771 - Some exotic literals are not properly escaped with quotes
yet, e.g. UDT identifiers, VARRAY types, etc.
#775 - Automatic re-attaching after deserialisation does not work
when used with .fetchLazy()
#787 - The UpdatableRecord's internal changed flags are not
updated after INSERTs / UPDATEs
Version 1.6.3 - July 31, 2011
This is mainly a maintenance release with lots of bugfixes,
mostly around code generation, plain SQL tables, and data types.
Please note that generated source code may contain incompatible
changes due to #639 (see below for details)!
Apart from that, project CURSOR is advancing and it is now
possible to unnest arrays into tables. See this article for
details about where jOOQ is heading with project CURSOR:
Features and improvements
------------------------#679 - Improve H2 NVL2 support as of H2 1.3.156
#680 - Improve H2 ROUND support as of H2 1.3.156
#735 - Add README documentation to GitHub
#736 - Add more info regarding number of generated artefacts in
jooq-codegen logging
#750 - Add DataType.isNumeric(), .isString(), .isTemporal(),
#754 - Log query as executed by JDBC PreparedStatement when
TRACE logging (without inlining variables)
#752 - CURSOR: Add support for selecting from ARRAY types
#762 - Use H2's native support of NVL, instead of COALESCE
#764 - CURSOR: Add support for selecting from ARRAY types
returned from stored functions
API changes (backwards-incompatible)
-----------------------------------#639 - Map DECIMAL(n, 0) and NUMBER/NUMERIC(n, 0) data types
to Byte/Short/Integer/Long/BigInteger instead of
BigDecimal in generated source code. Re-generated code
will not be compatible!
API changes (previous API now deprecated)
----------------------------------------#731 - Inconsistent API with Field.lessOrEqualToXXX(). Removed
"To" from method name
#757 - Deprecate Factory.constant() methods
Test cases

#731 - Add missing integration tests for equalAll(), equalSome()

and similar methods
#747 - Upgrade H2 to 1.3.158
Bug fixes
--------#632 - Sybase error : column @p0 not found in nested SELECT
#700 - Restore HSQLDB ARRAY support with INFORMATION_SCHEMA
change in HSQLDB 2.2.3, and some fixes in 2.2.5
#725 - Cannot insert byte[] data with plain SQL
#733 - H2 changed JDBC type for ResultSet/CURSOR from 0 to -10,
like Oracle
#737 - Compilation errors in generated source code if table
fields contain spaces
#738 - Compilation errors in generated source code if MySQL
procedure parameter type contains two comma-separated
arguments (like DECIMAL(10,2))
#739 - Postgres navigator methods and keys are not re-generated
in the same order
#740 - Formatting is broken on Result.format() with some special
newline characters
#743 - Make SQL Server INFORMATION_SCHEMA independent from
HSQLDB again, to prevent incompatibility issues
#744 - Ingres REAL and FLOAT4 types are generated as FLOAT/FLOAT8
which maps to java.lang.Double, instead of java.lang.Float
#753 - Postgres error when binding array that contains null
#755 - NullPointerException when converting an array containing
a null value
#766 - Bad decoding of JDBC Types BIGINT (to BigInteger instead
of Long) and REAL (to BigDecimal instead of Float) when
plain SQL tables are involved
Version 1.6.2 - July 10, 2011
This release mainly introduces three new projects.
Project CURSOR where jOOQ finally supports various RDBMS's TABLE,
CURSOR, and REF CURSOR data types. This is especially useful when
those types are returned from stored procedures and functions.
Cursors are simply mapped to jOOQ Result<Record> types and can
thus be used like regular table results
Project EXPORT aims at exporting data from the database in
various serialisable formats, such as XML, CSV, HTML, Text, JSON.
This project will be continued in the future, to also
deserialise from (some of) these data streams. This will allow
for easy transport of jOOQ Result<?> types over the net.
Project CODEGEN has finally been started. Many improvements
suggested by jOOQ users will be implemented in the next releases.
In this release, important fixes have been made to prevent
compilation errors in generated artefacts.
Features and improvements
------------------------#61 - EXPORT: Add Result.formatXML()
#166 - CURSOR: Add support for ResultSet type returned from
Oracle stored procedures / functions

#411 - Allow for fetching Map<String, Object> (instead of Record)

