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Molecular Ecology (2001) 10, 593 – 602

Sustaining genetic variation in a small population:

Blackwell Science, Ltd

evidence from the Mauritius kestrel

R I C H A R D A . N I C H O L S , * M I C H A E L W. B R U F O R D † and J I M J . G R O O M B R I D G E ‡
*School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, UK †Cardiff School of Biosciences,
Cardiff University, PO Box 915, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3TL, UK ‡Institute of Zoology, Regent’s Park, London

We obtained measures of genetic diversity in 10 kestrel species at a suite of 12 microsatellite
loci. We estimated the relative effective size (Ne) of the species using a Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) approach, which jointly estimated the locus specific mutation rates as nuisance
parameters. There was surprisingly high genetic diversity found in museum specimens of
the Mauritius kestrel. Being an endemic species on a small island, it is known to have a long
history of small population size. Conversely, kestrels with a continental distribution had Ne
estimates that were only one order of magnitude larger and similar to each other, despite
having current population sizes that were between one and three orders of magnitude
larger than the Mauritius kestrel. We show how many of the theoretical results describing
the effective size of a subdivided population can be captured in terms of three rates which
describe the branching pattern of the gene genealogy, and that they are useful in estimating
the time to migration-drift and mutation-drift equilibrium. We use this approach to argue
that population subdivision has helped retain genetic diversity in the Mauritius kestrel,
and that the continental species’ genetic diversity has yet to reach equilibrium after the
range changes following the last ice age. We draw parallels with Hewitt’s observation that
genetic variation seems to survive species’ range compression and is rather vulnerable to
range expansion.
Keywords: coalescent, conservation genetics, glacial refuge, metapopulation, range expansion
Received 4 June 2000; revision received 25 September 2000; accepted 25 September 2000

conservation effort since 1973 (Jones 1987 ). Contemporary

records indicate that the kestrel suffered a severe but short-
In this paper we compare the genetic variation in 10 differ- lived population bottleneck. Prior to human settlement
ent kestrel species to evaluate the effects of past and present in 1750, the Mauritius kestrel may have been widely
population size on genetic diversity. Our study species have distributed over the island wherever suitable forest existed
population ranges that differ by three orders of magnitude, (McKelvey 1977; Jones & Owadally 1985). The population
and we examine the differences in genetic diversity at decline seems to have paralleled the destruction of the
the same suite of 12 microsatellite loci in each. We pay native forest (Jones 1987), and by 1950 the species was rare
particular attention to the Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus). and approaching extinction (Hachisuka 1953; Greenway
1967). Further drastic decline, as a result of widespread
organochlorine pesticide use, reduced the population to
The Mauritius kestrel
one known breeding pair in 1974 (Safford & Jones 1997).
The Mauritius kestrel is the last surviving endemic raptor Since then, the managed population rapidly recovered to
on Mauritius, and has been the focus of an intensive 222–286 individuals in 1994 (Jones et al. 1995), and has
continued to increase, with a population believed to be in
excess of 400 birds in 1997 (Safford & Jones 1997 ).
Correspondence: Dr Richard A. Nichols. Fax: 020 8983 0973; Figure 1 shows the historical decline of distribution and
E-mail: population size for the Mauritius kestrel, and the capture

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Fig. 1 Distribution and population decline of the Mauritius kestrel.

locations of the museum specimens used to estimate

Interpreting the genetic data
ancestral variation. The museum specimens, dated between
1829 and 1940, predate the reduction of the kestrel popula- Hewitt (1999) has pointed out that genetic differentiation
tion to extremely low numbers. These samples, therefore, between populations of many European species seems
allow a direct estimate of ancestral genetic variation. The to arise because different regions have been populated
ancestral population was itself restricted in area, as the from different glacial refugia. Instead of arguing that the
island is only 25 km in radius. Furthermore, it appears to populations went through population bottlenecks, as they
have been effectively isolated from neighbouring islands. became restricted to small refugia, he turns the usual
A molecular phylogeny based on cytochrome b indicates argument on its head. He points out that bottlenecks could
that the Mauritius kestrel diverged from the Seychelles occur as ranges expand and small numbers of migrants
kestrel Falco araea two million years ago (Groombridge 2000). arrive in virgin territory. One major strand of evidence for

