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Rush Limbaugh Echo, Thanksgiving Eve, 11/26/14

Seg#1: Well talk about the real meaning of THANKSGIVING!!!
OK, we have George Stephanopoulos apologizing for America. We have our traditional real story of
Thanksgiving. And why sleeping naked cuts risk of diabetes. Did you see the jobless numbers released
Prior to the Election, job numbers were said to be signs of a recovered Economy. Now, the job numbers
are not leading in Drive-by Media. The number of people seeking jobs jumped; [Rush hints numbers are
fudged.] Isnt that amazing? November is the beginning of the campaign season.
I tried yesterday trying to make a point about Ferguson: the artificiality. These were not riots! They
were planned civil disobedience, it was a strategic plan and DbM fell right in line, counting down to
riots. What does this say about the culture and civility of our country? Im trying to put my finger on
It was like Obama shooting holes in the Constitution with Executive Amnesty. Everybody knew it was in
violation of the Law and Constitution, and we just sat by to watch?
It is now part of the American fabric to expect a planned riot. It was going to happen no matter what
the only unknown was how bad it would be. The Rodney King L.A. riot was different.
Im not saying it is a conspiracy; we have resigned ourselves to these planned events happening. We
have bad people planning and DbM going along. And many of us in America just expect it and go along
with it.
Even though I saw it, and even though it was real, nobody tried to stop it and it could have been
stopped. The president fueled the rage. No, the split-screen of riots and Ferguson burning is not going
to haunt Obama. It will not be a problem for Barack Hussein Obama: (1) he doesnt care; (2) it wont
affect him; (3) Like Benghazi and AZ border, it isnt going to haunt him because it is all his success in
transforming America.
Obama got heckled by pro-Amnesty people and didnt understand it: Hey, I just changed the law; why
are you reacting this way, speaking in Chicago. Then he said:
> only Native Americans have the right to feel ticked off over Immigration.
Seg#2: Creeping Socialism needs to be opposed!!!
Im talking about fake vs real; substance vs. just politics. The protestors against Wall Street dont care
about Truth, substance and facts. To a large segment of the country, they dont care and just take
whatever comes along.
To not be misunderstood, yes, I see a conspiracy of evil people; what I meant was that the timing of the
announcement was not a conspiracy.
>>> Liberalism is a rot that is spoiling Americacan it be pushed back?

S#3: ED: Remember the analogy of the frog in warm>hot>boiling water
[Rush reviews TV coverage leading up to The Announcement, and told Kathryn the comments looked all
scripted like reality TV.] The only difference between the DbM coverage, all scripted, was that reality
TV people join unions. The real life part of it that real lives and livelihoods were destroyed.
One single-mom was in tears then next day (there is a fund to restore her cake shop). We all tuned in to
see how big the flames would be; we were witnesses to scripted barbarism, and proper speech and
actions could have prevented this.
An all-out assault on the American culture and way of life is underway. The governor made it sound like
a German Blitzkreig on London coming. Did authorities let Ferguson burn?, asked DbM the next day, a
legitimate question.
This is destructive way beyond the damage in Ferguson. None of it matters to a large segment that is
trying to tear down traditions in America. It was scripted, and like JR Ewing on Dallas, we knew who
shot JR before it happened.
I am not going to fall for it; I know it is about things you are not being shown. The ease with which
people fall for it is very troubling to me. I know their ultimate objective: TO MAKE YOU THINK IT IS
DAY IS COMING. All of this is just steps in that direction.

Obama lectured America About Justified Anger Towards Law Enforcement In Minority Communities.
Obama went before a Black audience ((Reading: A lot of people were upset. Not just about a particular
incidence. Frustrations have deep roots; etc.)) This incident is used to excuse barbarism of prior years
also. The Trayvon Martin facts have been forgotten; the Duke Lacrosse case was the reverse and there
was no DbM outrage. They are White and played lacrosse, that means they are rich.
This country has a lot to pay back for, deserve this, get used to it.
>>> The creeping acceptance is deeply disturbing to me.
Seg#4: Liberals have feelings but dismiss any thinking
Georgetown U. prof Oliver Friedfeld ((Reading: I was mugged, and I understand why. Etc. When a
reporter asked if I was surprised, I said, not at all. We live in the top of economic inequality. The
muggers were probably good people.)) Isnt that pathetic?
It used to be said that a Liberal was just a Conservative that hadnt been mugged yet.
He goes on to talk about his White Guilt. Why do they hate us so much was a seminar by Liberals.
>>> We used to ask, What does that matter? Theyre criminals.
When Liberals do over-think, they always get it wrong, like Joe Biden.