and List<Map<String, Object>> (instead of Result)
#549 - Add Factory.function() for plain SQL functions
#611 - Simulate RPAD and LPAD in SQL Server, Sybase
#627 - Add support for Postgres FOR UPDATE OF [table-name] clause
#628 - Add support for REPEAT (SQL Server: REPLICATE) function
#637 - Nicely format time in StopWatch logging output
#640 - Simulate Postgres FOR UPDATE OF [table-name] clause in
other dialects
#649 - CURSOR: Add Cursor.fetch(int) .fetchOne()
.fetchResult(int) .fetchResult()
#653 - Add support for MySQL encryption and compression functions
#660 - Clarify Javadoc of UpdatableRecord to explain its
behaviour when changing the main unique key
#669 - EXPORT: Add Result.formatHTML()
#672 - Add convenience method UpdatableRecord.copy() in order to
reset primary key values for a subsequent INSERT
#675 - EXPORT: Add Result.formatCSV()
#683 - Implement ResultImpl.equals() and .hashCode()
#684 - Implement AbstractStore.equals() and .hashCode()
#685 - Add Store.size() to indicate the maximum index of the
#687 - EXPORT: Add result.formatJSON()
#689 - Create separate builds: and
#690 - CURSOR: Add support for ResultSet type returned from H2
stored functions
#695 - CURSOR: Add support for ResultSet type returned from
Postgres stored functions
#697 - Add Factory.fetch(String) for executing plain SQL queries
that return results
#701 - Add ResultQuery.fetchArray() and .fetchOneArray to return
Object[][] and Object[]
#704 - Always add top and bottom line in Result.format()
#705 - Right-align numeric values in Result.format()
#716 - Add SUBSTRING function Field.substring(Field, Field)
taking fields as arguments
#719 - Document risk of SQL injection in plain SQL and literal
factory methods
#726 - Add LENGTH function as a synonym for CHAR_LENGTH
API changes (backwards-compatible)
---------------------------------#698 - Inconsistent API with Factory.fetch(Table<R> [,Condition])
Let method return Result<R> instead of List<R>
#699 - Let Result<R extends Record> extend List<R>
API changes (previous API now deprecated)
----------------------------------------#656 - Decrease verbosity of plain SQL methods. They will just be
called Factory.field() .condition() .table() .query()
Test cases
---------#643 - Add integration test for code generation of invalid and
incomplete types in Oracle
#654 - Add integration tests for master data tables with PK types
other than NUMBER/INT
#655 - Add missing integration tests for TRIM function

Bug fixes
--------#450 - Improve plain SQL integrity checks for bind variables
#610 - CODEGEN: Compilation error in generated source code for
databases with table named 'system'
#646 - An empty Java package is generated for an empty PL/SQL
package. This is unnecessary
#651 - CODEGEN: Avoid importing datatypes in generated source
code to prevent collisions
#657 - NullPointerException when creating a Factory with a null
#658 - Master data table code generation is broken for tables
with more or less than 3 columns
#662 - Add support for the missing Postgres data type "bpchar"
#663 - Add support for the missing Sybase data type "int"
#664 - Ingres INTEGER data types are not correctly generated
#665 - HSQLDB Datatype CLOB and BLOB are not supported, when
selecting from plain SQL tables
#666 - The evil bug: Ingres TRIM function only executes RTRIM
#673 - doesn't work if called after
#702 - Add support for the missing SQLite data type "NULL"
#706 - CURSOR: Ensure that Query.execute() runs in a single
transaction when Postgres refcursor is involved in the
query (this fixes a Postgres JDBC driver flaw)
#724 - NullPointerException when passing a single literal null
bind value to plain SQL methods without casting to Object
#729 - DB2, Derby, Ingres, Oracle cannot bind null values in
plain SQL
Version 1.6.1 - June 19, 2011
In this release, the PORTABILITY project has been implemented.
Finally, the SQLDialect has been removed from most generated
artefacts (Schema, Table, Field, Sequence, etc). Also, the
constructing Factory is not referenced by its created QueryParts
anymore, unless this is really necessary (Query objects, UDT's,
ARRAY types). This leads to higher compatibility between schemata
of different databases, e.g. if users want to use an HSQLDB
development and Oracle productive database.
Unfortunately, this means that the way stored procedures are
called had to be changed. This is an API break that could not be
avoided. The pre-1.6.1 StoredObject.execute(Connection) method
is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It has been
replaced by StoredObject.execute(Configuration)
In addition to this project, many more window functions are now
supported, as well as the Oracle-specific CONNECT BY clause for
recursive queries.
-------#351 - Add support for Oracle ROWID data type
#452 - PORTABILITY: Create a super-set of RDBMS data types
#453 - PORTABILITY: Don't create dialect-specific QueryParts
#455 - Add support for the Oracle CONNECT BY clause
#587 - Add optional OFFSET clause to form LIMIT .. OFFSET

