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Walter Elias Disney

(1901/12/05 - 1966/12/15)

Dibujante estadounidense, productor, y director de cine

Naci el 5 de diciembre de 1901 en Chicago (Estados Unidos).
Cuando cumpli 16 aos dej la escuela, aunque pas algunos periodos en academias de
arte en su ciudad natal y en Kansas City, Missouri.
En 1923, comenz a producir dibujos animados en Hollywood junto a su hermano Roy O.
Disney. Entre 1926 y 1928 realiz una serie de dibujos, Oswaldo el conejo, para Universal
Steamboat Willie (Willie el vapor, 1928), que producida por su propia compaa, signific
la aparicin de el ratn Mickey su primer personaje famoso, adems del inicio del cine
sonoro en los dibujos animados. El golpe de suerte le lleg el 18 de noviembre de aquel
ao se estren el corto animado que l mismo escribi. Era el debut del mtico personaje
de Mickey Mouse, que haba abandonado su primer nombre, Mortimer.
Como le ocurri a las obras de todos los grandes genios, corri el rumor de que el
entraable ratn no sali de los lpices de Walt, pero nadie pudo probarlo nunca. Desde
entonces, Mickey se ha convertido en todo un smbolo, incluso, segn public alguna
encuesta norteamericana, era el personaje ms conocido del mundo. Una de las
ancdotas ms desconocidas es que el propio Walt prest su voz a Mickey en ms de un
centenar de ttulos.
Realiz a continuacin su serie de Sinfonas tontas, iniciada con La danza del esqueleto
(1929). En el ao 1932, introdujo el color en rboles y flores, en 1934 cre al pato Donald
y en 1937 realiz el primer largometraje de dibujos animados de la historia, Blancanieves y
los siete enanitos, al que siguieron Pinocho (1940), Fantasa (1941) y Bambi (1942).
Durante los aos 50 y 60 Walt Disney Productions pas a ser una de las mayores
productoras cinematogrficas, al tiempo que Disney intentaba mantener el mayor control
artstico posible. La compaa abord la publicacin de literatura infantil y cmics la
mayora de ellos protagonizados por sus personajes el pato Donald y el perro Pluto.
Anticomunista declarado, Walt Disney no fue un gran dibujante (de hecho no volvi a
coger un lpiz desde 1929), pero s un gran hombre de negocios que supo crear todo un
imperio. En 1955, Walt Disney Productions inaugur un parque gigantesco, Disneylandia,
en Anaheim, California. Sus reconstrucciones de carcter histrico y sus espectaculares
atracciones lo convirtieron en un foco turstico de primer orden. Siguiendo la misma lnea,
se abri en 1971 Disneyworld, cerca de Orlando, y despus Eurodisney, en las
proximidades de Pars.

Al mismo tiempo, fueron capaces de realizar documentales como El desierto vivo (1953) o
Los secretos de la vida (1956), y tambin a comienzos de los cincuenta pelculas de
aventuras con actores reales como La isla del tesoro (1950), Robin Hood (1951), El extrao
caso de Wilby (1959), Un sabio en las nubes (1961) y Mary Poppins (1964).
Las pelculas de dibujos animados ms destacadas de este periodo fueron Peter Pan
(1953), Merln el encantador (1963) y ms Aladdin (1992), El rey len (1994), Pocahontas
(1995), Toy Story (1996), El jorobado de Notre Dame (1996) y una nueva versin del
clsico 101 dlmatas titulada 101 dlmatas (ms vivos que nunca), con la actriz inglesa
Glenn Close en el papel de Cruela de Vil.
Tambin han producido para televisin las series "Davy Crockett", "El club Mickey" y "El
maravilloso mundo de Disney". Walt es la persona que ms Oscars ha acaparado, un total
de 32. Sin duda, el momento ms especial fue la entrega de un Oscar honorfico por la
creacin de 'Blancanieves y los siete enanitos', una estatuilla acompaada de otras siete
rplicas ms pequeas.
Walt Disney falleci el 15 de diciembre de 1966 en Los Angeles, California.

Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse nace en 1928, y sus talentos animados fueron utilizados primeramente en
un dibujo de cine mudo llamado "Plane Crazy" (Avioneta loca). Antes de este dibujo
animado pudiera estrenarse, sin embargo, surge el sonido en las pelculas en el mundo del
espectculo. Finalmente, Mickey Mouse hace su debut en "Steamboat Willie" (Willie el
Barco de Vapor), la primera pelcula de dibujos animados del mundo con sonido
perfectamente sincronizado, estrenada por vez primera en el Colony Theatre de Nueva
York (18 de noviembre de 1928).
Walt Disney introdujo el Technicolor (tecnologia de color en las pelculas usada
actualmente) para la produccin de "Silly Symphonies" (Sinfonas tontas), y en 1932 su
film "Flowers and Tress" (flores y rboles) gan el primero de 32 Premios de la Academia.
En 1937 lleg "Blanca Nieves y los siete enanitos", el primer largometraje musical animado
($1.499.00 dlares de produccin, algo terriblemente desmesurado para la poca de
depresin). En los siguientes cinco aos nacieron Pinocho, Fantasia, Dumbo y Bambi.