Then they create the messes that they then propose to clean up.
Seg#5: No, I was not making it up about the mugged professor
Oliver Friedfled says the muggers would think his family is nice.
>>> What does it matter that the criminals might be nice guys.
Seg#6: Obama/Liberals are here to make it right, (remaking America)
(Theme Music) Snerdley, I may make up for not getting in phone calls. Well also talk about football; and
how we are being manipulated with scripted events. Get the cameras and media out of there.
In a real riot, media doesnt know it is coming and go in after to report. Don Lemon nearly tear-gassed
himself, putting on a mask. All of it is done for DbM. The whole thing is being set up; we are told it is
real, but it not: just get the cameras out of there and it will be different.
More from Oliver Friedfeld: with White Privilege, he says he understands why this happens. Not once
did I consider the muggers to be bad peopleif they got to know me, they would like me. Snerdley
said he is an odd-ball, but these are the type of people that are governing us.
Talks with Iran were supposed to expire two days ago, but just got a six-month extension, and they say,
America is soft. Odd balls are governing us.
[Rush continues reading and mocking the mugged professor.] Im convinced these odd balls are all over
our government. Obama says only Native American Indians can object to his inviting the world in. You
dont have any right to object, folks, because the only legitimate citizens started here before Columbus.
We always knew Obama believed this, and now he has said it. Get used to it and shut up. Vote
Democrat! Its like saying the young muggers had a total right to mug him. Who am I to condemn the
young muggersit is the otherization that fuels the problem.
Muggers are human beings also. ((Reading on: We all have to choose between good and bad. We have
to understand.)) Have you heard that only poverty creates Jihad? This odd ball could end up in the
State Dpt making foreign policy.
This is what is being taught to college kids, and you are paying for it.
>>> America is the most guilt-ridden nation on Earth;
>>>>> And Liberals are here to make it right' .
Seg#7: Would Saul Alinsky want civil unrest to happen?
Caller-AZ: Yes, something is going on w/ Ferguson. The National Guard went out only after damage was

The theory is that DoJ/WH told the governor to not deploy the National Guard. Have you heard why,
Snerdley? This is my point: it was scripted and nobody made a move to stop it; cameras were in place.
Media didnt want it stopped; they wanted it to happen.
>>> Ask yourself: Who did the chaos benefit?
Rush hints, and states again: Somebody wanted it to happen!
Seg#8: Obama make a half-hearted call for calm
Caller-Orlando: Obama had a golden opportunity to heal America.
Yes, he blew a Golden Opportunity after the DA explained it all. He does have communicative skills
reading Teleprompter. I wouldnt have waited till the Announcement. He could have asked for TV time
the day before and explained the great US system of justice. He could have talked about civility and rule
of law. He could have said we dont always get what we want; and there are ways to change laws and
procedures. He could have said people and businesses do not deserve to be destroyed.
It may not have changed the criminals.
Obama could have said we do not excuse criminality, right after praising the justice system. He didnt.
This barbarism need not to have happened. Obama could have set a toneeverybody knew what was
coming and he could have made a difference. Instead, he waits until violence has already begun, than
goes out for his political speech: to make a half-hearted call for calm; then say rage is justified; and
ramble on about Amnesty.
Obama could have commanded the attention of everybody before it began; he could have told the
lawless element that their efforts would have been arrested; and there would be no end to protecting
property and life, This kind of barbarism will not be tolerated in America but Obama doesnt believe it
and cant say it.
Caller-gal: I cant imagine a WH telling them to stand down. How much will be required in rebuilding
Ferguson? And The Regime will get credit as they are dependent.
The people of Ferguson will thank Obama? Im not sure about that.
Natalie Dubois had her store torchedthe American people started a website and raised $100,000. She
put everything she had in baking and selling cakes.
>>> If Obama wanted credit, the American people beat him to the punch.
S#9: Are you offended by DbM/Obama/Democrats nudging to Socialism?
Google Go Fund Me, Natalies Cakes and More for the fundraising site.
Caller-lady: I dont feel manipulated because I know Obama, am on guard.
Yes, but WH tries to manipulate others; Im offended with efforts to try to manipulate me. Obama
could have explained the justice system and stigmatized those barbarians.
>>> Obama could have done a number of things, rather than excuse it!