#589 - Add extended FOR UDPATE [OF ...] [{WAIT n | NOWAIT | SKIP
LOCKED }] support
#591 - Add support for LEAD() OVER() and LAG() OVER() window
#592 - Add support for the CUME_DIST() OVER() window function
#601 - Add Factory.literal() convenience methods
#602 - Add Factory.val() methods to decrease .constant()
#604 - Add support for RESPECT NULLS clause in some window
#605 - Add Factory.use(String) for non-generated schemata
#613 - Add PI function
#616 - Add Factory.two() literal convenience method
#630 - Add support for Oracle CONNECT BY pseudo-columns LEVEL,
API changes
----------#299 - PORTABILITY: Create a dialect-independent meta-model
#588 - Add OVER() keyword to FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() API
Test cases
---------#368 - Add integration test for use with schema mapping
#586 - Upgrade H2 to 1.3.155
#607 - Add integration tests for CRUD / SP's / UDT's / ARRAY's
with SchemaMapping
#612 - Add integration tests for LPAD and RPAD functions
#624 - Add integration test for code generation of invalid/
incomplete views in Oracle
#631 - PORTABILITY: Add integration tests for using Oraclegenerated schema against an HSQLDB database
#638 - Add missing integration test for DECIMAL data type
-------#176 - Stored procedures / functions in EQUIVALENT schemata
cannot be called
#493 - Bind variable mismatch when constructing bad SQL
#594 - Confusing Javadoc in SELECT DSL API
#603 - Fix DB2 'IGNORE NULLS' clause
#619 - SUBSTRING() function is broken in DB2, Ingres, SQL Server
#623 - SQL syntax error for some MERGE queries in SQL Server and
#633 - SchemaMapping is not applied to sequences
#634 - Sequences are not escaped in generated SQL
Version 1.6.0 - June 05, 2011
Apart from supporting various additional standard and nonstandard JOIN constructs, there is now also full support for the
SQL standard MERGE statement and MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY variant
thereof. A great number of API enhancements have been added,
which improve the usability of jOOQ. The Ingres database is now
also supported.
-------#301 - Add support for Oracle execution hints

#409 - Add support for NATURAL JOIN syntax, where RDBMS allows it
#415 - Make fluent API's underlying SelectQuery objects publicly
#429 - Add Ingres support
#475 - Document class-level generic types <R> and <T> in Javadoc
#486 - Add support for SQL MERGE clause
#494 - Allow for omitting schema name in generated SQL
#496 - Automatically update IDENTITY values in UpdatableRecord,
after storing them
#520 - Add support for JOIN ... USING syntax
#524 - Upgrade HSQLDB to 2.2
#533 - Add ORDER BY [Map] or BY [List] functionality
#534 - Add Result.isEmpty()
#535 - Call upon ConfigurationRegistry.provideFor() before
throwing a DetachedException
#536 - Simulate CASE [value] WHEN [value] THEN [result] END
syntax in Derby
#538 - Add some logging to ConfigurationProvider
#539 - Add possibility to negate numeric values with Field.neg()
#541 - Add support for MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY clause
#542 - Allow for Collection arguments in INSERT's DSL API
#543 - Allow for creating FUNCTION() OVER() without PARTITION BY
or ORDER BY clause
#546 - Add Factory.use(Schema)
#548 - Add new internal type FieldMap
#550 - Simulate ON DUPLICATE KEY INSERT clause in dialects other
than MySQL
#551 - Add TableMapping, similar to SchemaMapping for mapping
#553 - Add Factory.plainSQLQuery
#554 - Add Factory.plainSQLField with a DataType parameter
#555 - Add UpdateXXX.set(Map) convenience methods to DSL API
#557 - Enhance INSERT DSL API to allow for adding VALUES clause
with InsertXXX.set() syntax
#570 - Add support for the RAND() function
#567 - Add support for Ingres Sequences
#572 - Add support for the ATAN2() function
#573 - Add possibility for additional select() clauses for
#575 - Add support for the FULL OUTER JOIN syntax, where RDBMS
supports it
#576 - Add support for the CROSS JOIN syntax, where RDBMS
supports it
#581 - Enhance API and allow Collection<? extends Field<?>>
instead of Collection<Field<?>>
API changes
----------#397 - Purge deprecated API
-------#481 - Handle case where an empty record is stored
#522 - Misleading Javadoc in generated stored procedures and
function constructors
#532 - Restore Postgres INFORMATION_SCHEMA
#537 - Prevent null from being added to QueryPartList
#540 - Error when TRACE logging Limit
#544 - Aliased elements are not bound correctly when rendered
with toSQLReference()

#559 - Loosen type safety on overloaded methods to prevent

compilation errors with javac/Netbeans
#560 - HSQLDB DataType REAL is configured incorrectly
#565 - Add integration tests for current_user() function
#569 - ORA-01427 when generating foreign key relations
#571 - Field.trim() not correctly implemented for SQL Server
#583 - Accelerate integration tests: Reset schema only if
Version 1.5.9 - May 15, 2011
This version ships with lots of new functionality. Finally, the
DSL-style API has been extended to CRUD operations (INSERT,
UPDATE, DELETE)! Also, support for the TRUNCATE TABLE statement
has been added.
The most important new features include the support for SQL:2003
standard window functions, which are available in most major
RDBMS. Additionally, basic function support has been widely
-------#148 - Added support for window functions
#204 - Add support for multi-record INSERT's
#416 - Added support for retrieval of IDENTITY values
#433 - Use bind variables for LIMIT and OFFSET
#441 - Added foreign key relationship meta information to the
generated source code
#446 - Beautify ResultImpl.toString() method
#461 - Automatically cast CONCAT parameters to Field<String> if
#463 - Added support for trigonometric functions
#471 - Added support for the sign function
#472 - Added support for GREATEST/LEAST functions
#474 - Added support for "hyperbolic" functions SINH, COSH, TANH,
and COTH
#482 - Added DSL API for INSERT statements
#483 - Added DSL API for UPDATE statements
#484 - Added DSL API for DELETE statements
#485 - Added "Registry" for client code to provide Configurations
to jOOQ Attachables
#490 - Added support for the TRUNCATE TABLE statement
#495 - Generate source code for IDENTITY columns
#501 - Added support for boolean conversion to Result, Record,
and Store
#503 - Allow for schema navigation via generated artefacts
#518 - Let stored procedures reference owner package
if applicable
#525 - Added NULLS {FIRST | LAST} clause to ORDER BY constructs
#528 - Added Factory.getDataType() convenience method
#530 - Added and convenience methods
API changes (jooq)
-----------------#527 - Weakened type-safety on Field.nvl2()
#529 - Deprecated, added .selectOne()
and .selectZero() instead