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this interpretation is that areas in southern Europe, that are for many of the nests. In order to obtain independent
postulated as refuges, typically harbour more genetic samples, we restricted the analysis to adults from one year:
variation than more northern latitudes. 1996. In cases where we had not bled either member of
We will search for similar patterns in the kestrel data. a breeding pair, we included one of their chicks, thereby
Persistent island populations might sustain genetic vari- sampling half the adult’s genes. These criteria reduced the
ation in a similar manner to glacial refuges. On the other sample to 75 individuals.
hand, large continental kestrel populations may have lost Between four and 10 fresh blood samples from the
genetic variation during range expansions. As in the case of Seychelles kestrel, Greater kestrel Falco rupicoloides, Lesser
populations in northern Europe, there may have been kestrel F. naumanni, South African rock kestrel F. tinnunculus
insufficient time for genetic diversity to be replenished by rupicolus and Canary Islands kestrel F. tinnunculus canariensis
mutation. were collected from the brachial wing vein, and stored
The paper is in three parts. First, we conduct a preliminary in a standard Tris:EDTA:SDS storage buffer (10 mm
data exploration, which summarizes the genetic variation Tris, 100 mm EDTA, 2% w/v SDS; pH 8.0). Two separate
in the kestrel species by estimating heterozygosities. This sources of material were sampled for the European kestrel
analysis exposes evidence that there are significant dif- F. tinnunculus tinnunculus: (i) muscle preserved in alcohol
ferences in effective size between the populations and in from captive stock in Mauritius (supplied by C.G. Jones,
mutation rate between the loci. These results invalidate Mauritius Wildlife Foundation); and (ii) previously extracted
the calculation of averages to combine information across DNA from a UK source (supplied by J. Wetton, Forensic
loci or populations. In the second part we, therefore, make Science Service, UK). Primary feather samples were obtained
use of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis that for the Madagascar kestrel F. newtoni and the Kenyan
can allow for different mutation rates and summarize the kestrel F. tinnunculus rufescens.
difference between species as difference in effective Total DNA was extracted from blood samples using pro-
population size. teinase K digestion, phenol–chloroform purification, NaCl
The third part of the paper deals with the interpretation extraction and ethanol precipitation. Methods followed
of differences in effective size. The relationship between Ausubel et al. (1989), but were modified for avian blood
population size, subdivision and dynamics and effective following Miller et al. (1988). Total DNA was stored in
size is not straightforward. For example, Wakeley (1999) 500 µL 10 mm Tris-HCl: 1 mm EDTA (TE) buffer (pH 8.0) at
argued that human genetic data suggests a reduction in −20 °C. Methods for feather DNA extraction were similar, but
effective population size. This seems at odds with the total extraction volumes were reduced from 5.0 mL to 500 µL.
increase in size suggested by the palaeontological and
archaeological record. He pointed out, however, that
Museum samples and museum DNA extraction
models of subdivided populations show that an increase
in migration rate between human populations could lead A total of 26 Mauritius kestrel museum specimens of
to the reduced effective size. Whitlock & Barton (1997) different tissue types were used in this study, including
developed more sophisticated models that also incorporated tissue from the underside of the footpad (proximal phalanx),
fluctuating population size and came to the opposite dermal skin samples, muscle preserved in alcohol and
conclusion, that subdivided populations will often have feather tips, depending on the collection from which they
reduced effective size. Here we point out that the results of were obtained. The museum specimen tissue types, iden-
these and other models can be captured by three rates that tification details and catalogue numbers are recorded at
determine branching patterns of the gene genealogy. This, and those samples with location
approach allows a ready application of ecological insight to information are included in Fig. 1.
evaluate which of the theoretical approaches might be To optimize DNA extraction techniques for the various
most applicable to the kestrel species, and to assess the rate tissue types, trials were carried out using material from the
of approach to equilibrium. European kestrel of similar antiquity (100 –170 years), in
order to compare DNA yield and microsatellite amplifica-
tion from the same tissues. Samples were extracted using
Materials and methods
the commercially available GFX Genomic DNA Purification
Kit (Pharmacia Biotech, UK). DNA was eluted into 200 µL
Extant samples and DNA extraction
of TE buffer which had been preheated to 80 °C, and stored
Blood sampling was carried out over 3–4 breeding seasons at −20 °C. The most reliable tissue type both for DNA yield
between 1994 and 1998 from each of the three populations and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was
shown in Fig. 1, with the majority of the samples being footpad skin, as has been found in another study on the
obtained from wild offspring bled at the nest. Although 350 genotyping of avian museum specimens from different
birds have been sampled, these include several offspring tissue sources (Mundy et al. 1997).

