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Reliability: Of the five dimensions, reliability is the most important determinant of perceptions of

service quality. Reliability is defined as the ability to perform the promised service dependently and
accurately. In its broadest sense, reliability means that the company delivers on its promises-promises
about delivery, service provision, problem resolution and pricing. Customers want to do business with
companies that keep their promises, particularly their promises about the core service attributes. For
Banks, Reliability depends on handling customers' services problems; performing services right the first
time; provide services at the promised time and maintaining error-free record. Furthermore, reliability can
be stated as the most important factor in conventional service. Reliability also consists of accurate order
fulfillment; accurate record; accurate quote; accurate in billing; accurate calculation of commissions; keep
services promise. The extent that DBBL can maintain its reliability with customers depends on various
attributes provided with its customers. Obviously reliability ensures the customers satisfaction in a great
deal than that of other Service quality dimensions. Studies show that there is a significant positive
relationship between reliability and customer satisfaction. So, this dimension should be the prime concern
for a bank to ensure the service quality.
Measurement of Reliability by DBBL: For better service quality, timely measurement of service
reliability should be taken place to ensure whether reliability is fine tuned or not in terms of what
customers expect. DBBL uses a GAP technique for measuring the extent of reliability they maintain. The
following chart showing the reliability is used by DBBL.
Measurement Tool (GAP)
Accurate Order Fulfillment
Problem Resolution
Timely Settlement
Reliable and Robust System &








The above mentioned graph is the measurement tool for reliability and is used by DBBL to ensure the
customer satisfaction or to take any if needed further corrective actions. The attributes mentioned:
consistency of service, accurate order fulfillment, problem resolution, timely settlement, reliable and
robust system and process for service quality that actually provided are compared with those that were
promised by DBBL. Bank management then finds out the gap if any between the promised and actual
service based on which the corrective actions or customer satisfaction is pursued.
Analysis of the reliability surveyed on DBBL: The questionnaire is designed to find out the service
quality provided to the customer of DBBL which in turn will reflect the expectation of each customer.
Our objective of making questionnaire was to provide e comprehensive dimensions of services that meet
the customer expectation. What the survey results convey to the bank is prime concern of the report as
well as plotting a well structured solution for better service. The graph showing the customers about
reliability of DBBL is given below for further analysis







Resolution &

Accurate Oder Timely settlement


The results of different attributes that contributes towards the reliability of service are on the above
mentioned graph.
So, we will discuss the results in a way that can give a message to the management of the bank about the
current scenario of its service reliability.

Consistency: DBBLs consistency in providing the promised service is a at moderate level (90%) which
more or less meets the customer expectation but 10 % of the customers think that they are very satisfied
with the consistency level of service which makes the service reliable to them. This trait contributes
toward the reliability in line with the general level but not an outstanding pace. But there are no
respondents who think they are dissatisfied with consistency. So DBBL needs to focus on ways that c
constitutes a high satisfaction level.
Promised resolution & pricing: Survey results show that 23.33% customers are very satisfied with
promised service price and resolution with the actual one that is provided by DBBL. It indicates that
DBBL is very much accurately giving what is previously promised to its customers. DBBL is moderate at
providing the promised service think the 70% of the respondents which gives a whistle that DBBL needs
to be more careful about their pricing and problem resolution. And 6.67% respondents feel that they are
not getting what was promised before the service is encountered.
Accurate order fulfillment: DBBL beyond any doubt providing the service very much accurately and
meets very much promptly any kind of order placed by its customer as per the results (30% very
satisfied). Though there are 33.34% respondents who think that DBBL is moderate which warns the bank
management to be more efficient. So overall we can say that DDBL is efficient or to some extent
moderate at providing the accurate service to its customer.
Timely settlement: This is the safest area that DBBL can ensure for its customers. Almost 66.67%
customers are very much satisfied about the timely settlement of service. This ensures the reliability of the
banks resulting superior service quality and also conveys the management that there is no further
necessity of reducing settlement of service time. Only 3.33% respondents think that they are not getting
the service at the right time which may be considered as standard error.
Recommendation: Some recommendation can be provided to the management of bank to enrich its
reliability for increasing the satisfaction. The suggestions are discussed below by points:
1. DBBL should reduce the gap that is periodically checked by the Bank. It should reduce the
promised and actual service gap to an extent that bank can bring the gap to almost a negligible
2. Reliability engineering should be ensured by emphasizing that the dependability is ensured in
every level of the systems and people providing the reliable service.

3. Bank should not set the level of dependency and accuracy arbitrarily itself rather its a process
reflecting the expectation of the customers and banks should make an arrangement to provide
maximum satisfaction as per the level.
4. Bank should increase the real time service accessibility especially for those customers who need
service on line. It means providing service very quickly they are needed by the customer.
Reducing the waiting time, providing an exclusive web page, and categorize the service in a way
that customers can get it as soon as they need it.

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