API changes (jooq-meta)

----------------------#30 - Add ParameterDefinition for stored procedures, instead of
reusing ColumnDefinition
#499 - Add reference to TableDefinition in ColumnDefinition
#500 - Add AttributeDefinition for UDTDefinition, instead of
reusing ColumnDefinition
Bug fixes
--------#369 - Adapt H2 relations generation to H2's correction of
#435 - Added integration tests for NESTED SELECTs holding LIMIT
#460 - Syntax error when using a field with a reserved name
#462 - Fixed Javadoc broken links
#473 - Don't cast when cast is unnecessary
#479 - INSERT statement should not set all fields for a table
#497 - Derby referential code generation is broken, for named
foreign keys
#498 - Oracle package content is generated in arbitrary order
#502 - Syntax error when creating an empty IN condition
#526 - Corrected Javadoc in Field.coalesce()
Version 1.5.8 - April 29, 2011
Finally, jOOQ now supports two important new RDBMS:
SQL Server and Sybase!
Apart from this great enhancement, there is now also full support
for the non-SQL standard LIMIT clause, even in dialects where the
LIMIT clause is not supported natively (especially Oracle, but
also DB2, SQL Server and Sybase, which have limitations). jOOQ
simulates LIMITs by rendering nested selects filtering on ROWNUM
(Oracle) or on ROW_NUMBER() (DB2, SQL Server and Sybase).
Other interesting additions are an increasing support for native
mathematical functions. More function support will be added in
future versions.
-------#16 - Added support for SQL Server
#21 - Uniform implementation of the LIMIT clause. Implemented
LIMIT clause simulation through analytic functions, where
LIMIT is not supported natively
#97 - Added support for Sybase
#418 - Measure time of various steps in source code generation
#420 - Added support for proprietary SQL extensions "FOR UPDATE"
#431 - Added additional statistics to generation log files
#432 - Unified the various "standard" ANSI INFORMATION_SCHEMA
implementations in the jooq-meta artefact
#436 - Added support for the modulo function
#438 - Added floor and ceil functions
#439 - Added support for mathematical functions (logarithms,
exponentials, sqrt)
#447 - Enhanced Field.add() and Field.subtract() to work for date
time fields, also

API changes
----------#428 - Created new Maven artefact jooq-meta to cleanly separate
database meta-data navigation from code generation
#458 - Decreased DSL verbosity for arithmetic operations and for
Bug fixes
--------#417 - Restored warning when unknown column type is encountered
in source code generation
#419 - Corrected misleading Select.fetchOne(...) Javadoc
#421 - Optimised AbstractRecord's memory consumption
#448 - Corrected some Javadoc @see links
#449 - Changed Field.concatenate() to accept Field<?> parameters
to avoid generic varargs warnings
Version 1.5.7 - April 17, 2011
This is the first release built with support of Maven thanks to
the help of some jOOQ users!
The main new features in this release are the improved support
for serialisation/deserialisation of jOOQ objects through use of
the newly introduced "Attachable" interface.
If using log4j or the newly supported slf4j logging framework
in debug/trace mode, there is the possibility to log query
building/execution time statistics.
Apart from these new features, fixes were mainly done in the
fields of type casting, HSQLDB 2.1 upgrade support, stored
procedures with OUT, IN/OUT parameters. Please upgrade, if you
are using any of those features.
If you extend jOOQ as a base implementation for source code
generation, be aware of the fact, that the jOOQ-codegen is
currently undergoing major changes. Expect the code generation
API to stabilise again in one of the next releases.
-------#104 - Added maven dependency
#248 - Integrate UDT types with ARRAYs
#295 - Allow for attaching/detaching UpdatableRecords to/from
#359 - Added statistics measurement to Query execution for debug
log level
#362 - Added deprecation configuration flag
#364 - Document unknown type in generated source code
#373 - Improve exception handling in code generation
#378 - Added support for Oracle stored functions with OUT
#382 - Added Factory.attach() methods to re-attach deserialised
#394 - Add logging support for SLF4J
#398 - Allow to provide a DataType in Factory.constant()