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Microsatellite amplification of extant DNA Estimates of heterozygosity

The DNA samples were screened using a set of 10 poly- An initial data exploration was conducted by estimating
morphic dinucleotide microsatellite markers cloned from heterozygosities. Likelihood curves were obtained for each
the Peregrine Falcon (M. Nesje, GenBank accession nos combination of locus and species using a simple recursive
AF118420 –118434: Locus 5, 13, 31, 46–1, 79–1, 82–2, 86–2, function of F, the complement of heterozygosity (eqn 1
89, 92–1, 107), and a further two loci, a hexanucleotide and below). The same function has been used to estimate the
tetranucleotide, from the European kestrel (J. Wetton, parameter FST in a subdivided population (Balding & Nichols
unpublished; Locus Fu1, Fu2). 1997). For a variety of models of mutation, the probability
PCR amplification of the extant DNA was carried out that the (n + 1)th gene drawn from the population is an
following end-labelling of the forward primer with allele of type a depends on F and the number of a alleles
[γ32P]-dATP according to Ellegren (1991). PCR (10 µL) previously seen in the sample, xa.
was performed in 96-well microtitre plates using the
xa F + ( 1 – F ) pa
following reaction mix; 0.75 Units Taq polymerase (Gibco, P (a xa, n) = ----------------------------------- (1)
nF + (1 – F)
UK), 100 µm of each dNTP, 3.0 mm NH4 buffer (Gibco,
UK), 1.5 mm MgCl2, 0.5 pmol of each primer and approx- where pa is the probability that a mutation event generates
imately 50 ng of DNA per reaction in a Hybaid thermal an a allele. Balding & Nichols (1995) pointed out that
cycler (Hybaid, UK). Cycling parameters were as follows: setting pa = 0 gives the Ewens’ sampling formula, suitable
94 °C for 3 min, then 30 cycles of 94 °C for 45 s, 50 °C for for the infinite alleles model of mutation (Ewens 1979);
45 s and 72 °C for 45 s, finishing with 72 °C for 10 min. whereas pa = 1/k gives the probabilities for the multinomial
Products were mixed with 95% deionized formamide Dirichlet distribution, appropriate for the k-alleles model
and xylene cyanol/bromophenol-blue dye mixture, (Wright 1969). The probability for each sample, given F, can
preheated to 94 °C and loaded onto 6% denaturing be obtained by arranging the genes in arbitrary order and
polyacrylamide gels to resolve the PCR fragments. The calculating the product of eqn 1 for each gene in the sequence.
sizes of alleles were initially determined by electro- This probability can be obtained for values of F between
phoresis alongside the product of a DNA sequencing reac- 0 and 1, giving a likelihood curve for each locus in each
tion, and from then on by internal comparison of known population. A preliminary evaluation of differences in
size PCR products. Gels were dried at 80 °C and the prod- heterozygosity between species or between loci can be
ucts visualized by autoradiography for between 12 and obtained by combining the likelihood curves. Curves for
48 h. each species were obtained by multiplying the likelihoods
for every locus for each value of F. This procedure would
be appropriate for unlinked loci with the same mutation
Microsatellite amplification of museum DNA
rate. The result is shown in Fig. 2(a) (for the infinite alleles
PCR amplification of museum DNA extractions was model). The curves are standardized to have the same area,
carried out using the same method, but with the following so that the heights can be treated as probability densities
adjustments; all reagents and tubes were exposed to given a uniform prior. As expected there is a general trend
ultraviolet light for 25 min prior to assembly, to degrade for the species thought to have larger population size to
any contaminating DNA. Annealing temperatures for all have higher heterozygosities.
reactions were lowered to 48 °C (36 cycles) in order to In order to evaluate differences in mutation rate between
increase the likelihood of PCR amplification from DNA. To loci, the curves for the continental species were combined
confirm PCR amplification and control for allelic drop-out, for each locus. Differences in mutation rate can be detected
each PCR was repeated at three different DNA dilutions as curves with minimal overlap. Any differences could be
(1:1, 1:5 and 1:10), and run in consecutive lanes separated obscured if the effective size of the different species were
by a blank lane. PCR products of extraction blanks were substantially different, as this would reduce the precision
also included for each set of reactions, with similar dilution of the locus-specific estimates. This is why we restricted the
treatments. A negative PCR control was also included comparison to the continental species, which appear to
for each set of reactions. PCR products were visualized have similar effective population size (Ne) as indicated by
by autoradiography using exposures of 2–10 days. PCR their coincident curves in Fig. 2(a) (similar heterozygosity
amplification of all museum DNA extractions was at the same loci implies similar Ne ).
repeated at least twice. Correct identification of alleles, as
opposed to spurious PCR product, was confirmed by the
Estimating relative population size
presence of ‘slippage’ products typical of microsatellite
amplification by Taq polymerase (Litt & Luty 1989; Luty The preliminary analysis provided evidence of significant
et al. 1990). deviations in heterozygosity between loci and between

