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CS 6381: Combinatorics and Graph

ECSS 2.203; MW 10:00--

Instructor: R. Chandrasekaran

Office: ECSN 4.622 (Please Note: This is in the "old" building!!

Phone: (972) 883-2032 E-mail:

Office Hours: T: 3:30 -- 5:30.

Teaching Assistant : Mehmet Baysan

Office: ECSS 4.216 or TA office TBA; TR: 11:00 -- 13:00


Class Room: TBA: MW 10:00 -- 12:45

Prerequisites: CS 6363 ; or consent of the instructor.

Make up classes June 2 & 16 : 10:00 -- 12:45

Location: ECSS 2.201

Grading Scheme

Homework and presentations (Schedule TBA)

Course Outline

1. Graph Theory
¡ Definitions and Concepts

2. Matrices Associated with Graphs

¡ Node-Arc Incidence Matrix

¡ Arc Chain Incidence Matrix

¡ The Loop or Mesh Matrix

¡ The Node-Edge Incidence Matrix

¡ The Cut-set Matrix
¡ Orthogonolity

3. Single Commodity Maximum Flow Problem

¡ Formulation as an LP

¡ Max-Flow-Min-Cut Theorem

¡ Labeling Algorithm

¡ Finite Termination of Maximum Flow Algorithm

n Ford-Fulkerson Example

n Queyranne Example

¡ Strongly Polynomial Algorithms

n Edmonds-Karp

n Dinic

n Karzanov

n Maheshwari et al.

¡ Special Cases

n Undirected Networks

n Parallel Arcs

n Multiple Origins/Destinations

n Node Capacities

¡ Arc Chain Formulation and Chain Decomposition of Flows

¡ Lower Bounds and Exogeneous Flows

¡ Picard-Queyranne work and Structure of Cuts

¡ MIT Work

¡ Single Commodity Multi-route Maximum Flow Problem

¡ Single Commodity Fault Tolerant Maximum Flow Problem

¡ Examples of Multi-route and Fault Tolerant Flows

4. Single Commodity Multi-terminal Flows

5. Spanning Tree Problem
6. Shortest Path Problem
¡ Structure

n Specified Pair of Nodes

n One Origin Several Destinations

n All Pairs

n Acyclic Graphs

n Undirected Graphs

¡ Data

n Nonnegative Distances

n Time Dependent Distances

n Non-negative Cycles

¡ Methods Used

n Linear Programming Formulation

n Dynamic Programming

n Inductive Algorithm

n Analog Devices

n Matching Formulations

¡ Objective Functions

n Negative Cycle Detection

n Ratio Functions

n Ratio Functions on Cycles

n kth Shortest Paths

n Shortest Paths Through Specified Nodes

n Odd and Even Shortest paths
¡ Applications


n Reliability

n Ship Routing

n Investments in Blocking Systems

7. Minimum Cost Flows (Example added new!!! June 25-2003)

¡ Transportation and Primal Dual Algorithm

¡ Out-of-kilter Algorithm

¡ Klein's Algorithm

¡ Edmonds-Karp Scaling

¡ Zadeh's Examples

¡ Strongly Polynomial Algorithms

n E. Tardos

n Fujishige

n Simplex

n Goldberg-Tarjan


8. Unimodularity and Integrality

9. Matching
¡ Bipartite

¡ General

¡ Applications

n Chinese Postman Problem

n Scheduling

n Odd and Even Shortest Paths

n Shortest Paths in Undirected Networks with no Negative Cycles

n Geometric Applications

n Applications to Chemistry

¡ Ellipsoid Algorithm and the Odd-Cut Problem

¡ T-joins and T-cuts

¡ Claw-free Graphs

¡ Matching Example-bipartite

10. Blocking Systems and Polyhedra

¡ Bottleneck Problems

¡ Blocking Systems

¡ Blocking and Antiblocking Polyhdera

¡ Perfect Graph Theorem

12. Multicommodity Flows
¡ General Problem

¡ Two Commodity

n T.C. Hu's work

n M. Sakarovitch

n Rothschild and Whinston

¡ H-Graphs

n Single Star

n Two Stars

n Complete Graph and its Equivalents

n Cut Based Problems

n (2,3)-Metric Based Problems

13. Matroids
¡ Introduction

¡ Equivalent Axioms

n Independence

n Circuits

n Bases

n Rank Function

n Hyperplanes, flats etc.

n Greedy Algorithm

¡ Optimization Problems and Algorithms

n Covering

n Partition

n Intersection

n Parity

¡ Polyhedral Charecterizations

¡ Operations

n Union

n Deletion

n Contraction

n Truncation

n Minors

n Duals

n Splitters

n Decomposition and Composition

¡ Applications

n Testing Graphicness

n Testing Regularity (Total Unimodularity)

n Max-Flow-Min-Cut Matroids

¡ Pseudomatroids

14. Total Dual Integrality

¡ General Theory

¡ Integer Rounding

¡ General Algorithm for Solving TDI Optimization Problems

¡ Testing

¡ Special Cases

¡ Hilbert Basis

15. Geometry of Numbers

¡ Introduction

¡ Lattice Basis Reduction Techniques

¡ Lenstra's Algorithm

¡ Scarf's Work

¡ Tardos - Frank Simultaneous Approximation

¡ Other Applications

l Assignment #1
l Solution #1
l Solution #1.5
l Assignment #2
l Solution #1.6,1.7 (=2.1,2.2)
l Assignment #3
l Solution #2.3
l Solution #3
l Solution #2.4-1
l Solution #2.4-2
l Solution #3.3
l Solution #3.4
l Books
l Books-ii
l Topics and Papers

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