#399 - Provide access to TypeUtils.convert() methods via DataType

#404 - Added trace logging for measuring the speed of various
query execution steps
API changes
----------#358 - Enhanced DSL API to allow for HAVING clauses without
GROUP BY clauses
#367 - Make Store, Result, QueryPart "Attachable"
#374 - Introduce strategy pattern to code generation for future
support for advanced naming schemes
#375 - Decouple Database from Generator
#381 - Made DataType Serializable
#384 - Deprecated singleton QueryParts
#388 - Unify "internal" API using an Adapter pattern
Bug fixes
--------#187 - Protect generated Record navigation methods against name
#266 - Added more thorough integration tests for dialect-specific
casting (including some fixes related to varchar types)
#360 - Added more integration tests for the DISTINCT clause
#361 - Add more checks in testInsertUpdateDelete()
#366 - Warn only once per ColumnDefinition, if a data type is
#377 - NullPointerException when generating invalid stored
#380 - Added integration tests to check for proper
#386 - Fixed incompatibilities with HSQLDB 2.1.0
#387 - Fixed unnecessary imports in some Oracle generated
#389 - Fixed javac compiler warning in AbstractStoredObject
#391 - Cannot properly call stored procedures when IN/OUT
parameter is bound to NULL
#392 - Procedures with several OUT parameters may not register
OUT parameters correctly
#410 - Passing null VARRAY values to Oracle stored procedures
causes issues
#412 - limit(int) sets default offset incorrectly in some
Version 1.5.6 - March 31, 2011
This release consists mainly of code generation bug fixes and
minor API improvements and enhancements.
The most important improvement is ticket #90, by which lazy
fetching and iteration over data is now supported. jOOQ lets you
keep a reference to a Cursor that has an open JDBC ResultSet, to
fetch data from on-the-fly.
A few major code generation bugs were reported where the
generated code may cause ambiguity due to an inconsistent API.
This means that you will have to re-generate your schema after
upgrading to version 1.5.6. Some of your code may not compile
anymore, after this upgrade.

-------#90 - Added possibility for lazy fetching of data
#208 - Added convenience methods for direct invocation of
sequences' currval() and nextval() attributes
#212 - Created one factory per dialect for better separation of
dialect-specific support
#213 - Generate a factory for each schema
#251 - Opened up base implementations for Field<?> and Condition
to allow for custom implementations by client code
#274 - Integrate H2 ARRAY types with stored procedures
#292 - Documented usage of log4j and java.util.logging
#306 - Added support for the NULLIF function
#319 - Added Field.between(Field<T>, Field<T>) method
#320 - Added trace logging for variable binding and SQL
generation methods
#323 - Added<?>...) method
#325 - Include release version number in delivered .jar files
#328 - Improved configuration setup documentation page
#333 - Let Result implement Serializable
#334 - Added fetchMap() convenience methods
#335 - Added more functions and aggregate functions examples to
#338 - Visually improve code generation logging
#339 - Removed skipping of unreferenced UDT's, ENUM's and ARRAY's
#342 - Improved generated referential code by using fetch() and
fetchOne() API
#356 - Let and delete() return an int
to indicate whether the record was actually modified
API changes
----------#233 - Allow for joining TableLike instead of Table
#337 - Added generic type <R extends TableRecord<R>> to
#341 - Fixed API flaw where SelectOnConditionStep.and() methods
and similar ones returned SelectConditionStep, instead of
-------#69 - Corrected referential code generation for foreign keys
that reference non-primary unique keys
#85 - Corrected referential code generation for multi-field
foreign keys
#121 - Covered more Factory.executeXXX() methods with integration
#318 - Fixed NullPointerException when executing SELECT * from
aliased tables
#321 - BetweenCondition does not bind left hand side Field
#322 - InCondition does not bind left hand side Field correctly
#326 - Avoid method overloading where binding <T> to Object
may lead to compile-time ambiguities (with javac)
#343 - Add more foreign key navigation method integration tests
#347 - Add explicit integration tests for schema artefacts
excluded from code generation
#350 - Disambiguate navigation methods if several foreign keys
reference the same entity
#352 - Disambiguate navigation methods if a table ending on S

references itself
#353 - Added integration test for compilation of generated
artefacts with javac (as opposed to the Eclipse compiler)
#355 - Error when storing an UpdatableRecord that has no changed
Version - March 15, 2011
A critical bug was reported from the 1.5 release stream where
stored functions did not render their parameters in correct order
-------#302 - Map Oracle's NUMBER data type to java.lang.Number in
stored procedures, stored functions
-------#317 - StoredFunctionImpl.asField() renders parameters in wrong
Version - March 13, 2011
In version 1.5.5, there was a fatal bug breaking Derby source code generation.
Only the Derby dialect is affected. Please update immediately, if you are using
jOOQ's Derby integration
-------#315 - Generated master data records are not sorted by PK
#316 - Derby code generation fatally broken
Version 1.5.5 - March 12, 2011
This version is released early as there are some important bugfixes. Additional
improvements include:
- Improved DSL related to conditions in HAVING and JOIN clauses
- Support for Oracle-style functions, such as NVL, NVL2, COALESCE
-------#304 - Add
#305 - Add
#308 - Add
#311 - Add