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Fig. 2 (a) Heterozygosity estimates for each

population. Dark-shaded curves are the
mainland kestrel populations; from left to
right, Madagascan, Kenyan, Greater, Canary
Islands, European, South African, Lesser
kestrel. The white curve is for the Seychelles
population. ( b) Heterozygosity estimates
for each locus (mainland populations only).

species (see below). In addition, there were missing data iteration, all the parameter values were perturbed to new
for some combinations of loci and species that may have values drawn from a uniform distribution centred on the
biased the estimates. We, therefore, make use of a method old values. The width of each distribution was one tenth of
that can deal with these problems. It was used (but not the parameter’s range. The likelihood, Lnew, was calculated
described) by Groombridge et al. (2000), to identify the according to eqn 1 for the new parameter combination. The
restored Mauritius and the Seychelles populations as total likelihood was obtained as the product of the values
outliers having heterozygosities substantially lower than for each locus and each population. The species repres-
would be predicted from the size of the species’ range. The ented by only single individuals (Kenya and Madagascar)
method deals with differences between loci and species by were excluded.
obtaining joint estimates of the size, Ne , for each species If Lnew was greater than the likelihood for the previous
(plus the restored population) and the mutation rate, µ, for combination, Lold, then the algorithm stepped to the new
each locus. It is not possible to estimate the absolute Ne values. If it was smaller, then the step to the new values
values accurately without knowing the mutation rates was accepted with probability Lnew/Lold, otherwise the old
accurately, because the likelihood calculated using eqn 1 values were retained.
depends on the product Neµ. For example, in the case of the After a burn-in period of 25 000 iterations, the distribu-
infinite alleles model of mutation, the product enters eqn 1 as tion of parameter values for the next 250 000 iterations was
1 recorded. The relative densities of the parameter ∆Ni are
F = ----------------------- . Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain accurate
1 + 4N e µ shown for each species in Fig. 3. They are equivalent to
estimates of the relative Ne, because the same loci were the posterior distributions, assuming a uniform prior on
typed across species. the ∆Ni.
The analysis, therefore, estimated a parameter that spe-
cified the relative population size of species i, ∆Ni. This
Results and Discussion
parameter is defined in terms of a deviation from an aver-
age across species, N , such that the effective size of each
Genetic diversity
species is given by log(Nei) = N + ∆Ni . Similarly the relative
mutation rate for each locus j, ∆µj, was estimated, where Table 1 summarizes the results as sample size, mean allelic
the locus specific mutation rate is given by log(µj) = µ + diversity and observed heterozygosity (H) for each popu-
∆µj. The parameters N , µ and the deviations ∆Ni for each lation. The total number of alleles per locus and the size
population and ∆µj for each locus were estimated using the ranges are given in Table 2. We detected seven polymorphic
Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis et al. 1953; Gelman et al. loci from the ancestral samples of the Mauritius kestrel but
1995). This is an MCMC method that starts from an arbi- only three in the restored population. Comparable data for
trary combination of parameter values and steps through the continental species (Table 1), shows polymorphism for
parameter space. The stepping rule is designed so that a higher proportion of loci.
parameter values are chosen with a probability propor- There is an effect of sample size, most noticeable in the
tional to their likelihood. The ∆Ni and ∆µj were allowed to estimates of mean allele number from those species rep-
vary by ±5 loge units from their respective means. At each resented by a single individual. Figure 2(a) deals with this

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Fig. 3 Markov chain Monte Carlo estimates

of ∆Ne: the deviation in Log(Ne) from the
population average. The curves for each
species are in the same sequence as in Fig. 2
except that those based on the small samples
from Madagascar and Kenya have been
excluded. The results shown here were
calculated using the likelihood function for
the k-alleles model.

