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Pessia Tsamir, Dina Tirosh, Esther Levenson, Ruthi Barkai, and Michal Tabach
Tel Aviv University
This paper describes an integrated program for three year old children and their
caregivers. For the caregivers, the aim of the program was to increase their
mathematical and pedagogical knowledge for teaching geometric concepts. For
the children, the aim of the program was to introduce geometry into the different
spaces of the classroom, at different times in the daily schedule, and with different
activities. Care was taken to introduce mathematical language and encourage
communication skills. In addition, caregivers were encouraged to share their
experiences and try out activities with the children. Questions and dilemmas are
Many children attend day care centers from a very young age. While a prime aim
of these centers is to provide a caring environment for young children, many also
seek to actively provide literacy and numeracy experiences. On the one hand,
children engage with mathematical ideas during every day play (Baroody, 1987).
On the other hand, play may not be enough (Clements & Sarama, 2013; Ginsburg,
Lee, & Boyd, 2008). One of the challenges of preschool mathematics education is
finding a balance between spontaneous play and adult guidance. In this paper, we
describe and examine ways in which the natural play of children may merge with
guided activities to afford early foundations for geometry. Taking into
consideration that many caregivers of two and three-year old children do not
receive professional development related to mathematics, and even less are
prepared to engage children with geometrical activities (Clements & Sarama,
2011), an additional challenge is guiding caregivers in their endeavor to create a
mathematically rich environment. This paper also describes some of the ways in
which our program addressed this additional challenge.
2.1 Early childhood mathematics education
Early childhood care matters. In a recent longitudinal study which followed young
children under the age of 4 years till they reached the age of 15, results indicated

that the quality of nonrelative child care is linked to adolescent functioning

including cognitive-academic achievement (Vandell, Belsky, Burchinal, Steinberg,
& Vandergrift, 2010). Vandell et al.s study investigated children from diverse
economic backgrounds and followed previous studies which showed how quality
child care interventions can impact on children from disadvantaged backgrounds
(Barnett, 2011; Havnes & Mogstad, 2011). Regarding mathematics, studies have
found that young children from disadvantaged homes exhibited lowered levels of
both number and geometrical knowledge, than children from advantaged homes,
even before starting kindergarten (Starkey, Klein, & Wakeley, 2004). Some of the
reasons cited for these differences included the home mathematics practices
reported by parents such as providing games, toys, and computer software that
promote mathematical activities as well as the frequency of engaging children with
these activities (LeFevre, Skwarchuk, Smith-Chant, Fast, Kamawar, & Bisanz,
2009; Starkey, Klein, Chang, Dong, Pang, & Zhou, 1999). In addition, it was found
that levels of early quantity-number competencies can be seen as mathematical
precursor abilities on mathematical achievement in elementary school (Krajewski
& Schneider, 2009). Taking into consideration all of the above studies, the
importance of providing early childhood mathematics education, even before the
age of kindergarten, becomes evident.
Several countries have come out with guidelines for prekindergarten education. In
the United States, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) came
out with specific content emphases for prekindergarten (NCTM, 2006). In
geometry, the focus includes developing spatial reasoning by examining and
identifying shapes and describing them. In Australia, Belonging, Being and
Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia [EYLF]
(Department of Education, Employment and Workforce Relations [DEEWR],
2009) provides guidelines for promoting learning among children in all early
childhood education and care settings from birth to five years. Within these
guidelines, there is emphasis on promoting numeracy which includes
"understandings about numbers, patterns, measurement, spatial awareness and data
as well as mathematical thinking, reasoning and counting" (p. 43). In addition, the
framework recognizes the importance of language and encourages educators to use
rich mathematical vocabulary to describe children's mathematical thinking. While
the above frameworks relate to general guidelines, others offer specific learning
goals for children of different ages. For example, the Israel National Mathematics
Preschool Curriculum (INMPC, 2008) states that children between 3 and 4 years
children should be able to identify, name, and categorize two-dimensional shapes,
as well as identify, name, and draw lines that are straight and lines that are not
straight. The curriculum advises to begin with simple shapes such as triangles,

