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10 SINGAPORE NEWS The Business Times, Friday, September 11, 2009

4 govt agencies get

upgraded to SOEasy
Recipients are MoF, cations, are: Ministry of Fi- – the most expensive public needs of 75 government For example, govern-
nance, Ministry of Informa- sector IT contract to date – agencies, involving 60,000 ment employees will only
MICA, IDA, and NHB tion, Communication and will replace disparate com- public officers deployed need to sign-in to their com-
and 71 more will get the Arts, Infocomm Deve- puters and applications over more than 800 loca- puters once to access all
lopment Authority of Singa- with one common out- tions,” Mr Ho said. their applications such as
the upgrade by 2010 pore, and the National He- sourced system. One Meridian has taken email and instant messa-
ritage Board. This tender was award- over the computer systems ging systems. They will also
By WINSTON CHAI Unlike previous govern- ed a consortium called One of 62 public sector agencies able be able to retrieve
A NEW computer system ment computer contracts Meridian last February, a since landing the contract. their desktops when work-
covered under a massive which tend to be agen- group led by Hewlett-Pack- “By the end of FY2010, all ing from another location.
$1.3 billion public sector cy-specific, the hardware ard unit EDS. Local compa- 75 government agencies In addition, a new Inter-
outsourcing contract is now and software included in nies Singapore Telecommu- will be connected under net-based communications
being deployed in four go- the SOEasy (Standardised nications and its IT services one common platform,” he infrastructure will allow
vernment agencies and it Operating Environment) ini- arm NCS are also part of told reporters during a them to enjoy additional
will be extended to 71 more tiative will be rolled out the winning bid. project update yesterday. perks such as the ability to
by next year, according to across the entire public sec- “The scope of the Besides hoping to slash route voicemails to their Mr Tay: ‘We are beginning to see the country come out of its shell... The financial
the head of civil service Pe- tor with the exception of de- SOEasy programme is ex- technology costs with this email inboxes and make crisis has opened up new opportunities for businesses too.’
ter Ho. fence-related bodies. A si- tensive and extremely com- outsourced approach, the video calls from their com-
The initial recipients of
the technology upgrade,
which includes new com-
puters, printers, smart
milar tender covering
schools is now being
planned by the Ministry of
plex. It is no trivial matter
to develop and implement
such an ambitious pro-
gramme that integrates the
SOEasy project aims to im-
prove worker efficiency by
equipping civil servants
with a raft of new technolo-
“The public sector must
stay abreast of new technol-
ogies in order to remain
Forum to open doors
phones and software appli- The first SOEasy project ICT (infocomm technology) gies. competitive,” Mr Ho said.