Oracle NVL function

COALESCE function
Oracle NVL2 function
Oracle DECODE function

API changes
----------#223 - Enhance DSL to accept and(), or() and similar methods in JOIN steps
#224 - Enhance DSL to accept and(), or() and similar methods in HAVING steps
-------#297 - Fixed Factory.concatenate() function
#298 - Added integration tests for nested selects in HAVING clause


#310 #312 #313 #304 -

Added integration tests for nested selects in JOIN clause

Javadoc correction
Accelerated integration tests
Fixed JDBC variable binding issue related to Conditions where the lhs is
a function (e.g. stored function) and the rhs is a constant
Fixed issue where fetchOne() methods throw NullPointerException if no
result record is available
Fixed issue where Field.equal(...) methods rendered unexpected SQL when
rhs null is cast to a type
Fixed Derby cast type for VARCHAR
Let the DerbyDataType default for java.lang.String be VARCHAR, not LONG

Version 1.5.4 - March 04, 2011

Feature #243 required a minor API change in the base classes of generated source
code. This means you have to re-generate all your jOOQ artifacts in order to
migrate to 1.5.4. The artifacts themselves should be regenerated in a compatible
way, such that your client code should not be affected. If this is not the case,
please report a ticket here:
Apart from the Derby RDMBS and some new data type support, there have been many
new convenience methods added all over the API. For instance, if type-safety is
not really a requirement, there are lots of possibilities to use plain SQL
directly in the DSL. In that case, data can be accessed from Record, Results,
not only through Field<?>, but also through field names or indexes.
Check out the updated documentation (soon) here:
- Support for the Derby RDBMS
- Support for casting. This allows for even greater flexibility
in cases where jOOQ cannot 100% ensure type-safety
- Support for ARRAY types. Oracle, Postgres, HSQLDB and H2 ARRAY
types are now supported natively as regular <T> bindings in
jOOQ's Field<T>
- Support for dialect-specific data types. CHAR, VARCHAR, CLOB
are no longer treated equally as java.lang.String. Their
type heritage is also generated
- More sequence support
- Lots and lots of bug fixes
-------#95 - Support for the Derby RDMBS
#163 - Add support for JDBC type ARRAY (with Postgres)
#209 - Add support for DB2 sequences
#210 - Add support for H2 sequences
#211 - Add support for HSQLDB sequences
#215 - Support for SQL casting using <T> as cast type
#246 - Support for SQL casting using dialect-specific data types
#254 - Add HSQLDB support for ARRAY types
#256 - Add Oracle support for VARRAY types
#257 - Integrate ARRAY types with stored procedures
#261 - Add a global type mapping to the generated Schema object
#267 - Add DataTypeDefinition for further abstraction of data types in code

#269 - Add H2 support for ARRAY types
#290 - If log4j is not on the classpath, use java.util.logging instead, as
API Changes
----------#156 - Allow for results to be accessed by index, not by field
#218 - Corrected bad method signature: Record.getValueAsLong(Field<?>, Integer)
#219 - Extended Result and Select API's to be more similar to that of Record
#232 - Add more convenience plain SQL support to the API
#235 - Add convenience methods to Record, Result and Select for access of data
via field name
#243 - Refactor DataType implementations in order to allow for the use of
#259 - Add field type to database meta data (ColumnDefinition)
#260 - Add field type to database meta data (Field<?>)
#262 - Add default behaviour for Record.getValue(Field<?>)
#276 - Add Javadoc as a ZIP file to the jOOQ distribution
-------#125 - Add more plain SQL integration tests
#191 - Add more integration tests for nested unions
#205 - Implemented workaround for handling Postgres stored functions with UDT
OUT parameters
#214 - Fixed NPE when generating a stored function with an unknown parameter
#216 - Fixed some cases where binding of BigInteger is not done correctly
#220 - Syntax error when using select statement in a CASE clause
#221 - Corrected integration tests for combined update and select statements
#222 - Added integration test for INSERT statements having nested SELECT
statements for their fields
#225 - Correctly cast array types in Postgres
#230 - Potential misuse of Blob and Clob in H2's JDBC types
#239 - Factory.fetchAny() is not implemented for SQLite
#244 - Fixed peculiar MySQL casting support where cast types do not match any
data types
#245 - Fixed NPE when reading null dates in SQLite
#249 - Added ARRAY type integration tests
#255 - Stored procedure bind variables get mixed up when any argument is null
#263 - Correctly handle Postgres function overloading
#264 - Ambiguous funciton calls when calling overloaded functions with null
#281 - Handle compilation errors when generating stored procedures with > 254
#283 - Fixed compilation errors in generated source code for Oracle's UDT table
#284 - Fixed compilation errors in generated source code for Oracle procedures
in packages, when they have no parameters
#285 - Fixed compilation errors in generated source code for Oracle tables with
the same name in different schemata
#286 - Fixed name collisions in generated objects with the java.lang.* package
#288 - Prevent the creation of UNION queries with bad syntax in MySQL
#289 - Correctly alias fields within UNION queries for some dialects, which then
only require the "AS" keyword
#291 - Cannot create an aliased field called "year" in Postgres
Version 1.5.3 - January 13, 2011