circles, and squares and then to move on to other shapes such as ellipses and other
2.2 The program framework
In the past few years, we have provided professional development programs for
preschool teachers based on the Cognitive Affective Mathematics Teacher
Education (CAMTE) Framework (e.g., Tsamir, Tirosh, Levenson, Tabach, &
Barkai, 2014). The 8-cell framework (see Figure 1) is based on theories of teachers'
knowledge (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008; Shulman, 1986) and Bandura's (1986)
social cognitive theory of self-efficacy, taking into consideration both cognitive
and affective issues related to professional development. In this paper, we focus on
Cells 1 and 2 of the framework. In other studies (e.g., Tsamir, Tirosh, Levenson,
Tabach, & Barkai, 2014) we focused on additional cells.







Cell 1:

Cell 2:

Cell 3:

Cell 4:



Knowledge of

Designing and
evaluating tasks

Cell 5:

Cell 6:

Cell 7:

Cell 8:


Mathematics Mathematics
Pedagogicalself-efficacy self-efficacy mathematics selfrelated to
related to
efficacy related
to children's

Pedagogicalmathematics selfefficacy related to

designing and
evaluating tasks

Figure 1: The Cognitive Affective Mathematics Teacher Education (CAMTE)


Relating the framework to triangles, Cell 1 concerns solving geometrical tasks

such as identifying intuitive and non-intuitive examples and non-examples of
triangles (Tsamir, Tirosh, Levenson, 2008), defining a triangle, and explaining why
some figure is or is not a triangle. Cell 2 concerns evaluating solutions such as
comparing different definitions for a triangle and evaluating explanations for why
some figure is or is not a triangle.

Although the above framework was developed as an organizational tool for

planning and researching professional development, Cells 1 and 2 also depict
knowledge which may be promoted at the children's level. As noted in the above
section, several prekindergarten curricula suggest having children engage in spatial
reasoning activities such as identifying and describing two and three-dimensional
figures. In addition, several curricula advocate encouraging communication skills
which can include evaluating others' descriptions and explanations. At the
prekindergarten age, young children may be expected to reach the first and second
van Hiele levels of geometric reasoning (van Hiele, 1958). At the first level,
children often identify figures based on visual reasoning, taking in the whole shape
without considering that the shape is made up of separate components. Children at
this level can name shapes and distinguish between similar looking shapes (van
Hiele, 1958). At the next level, children begin to notice the different attributes of
different shapes but the attributes are not perceived as being related. Attributes
may be critical or non-critical (Hershkowitz, 1989). In mathematics, critical
attributes stem from the concept definition. We also note that research has
suggested that the van Hiele levels may not be discrete and that a child may display
different levels of thinking for different contexts or different tasks (Burger &
Shaughnessy, 1986).
The site of this study was a day care center in a middle-low socioeconomic
neighborhood in a major city. The center cared for children between the ages of
approximately three months to three years, separating children into different
classrooms based on age. In September, there were 33 children between the ages of
24 and 34 months learning in the same classroom. We began interacting with the
children in the beginning of May and then mostly with the children who were
nearing or had already turned three. The spaces allocated to this group included
their main classroom set up with tables and chairs and various corners (e.g., a doll
corner, a music corner, etc.), a large indoor gym area with mats on the floor, and a
large outside play area. Four care givers tended this group of children. The
caregivers had completed a course in early childhood care and were certified by the
government to care for children from age three months to three years, but did not
have an academic degree in early childhood education and were not licensed to
teach kindergarten.
Like other programs we have conducted in preschools (e.g., Tirosh, Tsamir,
Levenson, Tabach, 2011), this program integrated professional development for
the caregivers with enrichment for the children. A major aim of the professional
development part of the program was to increase the caregivers content