for Russia, local firms

Start hiring older workers now: Boon Heng By LEE U-WEN
AS far as ease of doing busi-
ness goes, there is no con-
this year is optimistic. The
latest forecasts have the
Russian economy expan-
ding between 3.9 and 4.5
Mr Tay said that four
years ago it was next to im-
possible to attract Singa-
pore companies to Russia
test between Singapore and
By FELDA CHAY ter’s Office Lim Boon Heng Mr Lim was speaking at kers past retirement if they cants to put their age on ap- per cent in the second half because of frequent com-
MANY companies are still said yesterday. a luncheon where the Hou- are fit and capable – but not plication forms. It also has of 2009. plaints that the country was
Singapore tops the
not moving to hire workers “My advice is: Don’t sing & Development Board, necessarily in the same job flexi-work arrangements Against this backdrop, expensive to operate in – be
World Bank index, while
aged 55-64, even though wait, start working on it National Healthcare Group or on similar wages as be- for older workers, who the three-day forum is ex- it for property, entertain-
the European giant is
re-employment legislation now,” he said. “You have (NHG) and Royal Plaza on fore. work 22 hours a week in- pected to boost ties be- ment, dining out and over-
ranked a lowly 120th. None-
is set to take effect in 2012, only just over two years to Scotts (RPS) were com- “The labour market in stead of 44. tween the two countries all business costs.
theless, Russia is an
Minister in the Prime Minis- get ready.” mended for winning AARP Singapore is quite a small NHG creates and re-de- and open up doors for new But according to the RS-
“emerging market” with
International Innovative one,” Mr Lim told reporters signs jobs for older wor- business relationships. The BF organising council,
great potential, Singapore’s
Employer Awards – an initi- at the event. kers, and like RPS, it has in- event – “Emerging from more Singapore-based busi-
former ambassador to Rus-
ative of US-based non-pro- “Although we have not troduced flexi-work for Turbulence: New Economic nesses have expressed in-
sia Michael Tay said yester-
fit organisation AARP. got out of a recession as them. Some 17 per cent of Opportunities” – will be at- terest in doing business in
According to the Minis- yet, the labour market is its staff are aged 50 or old- tended by more than 300 Russia in sectors, such as
Speaking at a media automotive, hospitality, in-
try of Manpower, Singa- tightening. er, and its re-employment luncheon, Mr Tay, who is Russian top businessmen,
pore’s employment rate for rate is 85 per cent. Singapore political and focomm technology and re-
“When we don’t have now executive director of
workers aged 55-64 is 57 business leaders and about tailing. Companies that
enough workers, we should At HDB, employees aged the Asia-Pacific Economic have made forays into Rus-
per cent. look at the pool of people 50 and above make up 35 Cooperation (Apec) group – 50 other business leaders
sia include Keppel Offshore
“So we still have a long who are not working.” per cent of the work force. of which Singapore and from Asia.
and Marine, Mil-Com and
way to go to reach our tar- Firms should learn how AARP selected 10 inter- Russia are members – said: Senior Minister Goh
Prima Food.
get of 65 per cent by 2012,” to implement age-friendly national winners for their “We are beginning to see Chok Tong will deliver the
Likewise, Russian com-
Mr Lim said. practices from the three recruiting practices, em- the country come out of its opening address on
panies are showing keen in-
When re-employment companies that won AARP ployee benefits, scheduling shell. It is putting law and Sept 29, while Minister
terest in setting up shop in
legislation kicks in in Janu- awards, he said. and retirement flexibility, order and corporate govern- Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who Singapore. Mr Tay said
ary 2012, companies will RPS, for instance, no and training opportunities, ance in place. The financial has visited Russia several that Sberbank is conside-
have to offer to keep wor- longer requires job appli- among other factors. crisis has opened up new times since 2005, will con- ring opening an office here
opportunities for business- duct the closing dialogue “in the short to medium
es too.” that same day. term”.
Mr Tay, who was ambas- Other major speakers in- Singapore’s trade with

Shared services platform for sador to Russia from 2003

to 2008, initiated the annu-
al Russia-Singapore Busi-
clude Igor Shuvalov, first
Deputy Prime Minister of
the Russian Federation,
Russia doubled from $1.9
billion in 2007 to $3.8 bil-
lion last year.

