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Integrated Marketing
Communication Strategy
Of Bashundhara Group

Bashundhara Group

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Topic: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Bashundhara Group

Course: Principles of Marketing
Section: 01

Submitted To:
Kashfia Ahmed
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Dhaka 1212

Submitted By:
Md.Yasir Arafat
(Group coordinator)

ID # 2009-1-13- 034

Shams Jahan Farhat

ID # 2009-1-10-060

Md.Golam Mursalin

ID # 2009-1-10-308

Md.Atiqur Rahman Khan

ID # 2009-3-10- 014

Shakh Riad Adnan

ID # 2009-2-10-092

Submission Date: 11.08.2010

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A u g u s t 11 , 2 0 1 0
K a s h f i a Ah m e d
Senior Lecturer
D e p a r t m e n t o f B u s i n e s s Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n
E a s t Wes t U n i v e r s i t y

S u b j e c t : S u b m i s s i o n o f As s i g n m e n t .
Dear Madam:
We a r e v e r y p l e a s e d t o s u b m i t t h i s a s s i g n m e n t o n B a s h u n d h a r a
G r o u p a s y o u h a v e a u t h o r i z e d u s t o i n t h i s s e m e s t e r.
We a r e h o n o r e d t o p r e p a r e t h i s a s s i g n m e n t u n d e r y o u r g u i d a n c e
since it gave us the opportunity to know the current marketing status
of Bashundhara Group and analyze its market condition.
We t r i e d o u r l e v e l b e s t t o g a t h e r t h e i n f o r m a t i o n f o r yo u a s
c o m p r e h e n s i v e a s p o s s i b l e . We w i l l b e o b l i g e d t o p r o v i d e f u r t h e r
c l a r i f i c a t i o n o n t h i s r e p o r t w h e n e v e r n e c e s s a r y.
S i n c e r e l y You r s ,
On behalf of the group
M d . Yas i r Ar a f a t .

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At first we would like to thank our almighty Allah who helps us to
complete our assignment.
We w o u l d l i k e t o e x p r e s s o u r g r a t i t u d e a n d i n d e b t e d n e s s t o o u r
h o n o r a b l e f a c u l t y, M s . K a s h f i a Ah m e d , S e n i o r L e c t u r e r , D e p a r t m e n t
o f B u s i n e s s Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n , E a s t Wes t U n i v e r s i t y ( E W U ) . Wi t h h e r






constructive criticism and generosity she helped us to carry out this

r e p o r t s u c c e s s f u l l y.
We w o u l d a l s o l i k e t o e x p r e s s o u r g r a t i t u d e t o M r. S h a m s u l Ar e f i n







B a s h u n d h a r a c i t y) w h o p r o v i d e d u s m a n y u s e f u l l i n f o r m a t i o n .

F i n a l l y, w e w o u l d l i k e t o t h a n k a l l o f o u r g r o u p m e m b e r s t h a t
directly or indirectly helped us to provide and accumulate all the
necessary information for the accomplishment of this assignment .

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Executive Summary
Bashundhara Group is one of the most prestigious and experienced commercial and
industrial conglomerates in Bangladesh today. The Group took off from the incipient
period after establishment of East West Property Development (Pvt.) Ltd. a real estate
concern, popularly known as "Bashundhara" which happened to be its first venture in this
Bashundhara is now operating with fourteen vital enterprises of highly esteemed
commercial and technological superiority having profound degree of specialization in the
field of real estate, industrial ventures and commercial enterprises. Current value of the
total assets of the enterprises of Bashundhara Group would be about Tk. 15000 million
equivalent to approximately US$ 300 million. Total turnover of the business amounts to
around Tk. 16000 million equivalent to US$ 325 million.

In this report we have discussed about how Bashundhara group use their promotion tools
to communicate customer value and build customer relationship.
Bashundhara group mainly use non-personal communication to communicate with their
huge customer .Their goal is to provide goods and services to attract the customers. Here
we have discussed about how Bashundhara group use their promotion mix,
communication process, how they develop their effective communication and possible
advertising objectives.

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Table of Contents
Executive Summary


1. IMC Strategy Based on Bill Board


strategy based on poster

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IMC Strategy Based on Bill Board (foot over bridge ad)

Bashundhara Wet Tissue

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Communication Process:
Sender: Bashundhara Group Ltd.
Encoding: The pictures of the model and the product, colors and text about the product
Message: Remove your tiredness by Bashundhara wet tissue and be fresh.
Media: The ad is exposed at a foot over bridge, which is a non-personal communication
Decoding: The picture of the model describes the situation before using the tissue and its
after works. The picture of the product shows wet tissue as another variation in local
tissue world.
Receiver: The people who will pass through the road where the bill board is situated.
Response: Consumer will be introduced with this new product, as well as they will come
to know that it is a better way to remove sweating and having a fresh look.
Feed Back: It is hard to get immediate feedback, because it is non personal
communication. Consumer may response in different ways. Like, consumer may be
interested to search this new product and may be curious about the product. Beauty
conscious people will be intended to buy it immediately.
Noise: Hopefully, the message will not bring so noise. Because the advertisement is quiet
clear and conceptual to the audiences or consumers.