knowledge and pedagogical-content knowledge for teaching mathematics in

preschool. The caregivers and two teacher-educators (TEs) met together for six,
one-hour sessions at the daycare center, during the childrens nap time. Ten
caregivers attended these sessions, the four who worked with the three-year olds
and six others who worked with younger children. Over the years, different
caregivers were assigned to different age groups, and thus it was important to work
with all the caregivers. Furthermore, those caring for younger children could
perhaps adapt some of the activities we discussed to the children in their age group.
In addition to these sessions, each time the TEs arrived at the center to engage the
children, one or two caregivers would observe and then participate in the childrens
activities run by one of our team members, gaining valuable practical experience
and guidance. For the children and the classroom, a major aim was to introduce
mathematics into the different spaces of the classroom, at different times in the
daily schedule, making it a routine part of the day. We came almost weekly to the
daycare center, each time meeting with approximately three groups of four to six
children, for 15-20 minutes at a time. All meetings, with the caregivers and the
children, were videotaped and transcribed. Consent from the parents to participate
in the program was attained prior to beginning the program.
The mathematical content dealt with during the program included number concepts
(e.g., counting, recognizing number symbols) and basic geometrical shapes (e.g.,
triangles, squares, and circles). This paper focuses on episodes revolving around
triangles. In the next sections we discuss some episodes and dilemmas from
different parts of the program related to teaching and learning about triangles. The
first section focuses on our meetings with the teachers. The second section
demonstrates how different spaces can be used when engaging children with
triangle activities.
Is an upside down triangle still a triangle? This question was asked by Cecile,
one of the caregivers in our program, during our first session. It illustrates the
power of the concept image over the concept definition (Tall & Vinner, 1981) as
well as the necessity to strengthen the mathematical knowledge of those working
with children. In working with the caregivers we took into consideration that these
women had received little or no preparation to guide children in their mathematics
learning but at the same time, we also recognized that most adults have some
knowledge regarding triangles. Ceciles question prompted a discussion among the
participants and TEs regarding the critical and non-critical attributes of triangles.
For example, it was emphasized that having straight and not curved lines is critical
but orientation, being upside down, is not critical. In addition, the importance of
using precise mathematical language, such as calling the points of a triangle

vertices, was introduced. This discussion was especially important in enhancing

the caregivers ability to explain why some shape was or was not a triangle. In the
following example, the TE showed the participants several intuitive and nonintuitive examples and non-examples of triangles. After being shown a pentagon
stretched to look like a triangle

the following discussion ensued:

TE: Is it a triangle?
Several participants: No.
TE: Why?
Belinda: Because these corners are (pointing to the two vertices between the
oblique lines and the vertical lines) are like this the vertices here have to
be straight. That is, straight and not have two vertices here. Do you agree
with me?
(Several participants murmur yes and nod their agreement.)
Liz: It has too many vertices. It has five vertices.
In the above excerpt, the participants are all able to identify the figure as a nontriangle. Belinda and Liz also explain why the shape is not a triangle, referring to
the two extra vertices. Belindas explanation, however, does not make use of
precise mathematical language. She points to the parts of the figure which she
knows are problematic but her explanation reveals some confusion regarding
vertices and being able to straighten vertices. In addition, her explanation is
specific to the figure (e.g., these corners, two vertices here) and does not relate
to the critical attribute of all triangles, having exactly three vertices. It is Liz who
explains in a precise manner why the figure cannot be a triangle, because it has
five, and not three, vertices.
At the end of the session, Cecile reverted back to her question of the upside down
triangle and made a point of letting everyone know that her question arose from an
interaction with a child in the daycare center that included drawing a Star of David1
in which appeared an upside down triangle.
Cecile: Why did I ask you if a triangle standing on its head is a triangle? I
answered them regular [Cecile means that she answered him that it was a
triangle]. I was making with them a Star of David and then I drew the
triangle (upside down), so the boy asked me, is that also a triangle?
TE: How nice.

The Star of David is a figure made up two triangles

and is found on the Israeli flag.