charities, sports associations ness Forum (RSBF), which

is into its fourth year and
will be held at the
and Herman Gref, chair-
man and CEO of Sberbank,
the largest bank in Russia
Russia is Singapore’s
30th largest trading part-
ner. In the first six months
Shangri-la Hotel here later and central Europe. of this year, bilateral trade
By NISHA RAMCHANDANI Dr Balakrishnan: this month. Mr Gref was responsible hit $1.5 billion, a 28 per
THE Ministry of Communi- ‘Currently, board Global investment in for having Mr Lee’s mem- cent increase compared
ty Development, Youth and members, employees or Russia grew 13 per cent oirs translated into Russian with the same period in
Sports (MCYS) is channel- volunteers may have to last year, and the outlook and circulated. 2008.
ling more than $3 million to wear several different
a project that will help cha- hats to get the job
rities, institutions of a pub- done.’
lic character (IPCs) and na-
tional sports associations
(NSA) outsource their finan- abled People’s Association
Manulife offers NAC senior
director to
wrap investment
cial and accounts manage- and Singapore Association
ment. of the Visually Handi-
Dubbed iServe, the
shared services platform of-
To defray costs, organi-
step down
fers accounting and finance
services such as billing and
vering core services and
programmes to beneficia-
sations can tap funding
from the Voluntary Welfare platform here after 18 yrs
monthly reports. But audits ries, and further improve ef- Organisations-Charities Ca-
will still have to be carried ficiency and effectiveness.” THE National Arts Coun-
pability Fund, through a 75
cil’s senior director for per-
out by third parties. For the three-year pilot per cent subsidy of monthly It will charge annual gold clients – those with ac-
forming arts and director
ST Electronics (e-Servi- programme, MCYS is focus- costs in the first year, 50 counts of between US$1 mil-
ces) was selected through ing on charities, IPCs and per cent in the second year
advisory fee for lion and US$10 million.
for the Singapore Art Festi-
val is calling it a day after
an open tender earlier to op- NSAs in the social services, and 25 per cent in the third 3rd-party unit trusts Wrap accounts typically 18 years.
erate iServe. health and sports areas. year. Charges are based on charge no loads for fund Goh Ching Lee will leave
According to an MCYS monthly transaction vo- By GENEVIEVE CUA purchases, making them an on Oct 8, the NAC said yes-
Speaking at the launch
event last night, Communi- spokesman, there are lume. INSURER Manulife has efficient platform for those terday. Since the inception
ty Development, Youth and about 500 such outfits. Separately, Philip- launched Elite, a “wrap” in- who would like to trade. of NAC in 1991, Ms Goh
Sports Minister Vivian vestment platform, offering Clients are charged an has been involved heavily
It hopes to have a third pine-based non-profit or-
third-party unit trusts and annual advisory fee. At in its arts development and
Balakrishnan said: “Cur- of these organisations sign ganisation Gawad Kalinga
Manulife, this ranges from promotion.
rently, board members, em- up, although the pilot said yesterday that it has charging an annual adviso-
0.5 to 2 per cent per annum Her main portfolio has
ployees or volunteers may scheme is also open to cha- formed a regional arm in ry fee.
at the adviser’s discretion. been the development of na-
have to wear several diffe- rities and IPCs from other Singapore, GK Hope Initia- It is believed to be the tional and international
rent hats to get the job sectors. tive (GKHi). GKHi, which first insurer to offer wrap Manulife’s move is an at-
events in the performing,
done. was registered in July as an accounts. tempt to capture a bigger visual and literary arts.
So far, 10 organisations
share of its clients’ cash. Over the last decade,
By outsourcing some of have signed up for the pro- international charity organi- Last week, Citibank
Senior vice-president of Ms Goh has developed the
these functions, they can fo- gramme, which starts on sation, aims to meet huma- launched a wrap platform
wealth management Nick Singapore Arts Festival into
cus their full efforts on deli- Oct 1. They include the Dis- nitarian and social needs. for its high net worth Citi-
Czolak said: “With an in- a national celebration of
vestment-linked product, the arts, bringing interna-
the focus is on the protec- tional acts and Singapore
tion element. talents to the stage. This
If you don’t need insu- year’s festival achieved the
highest ticketed attendance

Task force suggests ways to

rance, you go to another
provider. Now, you can since 1986, with an audi-
stay with us and buy a rea- ence totalling 800,000.
Ms Goh has also been ac-

reduce crane accidents

sonably priced investment
tive in fostering cultural
product. We’re broadening
agreements, international
our products to compete
cultural exchanges, and in-
with banks and indepen- ternational promotion of
By UMA SHANKARI rous occurrences” – a 27 per cent in- Recommendations include im- dent financial advisers.” Singapore arts and artists.
A TASK force set up to improve crease from 128 in 2007. proving the content and delivery of Mr Czolak reckons as- Since 2005, she has
crane operating safety has come up The task force’s report high- mandatory courses for lifting opera- sets on the platform could played a pivotal role in de-
lights factors that lead to crane inci- tions, enhancing outreach efforts to grow to $1.2 billion in three veloping Singapore Season,
with recommendations to reduce
dents – such as lack of proper train- management, crane manufacturers years. a programme which show-
deaths and injuries.
and crane operators, developing a For a start, there are 17 cases Singapore’s arts and
The National Crane Safety Task- ing and safety procedures, failure
risk register for lifting operations, funds on the platform, man- creative capital overseas,
force – formed in July by the Minis- to follow safety rules, failure of com-
and reviewing codes of practice for aged by seven asset manag- most recently in Scotland
try of Manpower (MOM) and the ponents, insufficient checks of crane operations. this year.
ground conditions, and inadequate ers, including Manulife As-
Workplace Safety and Health Coun- The task force will also explore Ms Goh says that she
supervision and management. set Management, Schro-
cil (WSHC) – reviewed 40 crane inci- new technology to enhance safe lif- plans to use her hiatus to
ders, MFC Global and Aber-
dents over the years and published Based on these factors, the task ting and make recommendations to “explore other personal in-
deen. Eventually, the plat-
its findings in a report yesterday. force has made recommendations the government on a possible re- terests and opportunities,
form will carry 40 funds. and to find a new mode of
The number of crane-related ac- and will embark on a push with view of legislation. The firm has 1,200 ad- working”.
cidents rose in 2008. There were MOM and WSHC to improve crane Progress updates will be provi- visers, about half of them li- NAC has yet to an-
162 deaths, injuries and “dange- safety. ded in early 2010. censed investment advis- nounce Ms Goh’s succes-
ers. sor.

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