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What does the word __________________ mean?





'By riffling'







Square cloth




Order the steps:

( ) Ask the questioner to choose a card for each position in the spread
( ) Ask the questioner to cut the cards
( ) Ask the questioner to shuffle the cards
( ) Buy a tarot book and deck
( ) Create a relaxing atmosphere
( ) Decide the spread that you will use
( ) Interpret the cards

Card 1 This Covers You

Card 2 This Crosses You
Card 3 What Lies Below
Card 4 What Lies Behind
Card 5 What Lies Above
Card 6 What Lies Before
Card 7 Yourself
Card 8 Your Enviromenmt
Card 9 Hopes and Fears
Card 10 Probable Outcome
Reading The Cards
Card 1 This Covers you
Card 1: reflects the substance of the question. It is a card rooted in the present and denotes the
querents state of mind.
Card 2 This Crosses You
Card 2: Denotes what is hindering or helping you at this time.

Card 3 What lies Below

Card 3: Describes past influences that have lead to the present situation and have a bearing upon
Card 4 What lies Behind
Card 4: Factors which are now passing away are shown by this card. Sometimes they are clearly
in the past, at other times they may be influencing the present situation but their influence is
Card 5 What Lies Above
Card 5: What influences are hidden from the querent. Whether they are helping or hindering.
Could be people, a situation or deception by self or others
Card 6 What Lies Before
Card 6: Fresh influences, new people, and possible future events. New Possibilities. These may not
happen depending on the querents actions.
Card 7 Yourself
Card 7: This card reveals the querents present state of mind, position, or feelings about the
matter at hand. (It is read in combination with the significator card). Remember that a good deal
depends upon mental attitude, self-confidence and awareness. Someone who is in a negative or
depressed state of mind may find it difficult to make the most of opportunities.
Card 8 Your Environment
Card 8: This card represents the external forces that the querent has no control over.
Card 9 Hopes and Fears
Card 9: This card indicates the querents real hopes, fears and expectations regarding the
question. For example; some one could be asking will this new lover be the one?. Perhaps the
querent wants this person to be the one but fears if they commit to this person their life will
change in ways they dont want it to. Like having to move to another state. If whats indicated
here is a fear instead of hope, this fear must be brought to the open and dealt with in order for
the querent to achieve the outcome they prefer. If it is a hope or expectation, is it within reason?
Or is it unrealistic? These too must be brought out into the light.
Card 9 is what I call the resolution card. The previous cards have shown 1 the issue, 2 what is
helping or hindering, 3 past, 4 present, 5 future, 6 influences on the situation, 7 the querent, 8
the environment. All these cards tell the story around the question and explain to the querent;
what their situation is, why it is, and who, what and how each is involved. Card 9 asks where the
querent stands now that they understand the whole picture around their question. What are they
going to do?
Card 10 Probable Outcome
Card 10: This is the probable results if the querent does not make any changes. Now that the
querent can see the whole story, they can decide what changes are necessary to have the
outcome they prefer.

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