Table 1 Summary of genetic diversity in each sample

Mauritius Ancestral Seychelles Madagascar SA Rock European Kenyan Canary Is. Greater Lesser

Sample number n = 75 n = 26 n=4 n=1 n = 10 n = 10 n=1 n=8 n = 10 n=8

Loci polymorphic 3 7 3 4 11 12 6 12 9 11
Mean no. alleles 1.41 3.10 1.25 1.33 5.00 5.50 1.50 4.41 4.50 5.41
Observed heterozygosity 0.099 0.231 0.062 0.333 0.525 0.608 0.500 0.583 0.400 0.614
No. unique alleles — 3 2 0 8 7 1 2 12 17

Table 2 Allelic diversity and size range of each microsatellite locus

Locus 5 13 31 46–1 79–1 82–2 86–2 89 92–1 107 Fu1 Fu2

Alleles 9 7 9 13 7 6 8 7 17 27 10 31
Size* 94 –118 91–111 124 –144 115–137 132–142 126–138 132–146 119–131 100–138 187 – 291 96 –140 168 – 360

*allele size as total PCR amplified fragment.

bias by estimating the underlying genetic diversity in the went into the construction of the species curves in Fig. 2(a):
species rather than that of the samples. The mode (peak) of that the mutation rates are equal. This finding was the
each curve is a maximum likelihood estimate. The esti- main reason for using the MCMC method to assess the
mates from Mauritius and the Seychelles are clearly lower validity of the initial conclusions.
than the continental species. The differences are significant The estimates of ∆Ne obtained from the MCMC method
using Edwards’ (1972) support limits test (the estimates for are shown in Fig. 3 for the k-alleles model (the results for
two species are considered different if there is no single hetero- the infinite-alleles model are essentially indistinguishable).
zygosity value at which the heights of both curves are within As reported by Groombridge et al. (2000), the genetic data
two loge likelihood units of their peaks). The continental show a markedly lower effective size in the restored popula-
species provide broadly similar estimates with overlapping tion, consistent with the historical record of a severe bottle-
likelihood curves despite their very different population neck, and evidence of a similar event on the Seychelles.
sizes. This result was unexpected, as larger populations are More important, from the point of view of this paper, is the
expected to carry greater heterozygosity at equilibrium. relative size of the ancestral Mauritius and continental
The locus-specific curves, in Fig. 2(b), indicate that two populations.
loci have significantly higher heterozygosities than most of The continental species have Ne estimates only 10 times
the others, suggesting higher mutation rates. This result larger than the ancestral Mauritius kestrel (note the scale of
demonstrates a violation of one of the assumptions that Fig. 3 is in natural logarithms). Theoretical descriptions of

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Table 3 Geographic range of each population (km2)*