Cecile: I said to him, yes, the first triangle has the point on top and the
second has the point on the bottom. Thats why I asked you. The children
are very smart. I told them that it is also a triangle but that its an upside
down triangle.
TE: Great. Why did we decide to talk with you about triangles? Because its
familiar and yet there is still a lot to learn about it.
The above dialogue illustrates how even young children are attentive to and
curious about geometrical shapes. It also illustrates the role of the teacher in being
able to respond to a childs query. But if Cecile was able to respond to the child,
then why did she bring up the question to the other caregivers and to the TEs?
Possibly, Cecile was unsure that she had responded correctly and thus sought out
verification of her judgment. Having a forum to ask questions that arise from
practice, and share experiences with colleagues and with experts (such as TEs), is
an important aspect of professional development that connects the theory being
learned with practice in the classroom.
Another interesting geometrical discussion occurred during the second session
when the participants were discussing materials they could use to help children
learn about triangles.
Cecile: Someone had the idea of putting together two triangle halves to
make a whole triangle.
TE: Is the triangle half also a triangle?
Cecile: How? It is one triangle that you cut in half.
Nancy (answering the TE): No.
TE: If it's (the triangle) cut into two, is each half a triangle?
Nancy: No.
Helen: It is a triangle!
Gila: Why? Half half
Cecile: (Cecile draws a prototypical isosceles triangle in the air and with her
finger draws a line from the top vertex to the side opposite.) If you cut the
triangle in two, this half and this half make a whole triangle.
TE: But the half is also a triangle.
Cecile (Cecile thinks about it some more and laughs.): Yes, it is a triangle!
(Other caregivers talk and laugh.)

TE: In this instance, the triangle half is also a triangle. But, see how even for
us it can be difficult.
The above discussion relates to composing and decomposing shapes, an integral
component of several early childhood mathematics curricula. In the above case, the
caregivers' difficulties might have been related to visualizing the problem. It might
also have been related to their conception of a half and that a half of something
cannot be the same as that something. Although the triangle half is not congruent
to the original triangle, in the specific case above, it is still a triangle.
Taken together, the excerpts above illustrate different aspects of knowing about
triangles. The discussions related to triangle-halves and upside down triangles are
related to identifying various examples of triangles. The discussion revolving
around the triangle-like elongated pentagon is related to explaining why some
shape is or is not a triangle. These are aspects of teachers' knowledge related to
Cell 1 of the CAMTE framework (see Figure 1 above). As Belinda explains why
the pentagon is not a triangle, the participants learn about evaluating others
explanations. This is an example of knowledge related to Cell 2. In the next
section, we illustrate how similar aspects of knowing about triangles were
promoted among the young children.
One of our aims was to incorporate mathematics into the physical environment.
Towards this aim, we decorated the classroom with shape mobiles hanging from
the ceiling and with cut out transparent shapes taped onto the glass window of the
classroom (See Figures 2a and 2b). These efforts were not merely decorative; they
were also educational. Caregivers could use these decorations as reference points
when discussing shapes. Children could look at the triangles from different angles,
becoming familiar with the idea that a triangle remains a triangle even though it
may twist and turn on the string or it make look different depending on which side
of the window they are standing.

