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21 de diciembre de 2014
Tercer domingo de Adviento (B)

2 Samuel 7: 1-11
Lucas 1: 47-55 o Salmo 89: 1-4, 19-29
Romanos 16: 25-27
Lucas 1: 26-38
IDEAS PARA GRFICAS DEL BOLETN (Algunas de las sugerencias para grficas salen de

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 1

ENCENDIDO DE LAS VELAS DE ADVIENTO (En algunas iglesias se acostumbra encender velas como
smbolo de la presencia de Dios y de su luz. La sugerencia aqu es encender las velas de la corona de adviento al
principio del servicio de adoracin. Recurso: Lighting the Advent Candles with Children Traduccin: MGV)

Pueblo: Damos gracias por la luz de Cristo, que brilla en la vida de todo el pueblo de Dios.
Lder: Con los profetas Isaas y Jeremas, velamos y esperamos la venida de Cristo, quien traer luz y
paz a todo el mundo. (Se enciende la primera vela)
Con Juan el Bautista, clamamos en el desierto: Preparen el camino del Seor! Arrepintase, porque
el reino de los cielos se ha acercado. (Se enciende la segunda vela)
Con Mara, la madre de Jess, nos gozamos porque el Todopoderoso ha hecho grandes cosas por su
pueblo. Cun santo es el nombre de Dios! (Se enciende la tercera vela).
Con Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, contamos la historia de Jess, el nio de Beln, quien vino a
salvarnos y que viene nuevamente en gloria. (Se enciende la cuarta vela).
Lder: Dios mo, siempre alabar tu gran amor que nunca cambia; siempre hablar de tu fidelidad,
tan firme como el cielo!
Pueblo: Dios nuestro, los cielos te alaban por tus grandes hechos; todos los ngeles del cielo hablan
de tu fidelidad y slo a ti te honran. Eres un Dios incomparable; eres grande y maravilloso!
Lder: T nos hiciste una promesa a travs de los profetas y de los salmos: nos dijiste que vendra uno
que reinara con poder y que te llamara Padre. T nos hiciste promesa y nos cumpliste.
Unsono: Dios mo, bendito seas por siempre! As sea.
ORACIN DE APERTURA (Prayers for Advent.
Traduccin: MGV)

Dios altsimo, para ti nada es imposible

Tu diste a luz tu reino de gloria sin fin
a travs de una mujer joven y pobre, en un pequeo pueblo.
Llnanos, a travs de tu Espritu Santo, de nueva vida y esperanza
y protgenos con tu poder y gracia
para que, como Mara, podamos ser tus siervas y siervos,
dando testimonio de la promesa de tu Palabra;
por Jesucristo, quien viene a reinar. Amn.
Cantad al Seor EHP 1 / O Sing to the Lord GTG 637 (TPH 472): Para escuchar la msica,
ve a-
A Dios dad gracias EHP 192 / All Glory Be to God on High TPH 133: Para escuchar la
msica puedes ir a-
Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 2

Oh ven, oh ven Emanuel EHP 65 / O Come, O Come, Emmanuel GTG 88 (TPH 9): Para
escuchar la msica, ve a-
Gozo del mundo es el Seor EHP 72 / Joy to the World GTG 134 (TPH 40): Para
escuchar la msica, ve a-
Gloria a Dios EHP 492 / Glory to God GTG 585 (STF 2033): Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Dios est aqu / God is here today GTG 411 (STF 2049): Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Ven, Jess muy esperado EHP 64/ Come Thou Long Expected Jesus GTG 82: Para or
la msica de este himno ve aqu-
Calle todo ser humano EHP 70/ Let All Mortal Flash Keep Silence GTG 347 (TPH 5):
Para escuchar la msica puedes ir aqu-
Jerusaln, despierta ya! EHP 133: Para escuchar la msica ve aqu
Magnfico Dios: Puedes escuchar la msica aqu-
Hijo de Dios: Para escuchar la msica, ve a-
Cantar de tu amor por siempre / I will sing of your love forever: Para escuchar la
msica, ve a-
Bendito seas t / Blessed Be Your Name: Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Mejor un da / Better is One Day: Para escuchar una muestra de la msica, ve a
Eres fiel / You Are Good: Para escuchar la msica, ve a-
Unsono: Dios nos ha dado a conocer sus deseos, nos ha dado la buena nueva de
salvacin que nos dice que Jess vino a este mundo para darnos vida en abundancia.
Sin embargo, el miedo nos acoge y nos hace actuar en desobediencia y en negacin.
Las garras del pecado nos ciegan y en vez de pedirle a Dios que se haga su voluntad en
su pueblo, lo que hacemos es ensordecer nuestros odos con las voces de nuestra
propia voluntad y egosmo. Seor nuestro, aydanos a entender tus designios. Quita
de nosotros/as toda cobarda o todo acto que nos separen de ti. Haz que al sentir tu
perdn, podamos creer y obedecer cada da ms. En el nombre de Jesucristo, nuestra
mejor enseanza. Amn.
PERDN (When We Gather. Geneva Press Louisville, Kentucky p. 146. Traduccin: MGV)
Pastor/a: Dios, que es justo y misericordioso, ha enviado a Jesucristo al mundo para redimirnos del
pecado. Al volvernos a Dios con corazones contritos, Cristo intercede en nuestro nombre. Es por eso
que, con certeza, puedo decirles que en Jesucristo somos perdonados y perdonadas.

