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Our Approach
Iraq Energy aims to be the leading independent think-tank and research organisation for Iraq
on energy policy and related matters. The recent developments in Iraq have highlighted the
growing need to establish such Policy Institute to facilitate the sharing of research and
information among academia, government, energy sector professionals and media.
Rather than centring exclusively on either the theory or practice of energy policy, Iraq Energy
research seeks to synthesise both by drawing together experts from academia, the energy
industry, government, the media, and non-governmental organizations. Our research centre
will generate studies and working papers that disseminate up-to-date information and fresh
objective analysis on a wide range of topics such as energy policy formulation, energy
security, energy geopolitics, energy resource development, emerging energy technologies,
science and technology policy, energy and economic growth, energy forecasting, energy and
the environment and energy sector regulation all within the specific context of Iraqs
unique resource circumstances.
Our activities will offer analysis, reports, workshops, seminars and lectures on a wide variety
of topics related to the above contextually such as global energy geopolitics, energy supply
and demand, alternative energy sources, sustainable development, local content, energy and
the environment, technological advances, and energy demand trends. Outstanding scholars
and consultants from around the world will have the opportunity to participate and contribute
positively to Iraq Energy programs.

Iraq Energy & Education

Iraq Energy believes that the public perception knowledge-gap is a key issue requiring
attention. This is mainly because of the chronic industrial and commercial isolation Iraq has
suffered over the last 50 years due to wars, sanctions and the instability of political regimes.
The approach of Iraq Energy is, therefore, to help in revising the current relevant educational
curricula in Iraq to create and stimulate a fertile educational ground for future Iraqi generations
to lead the way forward. Seminars, workshops, conferences and publications are just a few of
the many tools available to the institute to empower young Iraqi professional to have a say in
their future. Research efforts will focus on enhancing the understanding of the complex
political, cultural, religious, economic, and social forces that influence revenues from Iraq
s energy substantial resources while ensuring their equitable distribution.

Natural Gas




2014.11.16 end-of-day

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2014.11.16 end-of-day

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Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rates

1175 I.D.
1494 I.D.
4352 I.D.
1658 I.D.
320 I.D.

Iraq Energy & Sustainable Development

The key message that Iraq Energy is trying to convey is that energy policy is not only about
oil and gas production. Rather, it is about the bigger picture including the integration of
national and regional policies for the oil, gas, electricity, water, petrochemicals, and green
energy sectors; and the combined implications of these diverse industrial components on the
economy, environment and people of Iraq.
A case in point to highlight the pivotal importance of this holistic concept in tackling policy
challenges is the issue of gas flaring in Iraq. Since the discovery of the hydrocarbon reserves
in Iraq in 1927, Iraq has been treating gas as a trivial commodity by flaring it with an
astronomical loss of nearly $6 billion per year when considering the full value chain due to the
lack of technical capabilities and market expertise. Iraq's currently-proven gas reserves are
mostly associated with oil (70%), therefore, an increased production of oil results in an
increased production of gas. The existing estimate of flared gas is in excess of one billion
cubic feet per day which is equivalent to 175,000 barrels of oil or 6,000 MW of installed
electricity capacity. The environmental impact of this internationally discredited practice is no
less serious.



Our Approach - Iraq Energy | Oil news, Gas News, energy news, iraq oil, energy developments, middle east oil news, Oil report
Iraq Energy aims to maximise Iraqs benefits stemming from energy using the best
practices from different parts of the world to ensure the long-term sustainable development
and positive contribution of this critical sector to the economic and social development of the

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