Lesser Kestrel 25 000 000

Greater Kestrel 500 000
European Kestrel 42 000 000
Kenyan Kestrel 8 000 000
South African Rock Kestrel 4 000 000
Canary Islands Kestrel 91 000
Madagascar Kestrel 600 000
Mauritius Kestrel 1 865
Seychelles Kestrel 288 Fig. 4 The three rates that characterize the genealogical structure
of a finite island model. The population is composed of D demes
*Data from Village (1990). and N diploid individuals. Each individual migrates with
probability m per generation. For simplicity the expressions for
rates have excluded multiple events in one generation.
populations at equilibrium suggest that Ne is proportional
to the total species population size (see eqn 3 below) at
equilibrium. This relationship is not seen with current area genetic variation observed in the ancestral Mauritius
of the species range given in Table 3, which are up to three samples unusually high? If we substitute a mutation rate
orders of magnitude larger. These areas only give a rough for dinucleotide repeats of 2 × 10 – 4 (Cavalli-Sforza 1998)
guide to the expected Ne at equilibrium as the species’ bio- into the expression for heterozygosity we obtain an Ne
logy and distributions differ in several ways. For example, of around 430. In many wild species the population size
the nesting pattern varies from regular spacing in the is around 10 times the Ne (Frankham 1995), so this would
Greater Kestrel (Falco rupicoloides) to colonial nesting in the correspond to a population of over 4000. In the most
Lesser Kestrel (F. naumanni). Nevertheless, the European populated areas today, the density is around one pair
Kestrel’s range is nearly two orders of magnitude larger per square kilometre, so this would require the whole
than the Greater Kestrel’s and, additionally, estimates of its 1865 km2 of the island to be populated at peak density;
density are 10 times higher (2 vs. 0.2 per km2; Kemp 1978; which seems unlikely, especially over extended periods.
Village 1990). It does not seem possible to explain the sim- The mutation rate was estimated for human dinucleotide
ilarity of the Ne estimates in terms of the current population loci and so this absolute population size estimate must
size and distribution. be treated with caution. Rates are known to vary between
The calculations of ∆Ne involved some assumptions. For species and even alleles at the same locus ( Jin et al. 1996).
example, there was an implicit uniform prior probability When it comes to the continental species, however, there
for each species’ ∆Nj , that the loci have the same mutation are clear discrepancies between Ne estimates and current
rate in each species, the mutation model and that the population size.
information from different loci and species is independent Such discrepancies can arise if the population is sub-
(conditional on the values of the population sizes and divided, or prone to extinction of local demes, or has not
mutation rates). The most questionable of these is the reached equilibrium between genetic drift and mutation.
mutation model, as the mutation process for microsatel- In the following section we show how many of the existing
lites is not exactly known. The broad picture of a 10-fold theoretical results describing these effects can be captured
difference seems robust, however. For example, another in terms of three rates which describe the branching of the
calculation is to substitute the maximum likelihood gene genealogy. We find that this approach helps us apply
estimates for heterozygosity from Fig. 2 into the stand- our knowledge of the species ecology to interpret the
ard expressions for the mutation parameter θ (θ = 4Ne µ). genetic patterns we have observed in the kestrel data.
(1 − H) = (1 + θ)–1 for the infinite alleles model or (1 + 2θ )– 0.5
for the ladder model (a stepwise mutation model, Kimura
Characterizing gene genealogies in subdivided
1983). Under the assumption of equal mutation rates, the
ratio of θ values between species will be the ratio of Ne
values. The ratio between median continental values and Figure 4 illustrates the island model of population sub-
ancestral Mauritius is approximately 14 for the ladder division. We can characterize the effects of subdivision by
model and eight for the infinite-alleles model, correspond- considering the events that occur as we trace the genealogy
ing closely with our estimate of 10. of a pair of genes back through time. The pattern is specified
There are two aspects of the results that call for explana- by three rates: the rate at which lineages from the same
tion: the small difference in Ne estimates between Mauritius deme coalesce (a), or are separated by a migration event (b)
and the continental species and the even smaller differ- and the rate at which lineages from different demes arrive
ences between the continental species. Is the amount of in the same deme (c).

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Because genes from the same deme have a higher prob- in deme size, deme extinction and recolonization. They
ability of sharing a common ancestor than those from conclude Ne will commonly decrease with population
different demes, there will be genetic differentiation between structure rather than increase as implied by eqn 3. Their
the demes. The magnitude of the differentiation is deter- results can be understood by looking at the implications of
mined by the relative probability, Φ, that two genes from more realistic population structure on the rate cΦ.
the same deme can trace their ancestry directly back to a Extinction and recolonization can be introduced using
common ancestor in that deme. This probability is deter- an approach proposed by Slatkin (1977 ). Briefly, a propor-
mined by the relative size of a and b. Simply substituting in tion, e, of demes go extinct each generation leaving D′
the expressions from Fig. 4 gives an expression for Φ in extant demes. The empty demes are recolonized by k
terms of deme size and migration rate: diploid founders and instantaneously grow up to full size.
a 1 The founders can be specified to be from the same or differ-
φ = ---------- = -------------------- . (2) ent source demes, or some combination. Migration and
a + b 1 + 4Nm
drift occur as before. The rates a, b and c can be recalculated
The parameter Φ can be thought of as the value estim-
for this model. For example, in the case where founders
ated by the familiar statistic FST. Wright (1969) shows
are drawn at random from all extant demes
that, at migration-drift equilibrium, FST estimates the
1–e e
right-hand term if the mutation rate is low and the number a ≈ ---------- + ----- ,
of islands high. 2N 2k