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 3
Diferentes actividades para la niez:
Natn le asegura a David que su descendencia reinar con la misericordia de Dios.
El Magnficat.
Cntico al amor de Dios.
La revelacin del plan de salvacin en Jesucristo.
La anunciacin a Mara.
Anuncio del nacimiento de Jess.
He aqu la sierva del Seor.
Nada hay imposible para Dios.
Dios te edificar una casa.
Bienaventurados/as en todas las generaciones.
Lo que hizo Dios y lo que hace Dios.
Cantar las misericordias de Dios perpetuamente.
Roca de mi salvacin.
La revelacin del misterio.
Todava trabajando en el mundo.
Hijo de Dios.
ORACIN DEL PUEBLO (Oracin antifonal de Adviento. Margarita L. Tourn. Red de liturgia del CLAI:

Lder 1: Seor de la historia, dueo del tiempo, te damos gracias porque desde antiguo te has
interesado en el fugaz presente de tu pueblo, has escuchado su clamor y has acudido a socorrerlo.
Dios de liberacin y promesa sostenemos nuestros das en Tu fidelidad.
Unsono: Te alabamos Seor por tu gracia invaluable que renueva y sostiene nuestra
Lder 2: Todopoderoso, omnipotente Dios, que elegiste la humildad de Mara para contener en su
debilidad Tu maravilla, te agradecemos porque sigues poniendo Tus ojos sobre tus hijas e hijos,
porque nos haces receptores de Tu gracia y nos involucras en Tu historia para nuestra salvacin.
Unsono: Te alabamos Seor porque nos eliges e invitas tambin a nosotros hoy a
sumarnos a Tu proyecto.
Lder 3: Eterna misericordia, Seor de la justicia y de la paz, que anunciaste Tu llegada en primer
lugar a los pastores, haciendo resplandecer Tu luz en medio de su noche, te agradecemos porque los
pequeos, los pobres, los trabajadores son tus predilectos y a ellos sigues deseando que llegue la
buena noticia de Tu amor.
Unsono: Te alabamos Seor en nuestra ciudad para que Tus elegidos puedan
Lder 4: Sabidura plena, Dios admirable en sus planes, a quien los reyes extranjeros vinieron a
adorar. Te damos gracias porque eres Dios de todas las personas y usas distintos medios para que
quienes buscan la Verdad puedan encontrarte.
Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 4

Unsono: Te alabamos Seor, porque hasta los confines de la tierra quieres unirnos en
Tu amor.

Mi alma glorifica al Seor mi Dios EHP 483: Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Florece una rosa EHP 57 / Lo, How a Rose is Blooming GTG 129 (TPH 48): Para
escuchar la msica y ver la letra ve a-
El Dios de inmensa majestad EHP 71: No se pudo encontrar la msica en la Internet.
Qu nio es ste? EHP 95 / What Child is This? GTG 145 (TPH 53): Para escuchar la
msica, ve a-
Como estrella en claro cielo EHP 62 / As a Star on Cloudless Evenings : Para escuchar
la msica, ve a-
Cantar de tu gran amor: Para escuchar la msica, ve a-
Nada especial: Para escuchar la msica, ve a-
Ven Seor a nuestra vida: Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Mara sabas que / Mary did you know: Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Poderoso para salvar / Mighty to Save: Para escuchar la msica, ve a
Dulcemente quebrantado / Sweetly Broken: Para escuchar la msica, ve a
COMISIN (Romanos 16: 25-27)
Pastor/a: Y al que puede fortaleceros segn mi evangelio y la predicacin de Jesucristo, segn la
revelacin del misterio que se ha mantenido oculto desde tiempos eternos, pero se ha manifestado
ahora, y que por las Escrituras de los profetas, segn el mandamiento del Dios eterno, se ha dado a
conocer a todas las naciones para que obedezcan la fe, al nico y sabio Dios, sea gloria mediante
Jesucristo para siempre. Amn.