Seg#10: Remember military families during holiday times
This is a tough time for people in the Military; so Ill recount the true story of Thanksgiving. That, coming
up. If you are a sports fan, Al Michaels has a great new book. During a San Francisco earthquake, he was
called in to be a reporter.
I mentioned some great ones in sports coverage, and when you do that, you run the risk of leaving
someone out. This book could turn you into a sports fan. I mentioned Jim Nanz and left out Joe Buck.
Such good people in sports is rare today. There is a dirth on TV todayyou have people that played the
game, but it is clichd. You would never hear Al Michaels say when the fullback fumbles, He put the
ball on the ground like they want to outdo each other. is being responded to. Shes African-American and

had nothing to do with what happened.
I accidentally stumbled into Brits at MI-6 being portrayed in a 4.5 hour mini-series. It is about the PM
knowing about USA torture chambers and Bill Nye didnt try to get rid of the Prime Minister.
Leslie Stall couldnt believe when someone inside explained water boarding and said, yes, that is what
we do.
The Brit show is a good one, if you can separate out the politics. The other one I watch is Madame
Secretary which everyone believes to be about Hillary. She was with CIA and interrogated terrorists.
Her daughter finds out and moves out in shame.
How many years old is torture chambers and it is still central to Liberals after eight years. They do
what they have to do to win and keep power.
My position is you should understand history and Liberalismit is everywhere it should not be. It is in
universities, public education, and our government. Iranians couldnt believe we would extend them to
build nukes however they want. They mock Obama, You dont have the right to tell us.
Who do you think you are to speak against Executive Amnesty?
>>> You came in; only Native Americans were here originally!
Seg#11: Bargaining for power between now and 2016
Glenn Reynolds thinks the scripted riots is about an intra-party struggle within the Democrat Party.
Some realize Obama has helped them not at all. He believes the White Leftist urban [nut] wing will rise
with Hillary. The Jackson/Sharpton wing is still a power and bargains for power between now and 2016.
>>> All of it is for the politics of power grabs.

Obama is the champion of the urban-black wing of the party, and because of him that wing has been
on top. But his star is fading, black voters are beginning to realize that they havent benefited
economically, and the next Dem nominee whether its Hillary Clinton, Jim Webb, or Elizabeth Warren
will be from the white gentry-liberal wing of the Democratic Party. The riots, the marches, the trafficblocking are a way of telling them that the Sharpton wing is still a force to be reckoned with, and to
improve its bargaining power between now and 2016. At least, thats the only way this not at all
spontaneous street theater makes sense.
Seg#12: See, Rush told you so // More should listen, sooner!
Caller-guy: Have you noticed that Obama is never heckled from the Right?
Yes, he is only heckled from low-info people on the left. A woman held up a sign criticizing lack of
Amnesty, and Obama couldnt believe it.
The heckling rattled him and he admitting violating the Constitution and making new law. Before that,
he had been very disciplined, claiming to not have changed anything, only not deporting people.
Chapter Six in See, I Told You So is about the true story of Thanksgiving. We made this into a children
book series. ((Rush begins reading from his earlier book.)) Adults I talk to today, some of them, didnt
know about Holland having a role with Pilgrims. That is the state of our culture and education.
((Reading on: There were 40 Pilgrims setting sail. The Bible gave Wm Bradford the Mayflower Compact,
regarding private property and rights. There were no friends to greet them to the bare land. Half died
the first winter, including the wife of William Bradford. When spring came, Indians taught them basic
fishing, planting, harvesting. The story telling ends there, but that is not what was critical. The original
Thanksgiving was to thank God, not the Indians.
>>> Ill tell next the part that is omitted from classroom textbooks.
How Socialism Failed!
Seg#13: Give thanks to God for America and free enterprise!
The Mayflower Contract was Socialism, everything going into the commune, community, complete with
organic vegetables, and everybody having one share in the commune. Long before Karl Marx, they
tried Socialism and Wm Bradford saw the failure and gave everyone their own private plot. This should
be in every public school textbook.
((Reading from Wm Bradfords journal. We thought we knew but rapidly found out that we were
wrong. The slackers saw they could get away without working.)) People did their best work with Free
Enterprise. They were permitted to market what they grew, and It made all hands productive.
The abundance was share with the Indians.