Developing Effective Marketing Communication:

Target audience: Potential, existing and ex-user of wet tissue. As it is a new product,
companys objective will be divert the consumer of wet tissue to Bashundhara wet tissue

Communication objectives:
Awareness: The message will make the consumer aware by providing the picture of this
new product and its origin will be showed by the company logo.
Knowledge: The consumer will be provided by the knowledge of how the product works,
and what it is work for by the statement Erase all of your tiredness (Muche felun shob
Linking: By this message, consumer will feel favorable to buy this new variation of
Preference: As the Bashundhara wet tissue is first local wet tissue of Bangladesh, the
consumer may prefer the local product because of its foreign quality.
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Conviction: Convicted people may take this local wet tissue as best than other foreign
wet tissues after having the message
Purchase: Some of the targeted people may be convicted and may try the wet tissue
because itll not cost a lot to try.

Designing a message:
Message content: The message contains rational appeal. The communicator made it that
way that, the consumer will show self-interest to consume the product
Message structure:
The ad followed the first message structure issue. The communicator made a conclusion
for his message as, Erase all of your tiredness(Muche felun shob klanti).
Message format: The communicator included color, body language, facial expression
and gesture because it is like a billboard advertisement.
Choosing media: The communicator chooses a non-personal communication way to
provide his message to the audience. He/she used display media as foot over bridge.
Message source: Here the communicator used a female model for his message providing
source. Because wet tissue is mainly used by the female, as they are more conscious
about their skin.

Setting advertisement objective:

Informative: The communicator told the market about the new product and aware the
market about how it works by providing the statement of the ad..
Persuasive: The communicator made the strategy for targeting consumer by their brand
preference. And encouraged target market to switch them in this local product.
Reminder: The ad of this wet tissue makes the reminder of summer. Because the wet
tissue is mainly used to remove sweating.

Message Execution:
Slice of life: The message shows a little bit slice of life. Because we have to be fresh in
the whole day.
Testimonial evidence: The model of the picture is divided into two parts. The fresh part
of the face refers the after works of using Bashundhara wet tissue and the dirty part
shows before using the product.

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IMC strategy based on poster


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Communication Process:
Sender: Bashundhara Group Ltd.

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Encoding: The picture, color, roman clock, globe and map of Bangladesh, words,
symbol, web address of the product, statements.
Message: You will be provided with 24 hours of update news at any time.
Media: The ad is exposed as poster in various walls of the city and other areas.
Decoding: The picture shows a globally covered area including Bangladesh. The roman
clock refers 24 hours of online service and update use of 24 hours. Whatever will happen
that will be brought to you by Bangla news 24.
Receiver: Corporate, business people and mainly who browse the internet.
Response: We have to be updated by news and have to be entertained for recreation. That
is why hopefully customer may response with high interest to browse the website.
Feed Back: Consumer can check and can be updated by every moment of the day. So
they must give feedback by browsing this useful web address.
Noise: In some rare situation, some of the unskilled internet browser may misunderstand
the picture of the glob and map of Bangladesh.

Developing Effective Marketing Communication

Target audience: Highly educated, corporate, business, official people and mainly who
browse the internet.

Communication objectives:
Awareness: The message will make the consumer aware by delivering the pictures and
web address of the site.
Knowledge: The consumer will be provided by the knowledge of how to get bangla news
and how to be updated with the news of 24 hours by the statement Breaking news and
top stories and can get the knowledge of recreation source by the statement
Entertainment from the picture
Liking: By this poster ad consumer will be pleased to see a new way of getting update
bangla news by 24 hours.
Preference: Web news is more comfortable to read than paper news. So the educated and
official people may prefer this web news portal more than paper news.
Conviction: Convicted target market may shift them from buying paper news to this web
news portal.
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Purchase: The web news service is totally free of cost. So customer can enjoy the service
without purchasing cost.

Designing a message:
Message content: The message contains rational and moral appeal. The communicator
provided enough information and benefit of the web news service which makes the target
customer self-interested to browse the website.
Message structure:
The ad followed the first message structure issue. The communicator made enough
position to clear his message by the statements and some of the hidden message has left
to the audience.
Message format: The communicator included color, global and local picture of the map
and time format to describe his news service as it is a poster news.
Choosing media: The communicator chooses a non-personal communication way to
provide his message to the audience. He/she used display media as poster.
Message source: Here the communicator used such picture of map and clock, which
makes a meaningful object of news service.

