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Vlada GAI

Abstract: The dynamics of an overhead crane with

moving hoist with FEA is considered in this paper. The
weight of hoist and payload was treated as moving force,
ignoring inertia effects. The trolley has velocity which is
function in time. Illustration of equivalent nodal forces is
applied at uniform discretizied beam subjected to a single
load moving at prescribed velocity. It is obtained
frequencies and dynamic deflections of structure of bridge
crane finite element model. The results show that
standard finite element packages, apart from modal
analysis and tyme hystory analysis, can be used to
describe response of structure to time-variant moving
Key words: FEA, moving load, dynamic response

This paper deals with moving load problem which is
special topic in structural dynamics. The importance of
this problem is manifested in numerous applications in the
field of transportation. Bridges, cranes, cableways, rails,
roadways, runways and pipelines are examples of
structural elements to be designed to support moving
masses. Interest in analysis of moving load problems
originated in civil engineering (from observation that
when an elastic structure is subjected to moving loads, its
dynamic displacements and stresses can be significantly
higher than those due to equivalent static loads) for the
design of rail-road bridges and highway structures.
Applications of moving load problem have been
presented in mechanical engineering studies for the past
30 years. Its solution requires appropriate modelling of
the structure and a trolley. Typical structure under a
moving load (trolley) in mechanical engineering are
overhead cranes, gantry cranes, unloading bridges,
shipunloaders or e.g. quayside container cranes
considered in [14, 15]. The application of moving load

problem in cranes dynamics has obtained special attention

on the engineering researchers in the last years, but
unfortunately little literature on the subject is available.
The basic approaches in trolley modelling are: the moving
force model; the moving mass model and the trolley
suspension model moving oscillator model existing in
some special structures of gantry cranes and unloading
bridges. The simplest dynamic trolley models are moving
force models. A review of moving force models is given
in [3].
The consequences of neglecting the structure-trolley
interaction in these models may sometimes be minor. In
most moving force models the magnitudes of the contact
forces are constant in time. A constant force magnitude
implies that the inertia forces of the trolley are much
smaller than the dead weight of the structure. Thus the
structure is affected dynamically through the moving
character of the trolley only. All common features of all
moving force models are that the forces are known in
advance. Thus structure-trolley interaction cannot be
considered. On the other hand the moving force models
are very simple to use and yield reasonable structural
results in some cases [16].
There are proposed many analitical methods for solving
the simple cases of moving load problems. Many of them
refer to excellent monograph by Fryba [5]. For more
complex problems numerical methods have to be used.
Although varying positions of the present dynamic loads
need some special considerations, the finite element
method (FEM) is especially powerful due to its versatility
in spatial discretization, [9,12]. Major steps for finite
element analysis of moving load problems are done by
Olsson [3], and later improved with moving mass
problem by Tretheway [1], along with Wu [2] and others.
To the authors knowledge FEA, with mentioned
considerations, is now only used method for crane
structural dynamics at reviews of well known researchers.
Standard finite element packages are not usually set up to
apply moving loads. Although better FE softwares
provide analysis due to dynamic loads, application of
moving and time-variant loads demands certain
considerations. This paper shows techniques for
describing such loads in finite element software SAP
2000. The algorithm is presented on a model of overhead
bridge crane as typical material handling machine with
moving element-hoist. The results are compared with
results of analytical solution of uniform, simply supported
Euler Bernoulli beam subjected to a constant vertical
force moving at constant speed.


Overhead bridge cranes are widely used in factories of all
kind of industry. They run along a parallel pair of rails,
while moving trolley hoisting a cargo object moves over
main girder(s). The crane spans are becoming larger and
hoists are becoming faster, along with demand of precise
positioning on girder. These parameters are increasing
throughout structural flexibility of cranes, which in first
request detailed static analysis in design process [11].
Moreover, this calls for dynamic analysis.
In the past we have seen mounting interest in research of
modelling and control of cranes [16], and many standard

models have been already investigated. These models can

be distinguished by different complexity in modelling and
by the nature of neglected parameters. However, most of
the presented models are very simple ones. Most of the
standard commercial FEM softwares are fully capable to
simulate such models.

forces are calculated with case where moving force goes

along the beam with velocity as function of time. One can
use any velocity pattern which determines the position of
the hoist. Usual used pattern is trapezoidal velocity
pattern, fig. 3. The modification of trapezoidal pattern is
possible in automation of bridge cranes, along with
stepped and notched velocity pattern [17].

Fig. 3. Trapezoidal velocity pattern

Fig. 1. Bridge crane

The most common modeling approaches are the lumpedmass and distributed mass approach, as well as the
combination of the first two approaches. A relatively
recent review on cranes dynamics, modeling and control
is given in [18], but without considering the problems of
the moving load influence on the dynamic response of
Having in mind that the speed of the entire bridge in
horizontal plane (transverse direction) is usually low or
the cranes does not travel in the transverse direction, and,
therefore it is assumed that two space dimensions are
sufficient to describe the payload movement.
In dynamics of bridge cranes one must always start with
crane model as uniform, simply supported beam subjected
to a constant vertical force moving at constant speed.
Analytical solution of dynamic responses for this case is
known [3]. This approach has two important roles. First,
for initial design process it gives satisfactory data for
describing dynamic behavior of cranes. Moreover, it
stands for verification of advanced models and algorithms
for obtaining desired responses.