b ≈ 2m + (1 – 2m)e  --------------   --------------  ,

For the purposes of explaining the kestrel data, we are 2k – 2 D′ – 1
interested in explaining the effective size of the different  2k – 1   D′ 
species. This can be thought of as the idealized panmictic 1 – [(1 – e)(1 – m)]

population that would retain the same amount of genetic c ≈ ----------------------------------------------.

diversity. We can use the parameter Φ to quantify the
The expression for a is composed of two parts, the normal
effect of subdivision on the effective size, Ne. In the canon-
coalescent rate if the deme did not experience an extinction
ical panmictic population, the loss of genetic diversity is
1 last generation, or the higher rate (1/2k) if it did and thereby
characterized by the coalescence rate, ---------, for of a pair of experienced a bottleneck of size k. Similarly the rate at
2N e
genes. In the subdivided population coalescence between which one of a pair of lineages traces back to a different
genes within demes is rapid, and so the longer-term effects deme is the normal expression for migration (2m) plus the
are dominated by the coalescence rate for two lineages in rate at which they trace back to different demes through
different demes. The coalescence rate is approximately an extinction event. Finally, at rate c lineages in different
given by the rate at which they trace back to the same deme, demes can trace back to the same deme either through
multiplied by the probability that they then coalesce: cΦ. migration or extinction events.
We can, therefore, obtain an expression for Ne by sub- Substituting these expressions into eqn 2 and eqn 3 gives
stituting the values of a, b and c given in Fig. 4 into close approximations to the curves produced by Pannell &
1 Charlesworth (1999) who investigated the effect of extinc-
--------- = cφ; tion on Fst and Ne in this model (one difference seems to be
2N e
(3) due to our assumption of diploid recolonization). Increas-
⇒N e = ND1 + ------------ .
1 ing the extinction rate can either increase or decrease Fst
 4Nm
(depending on k) and yet decrease Ne substantially in this
This expression was obtained by Wakeley (1999), by a case because of the increase in c. Although Ne is readily
different route. We find it helpful to formulate it in terms a, reduced below the value for an idealized panmictic popu-
b and c because we can use our ecological knowledge of lation, this is not to say that population subdivision reduces
kestrels to evaluate these rates in less idealized situations, Ne. The opposite is arguably the case: Ne is a decreasing
and also reason about the approach to equilibrium when function of migration so, if the population dynamics are
population structure is disrupted (below). The arrangement unaltered, increased isolation increases Ne.
in eqn 3 emphasizes that Ne increases with population Whitlock & Barton (1997) found a similar reduction of Ne
subdivision (i.e. reduced m), and is equivalent to a result in a model where demes vary in their contribution to future
found by Wright: Ne = ND/(1-FST). Could the unexpectedly generations. In that case c is inflated by a term proportional
high genetic diversity of the ancestral kestrel population be to the variance. The rate is higher because there is a greater
explained by population subdivision? chance that migrants and colonists trace back to the same
Whitlock & Barton (1997 ) are doubtful about the effective- deme as they are more likely to both be descendants of one
ness of subdivision in promoting diversity. They examined of the demes with higher productivity. It remains the case
more general models of metapopulation structure; extending that reduced migration increases Ne. The converse is,
the simple island model to quantify the effects of variation however, found in some cases where migration changes

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H O W S M A L L W E R E PA S T P O P U L AT I O N S ? 601

