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Violent TV programs have been blamed for causing crime rates to rise in many countries.

many people do not agree that violence is related to TV viewing. Discuss the possible reasons for
both opinions. Give your opinion as to whether or not violent programs should be taken off air.
Nowadays people spend a lot of time watching TV, specially if they are children or young adults.
Despite some medical issues caused by excesive TV watching, there are people claiming that this may
cause some psihological problems,too. As in any argument, there are people who agree and people who
disagree, particularly when it comes to violent TV programs.
On one hand, there are the ones who believe that the violence is related to TV viewing. They base their
reasons on the crime rates which, undoubtly, have increased these days. They think that it happens as a
result of the new amount and diversity of violent Tv programs. As people watch them , they will start
to think that it's normal to use violence, both verbal and phisical, to solve problems in everyday life.
Susceptible people, like children, may believe that they can do anything they want, from bullying other
children, to taking a gun at school to solve their disagreements. All those happen because they have
already been presentes as a solution to someone's problems. As long as they are presented as normal
situation, they can be understood as one by everyone who lives in the world created by the TV
programs than in the real one.
On the other hand, there are the ones who disagree that violent TV programs may influence crime rates.
They ground their statements on education: as long as someone is well educated, the chances to
reproduce what they see on TV are that low that they are almost inexistent. People who often commit
illegal activities have grown up in a violent environment: their parents have neglected their education
and life, they've been victims themselves, they were sorrounded by people whose life was used to
violence. As long as you live in such environment, the influence of TV doesn't matter: what you see
there is what you/ve already been knowing. People with higher education or parents who took care of
them, despite their financial or social conditions, are not likely to commit crimes, no matter what they
are watching on TV. Tv programs are a small part of someone's life and crimes depend more on the
total amount of factors than on only one of them.
In my opinion, the truth is, as many times in such situations, somewhere at the middle. I think that
young people are, indeed influenced by TV violence, but, as they grow up they are told, usually by
their parents, that life presented on TV is not real life and that they shouldn't do what they see there. Of
course, there are exceptions of people who think that the life on TV is more real than the life they live.
Accordingly, the crime rates can be influenced by violent TV programs, but I think that this happens for
only a few people, not the majority of us.
In conclusion, no matter what times we live in, there will always be people who believe that violent TV
programs influence the crime rates and people who disagree. In some respects, all of them are right.
Thus, as long as people are not well educated, they might be influenced by what they see on TV, not
only by the violence presented there as long as they cannot discern the truth and the real from the lies
and fairy.

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