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Bulk Binds and Collects in PL/SQL : Part - 1

Bulk Binds (Writing data in bulk) :

Bulk binds improve performance of DML statements by minimizing the number of switches
between the PL/SQL and SQL engines.
You may have a piece of code, which has multiple update, delete or insert statements
on the same table. This results in multiple calls to the SQL engine for carrying out the
By using bulk binds, you can carry out mass scale data manipulation at one shot.
The altered data has to be stored in a PL/SQL collection in the code.
The FORALL statement is used for doing the bulk-processing job at one go.
This statement is similar to the FOR-LOOP statement except that
LOOP/END LOOP key words are not used.
The FORALL statement needs a range to work on,
along with whatever DML activity is to be carried.

forall <counter> in <range begin> .. <range end>
Below is a simple example without Bulk Binds.
Notice the number of times the update is performed.
Every SQL statement present in the PL/SQL code results in a call
to the SQL engine for processing.

create or replace procedure updsal

cursor cr_emp is
select empno, job, sal
rom amemp
where job in ('MANAGER', 'PRESIDENT', 'DBA');
for rec in cr_emp loop
... some checks on the employee
if rec.job = 'MANAGER' then
update amemp
set sal = sal * 1.1
where empno = rec.empno;
update amemp
set sal = sal * 1.2
where empno = rec.empno;
end if;
end loop;

The above code is changed as shown below, using the bulk binding option. Notice the single
update call to the backend.

create or replace procedure updsal is

cursor cr_emp is
select empno, job, sal
from amemp
where job in ('MANAGER', 'PRESIDENT', 'DBA');
type amemp_tab1 is table of amemp.empno%type
index by binary_integer;
type amemp_tab2 is table of amemp.sal%type
index by binary_integer;
empnum amemp_tab1;
empsal amemp_tab2;
cnt number := 0;
for rec in cr_emp loop
... some checks on the employee
cnt := cnt + 1;
empnum(cnt) := rec.empno;
if rec.job = 'MANAGER' then
empsal(cnt) := rec.sal * 1.1;
empsal(cnt) := rec.sal * 1.2;
end if;
end loop;
forall i in 1 .. cnt
update amemp
set sal = empsal(i)
where empno = empnum(i);

Below is an example that uses both bulk binding and collection together.
type emp_t is table of amemp.empno%type;
lst emp_t;
select empno bulk collect
into lst
from amemp
where sal < 2000;
..some checks here...
forall i in lst.first .. lst.last
update amemp
set sal = sal * 1.1
where empno = lst(i);

Bulk collects updated value return

You can even use bulk collects to return a value to the calling procedure using the
RETURNING clause, without any additional fetch. Below is an example that updates
the salary as and stores the updated information in a collection for further
type no_t is table of amemp.empno%type;
type sal_t is table of amemp.sal%type;
lno no_t;
lsal sal_t;
select empno bulk collect
into lno
from amemp
where job = 'DBA';
forall i in lno.first .. lno.last
update amemp
set sal = sal * 1.1
where empno = lno(i)
returning sal bulk collect into lsal;
for i in lno.first .. lno.last loop
dbms_output.put_line(lno(i) || '/' || lsal(i));
end loop;

In the next installment, we will cover the above features with more collection
examples and performance issues that may be encountered in heavy processing.

Bulk Binds and Collects in PL/SQL - Part 2

Amar Kumar Padhi,

Avoiding performance issues for huge amounts of data in PL/SQL

The SQL engine will bulk bind all the values present for a \column in a table before
returning the collection to the PL/SQL engine. If the amount of data being retrieved
is immense, this fact itself, will result in degradation of performance. An alternative
is to retrieve one set of records at a time for processing. This can be achieved by
using an applicable WHERE condition or by using the ROWNUM pseudo-column. If
using the FETCH INTO statement, then the LIMIT clause can also be used to limit
the number of rows.
select trx_id bulk collect
into l_pndidr
from mtl_pending_trx
where rownum < 5001;

In the above example, if processing is taking place every 5000 records, there are
chances that the same records may be processed multiple times. To avoid this, a
proper query criterion can be mentioned based on a column in the table, along with
or without the ROWNUM clause. For example, we can specify that the employee
number be between a particular range. This range will change or take up the next
set of higher values every time the bulk collect query is invoked in a loop.
Alternatively, the LIMIT option in the FETCH command can also be used. The idea is
to process huge amounts of data in chunks, with the FETCH-LIMIT option; this could
be achieved in a loop. This puts less overhead on the memory.

