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W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 V O L .

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The Hoffman Family

AFFLICTED, 2010 Brings Great Promise... and Challenges
“Ask of me, and I shall give you the On nights when the wind chill dips to 20 de-
heathen for your inheritance, and the grees, the city's Department of Homeless Ser- uttermost parts of the earth for your vices declares a Level 2 "Code Blue." Starting
profile/BillHoffman622 possession. “ Psalm 2:8 AKJV at 8 p.m., its outreach teams divide the city into
zones and drive around in vans, armed with Wow! What a promise! All we need to lists of the most vulnerable homeless people.
pastorbillhoffman do is ask, and He will give us the lost They visit, or try to visit, each person every two
of every nation. That‟s a promise that hours, all night long.
Web: we can stand firm on! When you ask The outreach workers try to persuade the
for the lost, you can‟t expect that God homeless to climb in the van to be taken to a is just going to drop them in your lap, shelter. Only a small fraction say yes.
800-736-2773 you gotta go out and get „em. The teams' real mission, a city official said, is
"death prevention."
So his Master said, 'Go out into the
streets and behind the hedges and
Personal Address: urge anyone you find to come, so that
221 Mellon Place the house will be full. Luke 14:23 NLT
Elizabeth, NJ
07208 That‟s what we do with the Relief
Buses. We go to where the people are.
And, we pray for them to come, every
time the bus shows up. Four days and
two nights a week, year „round, we are NYCR and the NYC Rescue Alliance once
out in the streets, Feeding the Hungry, again this year are facilitating the “DON”T
Clothing the Naked, Providing the Poor WALK BY” Outreach, sponsored by the NYC
Wanderer with shelter. Rescue Alliance, every Saturday night in Jan.
and the first Sat. in Feb. This outreach is also
NY TIMES says: “ NY Outreach death prevention.
Program is „Death Prevention‟” 100‟s of volunteers will be sent into the streets
from 5-9 PM looking in the “hedges” to bring in
the poor, and homeless, giving them a hot
meal, and an opportunity to go into a private
shelter, detox program, or long term Christian
program. My particular role is to head up the
assessment team, consisting of representa-
tives of Christian programs, shelters, and medi-
cal personnel. We hope to increase our effec-
tiveness even over last year with a greater de-
gree of follow up and follow through with
those that we meet each Saturday night. You
and/or members of your church can sign up
“He was identified on paper only as and get involved by visiting
James Unknown, a white male in his
50‟s with a temporary address near
57th Street and Second Avenue.

On a wind-whipped Wednesday night

as the temperature plunged below
freezing, two social workers set out in
a van to find him, the first of 10 home-
less people scattered across Midtown
Manhattan they would look for that
night. OVER
I joined New York City Relief in 1990. Many thought I was crazy to sell my home,
leave “it all”, for the sake of Jesus and the sake of the Gospel.
Even I said “either I am crazy completely, or it‟s God…”
Turns out… I wasn‟t crazy… it was God.

In 20 Years, we have gone from one old converted bus, to two full time outreaches
plus weekend nights to Newark, and Paterson, New Jersey, with churches adopting
the outreach for their own on specific days.

4 MILLION servings of food and beverages.

160,000 helped with resources to effect change in their lives
40,000 Volunteers Trained & Mobilized
YOU have been a vital part of each and every one of these lives that have been
touched, impacted or completely changed. You support is not extra money for us to
do extra things, your support helps make up our paycheck.

We have recently lost a huge amount of monthly support…$2,000.00

Therefore, we need your support more than ever before.

Please send donations to: New York City Relief, 295 Walnut St. Elizabeth, NJ 07201
Make checks Payable to NYCR with “Hoffman” in the memo. Thank You!

Online Giving Options

Go to:
Type: “New York City Relief” into the Charity Name Field,
click Search, click Donate Now
Type: “Bill Hoffman” in the Designation Field
You can set up monthly giving with this option.

If you wish, you may give non-tax deductible gifts through …


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