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Social Science (Std. X)

Name : _______________________________________
Roll No. : _________ Batch : ____________

Instructions :
There are 54 questions in this question paper. All questions are compulsory.
❐ The 15 multiple choice questions given below carry equal marks. 1 mark each. Choose
the correct option from those given below and write the correct answer. [15]
(1) Generation over Generation, whatever is received in life is.
(a) Culture (b) Heritage
(c) Gift (d) Invaluable treasure
(2) The incremental growth of Indian music is.
(a) Rigveda (b) Samveda (c) Atharveda (d) Yajurveda
(3) Which dynasty had Thanjavur as its capital ?
(a) Pallava Dynasty (b) Gupta (c) Chola (d) Solanki
(4) Which questions are discussed in Upanishad ?
(a) Political (b) Ritual (c) Social (d) Philosophical
(5) In which state is Lyngdoh grove situated ?
(a) Megalaya (b) Jharkhand (c) Rajasthan (d) Maharashtra
(6) Which progress of rocks is the formation of Land ?
(a) Pollution (b) Fertility (c) Preservation (d) Denudation
(7) Which day is celebrated on 4th of October ?
(a) World Animal Welfare day (b) World Bio-diversity day
(c) World Environment day (d) World Forestry day
(8) On what does the irregularity and uncertainty of rain in India seems to have a
noticeable effect ?
(a) Industries (b) Water problem
(c) Agricultural crops (d) Forest Products
(9) The Purest resource of energy
(a) Electricity (b) Natural Gas (c) Coal (d) Mineral Oil
(10) By which name is National Highway No. 2 known as ?
(a) Border Road (b) Grand Trunk Road
(c) Coastal Highway (d) Golden Quadrilateral
(11) Mental or Physical or both type of work to aim physical return is.
(a) Labour (b) Employment (c) Capital (d) Service
(12) What is the policy of National income and expenditure ?
(a) Monetary policy (b) Trade policy (c) Industrial policy (d) Fiscal policy
(13) What was the target of 10 Five year plan in the percentage growth of GDP ?
(a) 6 % (b) 9 % (c) 8 % (d) 5 %
(14) Due to continuous reduction in the Government Control and policy, economic
decision are taken by market economy. That system is known as.
(a) Privatisation (b) Industrialisation
(c) Economic Liberalisation (d) Globalization
(15) What type of process is social change ?
(a) Personal (b) Universal (c) Ideological (d) Regional
❐ Questions 16 to 30 carry equal marks. 1 mark each. Answer these questions
in 1 sentence each. [15]
16. Which race had come form north east side of Asia ?
17. When and by whom is “Sangeet Parijat” written ?
18. What is the importance of Brihdeshwar temple ?
19. Where and by whom was Buland Darwaja build ?
20. What is Bevad IKT ? State its specialty.
21. What should be taken care of while repairing the ancient monument ?
22. What did Swami Vivekananda say in the world Religious conference held in Chicago ?
23. Mention any one method to reduce the flow of water in stream eroded areas due
to Soil erosion ?
24. What factors are necessary for doing plantation agriculture ?
25. Which geographical factors are responsible for the establishment of Industries ?
26. State four factors of production.
27. What is subsidy ?
28. What care should be taken while filling the petrol or diesel ?
29. State the difference between terrorist and revolutionaries.
30. What are the two main problems of Indian Society ?
❐ Questions 31 to 42 carry equal marks. 2 marks each. Options are internal.
Answer as required. [24]
31. Which traditions are gift of Dravidians ?
32. Give information about Bharatnatyam Dance.
33. India is a country of fairs and festivals. How ? OR
Prepare a list of famous Indian Forests.
34. What are the economical advantages of Heritage ?

35. All our activities are land based–Give reason. OR

Soil erosion comes in the way of growing crops.
36. What is subsistence farming ?
37. Why has the water crisis developed in India ?
38. Mention the uses of lime stone ?
39. State the limitations of social system.
40. What is convertibility of rupee ? OR
Describe the impact of economic liberalization.
41. State the present situation of schedule caste.
42. What are the questions affecting old ? What should be done to solve this by
government or society ?
❐ Questions 43 to 49 carry equal marks. Each carry 3 marks. Options are
internal. Answer as required. [21]
43. Give information about the Town Planning of Dholaveera.
44. Give information about the Caves of Elephanta.
45. Give a short information : Fort of Agra.
46. Give information about National Forest Policy. OR
Which reasons are responsible for the destruction of wildlife ?
47. Mention the Institutional reforms in the agricultural sector.
48. Give the difference between Bituminous and lignite coal.
49. How are consumers exploited ? OR
State the reasons for price rise.
50. Which indicators are useful in the measurement of Human Development ?
❐ Questions 50 to 54 carry equal marks. 5 marks each. Answer as required.
Options are internal. [25]
50. Write short note : Indian Vastu Shastra.
52. Mention the Ago-based industries of India and give detailed information about any
one of its industry. OR
Industries spread pollution – Explain.
53. Fill in the following details in the outline map of India given to you.
1. one region producing Tea with name.
2. A project on river Krishna with name
3. A state producing copper
4. A centre of silk Textile industry with name
5. Golden Quadrilateral
54. Short note – Development of Persian literature
55. Explain in detail about World labour Market. OR
Write a detailed note on Poverty eradication programmes.
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