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COMPETENCY AREA: Historical Knowledge and Understanding


Highly Competent


Minimally Competent

Not Competent

Identify and differentiate

Identifies and differentiates

Identifies and differentiates

May identify and differentiate

Cannot differentiate types of

types of historical sources

many types of historical

some types of historical

types of historical sources, but

historical sources.

including popular,

sources, and assesses the

sources, and attempts to

cannot assess specific sources

academic, primary, and

reliability of specific sources.

assess the reliability of

or their reliability.



specific sources.

Recognize ever-changing

Recognizes changes in the

Recognizes changes in the

Recognizes changes in the

Does not recognize changes in

interpretations of history.

interpretation of a specific

interpretation of a specific

interpretation of a specific

historical interpretation.

period, event, or

period, event, or

period, event, or circumstance

circumstance. Explores

circumstance. Attempts to

but does not explore factors

reasons for changes.

explore reasons for

that lead to changes.

changes, but may do so

only partially.

Place the development of

Places the development of

Places the development of

Places development of

Is unable to place societal

societies in national

societies in national and

societies in national and

societies in either national or

development in national or

and/or international

international contexts and

international contexts and

international contexts and

international contexts.


fully explains the connection

explains the connection

explains the relationship

between the two.

between the two.

between the two in a limited



Explain the influence and

Explains the influence of

Explains the influence of

Explains the influence of social

Makes no attempt to explain

agency of social

social circumstances on

social circumstances on

circumstances on specific

the influence of social

circumstances, which may

specific historical events and

specific historical events

historical events, but cannot

circumstances on historical

include race, class, gender,

fully explains specifics of

and explains some specifics

explain the specifics of the


and others, on historical

the connections.

of the connections.





Describe the impact of the

Describes the impact of the

Describes the impact of the

Describes the impact of the

Does not recognize the impact

past on subsequent

past on subsequent

past on subsequent

past on subsequent historical

of the past on subsequent

events, including the

historical events. Explains

historical events. Attempts

events. Description is

historical events.


the causes in detail.

to explain the causes.

imprecise or lacks depth.

Examine the complex,

Explains the process of

Explains the process of

Explains change over time but

Does not explain the process

dynamic, and interrelated

change over time and the

change over time and

cannot identify, or

of change over time.

nature of change.

multiple and interrelated

identifies some factors that

incompletely identifies, the

factors that produce change.

underlie change.

factors that underlie change.

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