Pastor/a: Salgamos en paz y, en el transcurso de este nuevo ao cristiano, que la estrella de la paz
contine guiando nuestro camino; que podamos seguir encontrando seales de paz en los rostros de
todoshombres, mujeres, adultos, juventud y niez; dondequiera que vayamosen la casa, trabajo,
escuela o iglesia, en el campo o la ciudad, para que as podamos cumplir nuestros sueos y hacer
realidad el que la violencia termine y que haya paz en la tierra y en los cielos gloria. Amn.
EHP= El Himnario Presbiteriano;
TPH= The Presbyterian Hymnal
STF= Sing the Faith
BCW= Book of Common Worship
GTG= Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal;
Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 5

MGV= Marissa Galvn Valle

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 6

December 21, 2014
Fourth Sunday of Advent (B)

2 Samuel 7: 1-11
Luke 1L 47-55 or Psalm 89: 1-4, 19-26
Romans 16: 25-27
Luke 1: 26-38
IDEAS FOR BULLETIN GRAPHICS (Some of the suggestions for graphics come from

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 7

LIGHTING THE ADVEN CANDLES (In some churches the candles are lit in the beginning of worship as a
symbol of the presence of God and of Gods light. The suggestion here is to light the candles of Advent at the beginning of
the worship service. Resource: Lighting the Advent Candles with Children

People: We give thanks for the light of Christ, shining in the lives of all Gods people.
Leader: With the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, we watch and wait for the coming of Christ who will
bring light and peace to all the world. (Light the first candle.)
With John the Baptist, we cry out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord! Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven has come near. (Light the second candle.)
With Mary, the mother of Jesus, we rejoice, for the Mighty One has done great things for us. How holy
is Gods name! (Light the third candle.)
With Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we tell the story of Jesus, the child of Bethlehem, who came to
save us, and is coming again in glory. (Light the fourth candle.)
CALL TO WORSHIP (Based Psalm 89. MGV)
Leader: God, I will always praise your great love that never changes, I will always speak of your
faithfulness, as steady as the sky!
People: God, the heavens will praise you for your great deeds, all the angels of heaven speak of your
faithfulness and they give you honor. You are an incomparable God, you are great and wonderful!
Leader: You made us a promise through the prophets and the psalms: you told us that one would
come who would reign in power and call your father. You made a promise and you fulfilled it.
Unison: God, be blessed forever! So be it.
OPENING PRAYER (Prayers for Advent
Most High God, for you nothing is impossible.
Through a poor young woman in a small town
you gave birth to your realm of endless glory.
By your Holy Spirit, fill us with new life and hope
and overshadow us with your power and grace
so that we, like Mary, might be your servants,
bearing witness to the promise of your Word;
through Jesus Christ, who is coming to reign. Amen.
Cantad al Seor EHP 1 / O Sing to the Lord GTG 637 (TPH 472): To listen to the music,
go to-
A Dios dad gracias EHP 192 / All Glory Be to God on High TPH 133: To listen to the
music, go to-

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Oh ven, oh ven Emanuel EHP 65 / O Come, O Come, Emmanuel GTG 88 (TPH 9): To
listen to the music, go to-
Gozo del mundo es el Seor EHP 72 / Joy to the World GTG 134 (TPH 40): To listen to
the music, go to-
Gloria a Dios EHP 492 / Glory to God GTG 585 (STF 2033): To listen to the music, go to
Dios est aqu / God is here today GTG 411 (STF 2049): To listen to the music, go to
Ven, Jess muy esperado EHP 64/ Come Thou Long Expected Jesus GTG 82: To listen
to the music, go to-
Calle todo ser humano EHP 70/ Let All Mortal Flash Keep Silence GTG 347 (TPH 5):
To listen to the music, go to-
Jerusaln, despierta ya! EHP 133 (Arise Jerusalem): Only in Spanish. To listen to the
music, go to-
Magnfico Dios (Magnificent God): Only in Spanish. To listen to the music, go to
Hijo de Dios (Son of God): Only in Spanish. To listen to the music, go to
Cantar de tu amor por siempre / I will sing of your love forever: To listen to the music,
go to-
Bendito seas t / Blessed Be Your Name: To listen to the music, go to
Mejor un da / Better is One Day: To listen to a sample of the music, go to
Eres fiel / You Are Good: To listen to the music, go to-
Unison: God has made known his wishes to us, and has given us the good news of
salvation which tells us that Jesus came into this world to give us life in abundance.
However, fear overtakes us and makes us act in disobedience and denial. The claws of
sin blind us and instead of asking God to do Gods will in all of us, what we do is
deafen our ears with the voices of our own will and selfishness. Our Lord, help us to
understand your intentions. Take from us all cowardice or the acts that separate us
from you. Allow that when we feel your forgiveness, we might believe and obey more
every day. In the name of Jesus Christ, our best teaching. Amen.
PARDON (When We Gather. Geneva Press Louisville, Kentucky p. 146.)
Pastor: God, who is just and gracious, has sent Jesus Christ into the world to redeem us from sin. As
we turn to God with contrite hearts, Christ intercedes on our behalf. So with assurance I can say to
you, in Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 9