They remembered them for their kindness, and thanked God for the abundance that they themselves
gained, after trying Clintonism/Obama-ism. The story does not stop with Indians showing them how to
plant corn. That leads Obama to say, Only the Indians have first rights to be here.
Rush Revere goes back to Holland and makes the Pilgrims real. Kathryn and I are thankful to you for
making our lives rewarding. Have a great Thanksgiving. Take time to pause and give thanks to God.
>>> Give thanks for America and being great Americans.
Seg#14: Best-of-Rush will be the show tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day
Mark Steyn will be here on FridayIt will be a great show.
>>> Ill be back on Monday, revved up and ready to go.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Unequal Footing"
In time for Thanksgiving, we have news out of Turkey. The president of Turkey, guy named Recep Tayyip
Erdogan said Women Are Not Equal to Men; this devout Muslim has become embroiled in controversy.
At an Istanbul meeting on women and justice, President Erdogan said, to the presss amazement, that
men and women were created differently. Women cannot be expected to undertake the same kind of
work as men. And mothers have a very high position in society that only they can reach.
The money quote: You cannot put women and men on an equal footing, he declared. It is against
nature. They were created differently. Their nature is different. Their constitution is different. President
Erdogan then said this: Motherhood is the highest position...You cannot explain this to feminists. They
dont accept motherhood. They have no such concern.
Remember, back in the 90s, Time magazine did a cover story announcing their discovery that men and
women are different and that theyre born that way. Apparently, the President of Turkey agrees.
Of course if a male American politician were foolish enough to say such things in public, let alone at a
meeting about women and justice, hed be drummed out of office. In under 24 hours, hed be shown the
So. Lets see if the feminist movement has any guts. Lets see if theyll hound this guy forever. Or, more
likely, if theyll just pretend he never said a word! Turkey, ho's that? Where's that? What's that? Who
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Nobody's asked what they think anymore. Everybody's asked what they feel. And nobody tells you
what they think. They always tell you what they feel, and their feelings have become common sense."
"The left has toyed with people's feelings. The Democrat Party has ratcheted up those feelings and
created a constant anger disproportionate to reality. There's an irrationality about it all. You can't talk

sense to some of these people. They're simply outraged all the time, angry, want to be. They want to be
"I think one of the things that's happening as we try to analyze the slow deterioration of our culture,
which includes a deterioration of knowledge and understanding of the Constitution, of the rule of law,
what has happened, what's replacing that education, that understanding, is this belief that feelings
equal common sense."
"So Obama started out appealing for calm, and then kind of fed the rage."
"Al Michaels makes everybody that works with him better just by virtue of his presence. He elevates
everybody else's work."
"The Democrat Party and the American left has created, in its base supporters, a degree of anger and
rage that borders on the irrational, and they do it about everything! They do it about the Iraq war. They
do it about the War on Terror. They do it about virtually everything."
"Politicians benefit from all this strife. Politicians benefit from people being on edge, benefit from
people being angry, benefit from people being ticked off. Politicians and activists alike benefit."
"I remember those days, too, when I used to think that people that commit crimes would get in trouble.
Yes, I loved those days."
"Obama missed an opportunity last night. If he really cared about unity, he could have done a lot for it
last night. If he really cares about bringing people together -- if he really cares about a functioning,
orderly society, even if he wants to transform it -- he had a golden opportunity last night, and he
"In liberalism, you just say we're going to have a meeting, and the problem's solved. Be it jobs, deficit,
call a meeting, or you instruct an underling to call somebody else and have a meeting. Problem solved."
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