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Deaver's Sharp/Sharp epidermal scissors.

You clip open the scrotum, a l inch lat

eral cut. Through the cut you pop out the raw testicles. There's very little ble
eding. It's strange to look at. You expect the colors to be different. The expos
ed testes are whitish because they are covered by a fibrous sheath called the tu
nica. The epididymis looks like microscopic angel hair pasta. The remaining subc
utaneous tissue looks off yellow, a pale squash color, with tiny dark lines like
threads. The entire mass glistens hanging out of the scrotal sac. He's still qu
ite alive. His hips shiver steadily but that's all they can do is shiver. His wr
ists and ankles are handcuffed to the bedposts. His back, shoulders, and waist a
re secured by restraints to a field traction board made of fiberglass. And in ad
dition to that you've immobilized his hips with leather Bard Parker pelvic restr
aints. You're very thorough. The 100mgs of Desoxyn will make sure that he doesn'
t pass out from the pain. You will make him feel everything. He must feel everyt
hing. He must. It's all hanging there right in front of your face. It shivers. Y
ou gently squeeze the raw left ball in your
fingers. It feels warm, wet. The network of tiny blood vessels make it pulse. Et
hicon makes a lot of different kinds of needles. Most of them are small and curv
ed for sewing up incisions. But they also make one called a KS. The KS is long a
nd straight like a hat pin. You have a whole box of them. Make him feel, your mo
ther tells you. Your mother is standing by The Window. Behind her you can see Th
e Cross. "Okay," you say. You methodically push about a dozen of the KS needles
through the left testicle. Each time you plant a needle, he screams. Each scream
is like an explosion in his throat that goes nowhere because his lips are sewn
shut. You let him lie there smothered in pain, roaring. Then you take all the ne
edles out. You wait 10 minutes and have a glass of wine. You let him think it's
over. Then you stick the needles back in all over again. Now there's blood but s
till very little. You leave the needles in the left testicle. It looks like a we
ird porcupine. But there are still plenty of nerves left. There are still plenty
of things left for his devil to feel. You go on to the right testicle. You clas
p it in a pair of Ballenger tonsil forceps. Then, with an Arista #11 scalpel, yo
u begin to dissect it. Very little blood oozes out. The pain sounds like a muffl
ed engine in his throat. The inside of the ball looks grayish like cooked meat.
Suddenly this is dull. You slice many long grooves into the testicle, stick some
KS needles into it, then leave it alone. The balls are finished so you go on. D
o his devil now, your mother says. The pain and terror have shrunk the penis to
a nub like it's trying to retreat into the groin. "You can't get away from me,"
you say. You hold it up with forceps, stretch it out straight, and begin stickin
g needles into the shriveled glans. You stick one all the way down the urethra.
Each insertion causes a sound in his throat like a dog barking. This is beautifu
l, giving his devil so much to feel. It's beautiful! your mother says. You're ge
tting hot now. You want to touch yourself, but not yet. You snip off all the top
ical skin from the shaft with the little Deaver's snippers, then you stick more
needles into the shaft, up under the rim of the glans, anywhere. You stick needl
es under his fingernails and toenails. You stick needles into his nipples, and i
nto his navel. He won't last much longer so you straddle his chest. You're sitti
ng on his chest. You stick needles into his eyes through the sealed eyelids, hun
ting for the optic ingress. You know when you've found it because the needles si
nk in much deeper and go deep into his brain. A little while later he dies. Then
you have some more wine. You walk around in the quiet room, Daddy's Room. Your
mother is gone. You look out The Window and you see The Cross. It reminds you of
something but you never know what. Later you take all the needles out. You ster
ilize them in the little autoclave. Then you cut off his cock and balls with you
r pair of Bruns serrated plaster shears.

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