Setting advertisement objective:

Informative: The communicator told the market about the new bangle news service and
aware the market that you will be provided with every news 24 hours of the day
Persuasive: The communicator made the strategy for targeting consumer by their brand
preference and makes the consumer reliable on the news by their brand image. And
encouraged the target market to browse it.
Reminder: The ad of the poster on web news service does not remind any specific time.
Because it is another daily need.

Message Execution:
Life style: The poster shows the online news service and news is a part of our daily
lifestyle. Thus it is a part of lifestyle for every educated people who browse the internet.

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Technical expertise: The online news service shows a great technological effort of the
company. They made the paper news as online news with their technological effort.

IMC Strategy based on Newspaper

Bashundhara Paper

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Communication Process
Sender: Bashundhara Group Ltd.

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Encoding: The pictures, color, logo, symbol, text about the statements.
Message: Bashundhara paper is beside of your every joy and success of life
Media: The ad is exposed in newspaper with a huge space.
Decoding: The first picture shows a boy has been graduated and his graduation paper is
made by Bashundhara, the second picture shows a new born baby is coming that report is
printed by Bashundhara paper, the third picture shows the decoration of a marriage hall is
decorating by Bashundhara paper and the fourth picture shows a girl is doing her study
by Bashundhara paper. The logo reflects Bashundhara and the middle picture shows the
variations of Bashundhara paper.
Receiver: Every people who read the newspaper where the ad is given.
Response: The ad shows that Bashundhara paper is needed in every spare of our life. So
every general people may response with the ad.
Feed Back: It is a non personal communication. So immediate feedback may not be
achieved. Customer may motivate with this emotional appeals of the ad and may give
Noise: The ad is too much clear and conceptual, and at the end of every picture the
communicator has left a conclusion. So hopefully the ad will not bring any noise.

Developing Effective Marketing Communication

Target audience: Every types of people, specially the people who are the regular user
of paper.

Communication objectives:
Awareness: The message will make the consumer aware by delivering the picture of
variations of Bashundhara paper.
Knowledge: The consumer will come to know that Bashundhara is giving various types
of paper which is needed in various sphere of our life.
Liking: By this newspaper ad, consumer may be emotional because of the emotional
pictures and favor the product to purchase.
Preference: At the below of the ad the communicator include the types of paper they
provide, which may make preference among the target customers.
Conviction: The target market may be convicted to shift themselves to Bashundhara
double A paper from other companys paper.
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Purchase: Some of the convicted target customer may take attempt to purchase the

Designing a message:
Message content: The message contains emotional appeal. The communicator targeted
enough emotional issue to capture the target market.
Message structure: The ad followed the first message structure issue. The communicator
provided individual conclusion just after the every pictures of the add.
Message format: The communicator included color, body language, facial expression to
describe the message.
Choosing media: The communicator chooses a non-personal communication way to
provide his message to the audience. He/she used print media as newspaper.
Message source: Here the communicator provided a set of emotional pictures done by
various models to describes his message.

Setting advertisement objective:

Informative: The communicator told the market about the variation of paper, produced
by Bashundhara group.
Persuasive: The communicators made the strategy for targeting consumer by their brand
preference and want to make the consumer interested to buy this standard product.
Reminder: The ad of the newspaper makes various reminders of occasional issues. Like,
the marriage ceremony, news of upcoming baby, graduation celebration

Message Execution:
Slice of life: The pictures of the ad visualized strong slice of life. The emotional
moments of the picture created an environment which reflects the slice of life.
Life style: The third picture of the ad shows the life style of a girl with Bashundhara
paper. The girl uses Bashundhara paper in her daily studies.
Mood or image: The style of the pictures of the ad builds an emotional mood around this

IMC Strategy Based on Product Support Program

Dainik Kaler Kantho

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Communication Process
Sender: Bashundhara Group Ltd.
Encoding: The colors, logo, symbol, text about the statements.

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Message: The actual message is Angshik noy puropuri shotto. Which describes that,
you will be provided with true and pure news by Dainik Kaler Kantho.
Media: The ad is exposed at Bashundhara facial tissue box as a product support program.
Decoding: The text describes the product name and its statement. The color describes the
theme of the product.
Receiver: The purchasers of Bashundhara facial tissue box and the viewers of the tissue
Response: The ad shows Dainik Kaler Kantho is one of the reliable newspapers of
Bangladesh. And consumers will be provided with its true features.
Feed Back: By the statement, the target people may make themselves interested about
the product and may show interest about to finding the truthiness of Dainik Kaler Kantho.
Noise: Some of the typical target consumer may take the ad as a design of the tissue box.
Instead of this, hopefully the ad has no noise at all.