Here, used pattern is trapezoidal velocity pattern. Trolley

starts accelerating in time tu, goes with constant speed at
time tr, and finishes cycle decelerating in time tk. Total
time is time needed for trolley to get from left end to the
right end on main girder.


The equation of motion of multi-degree-of-freedom
structural system is represented as follows:
[ M ]{u&&} + [C ]{u&} + [ K ]{u} = {F (t )}


where [ M ],[C ],[ K ] are the mass, damping and stiffness

matrices of structure, respectively; {u&&},{u&},{u} are the
acceleration, velocity and displacement vectors for whole
structure, respectively; and {F (t )} is the external force
vector. With beam subjected to a concentrated force P,
the forces on all the nodes of the beam are equal to zero
except the nodes of element s that is subjected to
concentrated force, fig. 4.
Basic principle of simulation of moving load is to apply
forces and moments to all the nodes of the finite element
model, making these loads functions of time. As expected
nodes near to the instantaneous force application point
can then be given relatively large force values, whereas
nodes away from the instantaneous force application point
will have zero values. To develop techniques for deriving
appropriate time-loads for all the nodes of the structure, a
beam subjected to a single concentrated force will be
studied first. According to Clough and Penzien [7], the
external force vector takes the following form:

{F (t )} = {000.... f1( s ) f 2( s ) f 3( s ) f 4( s ) ....000}


where f i( s ) = f i( s ) (t ), (i = 1,2,3,4)
Fig. 2. Uniform, simply supported beam subjected to a
constant vertical force P moving along the beam
In this paper the aim is to implement moving load
requisitions in standard FE package for dynamic analysis
of crane structure. Extension here is that all the nodal

represent the equivalent nodal forces,

{ f ( s ) (t )} = P{N }


{N } = [ N1 N 2 N 3 N 4 ]T


such that these represent shape functions, hermitian

polynomials [8], given by
N1 = 1 3 2 + 2 3

and determined for prescribed function of velocity.

We can find the element number s, that the moving
concentrated force is applied to at any time t, as

s = Int[

x p (t )

] + 1.


N 2 = l ( 2 + )


N 3 = 3 2 2 3


N 4 = l ( 2 + 3 )


= x/l


Fts=rt = PN1


noting l as element length and x as distance along the

element to the point of application of force P, as shown in
fig. 4.

Fts=+r1t = PN 3


M ts=rt = PN 2


M ts=+r1t = PN 4


Fti= rt = 0 , M ti = rt = 0


Element s has two nodes s and s+1. Therefore, the

following equations for nodal forces and moments are
formed when the moving concentrated force, P, is on the
sth beam element at any time.

(i =1 to n except s and s+1).

Equation (9) can be rewritten in terms of the global
position with

Fig. 4. The equivalent forces of the element s subjected to

concentrated force
In order to simulate the moving load there is considered
beam composed of n-1 elements, with n nodes, with
concentrated force moving with velocity v(t), fig. 5.

x p (t ) ( s 1)l


Hence, the time-force and time-moment functions are

determined for all the nodes of the beam when is
subjected to a moving concentrated force. There is
simplification referred as no moment method, setting
N2, N4 to zero. However, in this paper is used full
method concerning all of previously mentioned. The same
principle could be applied if other element types were
used, but corresponding shape functions would need to be

3.1. Illustration of equivalent nodal loads

Fig. 5. A beam subjected to concentrated force moving

with velocity v(t)
Considering m time steps and choosing a time interval t,
the total time is then given by

= m t

To illustrate the principle involved the following example

would be introduced. Here, given algorithm is written in
software Mathematica-Wolfram [19], and illustrates the
principles considering beam of lenght 40 m, with 11
nodes equally spaced along the beam. Let a force of
constant amplitude of 1 N moving from left end to the
other end with velocity pattern, as on fig. 3.


The force and moment vectors contain information for all

the nodes on the beam at all time steps:
[ F ]im+1 = [ Fti=0 Fti=1t Fti=2t ...Fti= ]im+1


[ M ]im+1 = [ M ti=0 M ti=1t M ti=2t ...M ti= ]im+1


for i = 1 to n.
At any time t = r t (r = 1 to m), the position of the
moving force, relative to the left end of the beam, is given

x p (t ) = v(t )dt


Fig. 6. Force-time graph for each node of beam


Paramethers are: acceleration time is 2 s, tr is time where

force moves with constant velocity 5 m/s, and
decceleration time is 2 s. Total time of 10 s is divided into
100 time steps. Fig. 6 and fig. 7 show the force/time and
moment/time graphs for each node of the beam.
All these figures illustrate a feature of technique that both
the force and moment on each node are zero for all times
other than while the force is travelling from the previous
node to the next node.

