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Child Development Ch.

15 and 16 Quiz
1. A 15-year-old girl realizes that the dress she has worn to school has a small stain on it. Her belief that
everyone will notice it is an example of:
B) adolescent egocentrism.

2. When adolescents fantasize about how others will react to their new hairstyle, they are creating a(n):
D) imaginary audience.

3. Ryan's thinking is no longer restricted to personal experience as it was earlier in his life. Ryan is in the stage
D) formal operational thought.

4. A teenager who can use hypothetical thinking will tend to:

D) reflect about serious issues.

5. Adolescents apply formal logic:

D) in some situations but not in others.

6. Fifteen-year-old Richard wants to be allowed to drive the family car, even though he does not yet have a
driver's license. When his parents ask him why he thinks he should have driving privileges, he answers,
Because I know other kids who do it, and it's just stupid that I have to wait another 3 months until I turn
16. This is an example of what kind of thinking?
B) intuitive

7. Which of the following statements is a reason that adolescents, and sometimes adults, rely more on intuition
than on analytical thinking?
B) Thinking analytically might reveal the shortcomings of their intuitive thinking.

8. Researchers found that most adolescents felt close to God and that they:
B) affirmed the same religion as their parents.

9. Many adolescents consider their faith a tool to be used to:

D) help them in egocentric ways, such as when taking an exam.

10. Since learning ebbs and behavioral problems tend to occur during the middle school years, many:
A) teachers feel ineffective.

11. Janie believes that if she works hard enough, she will be able to learn the material and get good grades. Her
attitude reflects:
C) the incremental approach to intelligence.

12. The difference between the egocentrism of adolescents and that of preoperational children is:
B) a well-developed theory of mind in adolescence.

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13. Jeremy is 7 years old and has been asked to balance a scale with weights that can be hooked to the arms of
the scale. Jeremy will probably:
B) put weights on both sides without considering distance from the center of the scale.

14. Brian has met three girls who tell him that Titanic is their all-time favorite movie. He concludes that all girls
love Titanic. Brian has just used:
B) inductive reasoning.

15. Nate is at a carnival with Sabrina. He has already lost $20 trying to win a stuffed teddy bear for her at one of
the games. Nate believes he has to keep trying to win the bear now no matter what it costs him, so that he
can try to recover his money. Nate seems to be demonstrating:
A) the sunk cost fallacy.

16. Some developmentalists believe that adolescent egocentrism:

B) may signal growth toward cognitive maturity.

17. One of the most prominent aspects of adolescent thought is the ability to:
B) think in terms of possibilities.

18. Most adolescents know that smoking is harmful to their health. Why might they take up smoking in spite of
this knowledge?
D) It will gain them acceptance into a peer group.

19. Which of the following cognitive skills supports economic development?

D) All these skills support economic development.

20. Mary is an adolescent. According to Erikson, her new identity will be established by choosing:
C) some parental and societal values and abandoning others.

21. During an identity moratorium, adolescents typically:

B) attempt to fill the role they are in, but consider it temporary.

22. For most teens, their religious identity:

C) reflects the beliefs of their parents and community.

23. Enrique strongly believes that males should always be the ones to ask females out on dates. He believes that
if a man accepts an invitation for a date from a girl it makes him a sissy. This is an expression of Enrique's:
B) gender identity.

24. The idea in Western cultures that a certain amount of adolescent rebellion is considered normal and perhaps
even healthy possibly reflects a:
B) social construction.

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25. Cross-cultural comparisons of relationships between parents and teens bring up the question of whether
bickering between parents and teens is:
D) universal.

26. Isaac and Derek persuaded Robert to cut school with them, engage in petty theft, and steal alcohol from his
parents. They were engaging Robert in:
B) deviancy training.

27. According to Dunphy, which of the following descriptions lists the sequence of heterosexual relationships
during childhood and adolescence?
B) groups of same-sex friends, public interactions within a crowd of mixed-sex groups, small mixed-sex
groups of the advanced members of the crowd, formation of couples with private intimacies

28. Efrain and Theresa are both high school juniors and have been serious romantic partners for nearly 2 years.
Research indicates that such early pairing signifies:
C) emotional trouble.

29. A recent study of teens in New York City found the teens more at risk of sexual violence and STIs:
D) had both same sex and opposite sex partners.

30. In general, as children become adolescents, their feelings of competence:

B) decline.

31. Elyse broke up with her boyfriend after a fight. She has spent the last week repeatedly going over the fight
in her mind, which has caused her to sink into depression. Her continual reliving of the fight is known as:
B) rumination.

32. Which of the following statements regarding the use of antidepressants to treat depression in adolescents is
A) The use of antidepressants when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy decreases depression.

33. Identify the accurate statement about adolescent crime.

B) Virtually every adolescent has broken the law.

34. Which of the following does your textbook describe as potential factors in decreasing juvenile criminal
D) All of these answers are correct.

35. Heavy drinking impairs memory and self-control by:

A) damaging the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.

36. An example of identity foreclosure is:

D) joining a religious cult.

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37. According to Erikson, the identity status characterized by not questioning and no commitment is:
C) diffusion.

38. Parent-child arguments during the teen years indicate:

D) children's desire to make their own decisions.

39. Which of the following is more common in adolescent boys than in adolescent girls?
C) completed suicide

40. Klaczynski's studies of adolescents' analytical thinking used the story of Timothy, a good-looking, strong
high school senior. Identify the statement about Timothy that reflects the error in logic that most
adolescents made.
D) Timothy is popular and has a girlfriend.

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