Developing Effective Marketing Communication

Target audience: Potential reader of the Dainik Kaler Kantho and other dailys reader.
Communication objectives:
Awareness: The message will make the consumer aware about this new newspaper of
Knowledge: The consumer will come to know that Dainik Kaler Kantho provides its
consumer the true news and it has come from a reputed brand Bashundhara, so it is
Liking: By this tissue box ad target consumer may be pleased with this new way of
advertising. As well as they may like the statement of the product.
Preference: As the product came from a reputed brand. So target consumer will find it as
a reliable source of news and hopefully they will prefer the product.
Conviction: The target market may have become convicted and shift themselves to
Dainik Kaler Kontho from other companys newspaper.
Purchase: Some of the convicted target customer may take attempt to try this new
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Designing a message:
Message content: The message contains moral appeal. The communicator has left a
conclusion which has a confidence that they have the right things.
Message structure: The ad followed the first message structure issue. The communicator
easily left a conclusion for the audience to show their confidence about the product..
Message format: The communicator included color, statement which highlighted the
message in a significant way.
Choosing media: The communicator chooses a non-personal communication way to
provide his message to the audience. He/she used a different media as product supporting
program (tissue box ad).
Message source: Here the communicator provided a meaningful statement which
strongly holds the message source.

Setting advertisement objective:

Informative: The communicator told the market about this new newspaper and its
truthiness by this ad.
Persuasive: The communicator made the strategy for targeting consumer by their brand
preference and want to make the consumer interested to switch themselves into Dainik
Kaler Kantho.
Reminder: The ad does not need any reminder at all. Because it is a daily need of us not
an occasional good.

Message Execution:
Life style: The product normally based on our daily life style. Daily we have to go
through newspaper

IMC Strategy Based on Online Pages

King Brand Cement

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Communication Process
Sender: Bashundhara Group Ltd.

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Encoding: The picture, color, words, symbol.

Message: Build your house with strongest cement and build your dream.
Media: The ad is exposed in the websites of various newspapers.
Decoding: The picture shows the model product of King Brand Cement. And the text
describes the name of the product.
Receiver: Engineers,corporate, business people and mainly who browse the internet.
Response: The target consumer may response it with a normal view of ad. But if they go
through detail of the ad they may be interested or curious about it.
Feed Back: It is another non personal communication mood. So it is hard to capture the
immidate feedback.
Noise: The ad is fully conceptual and clear. Without some rare reasons, there is no chance
to make any noise.

Developing Effective Marketing Communication

Target audience: Internet using onstruction related people, engineers, corporate,
business people.

Communication objectives:
Awareness: The message is mainly developed for make people aware about the cement.
Knowledge: The online ads do not contain so many informations to gain enough
knowledge. As well as the ad just have illustrated their product only.
Liking: In terms of this ad, if people know about the product or people have any
experience then they may like the product. Beacause of short information target people
may not be captured effectively.
Preference: Preference is totally upto the targeted consumers. Because only if they are
interested to try the product then they may prefer this. On the other hand the product has
a great brand image. That is why the target people may also prefer it.
Conviction: The target market may wants to be experienced with this high branded
cement and will become convicted about the product.

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Purchase: Convicted target consumer may purchase the product when they will come to
know that it has come from a reputed brand like Bashundhara.

Designing a message:
Message content: The message contains moral appeal. Consumer will decide whether
they will go through this product or not after have a look of this add.
Message structure:
The ad followed the first message structure issue. The communicator just has introduced
the product and left the conclusion for the audience.
Message format: The communicator included color, text and picture of the product to
attract the attention of the target consumer.
Choosing media: The communicator chooses a non-personal communication way to
provide his message to the audience. He/she used display media as online website.
Message source: Here the communicator used the picture of the product, which makes a
introduction of the product to consumer mind.

Setting advertisement objective:

Informative: The communicator told the target market about the product and aware the
market that King Brand Cement is brought to you by Bashundhara group.
Persuasive: The communicator made the strategy for targeting consumer by their brand
preference and makes the consumer reliable on the product by their brand image and
encouraged the target market to go through the product.
Reminder: The ad of the cement on web sites does not remind any specific time.
Because it is not an occassional product.

Message Execution:
Technical expertise: The product shows a great technological effort of the company by
providing strong building product like King Brand cement.


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Principles of Marketing- Kotler and Armstrong
Poster collected from the internal billboard of Bashundhara city.
Foot over bridge advertisement collected from Jahangir gate foot over bridge.

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