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Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish; you feed him for a lifetime"


I have always been aspirant to pursue my higher studies from a well reputed US university because US isat the
forefront of the most advanced research and the cutting edge research facilities. After searchingthrough the
internet, I found that Mississippi State University is ranked as one of top universities in USAin Electrical
Engineering. Then I thoroughly browsed the website of Electrical and Computer Engineeringdepartment and the
graduate program seemed to me enormous, diverse and has a lot to offer. I wasdelighted to discover many
faculties with expertise on power system. Their extensive research, impressivecredentials and worldwide
recognition made me inclined towards the university. Specially, the researchfield of Assistant Professor Dr.
Yong Fu matches with my field of interest
in next decade, I want to establish myself as one of the leading researchers in power system
and bring myknowledge, experience and creativity to face various challenges in the future.
Being a teacher, I wish toteach my students the latest technology available in power system
and create efficient research groups toconduct advanced research. I want to play pivotal role in
generating skilled manpower in my country.I am sure that working in an environment having
the latest research facilities and working under theguidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Yong Fu
will pave the way for achieving my future goal. My soundacademic background, professional
experience, thrust for knowledge, unfaltering dedication and perseverance will
definitely help me complete my graduate study successfully and become an asset forthe
Mississippi State University. Therefore, it will be great privilege for me if you consider
myapplication with full financial support at your institution.

To be Versatile & Knowledgeable, One has to be at Right place at Right time with
RightUnderstandings AnonymousTo be on the Acme is hard, especially when it comes to
Survival of the best, but
notimpossible and there are so many aspects which need to be treated with care andattention.
I realized my prime source of motivation at a very early stage in life thesatisfaction that comes
after determinedly facing challenges and emerging victorious. Beit cricket match against a
stronger team or a complicated puzzle, I would never give uptill the goal of winning was
achieved.I constantly congratulate myself on my luck that I have experienced, and will continue
toexperience, a colorful life. Enamored with Electronics and Communication Engineeringhas
enabled me to savor a much more colorful and fulfilling life. And after working for more than 3
years in corporate, I felt the need for acquiring knowledge of management toget a boost in
knowledge as well as in career. I am a man with technical aptitude and aninterest in
management.According to me, we live only once, but if we live right, once is enough. The same
truthapplies to ones career decision because the career we choose is going to live with
usthrough out our life and the education we perceive was, is and will be our most
loyalfriend and which will help us achieve our career goals. Moreover, education
is aninvestment that will reap rich dividends in the future & will never go a waste. So one hasto
make wise career decisions in life for which he may not have to repent in the future.These
elements have also contributed to another aspect in my personalitythe immortalcourage to
seek the fulfillment of my objectives & taking failures as teachers and alwayslearning from
them, as failure is not final.I crave for an opportunity to transcend existing boundaries, enhance
my analytical andmanagement skills so as to gain entry into management level.As part of my
ambition to be a successful and knowledgeable senior level executive, I joined several
technology related programs like basics of Networking.In my family, I have my parents, from
whom I got to know about the sense of right andwrong. My hobbies include playing cricket,
chess and solving puzzles. I love listening tomusic when free.To take my quest for becoming a
successful Business Manager further, formal postgraduate study in Business Administration has
become a must and I believe that theDiploma program in Global Business Operations from one
of most elite institute likeSRCC would be significant in helping me achieve my objectives.
It would enable me tochannel my quantitative and conceptual skills in analyzing business issues
and wouldopen up new avenues. This study will provide me with the necessary theoretical
and practical skills so essential for being a successful manager. GBO program will not onlyallow
me to strengthen my base but also broaden my knowledge and understanding
of business issues. After earning the GBO Diploma, I would like to apply for a corporate positio
n, which would put my Analytical and Management skills to the best possible use


