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Second Philippine International School

Compilations of
Physical Assessment

Submitted by: Roxenette Gil

B. Pangilinan
Submitted to: Mr. Alan

Physical Education
Anthropometrics Measurements


Body Mass or Weight

It is the quality of
having heaviness.

Stature or Standing

It is the measure
from the sole of the
feet to the top of
the head.

Sitting Height

It is the total
measure of the
trunk, neck and head
of an individual.

Arm Span

It is the total
measure of the upper
limbs, hands and
shoulders of the
human body.

This is used to
determine body mass
index, indicating
whether one is
normal weight,
overweight or obese.
This is a test to
identify potential
basketball players
and scout for weight
In the jumping
events in athletics,
the ratio of the
sitting height to
standing height is
relevant to the
performance. The
lower the ratio, the
better the
Arm span is relevant
to sports such as
badminton and water
polo where a greater
span can be
beneficial to


Health-Related Physical
Fitness Tests


It is reaching as
far as you can with
one extended leg. It
is done with the
left and right leg

Shoulder Stretch

It is reaching over
the left hand with
the right hand at
the back and vice

1-Kilometer Run/Walk

It is running and
walking (if the
runner gets tired) a

Partial Curl-Ups

It is forming a
curve in the body to

This is to measure
the flexibility of
the hamstring and
lower back muscles.
Flexibility is the
capability of being
bent without
breaking the muscle.
This is to measure
the flexibility of
the shoulder joints
and create an
appreciation on the
importance of
flexibility in other
of the body.
This is to measure
the ability of the
heart, lungs,
circulatory system
and the muscles to
transport and
utilize oxygen
during physical
activities. It
measure the overall
health and physical
fitness of the
In maintaining good
posture, hip

show strength and

endurance of the
abdominal muscles.

alignment is
important. On the
other hand, to
prevent lower back
pains, strong
abdominal muscles
are very important.

Trunk Lift

It is lifting the
upper part of the
body from waist up
to the head with the
hands under the

This is to measure
the strength and
flexibility of the
lower back extensor

Right-Angle Push-Ups

It is pushing off
the floor with the
arms in 90 angle.

This is to measure
the strength and
endurance of the
arms and upper body

Skill-Related Physical
Fitness Tests

Standing Long Jump

Basketball Pass

50-Meter Sprint



It is jumping as far
as you can from a
standing position.

This test measures

the strength and
power of the leg

It is throwing a
basketball using a
two-hand chest pass
while in a longsitting position.
It is running a
distance of 50meters with full
speed in the
beginning until end.

The purpose of the

test is to measure
upper body strength
and power.
This test is
conducted to measure
running speed.

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