the population dynamics. They give a combination of populations are capable of sustaining considerable vari-
parameters for population growth rate and carrying capa- ation. Dramatic loss of variation can, however, occur during
city for which increased migration increases the census size range expansion (Nichols & Hewitt 1994; Ibrahim et al.
of the population, because more demes are extant, and 1996; Hewitt 1999), especially if the expansion involves long
decreases the variance (in the contribution of each deme) distance migrants into virgin territory. In that case, a few
by causing their sizes to fluctuate in synchrony. Both effects far-dispersing individuals can establish a population that
contribute to increasing Ne with increased m. In theory, will expand to cover a large area in the virgin territory. A
then, population subdivision could either increase or small number of founders or slow growth rate can lead
decrease effective population size. In practice, the outcome to genetic impoverishment: Nichols & Beaumont (1996)
will depend on a species population dynamics. found that a population with k founders growing at rate r
under a rain of M migrants per generation has inbreed-
ing coefficient ≈(1 + r)/(1 + kr + 4M). If subsequent range
Interpretation of kestrel data
expansion is from such impoverished populations, genetic
These theoretical results help interpret the unexpectedly variation will be rapidly lost. Genetic diversity will re-
high ancestral genetic diversity in the Mauritius kestrel establish at a rate limited by mutation. The similar genetic
population. We have ecological data that suggests popu- diversities for the continental kestrel populations with very
lation subdivision. The Mauritius kestrel shows poor dispersal, different current sizes can be explained by a comparable
even across suitable habitat (Jones et al. 1995). Long-term postglacial history from which they have yet to recover.
ringing studies have not detected mixing between the The trends that are found in these kestrel species appear
three current populations on Mauritius (Fig. 1). The theory to be part of a broader tendency. Hewitt (1999) reviewed
suggests that subdivision is unlikely to have increased Ne DNA sequence evidence from a range of European plant
above the census size, but it could have helped sustain and animal species that had glacial refugia in southern
more genetic diversity than in a comparable undivided peninsulas. He suggests that genetic variation can persist
population. On the contrary, reduced diversity would be over several ice ages in the refugia. Rather than being
expected if subdivision affected the population dynamics vulnerable to range compression, genetic diversity seems
by reducing the total number of kestrels or increasing the to be lost during expansion into northern latitudes. The
variability in success of demes. These effects appear unlikely persistence of diversity in refugia may be due, in part,
in the case of the kestrel’s ecology: in the re-established to the ability of populations to track suitable habitat by
populations (which are limited in size and isolated) moving up and down in mountainous regions as the
population density appears strongly regulated by the climate fluctuates. The mountainous topography will also
availability of nest-sites and territories. lead to population subdivision, which can play a part in
The difference between the island and continental spe- sustaining diversity. This proposal might be verified by
cies may reflect the time it takes for the pattern of genetic molecular phylogenetic surveys within refugial regions,
diversity to reach equilibrium. In the case of differentiation which could provide evidence of ancient but local geo-
among demes, the equilibrium is between coalescence and graphical differentiation.
movement between demes. These occur at rates a and b
so the expected time for one or other to occur is (a + b)–1
generations. In an island model this will be of the order of
deme size, and Slatkin & Barton (1989) show that FST Primers were kindly provided by David Parkin, John Wetton
reaches equilibrium over this time for a variety of popula- (University of Nottingham) and Marit Nesje ( Norwegian School
of Veterinary Science, Norway). Access to museum samples was
tion structures. Similarly heterozygosity is determined by
kindly provided by the British Museum of Natural History
the balance between mutation, occurring at rate ≈2µ, and (Robert Prys-Jones), Cambridge University Museum of Zoology
coalescence between lineages in different demes, at rate (Adrian Friday and Mike Brookes), Museum Nationale D’Histoire
≈cΦ. Equilibrium is therefore attained in roughly (cΦ + 2µ )–1 Naturelle, Paris, Museum D’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzer-
generations, which will be of the order of 2Ne. land, Mauritius Institute, Mauritius, and Naturhistorisches Museum
For the island species we have estimated this to be a few Wien (Vienna), Austria. Anthony van Zyl, Welcome Glen, South
hundred generations, a period over which the population Africa collected most of the mainland kestrel population samples.
Funding: Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey; Institute of
structure may have been relatively constant. The continental
Zoology, London; Mauritius Wildlife Foundation (Dr Carl Jones);
species have much larger populations that are unlikely to and The Peregrine Fund, USA.
have reached equilibrium since the perturbations intro-
duced by the climatic fluctuations associated with the ice
ages. The species range will have changed dramatically, References
with retreats into refugia and subsequent expansions. The Ausubel FM, Brent R, Kingston RE et al. (1989) Current Protocols in
example of the Mauritius species suggests that small refugial Molecular Biology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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602 R . A . N I C H O L S , M . W. B R U F O R D and J . J . G R O O M B R I D G E

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