Figures 2a and 2b: Triangle mobile and window decorated with shapes

Evidence of the children's awareness of these decorations and how the children
spontaneously incorporated them into their activities, can be seen from the
following episode. Four children were sitting on a carpet along with one TE in a
quiet corner of the classroom. The TE laid out several cards on the carpet, each
card having a drawing of a figure, either an example or non-example of a triangle.
Taking turns, each child had to look for a card with a triangle on it, pick it up and
show it to the rest of the children, and say why he or she thought it was a triangle.
If it was indeed a triangle, the child could then stick the card on the board on the
TE: Ok. Arie, it's your turn.
(Arie picks up a card with a triangle.)
TE: So, why is this a triangle?
Shena: It has vertices.
TE: And straight lines. Right. So, Arie, you can stick it on the board. Now
it's Olga's turn.
Rina: (Rina points to a triangle hanging from the mobile on the ceiling
pictured in Figure 2a). That's a big triangle.
TE: Yes, it is. Now
Shena: Here is a big triangle, high high up.
TE: Yes, it is high.
Shena: And this (pointing to a circle on the circle mobile) doesn't have
TE: Right. They (meaning all of the circles on the mobile) don't have
vertices. So, are they triangles?
In the above episode, the TE had not planned to refer to the shapes hanging from
the ceiling. Indeed, it was Rina, speaking out of turn, who spontaneously pointed to
the mobiles, identifying the mobile with triangles. Shena then looked up, looked at
the triangle mobile and then looked at the circle mobile, pointing out that the circle
mobile had figures without any vertices. In other words, she noted the critical
attribute of having vertices and that some shapes have them, and that some do not.
She may be said to be operating at the second van Hiele level of geometric
In the following episode we describe an activity that included instances where the
children were requested to evaluate the identifications and explanations of other
children. Four children sat around a table along with one TE. The TE used the

same set of cards as described in the previous activity, laid them out on the table
and asked each child, one at a time, to find a triangle and explain why it was a
triangle. The other children were asked to say if they agreed or disagreed with the
choice and explanation of the first child.
TE: Now its Gilas turn. Gila, please pick up a card with a triangle.
(Gila picks up a card with a triangle-like figure on it


TE (turning to the other children at the table): What did Gila pick? Is it a
triangle? What do you say?
Jordan: Its a clown hat.
TE: But was Gila right? Is it a triangle?
Shena: No. Its folded here (pointing to the curved line).
TE: The line is curved.
Jordans comment above demonstrates that he is operating at the first van Hiele
level, taking in the whole figure without looking at the separate attributes. In
addition, his claim that the figure is a clown hat does not let the TE know if he
agrees or disagrees with Gilas choice. Thus, the TE asks again for the children to
comment on Gilas choice (promoting the children to solve problems and evaluate
others' solutions as per Cells 1 and 2 in Figure 1). Shena responds and claims that
Gila did not choose a triangle and explains in her own language why she disagrees.
At this point, she does not have the vocabulary to explain the problem, so the TE
helps her.
Enriching both the caregivers and childrens mathematical language was a central
part of the program. Our expectation was that both the caregivers and the children
would integrate mathematical language into their activities. This is demonstrated in
the episode described below. During one of the sessions with caregivers, Cecile
describes an activity she did with a group of children in the outside play area.
Cecile: I took a piece of chalk and drew on the ground a giant triangle and I
said to the children, lets walk around the triangle and when I say the word
vertex, you stand next to a vertex and when I say sides you stand on the
straight line. Who was with me? I think Lily (another caregiver).
Lisa: Like the game sea and land.
Cecile: So, we walked around the triangle and then suddenly I said, vertices,
and you should have seen them, a group here (pointing to an imaginary
space), a group there, and group there and then we walked around the


triangle again and again and then I said, sides, and then they stood in a line
on the sides.
TE: Wonderful.
There are several important issues to note in the above short segment. First, Cecile
has adopted the use of precise geometrical language, calling the points of the
triangle by their geometrical term, vertices, even when working with the children.
Cecile also makes sure to say that the sides of the triangle are straight lines
emphasizing this critical attribute. Third, the caregivers are making use of the
outdoor play area and thinking of ways for children to use their bodies when
playing geometrical games. Finally, the caregivers have adapted a known childs
game (called sea and land by Lisa) in order to fit their geometrical teaching goals.
Geometrical shapes are part of the world around us and are part of the childrens
world as well. This makes it natural, on the one hand, to enhance young childrens
knowledge of shapes and makes it a good starting point for introducing other
mathematical ideas, such as differentiating between critical and non-critical
attributes of a shape. On the other hand, one may think that it is not necessary to
specifically spend time teaching such young children about triangles because, after
all, they can basically name shapes such as triangles, squares, and circles by the
age of three or four and knowing much more than that is not necessary. As can be
seen from the episodes above and from previous studies (Gutirrez, & Jaime, 1999;
Hershkowitz, 1989) intuitive notions of triangles (e.g., all triangles must have a
vertex on top) may be difficult to uproot in later years. Fischbein (1993)
considered the figural concepts an especially interesting and complex situation
where intuitive and formal aspects interact. The image of the figure promotes an
immediate intuitive response. Yet, geometrical concepts are abstract ideas derived
from formal definitions. While it may not be appropriate to introduce young
children to formal minimal definitions, children can learn to distinguish between
straight and not straight lines. Just as children learn that an apple remains an apple
whether or not the stem is on the top or the stem is on the bottom, children can
learn that a triangle remains a triangle whether or not the vertex is on the top or the
vertex is on the bottom. Uprooting intuitive misconceptions at an early age, before
they become rigid, is essential (Fischbein, 1987).
There are many dilemmas working with such young children and their caregivers.
What is appropriate content? What are appropriate materials for promoting
knowledge of this content? What is the correct amount of guidance versus informal
play? How can early childhood caregivers be encouraged to take part in