First, it is performed Modal analysis in SAP 2000, which

is always first step in dynamic analysis to obtain
frequencies. Participating mass ratios and first 3
frequencies of structure is given in [13], and compared
with theoretical values. Natural frequency is 2,08 Hz, i.e.
period 0,48 s. Mode shapes are well-known for simply
supported beam [4].
For given data of moving hoist, it is used equivalent
forces and moments for each node on main girder
(runway beam), obtained with mathematical software,
according to chapter 3.1. Each load is given as Time
history function in FE software. Linear Modal History
case is created with all the functions. It is used solver with
step-by-step method in 100 steps to obtain response.
Number of steps should be the same as for determination
of equivalent forces.


Fig. 7. Moment-time graph for each node of beam

After creating the appropriate model of crane, defined

load cases-time hystory functions-load combination one
can find response of structure due to moving force-hoist.
It is common in structural analysis of cranes to search for
middle section displacement and max. flexural moment.
Plot displacement of joint representing middle section is
presented in fig. 9,a., throughout dimensionless time.
Maximum displacement is 9,52 cm. Flexural moment
envelope shape is given in [13].

Described principles is implemented on finite element
model of top-running overhead crane. Model is created in
FE package SAP 2000v12 [20], with representation on
fig. 8. Model consists of 26 elements, with box section
properties. Elements of main girders and elements of end
carriages are the same. Capacity per girder is 10 t. Main
girder consists of 10 elements. There are followed
recommendations for discretization of structure
continuum in moving load finite element beam models
[1]. The span is push-to-limits span of bridge crane as
L=40 m. End carriage length is 8 m. Maximum velocity of
hoist is 5 m/s. Mentioned parameters are postulated in
chapter 3.1.
Fig. 9. Time-plot of mid-span displacement; (a) SAP 2000
dynamic response;(b) analytical solution with force
moving with constant velocity [3]

Fig. 8. FE model of bridge crane

Other data used for material-section properties in finite
element models are: mass density of beam elements
=7850 kg/m3, Youngs modulus E=2,1 1011 Pa, area of
main girder box section A=0,04 m2, moment of inertia of
main girder I=0,00667 m4, area of end carriage box
section Ac=0,0272 m2, moment of inertia of end carriage
section Ic=0,0016 m4.

Fig. 10. Time-plot of mid-span accelerations

Fig. 10. shows acceleration of mid-span section with

maximum value of 0,4 m/s2.
The problem with force moving on simple beam with
trapezoidal velocity pattern cant be solved analytically.
However, where force is moving with constant speed
exact solution is known [3]. Basic parameter for this case
is non-dimensional parameter which is ratio of half of
fundamental period of beam and time for passing beam
from left to right end, which is for this case

= 0,03


and is used for getting middle span displacement and

shown in fig. 9, b. Maximum displacement is 9,74 cm.
This is used for validation of given model in SAP 2000.

[M ]

structural mass matrix of beam

[C ]
[K ]

structural damping matrix of beam

structural stiffness matrix of beam
nodal displacement vector
nodal velocity vector
nodal acceleration vector
external force vector
shape functions
velocity of moving hoist
distance between the contact position of
moving load and left end of beam
fundamental period of beam
time for moving hoist from left end to
right end of beam
cross-sectional area of a beam
moment of inertia
Youngs modulus
mass density of beam

{F (t )}



This paper deals with moving load problem in dynamic

analysis of bridge cranes with FEA. There is presented
accepted technique for using standard finite element
package to analyze the dynamic response of structure to
time-variant moving load. They are incorporated in FE
package SAP 2000 with data from computer program
created according to presented algorithm. Force is moving
with trapezoidal velocity pattern. Equivalent nodal forces
and moments are gained with full method and illustrated
for chosen parameters. The procedure is applied to a
model of bridge crane with parameters with upper limits
of standard ones, for span and velocity of hoist. Static
analysis is first performed to approve design parameters
of crane. There are followed recomendations for
discretization of structure continuum in moving load
finite element beam models. There are obtained
frequencies of structure with modal analysis. It is
obtained mid-span displacement. Furthermore, whole
procedure is validated with analytical solution where used
crane model is assumed to be simply supported beam with
one moving force traveling at constant speed. The small
difference occurs because of different velocity patterns.
Maximum displacements are very close, which validate
FEA usage. FEA gives much more possibilities in getting
responses (frequencies, displacements, accelerations,
shear forces, flexural moments...) where we can include
more influences, apart from analytical (idealized) models.
The aim of this work is to emphasize the technique for
describing moving load with standard FE packages. It is
convenient to be applied at models of material handling
machines with various structural types. But, it can be used
only where inertia effects of moving hoist is neglected
which is referred as moving mass problem in structural
dynamics. Also, important aim is to improve moving load
considerations in Serbian literature.


This paper is a part of the research funded project TR14052 supported by Ministry of Sciences and
Technological Development of Serbia.

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Vlada GAI, Ass. MSc.
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Kraljice Marije 16
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Milorad MILOVANEVI, Prof. DSc.
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Kraljice Marije 16
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Zoran PETKOVI, Prof. DSc.
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Kraljice Marije 16
11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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