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A pilonidal cyst is an abnormal pocket originating in the skin that usually contains hair, skin debris and

other abnormal tissue. A pilonidal cyst is almost always located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of
the buttocks. The term "pilonidal" comes from the Latin words for hair ("pilus") and nest ("nidus").
Pilonidal cysts affect men more often and most commonly occur in young adults.
A pilonidal cyst may remain harmless. If it becomes infected, however, it will cause pain, inflammation
and usually drainage of fluids.

A pilonidal cyst may cause no noticeable symptoms (asymptomatic). The only sign of its presence may be
a small pit on the surface of the skin.
When it's infected, a pilonidal cyst becomes a swollen mass (abscess). Signs and symptoms of an
infected pilonidal cyst include:


Localized swelling

Reddening of the skin

Drainage of pus or blood from an opening in the skin (pilonidal sinus)

Foul smell from draining pus

Hair protruding from a passage (tract) below the surface of the skin that connects the infected pilonidal
cyst to the opening on the skin's surface (a pilonidal sinus) more than one sinus tract may form

Fever (uncommon)
When to see a doctor
If you notice any signs or symptoms of a pilonidal cyst, see your doctor. He or she can diagnose the
condition by examining the lesion.

There is some disagreement about what causes pilonidal cysts. Most pilonidal cysts appear to be caused
by loose hairs that penetrate the skin. Friction and pressure skin rubbing against skin, tight clothing,
bicycling, long periods of sitting or similar factors force the hair down into skin. Responding to the hair
as a foreign substance, the body creates a cyst around the hair.

This explanation accounts for rare cases of pilonidal cysts that occur in parts of the body other than near
the tailbone. For example, barbers, dog groomers and sheep shearers have developed pilonidal cysts in
the skin between fingers.
Another possible explanation is that normal stretching or motion of deep layers of skin causes the
enlargement and rupture of a hair follicle, the structure from which a hair grows. A cyst then forms around
the ruptured follicle.
Some children are born with a small indentation in the skin (sacral dimple) near the top of the cleft of the
buttocks. Rarely, a sacral dimple may become infected, essentially forming a pilonidal abscess.

Risk factors
Certain factors can make you more susceptible to developing pilonidal cysts. These include:


Inactive lifestyle

Occupation or sports requiring prolonged sitting

Excess body hair

Stiff or coarse hair

Poor hygiene

Excess sweating


If a chronically infected pilonidal cyst isn't treated properly, there may be an increased risk of
developing a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

By Mayo Clinic staff
To prevent future pilonidal cysts from developing:

Clean the area daily with glycerin soap, which tends to be less irritating. Rinse the area thoroughly to
remove any soapy residue. Washing briskly with a washcloth helps keep the area free of hair

Keep the area clean and dry. Powders may help, but avoid using oils or herbal remedies.

Avoid sitting for long periods of time.

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