Different puzzles and activities for children in Spanish (You can get activities in English, in the
same website):
Nathan assures David that his descendants will rule with the mercy of God.
The Magnificat.
Song to the love of God.
The revelation of the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The annunciation to Mary.
Announcing the birth of Jesus.
Here is the servant of the Lord.
Nothing is impossible for God.
God will build you a house.
Blessed in all the generations.
What God did and what God does.
I will sing the mercies of God forever.
Rock of my salvation.
The revelation of the mystery.
Still working in the world.
Son of God.
PEOPLES PRAYER (Oracin antifonal de Adviento. Margarita L. Tourn. Red de liturgia del CLAI: Translation: MGV)

Leader 1: Lord of history, owner of time, we give you thanks because from ancient times you have
taken interest in the fleeting present of your people, because you have heard their cries, and you have
come to help them. God of liberation and promise, sustain our days in your faithfulness.
Unison: For you invaluable grace that renews and sustains our hope, we praise you
Leader 2: All powerful and Omnipotent God, you chose Marys humbleness to contain the frailty of
your wonder. We thank you, because you still look upon your daughters and sons, because you make
us the receptors of your grace and you involve us in your history for our salvation.
Unison: We praise you Lord, because you choose us and invite us to be a part of your
Leader 3: We thank you because the little ones, the poor ones, and the workers are your favorites, and
they still desire to hear the good news of your love, Mercy Eternal, Lord of justice and peace, who
announced your coming to the shepherds first, allowing for your light to shine in the darkness of
Unison: We praise you in our cities Lord, so that your chosen can know you.

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 10

Leader 4: Complete Wisdom, Wonderful God of wonderful plans, who was worship by foreign kings,
we give you thanks because You are a God for all people and use different ways so that those who
search for the truth can find it.
Unison: Lord, we praise you, for even the ends of the earth want to unite us in your

Mi alma glorifica al Seor mi Dios EHP 483 (My soul glorifies the Lord my God):
Only in Spanish. To listen to the music, go to-
Florece una rosa EHP 57 / Lo, How a Rose is Blooming GTG 129 (TPH 48): To listen to
the music, go to-
El Dios de inmensa majestad EHP 71 (God of immense majesty): Could not find the
music on the Internet.
Qu nio es ste? EHP 95 / What Child is This? GTG 145 (TPH 53): To listen to the
music, go to-
Como estrella en claro cielo EHP 62 / As a Star on Cloudless Evenings: To listen to the
music, go to-
Cantar de tu gran amor (I will sing of your great love): Only in Spanish. To listen to the
music, go to-
Nada especial (Nothing special): Only in Spanish. To listen to the music, go to
Ven Seor a nuestra vida (Come to our lives Lord): Only in Spanish. To listen to the
music, go to-
Mara sabas que / Mary did you know: To listen to the music, go to
Poderoso para salvar / Mighty to Save: To listen to the music, go to
Dulcemente quebrantado / Sweetly Broken: To listen to the music, go to
COMMISION (Romans 16: 25-27)
Pastor: May God receive glory. He is able to strengthen your faith because of the good news I preach.
It is the message about Jesus Christ. It is in keeping with the mystery that was hidden for a very long
time. The mystery has now been made known through the writings of the prophets. The eternal God
commanded that it be made known. He wanted all nations to believe and obey him. May the only wise
God receive glory forever through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pastor: Let us go in peace, and, in the course of this coming Christian year, may the Star of Peace
continue to light our path; may we continue to find signs of peace in the faces of all men, women,
adults, young people and children, wherever we are at home, work, school or church, in town or
country, so as to turn our dreams into reality, and bring violence to an end, that there may be peace
on earth and glory in heaven. Amen.
Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 11

EHP= El Himnario Presbiteriano
TPH= The Presbyterian Hymnal
STF= Sing the Faith,
BCW= Book of Common Worship;
GTG= Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal
MGV= Marissa Galvn-Valle

Ayudas litrgicas / Liturgical Helps

Pgina 12

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