Lots of stored procedure support was implemented

Support for sequences was added
The final decision to postpone support for DB2 UDT's was made
Some code generation bugfixes

-------#36 - Added stored procedure / stored function support for HSQLDB
#140 - Added support for Oracle sequences
#147 - Added support for H2 stored functions
#162 - Correctly integrate UDTs with stored procedures
#170 - Added support for Postgres stored functions
#186 - Added support for more Oracle PL/SQL simple data types
#193 - Simulate support for H2 "stored procedures"
#195 - Simulate support for Postgres "stored procedures"
#206 - Added support for Postgres sequences
API changes
----------#180 - Improved DSL for constant values
#181 - Allow for referencing Field<?> in function argument list
#189 - Renamed convenience methods in org.jooq.Record
#207 - Add fetchOne(Field) method to org.jooq.Select API
-------#182 - Protected generated Record classes against clashes with inherited methods
#183 - Fixed NullPointerException, when generating master data tables with
NULL fields
#184 - Fixed IllegalArgumentException, when a data type is present in the
schema, but unavailable in code generation logic
#185 - Code generation should not fail when single elements cannot be generated
#188 - Improved integration tests for stored procedures / functions / packages
#196 - Increase RDMBS version compatibility by avoiding "SELECT *" in code
generation logic
#199 - Added integration tests for stored procedures in RDBMS that do not
support OUT parameters
#201 - Fixed issue in DB2 where stored procedures without parameters were not
#202 - Added integration tests for stored procedures / functions without
Version 1.5.2 - December 27, 2010
- Improved support for stored procedures, also in packages
- A minor API change was inevitable to implement #173. The API change only
concerns the INTERNAL API. Deprecation marks are added and deprecated items
will be removed in 1.6.0
- Experimental SQLite database support
- Some important bug fixes
-------#25 - Added support for Oracle packages
#114 - Added support for Oracle UDTs
#145 - Added support for the SQLite database
#150 - Generate static convenience methods for stored procedures / functions
#151 - Generate static convenience methods for stored function fields

#152 - Generate meaningful serialVersionUID in generated classes

#173 - Added support for EQUIVALENT schemata
API changes
----------#159 - Added convenience method List<T> getValues(Field) to Result
#165 - Added convenience methods for creating EXISTS clauses
#169 - Improved DSL for WHERE clauses
-------#68 - Prevent issues originating from overloaded stored procedure names,
generating identical Java class names
#153 - Fixed issue with generated code for DB2 stored functions
#154 - Fixed issue with generated code for DB2 stored functions
#155 - Fixed issues with database NULL not being mapped correctly to Java NULL
when selecting values that have a primitive type (int, long, etc)
#158 - Potential ClassCastException when using Field<BigInteger>
#171 - Corrected issue related to selection of default schema in DB2
#177 - Fixed issue related to generated code for tables or UDTs without columns
Version 1.5.1 - December 13, 2010
- H2 database support thanks to Espen Stromsnes
- Improved stored procedure support
-------#96 - Added
#101 - Added
#138 - Added
#146 - Added

H2 database support
stored procedure / stored function support for Oracle
stored procedure support for DB2
support for DB2 functions

API changes
----------#143 - Added convenience methods to Record
-------#84 - Implemented referential code generation for foreign keys that do not
match their primary keys' types
#141 - Encoding problem in generated master data classes
Version 1.5.0 - November 22, 2010

A big one. Major API changes / improvements

Added lots of convenience methods
UDT support
Enum support
DB2 support thanks to Espen Stromsnes
"Light" dependency to log4j added. jOOQ will still run without it

-------#1 - Create support for UDTs (so far only for PostgreSQL)
#15 - Added DB2 support
#60 - Added support for nested selects in INSERT and UPDATE statements