Guner Dincer CELIK

From my early childhood till today, my most remarkable characteristic has been my curiosity
tolearn about new topics. I have a vivid picture of Encyclopedias in my mind as my best friends
in primary school years. My keen interest for learning new ideas, when combined with my inner
desireto reach a degree of excellence in every piece of work I perform, enabled me to acquire
significantknowledge on various aspects of nature and technology, as well as leading me
through a successfuleducational career. As the years passed, my eagerness towards research
topics got more and morespecific, increasing my excitement to go deeper and deeper into my
subject of interest to discover new ideas.Although I had been keen on learning about science
and technology in my early ages, I was firstseriously exposed to its beauty after I entered the
Ayranci Super High School which is one of the best high schools in Turkey accepting only the
secondary school graduates with the highest degreesin the capital of Turkey, Ankara. There I
chose a science oriented education and as I expanded myvision about physics, my favorite
subject in secondary school, I determined my future area of concern for my university studies.In
my first year in high school, I started a research activity on classical physics under the
supervisionof my physics teacher and in the second year I made a laboratory demonstration
about the effects of changes in gravitational acceleration on pendulums and gave a lecture on
gravitational forces to myfellows. Tackling with the most fundamental laws of nature like
gravitation, energy conversion,momentum etc. augmented my enthusiasm for discovering new
ideas in the field. Consequently, Itook part in a discussion group of senior high school students
who were resolute in studying physicsand electrical engineering in university. The discussions,
which were generally about the concepts of modern physics and optical communications,
affected my interests profoundly and in my
secondyear, I concentrated my research on relativity, properties of light and physics of wireless
communications. It was challenging to deal with advanced research subjects while trying to
excel inschool, however, I benefited truly from all my work in high school in that, not only I
gained astudying discipline that has helped me achieve all my objectives up to now, but I also
reached acertain decision on my field of specialization in university; wireless communication
systems.What attracted me the most in the wireless communications theory that did not exist
in physics wasthe fact that these systems were utilized in such a way to transmit and receive
information with thewaves in the air, and thus, being the state of the art and answering the
crucial need of community byenabling and developing distant communication. As I researched
on how the satellites communicatewith the earth, and how the information captured by little
antennas on mobile phones are processed,my curiosity to master the wireless communications
theory in an electrical engineering career grewto a great extend. As a result, after high school, I
matriculated into Middle East Technical University(METU) Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering after a successful university entranceexamination with overall rankings

of the first in my high school and in the first three hundred in allscore types among one and a
half million other candidates.My university years started with a successful English preparation
class to perfect my English. In
themean time, I continued to increase my knowledge about fundamentals of and innovations o
ncommunications area through books and magazines like "Communication Systems", "IEEESpec
trum", and "Science and Technology" from the department library. Having reached an excellent

degree in English, I completed my English preparation class with a ranking of the first in
theuniversity after the English proficiency exam grade of 98,5 / 100.The first year lectures in the
department were about freshman courses like, mathematics, physics andcomputer
programming which I was already familiar with, however, in my second and third years,while I
went deeper into the vast electrical engineering area to widen my background in variousdesign
concepts, I also paid special attention to vital subjects I would deal with in my professionallife.
The Circuit Theory course together with Analog and Digital Electronics courses were
importantconsidering the design of inside structures of transmitters and receivers, the concepts
I wouldencounter in the future. However, Signals and Systems I and II courses were the
real significant onesfor me after which I developed a solid background in communications
theory. Furthermore, dealingwith the mathematical fundamentals behind my personal
researches and interests such as modulationtheory, the AM, FM, PM systems and how they are
realized heightened my enthusiasm for masteringthese
topics.Besides theoretical work, I gained practical knowledge in electrical engineering through t
wointernships performed during the summer holidays. My first hands-on experience was
in ASELSAN,which is the most outstanding electrical design company employing the best minds
dedicated toengineering research in Turkey. There I joined a team working on "Laser Target
Marking Devicefor Missile Guidance". My project was the attenuation of the electrical noises
occurring on the inputand output of a 24 to 5 V dc-dc converter to military standards. Firstly, I
made an extensive researchto understand the reasons for this effect completely and to
investigate the filter design concepts for such a purpose. After I grasped the operation of the
system in detail, I designed input and outputfilters theoretically, then simulated them in P-Spice
and finally tested them in laboratory by using aspectrum analyzer. The design worked perfectly,
satisfying all the requirements, and later my projectwas taken to be utilized in the actual
device. After all, this experience was invaluable for me since Ilearned the basics of a practical
research activity and appreciated what it was like to feel as amember of a research and design
group.I performed my second practical experience in one of the world leaders in Integrated
Circuits (IC)field, ST Microelectronics, in Telecommunications Peripherals and Audio (TPA)
group, after thecompetent policy of the company to admit the most ten research oriented and
successful students inTurkey. My aim was to widen my background on telecommunication
related applications of IC field,such as transmitter and receiver design methodologies using IC