professional development programs and how should these programs be organized

and delivered?
Regarding content and materials, as noted in the background, several curricula now
mention educational guidelines for early childhood education, including the
prekindergarten years. To be sure, promoting geometrical knowledge is but one of
many educational aims. It is equally important to encourage language and
communication skills (DEEWR, 2009). However, such skills may also be
promoted, as demonstrated in the episodes described in this paper, through
appropriate geometrical activities. Motor skills and listening skills may also be
promoted through appropriate geometric activities, such as the activity carried out
in the outside play area, described by Cecile. Balancing between adult guidance
and informal play is an open question, usually left to the caregiver's discretion.
Yet, research has shown that prospective and practicing early childhood teachers
hold several misconceptions regarding teaching mathematics for young children
including that young children are not ready for mathematics education, language
and literacy are more important than mathematics, and that mathematics should not
be taught as a stand-alone subject manner (Lee & Ginsburg, 2009). In light of these
beliefs, professional development for early childhood caregivers is critical. By
integrating mathematical activities in several ways and in several places, we hoped
to overcome some of these obstacles. We also note that although this paper focused
on Cells 1 and 2 of the CAMTE framework (promoting teachers' mathematical
knowledge for solving tasks and evaluating solutions of tasks) it is equally
important to promote their knowledge of students and tasks (Cells 3 and 4). A hint
of these aspects can be seen in the above episodes as the caregivers pay attention to
their children's queries and as they adapt familiar children's games to promote
geometrical learning.
Several dilemmas remain regarding professional development for early childhood
caregivers. One is the timing of such a course. Taking into consideration that many
childcare centers are open throughout the year, including the summers, it is
difficult to find an optimum time of year when caregivers are free to take part in
professional development. This was one reason why we decided to provide the
professional development sessions at the center. Another reason to come to the
center was to get a feeling for how the center operates, including the physical
environment. On the other hand, the caregivers were sometimes distracted at the
center by the dynamics of their schedule. The duration of a course and incentive
for participating are two additional questions. In our program, duration was
dictated by scheduling and funding and the caregivers were mandated by the
daycare center management to participate in the program. That being said, the
caregivers did give up their rest period to participate. In addition, it was not only

the caregivers of the three-year olds who joined and observed the TEs engaging
children with mathematical activities. Caregivers of the younger children requested
the director of the center to allow them to leave their groups for short periods of
time in order to observe the mathematical activities in the three-year old classroom.
The director, in charge of both financial and educational planning, supported this.
In fact, the director of the daycare center participated in part of the sessions with
the caregivers and the TEs. This type of support is essential in order to encourage
change. The program described here was initiated in order to examine possible
ways of promoting more mathematical activities among young prekindergarten
children. We are encouraged by the small but sturdy strides made by the caregivers
and children and call out to mathematical educators to continue researching ways
to promote mathematical learning during the important early years.
This research was supported by THE ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (grant
No. 654/10).
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