Walter Elias Disney (05/12/1901 - 1966/12/15)

American artist, producer, and film director
He was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago (United States).
When he was 16 years old he left school, although he spent some periods in academies of
art in his hometown and in Kansas City, Missouri.
In 1923, he began to produce cartoon in Hollywood together with his brother Roy O.
Disney. Between 1926 and 1928, he made a series of drawings, Oswaldo rabbit, for
Universal Pictures.
Steamboat Willie (Willie steam, 1928), that produced by his own company, Mickey meant
the appearance of mouse his first famous character, as well as the home of the talkies in
the cartoon. The stroke of luck came on 18 November of that year released the animated
short that he himself wrote. It was the debut of the mythical character of Mickey Mouse,
who had dropped his first name, Mortimer.
As it happened to the works of all the great geniuses, he ran the rumor that the beloved
mouse didn't Walt pencils, but no one could prove it never. Since then, Mickey has
become a symbol, even, according to some North American survey, was the best known
character in the world. One of the most undiscovered stories is that the own Walt lent his
voice to Mickey in more than one hundred titles.
He then made his silly symphonies series, which started with the dance of the skeleton
(1929). In the year 1932, introduced color in trees and flowers, in 1934 it created a Donald
Duck and in 1937 was the first feature cartoon history, snow white and the seven dwarfs,
followed by Pinocchio (1940), Fantasia (1941) and Bambi (1942).
During the years 50 and 60 Walt Disney Productions became one of the largest film
producers, while Disney was trying to maintain the largest possible artistic control. The
company addressed the publication of children's literature and comic books most of them
Starring Donald Duck and Pluto dog characters.
Anti-Communist declared, Walt Disney was not a great artist (in fact never returned to
pick up a pencil from 1929), but a great business man who knew how to create an entire
Empire. In 1955, Walt Disney Productions launched a gigantic Park, Disneyland, in
Anaheim, California. His reconstructions of historical character and its spectacular
attractions became a tourist focus of first order. Following the same line, opened in 1971
Disney World, near Orlando, and then Disneyland, in the vicinity of Paris.
At the same time, they were able to make documentaries like the living desert (1953) or
the secrets of life (1956), and also at the beginning of the fifty adventure films with real
actors like the island of treasure (1950), Robin Hood (1951), the strange case of Wilby
(1959), a wise man in the clouds (1961) and Mary Poppins (1964).

The most prominent animated films of this period were Peter Pan (1953), Merlin the
charming (1963) and more Aladdin (1992), the King Lion (1994), Pocahontas (1995) and
Toy Story (1996), the Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) and a new version of the classic
101 Dalmatians entitled 101 Dalmatians (more alive than ever), with the English actress
Glenn Close in the role of Cruella de Vil.
They have also produced for television series "Davy Crockett", "Mickey club" and "The
wonderful world of Disney". Walt is the person more Oscars has monopolized, a total of
32. Undoubtedly, the moment more special was the delivery of an honorary Oscar by the
creation of 'Snow white and the seven dwarfs', accompanied by other seven smaller
replica statuette.
Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966 in Los Angeles, California.

Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse was created in 1928, and his lively talents were first used in a drawing of
silent film called "Plane Crazy" (crazy plane). Before this cartoon could be released,
however, emerges the sound in the movies in the world of the spectacle. Finally, Mickey
Mouse makes his debut in "Steamboat Willie" (Willie steam boat), the first animated film
in the world with sound perfectly synchronized, premiered for the first time at the Colony
Walt Disney introduced the Technicolor (technology of color in the films currently used)
for the production of "Silly Symphonies" (silly symphonies), and in 1932 his film "Flowers
and Tress" (flowers and trees) won the first of 32 Academy Awards. In 1937 came "Snow
white and the seven dwarfs," the first animated musical feature ($1.499.00 $ of
production, something terribly produced for the time of depression). Pinocchio, Fantasia,
Dumbo and Bambi were born in the next five years.