If too much data is loaded, it can result in the ORA-4030 error due to shortage of
Below is a simple example that uses the LIMIT option to pick up a specified number
of records. This statement can be executed in a loop resulting in a specified set of
records being processed at a time.
type pndidr is table of mtl_pending_trx.trx_id%type index by binary_integer;
type pndqty is table of mtl_pending_trx.trx_qty%type index by binary_integer;
type pndval is table of mtl_pending_trx.trx_cost%type index by binary_integer;
l_pndidr pndidr;
l_pndqty pndqty;
l_pndval pndval;
cursor cr_rec is
select trx_id, trx_qty, trx_cost
from mtl_pending_trx;
open cr_rec;
fetch cr_rec bulk collect into l_pndidr, l_pndqty, l_pndval limit 200;
close cr_rec;
for i in l_pndidr.first .. l_pndidr.last loop
end loop;

The bottom line here is that you need to take care of the amount of data that is
being brought into the memory for processing in a collection. The cut-off limits
depend on the memory allocations available. For example at my site, I normally
follow the condition that collection types should have an approximate loading range
of 5000 records (this could be more or less for you). If processing needs to be done
for more than 5000 records then we resort to Temporary Tables. I arrived at this
range after users complained about overall system performance when numerous
users worked on the same processes that involved bulk collections. You do not need
to wait for processes to go to production before identifying performance issues. You
can start of with a safe limit and then monitor the performances at peak times.

Multi-column collections
Using index-by tables is the traditional multi-column collection method and still
widely used. These are also known as Associative Arrays now. Nested tables and
VARRAYs are the new collection methods made available in recent releases. Bulk
collection can also be used to populate a collection of records with multiple columns.
In the below example, multi-column records are loaded into a collection:
type objtab is table of dba_objects%rowtype;
l_objtab objtab;
select * bulk collect
into l_objtab
from dba_objects
where object_type = 'INDEX';
for i in l_objtab.first .. l_objtab.last loop
dbms_output.put_line('index name:' || l_objtab(i).object_name);
end loop;

Loading data into multi-column collections was not supported in earlier versions of
Oracle. I get the following error in Oracle, but it works fine in higher
releases. I tested the above in Oracle 10g.
SQL> declare
2 type objtab is table of dba_objects%rowtype;
3 l_objtab objtab;

4 begin
5 select * bulk collect
6 into l_objtab
7 from dba_objects
8 where object_type = 'INDEX';
10 for i in l_objtab.first .. l_objtab.last loop
dbms_output.put_line('index name:' || l_objtab(i).object_name);
12 end loop;
13 end;
14 /
into l_objtab
ERROR at line 6:
ORA-06550: line 6, column 10:
PLS-00597: expression 'L_OBJTAB' in the INTO list is of wrong type
ORA-06550: line 7, column 3:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: invalid column name
ORA-06550: line 5, column 3:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

You can also use VARRAYs with bulk binding options. Below is a simple example:
type pndtab is varray(200) of mtl_pending_trx%rowtype;
l_pndtab pndtab;
cursor cr_rec is
select trx_id, trx_qty, trx_cost
from mtl_pending_trx;
open cr_rec;
fetch cr_rec bulk collect into l_pndtab;
close cr_rec;
for i in l_pndtab.first .. l_pndtab.last loop
end loop;

The example below processes records in a loop, using the FETCH-LIMIT option.
Please note that every time the FETCH command is executed, it returns the next
500 records and so on. The EXIT statement is present at the end of the loop so that
the last batch of records is processed before exiting the loop.
type segtab is table of dba_segments%rowtype;
type instab is table of dba_segments.segment_name%type index by binary_integer;
l_segtab segtab;
l_instab instab;
cursor cr_rec is
select *
from dba_segments
where segment_type = 'INDEX';
open cr_rec;
fetch cr_rec bulk collect into l_segtab limit 500;
if l_segtab.count > 0 then
for i in l_segtab.first .. l_segtab.last loop
l_instab(i) := l_segtab(i).segment_name;
end loop;
forall i in l_segtab.first .. l_segtab.last
insert into am_segments(segment_name)
end if;
exit when cr_rec%notfound;
end loop;
close cr_rec;


Oracle provides a composite attribute that is designed for use with the FORALL
statement. For each DML activity carried out in the FORALL statement, a record will
be stored in this attribute that provides information about the rows processed. If no
data is processed the attribute returns 0 for the concerned record. The example
below will clarify the use of this attribute.
type instab is table of dba_users.username%type index by binary_integer;
l_instab instab;
select username bulk collect
into l_instabf
from dba_users;
forall i in l_instab.first .. l_instab.last
insert into am_segments(segment_name)
select segment_name
from dba_segments
where owner = l_instab(i);
dbms_output.put_line('Total count: ' || sql%rowcount);
for i in l_instab.first .. l_instab.last loop
dbms_output.put_line(l_instab(i) || ': ' || sql%bulk_rowcount(i));
end loop;

The above block returns the output shown below. The SQL%ROWCOUNT attribute
returns the total records processed in the FORALL statement and the SQL
%BULK_ROWCOUNT attribute returns the records processed for each individual
record in the collection.
Total count: 4010
SYS: 1408

The above-mentioned bulk binds and collects are basically PL/SQL development
features. Developers should make these a regular part of coding. In the long run,
such features will immensely benefit the over all performance. Care should be taken
to carry out collection processing without excessive hits on memory.

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