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Woodvvork A Magazine For All Woodworkers *™&kks Save On The Cutter Sets That Have Always Been A Cut Above. To Order Call Tol Free 5 Jle...Prices Effective April 1 Through May 31,1990. 1-800-523-8988 In Wasnington, al 302) £35307 We've Expanded Our Cope & Pattern Line To Include KO sets * Profiles! Carbide 3/4” to 1 1/8" Set $282.00 $361.00 Tantung® 3/4” to 1 1/8" Set $298.00 $381.00 i Carbide 7/8" to 1 1/4" $299.00 $378.00 Freeborn Tool Company, Inc. Tantung® 7/8" to 1 1/4” Set $315.00 $398.00 _£. 3355 Trent Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202-4459 ‘Tantung® is 2 registered trademark of Fanstee! VivWesson. The colors yellow and orange ae trademarks of Freeborn Tool Company, In. READER SERVICE #16 SUMMER 1990 NUMBER 6 THOMAS TOLDRIAN, Publisher JEFF GREEF, Editor ‘MARGE MICHELMAN, Art Director WARREN ASA, GRAHAM BLACKBURN, RJ. DE CRISTOFORO, ROBERT BRUCE DUNCAN, DON DUPONT, BOB FLEXNER, TERRIE NOLL, SCOTT PEW, PATRICK WARNER ‘Contributing Editors CLAUDIA LYONS tllustration ROBERT BRUCE DUNCAN, Photography STAN MICHELMAN, Advertsing Dieetor | FROM ALLIGATORS TO ERGONOMICS DOROTHY FOGLIA, Production Director An Imaginative How-To Project FOGLIA PUBLICATIONS, Production DEAN LARSON, Circulation ROBERT BRUCE DUNCAN, Cover Photo WOODWORKispubished quater by Ross Pera fe Ree Orne 0 on 10) Ross CA i887 tlre 1S) 0-080, Second lan postage pat Rows, CX S87 a FOSTIUASTER Sep ses changes to WOODWORK, 70, Boe 0 Rous CAS4957 Copyright Toby Rost Penile Ine Allg reserved. Reping. in whe or fn par ‘rey ben ecept by ten permision tthe ‘SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $10.00ne year, $20.0 woyersinthe US and Us puseions orp rates Unchti Canad) 1500 1 year $27 year) (Parent n US dallas} SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES: Alecriptonssndsteciption eerspondence should te addessed io HOOUORK, Coca on Dep: BO Bo 88) Ros CASHST ‘eke fr change oad sd elcome el ‘ewadess edi ipso anaes ibe! fem cen EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS: These ae wecome ands bedded othe Edtor WOODWORK PO ow 15% Hoes. x50, sscmpanied by rear potas. Al mal Findled ith etonale cre fomever the Publier sures sore rng oan gape ‘nates By the ato eabmason te uth expt wa ‘ans tha he ntated mater complctely oa ha al ‘ah are cenly aaah and tat the aera inne may Inner upon the ht of ny ote person, Cn aS COVER STORY 38 / FROM ALLIGATORS TO ERGONOMICS—A Creative Woodworker by Tom Toldrian FEATURES 47/ TURNED MUSIC STAND by Gothara Knutson ie 52/ WIPE-ON OIL-BASED FINISHES bby Bob Flexner 58 /4-4-0 AMERICAN STANDARD LOCOMOTIVE by Doug Kenney 62/ A GLAZED CREDENZA by Graham Blackburn 72/ GALLERY 78 / THE STATE OF TURNING—AAW SYMPOSIUM by Dick and Nancy Gerard 81/ CARVING THE BALL AND CLAW FOOT by Lonnie Bind DEPARTMENTS 2/ COMMENT : 6/ LETTERS _ 12/ TECHNIQUES 28/ EVENTS 4 85/ CLASSIFIEDS

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