#83 - Added log4j logging to code generation and runtime

#87 - Add support for arithmetic expressions
#105 - Added support for ENUM data types, where applicable (MySQL and PostgreSQL
so far)
#110 - Added execute and fetch convenience methods
#111 - Added missing "select distinct" support
#122 - Annotate generated classes with javax.annotation.Generated
#123 - Generate user enum fields from data values (master data)
#124 - Added PlainSQLTable
#127 - Added not() operator to Condition
#135 - Added convenience methods andNot() and orNot() in Condition
API changes
----------#89 - Removed support for DataSource. jOOQ is not a transaction manager
#92 - Added SortField type to be used for sorting
#99 - Provide better access to functions (No more FunctionFactory)
#116 - Merge Manager functionality into Factory
#118 - Improve API of org.jooq.Field
#119 - Improve subquery condition API
#132 - Reduced much of the select query API
#134 - Better separation of SelectQuery and SimpleSelectQuery
-------#109 - Error when executing select * if generated schema does not match actual
#115 - Fix various "null" pseudo field issues
#126 - Error when selecting a single field from a union nested select
#129 - Fixed performance issue in Oracle code generation for very large
Version 1.4.4 - November 22, 2010
Unreleased version, fixes included in 1.5.0
-------#133 - JoinCondition does not take comparison operator
Version 1.4.3 - October 25, 2010
Some more bugfixes
-------#71 - Generated code does not compile, when foreign key and primary key have a
data type mismatch
#73 - In Oracle generated code, multi-field foreign keys may generated bad
relations code
#82 - Conversion of literals to camelcase fails if numbers are involved
Version 1.4.2 - October 22, 2010

Various bugfixes and minor improvements

-------#66 - Add support for CASE or DECODE expression
API changes
----------#77 - Functions should not extend FieldImpl, but a new AbstractField
#78 - QueryPart pollutes declared method space of its implementations. Hide it
by indirection
-------#64 - Code generation fails when foreign key references a
the primary key. Code generation for these cases is
#67 - When loading properties files, a leading / seems to
preventing users from correctly setting up jOOQ the
#70 - Add support for Oracle datatype TIMESTAMP(6)
#72 - Name clashes in generated Tables
#75 - Constant does not bind its values.
#76 - Constant should not render strings all the time
#79 - Constants are not properly escaped
#80 - Position function does not bind any variables
#81 - Add cast function to Constants in HSQL

unique key that is not

be mandatory. This is
first time

Version 1.4.1 - October 18, 2010

Oracle patch release
-------#63 - Generate referential functionality for Oracle
Version 1.4.0 - October 17, 2010
Support for PostGreSQL was added.
Added lots of OR-mapping functionality.
There is a general API change due to various new features.
-------#14 - Add PostGreSQL support
#40 - Resolve foreign keys. Allow for navigation between objects.
#42 - Add PlainSQLField
#45 - Add "dirty" flag to Record's values. This allows for updating only
relevant data.
#47 - Complete implementation for UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE statements. Added some
missing functionality.
#48 - Add more support for Date, Time, Timestamp fields.
#51 - Add a org.jooq.impl.Manager class that provides common utility methods for
CRUD operations
API changes
----------#10 - Add second generic type <R extends Record>. This is a prerequisite for
many OR-mapping features
#18 - Use org.jooq.Record in InsertQuery and UpdateQuery

#46 - Create UpdatableRecords as a prerequisite for JPA and true OR-mapping.

These records support store() and delete() methods
#52 - Add default constructor in generated Records.
#53 - Add refresh functionality to UpdatableRecords. See also #46
#54 - Add a state to the factory class
#56 - Reduce API, remove unnecessary Condition subinterfaces
#57 - Reduce API, remove unnecessary QueryPart interfaces
-------#49 - NullPointerException when generating relations on schema subset
#58 - Count function renders bad SQL in various dialects
#59 - Exception when selecting unaliased functions in queries
Version 1.3.0 - August 24, 2010
Support for HSQLDB was added.
There is a major API change due to #44.
-------#29 - Generate primary keys and foreign keys in Oracle code generation
#34 - Add support for HSQLDB
#39 - Generate primary keys and foreign keys in HSQLDB code generation
#41 - Add documentation to QueryFactory and Functions
API changes
----------#23 - Add support for more advanced joins
#32 - Merge SelectQuery and ResultProviderQuery interfaces
#44 - Let Query methods return "this"
-------#35 - Add unit tests for HSQLDB support
#37 - Syntax error in combined select queries! The usage of combined queries in
MySQL may still be a bit awkward. Keep an eye out for further fixes
#43 - Join with aliased tables doesn't work
Version 1.2.0 - August 21, 2010
The added Oracle support is now unit tested and more stable. The Oracle NUMBER
data type is mapped more precisely to Java types.
-------#12 - Model primary keys and foreign keys in generated code
#22 - Improve mapping of Oracle NUMBER data type
#26 - Add Plain SQL QueryParts
#27 - Add support for HAVING clause
-------#24 - Add Unit tests for oracle database (and fixed bugs)
#31 - Pull up addOrderBy() methods from SelectQuery to ResultProviderQuery
Version 1.1.0 - August 17, 2010

The main new feature is the Oracle support. Wait for Version 1.1.1 for that
support to be stabilised, as there are no Oracle unit tests running against an
Oracle database yet.

Add support for inner / nested selects

Add more function support
Implement filtering functionality for code generation
Add Oracle Support
Create true POJO's (implementing org.jooq.Record) with getters and setters
Make org.jooq.impl.Parameter independent of Field

-------#11 - Code generation does not remove files
Version 1.0.1 - August 14, 2010
-------#5 - Prevent code regeneration, if no changes were made
#7 - Implement ant task for code generation
Version 1.0.0 - August 14, 2010
Initial Release

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