Walt Disney Biography (19011966)

Walt Disney was an American motion-picture and television producer and showman, famous as a
pioneer of cartoon films and as the creator of Disneyland.
Walter Elias "Walt" Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in Hermosa, Illinois. He and his brother
Roy co-founded Walt Disney Productions, which became one of the best-known motion-picture
production companies in the world. Disney was an innovative animator and created the cartoon
character Mickey Mouse. He won 22 Academy Awards during his lifetime, and was the founder of
theme parks Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
Early Life
Walter Elias "Walt" Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in the Hermosa section of Chicago,
Illinois. His father was Elias Disney, an Irish-Canadian, and his mother, Flora Call Disney, was
German-American. Disney was one of five children, four boys and a girl. He lived most of his
childhood in Marceline, Missouri, where he began drawing, painting and selling pictures to
neighbors and family friends. In 1911, his family moved to Kansas City, where Disney developed a
love for trains. His uncle, Mike Martin, was a train engineer who worked the route between Fort
Madison, Iowa, and Marceline. Later, Disney would work a summer job with the railroad, selling
snacks and newspapers to travelers.
Disney attended McKinley High School in Chicago, where he took drawing and photography classes
and was a contributing cartoonist for the school paper. At night, he took courses at the Chicago
Art Institute. When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the army but was rejected for
being underage. Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an
Early Cartoons
When Disney returned from France in 1919, he moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a
newspaper artist. His brother Roy got him a job at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio, where he met
cartoonist Ubbe Eert Iwwerks, better known as Ub Iwerks. From there, Disney worked at the
Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animation. Around
this time, Disney began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel animation, and
decided to open his own animation business. From the ad company, he recruited Fred Harman as
his first employee.
Walt and Harman made a deal with a local Kansas City theater to screen their cartoons, which they
called Laugh-O-Grams. The cartoons were hugely popular, and Disney was able to acquire his own
studio, upon which he bestowed the same name. Laugh-O-Gram hired a number of employees,
including Harman's brother Hugh and Ub Iwerks. They did a series of seven-minute fairy tales that
combined both live action and animation, which they called Alice in Cartoonland. By 1923,
however, the studio had become burdened with debt, and Disney was forced to declare

Disney and his brother, Roy, soon pooled their money and moved to Hollywood. Iwerks also
relocated to California, and there the three began the Disney Brothers' Studio. Their first deal was
with New York distributor Margaret Winkler, to distribute their Alice cartoons. They also invented
a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and contracted the shorts at $1,500 each.
In 1925, Disney hired an ink-and-paint artist named Lillian Bound. After a brief courtship, the
couple married.
A few years later, Disney discovered that Winkler and her husband, Charles Mintz, had stolen the
rights to Oswald, along with all of Disneys animators, except for Iwerks. Right away the Disney
brothers, their wives and Iwerks produced three cartoons featuring a new character Walt had
been developing called Mickey Mouse. The first animated shorts featuring Mickey were Plane
Crazy and The Gallopin' Gaucho, both silent films for which they failed to find distribution. When
sound made its way into film, Disney created a third, sound-and-music-equipped short called
Steamboat Willie. With Walt as the voice of Mickey, the cartoon was an instant sensation.
Commercial Success
In 1929, Disney created Silly Symphonies, which featured Mickey's newly created friends, including
Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Pluto. One of the most popular cartoons, Flowers and
Trees, was the first to be produced in color and to win an Oscar. In 1933, The Three Little Pigs and
its title song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" became a theme for the country in the midst of
the Great Depression.
On December 21, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length animated film,
premiered in Los Angeles. It produced an unimaginable $1.499 million, in spite of the Depression,
and won a total of eight Oscars. During the next five years, Walt Disney Studios completed another
string of full-length animated films, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi.
In December 1939, a new campus for Walt Disney Studios was opened in Burbank. A setback for
the company occurred in 1941, however, when there was a strike by Disney animators. Many of
them resigned, and it would be years before the company fully recovered. During the mid-40s,
Disney created "packaged features," groups of shorts strung together to run at feature length, but
by 1950, he was once again focusing on animated features. Cinderella was released in 1950,
followed by Alice in Wonderland (1951), Peter Pan (1953), a live-action film called Treasure Island
(1950), Lady and the Tramp (1955), Sleeping Beauty (1959) and 101 Dalmatians (1961). In all, more
than 100 features were produced by his studio.
Disney was also among the first to use television as an entertainment medium. The Zorro and
Davy Crockett series were extremely popular with children, as was The Mickey Mouse Club, a
variety show featuring a cast of teenagers known as the Mouseketeers. Walt Disney's Wonderful
World of Color was a popular Sunday night show, which Disney used to begin promoting his new
theme park. Disney's last major success that he produced himself was the motion picture Mary
Poppins, which mixed live action and animation.

Disney's $17 million Disneyland theme park opened in 1955. It was a place where children and
their families could explore, take rides and meet the Disney characters. In a very short time, the
park had increased its investment tenfold, and was entertaining tourists from around the world.
Within a few years of the opening, Disney began plans for a new theme park and Experimental
Prototype Community of Tomorrow in Florida. It was still under construction when, in 1966,
Disney was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died on December 15, 1966, at the age of 65. Disney
was cremated, and his ashes interred at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles, California. After his
brother's death, Roy carried on the plans to finish the Florida theme park, which opened in 1971
under the name Walt Disney World.

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