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Hello, Good afternoon. How are you today? Please take a seat.

The problem I chose to investigate was, the effect of tilt angle on the power
output of the Solar Panel?
My hypothesis for this experiment was if the tilt of the solar panel is at a 30
degree angle then the power output will be maximized.
Now lets talk about how a solar panel is made
A solar panel is a very thin slice of a crystalline silicon. A semi-conductor is a
substance that lets energy flows one way but not the other, germanium is the
best semi-conductor in the world but since it is not easily available a solar cell is
made from silicon. Silicon is popular for another reason because scientists have
the technology to make the silicon either a positive or negative charge which is
important to have a solar cell and a battery. The tiny disks are then washed
carefully, and then polished. Dopants are then added to the solar panel which
alter the charge. After a protective glass is added to the panel, then a highly
conductive cement is added to the bottom so that electrons can be easily
transferred. There are two types of solar panels, a mono-crystal structure and the
multi-crystal structure. The mono-crystal is made with only one crystal and
provides the solar panel with a higher efficiency, whereas the multi-crystal is
made of many crystals and gives the panel a higher power output year round. I
chose the mono-crystal cell for this project because according to the US
Department of Energy Statistics, mono-crystal panels are more commonly found
in the country.
The most complicated part of this experiment was to actually make the circuit so
that the solar panel would give a power output. I had to connect the solar panel
to the first two sockets of the charge controller using the copper wire, and then
connect the battery to the next two sockets so that the battery could be charged.
On the side, I had a lamp with copper wires attached to it and ready to be
attached to the battery at the end of the day. I had to make sure that the copper
wires were exactly in the sockets or the current would not pass properly, this took
extreme precision.

My results supported my hypothesis by saying that the power voltage would be

maximized at a 30 degree angle. The 30 degree angle was followed by the 45
degree angle which had an average of .15V less than 30 degrees. The 15, 90, and
0 degree angles came next and provided an average of 11.75, 11.71, and 11.68
Volts respectively. Next was the 75 degree angle with 11.62V, and 60 degrees was
last with 11.24 Volts.
Today sustainable energy is high in demand, and knowing what angle will give the
best solar panel power output will help millions of people around the world. I
noticed that at the 30 degree angle the sun was directly overhead the solar panel
at noon, and at the other angles the sun was directly above the panel only after or
before noon. It is important to have the sun directly overhead at noon because in
the winter months there is not that much sunlight, and for that same reason the
panel has to get as much energy as it can from the sun in as little time as possible.
If solar panels were to be put all across the world in places such as India and
Zimbabwe, then these places would not experience the scarcity of electricity.
People could easily learn how to attach a light bulb to a solar panel with limited
education, and if difficulties are faced then people can always go to help those in
need. With just one 8 watt light bulb a lamp can be on for an average of 14o
minutes, and knowing the right angle can provide maximum energy to all parts of
the world.

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