technologies. Consequently, I joinedan R&D group working on wireless systems and bluetooth
applications and performed the design of various digital filters and electronic components in
VHDL coding language. As a result, working insuch an outstanding design company broadened
my vision of wireless communication systems andhow diverse its developmental stages can
be.As well as the coursework and practical experience, I try to follow the technological
andnew design techniques by reading technical periodicals and by talking to people in thecom
munications field. I am a student member of the IEEE Communications Committee and read
the"IEEE Communications" journal regularly. MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) systems
together with intelligent antenna solutions for wireless communications are the most recent
topics that I finduseful to learn about. Furthermore, after learning from Prof. Dr. Yalcin Tanik
the growing need for and researches done on wireless communications, I am absolutely
determined to embark a career oncomplete understanding and design of
wireless communication systems. Now I am a senior student and I have a strong reputation in
the university. I am currently ranked thefirst in my department and also in the faculty of
engineering with a GPA of 3,99. I have received the

Dr. Bulent Kerim Altay award five times in my department for my excellent academic successes
andI have been in the high honor list of the dean six times. Having decided on my area of
specializationin the department, I am continuing my major option courses with Telecommunica
tions-I andMicrowaves-I. I am also taking a course on Microprocessors to have an idea of the
control of practical electronic systems. In the second semester, I plan to take
Telecommunications-II, Antennasand Propagation, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), MicrowavesII and Nonlinear Electronics for Communications courses. These courses constitute the core
subjects for wireless communicationsystems, and therefore, they will provide me with a solid
background in telecommunications, whichwill be of utmost importance for my future
studies.Aside from the academic life, I regularly use the cinema, theater and concert
opportunities theuniversity offers. In addition to playing basketball regularly, I like to
participate in the social clubs of the university like Music Club, Origami Club, and Robotics Club
and I play the guitar in a music band for which I am one of the founders. These social activities
have improved my interpersonalskills and enabled me to appreciate the value of how precious
it is to participate in an activity whosemembers come from different backgrounds.
Furthermore, I am very keen on teaching. I like myability to inspect the listeners' degree of
knowledge together with their cognitive ability and explainconcepts as much as and as fast as
they need. As a result, I give private and voluntary courses
tofreshman and sophomore year students to support my additional expenses and to help young
engineers in forming their careers. Now that I have determined the exact field I want to work
in, I feel ready to go deeper and deeper into the wireless communication systems through an
M.S. and Ph.D. degree in a strong researchenvironment. A dedicated study on wireless
communications will finally enable me to aggregate allmy previous knowledge and experience

on the field. I am confident that my academic records and practical knowledge combined with
my eagerness to do research and ability to learn without the helpof a guide exhibit the
perseverance and zeal required to pursue a Ph.D. study. MIT is a perfectchoice offering the
students to gain exposure to a diverse student body and faculty. Furthermore, agraduate study
in EECS AREA I laboratory in MIT, especially on the Systems, Communication,
andSignal Processing areas with brilliant academicians and worldclass research groups providesunequalled experiences and a life long pride of being a member
of such an excellent faculty.
Finally,the curriculum of MIT graduate program includes several courses about the core areas o
f communication systems such as

Principals of Digital Communications , Data-Communication Networks, and Digital Speech

Processing and fits well to my research interests.After obtaining my Ph.D. degree, I plan to
continue my career as an academician with an excellentknowledge of both theoretical and
practical aspects of wireless communication systems. I will alsostrive hard for being an active
person in the state of the art by involvement in both industrial andgovernmental projects. My
ultimate goal in my career is to discover new theoretical concepts as wellas practical
innovations in telecommunications field and the graduate study in MIT will be a realmilestone
in my career to accomplish my goals

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