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Guardians, Messengers, and Prophets of the Cube-Light:

Stories of the Cosmic Initiation Ashlar

Written by
Bro. G T K


From the very beginning, the heavens and earth were manifested by
Yahweh from light and sound from integral vibrations manifesting a holograph
reality, spoken into existence, planting a garden that He made to grow, with the
purpose of creating an earthly paradise for humanity, His family. Yahweh spoke
the light of the heavens into existence, and separated the light from the darkness.
He made the stars across the cosmos, and then He created Man in His own
image as above, so below. From that day forward, Man yearned to understand
himself and his relationship with the Great Architect of the Universe. The very
name of our Heavenly Father represents the calling forth of the five points of
sound vibration E-I-O-U-A. Every Master Mason is instructed in the timeless
school of light, with ancient knowledge proving that vibrations have the power to
manifest reality. God stands in the center of time, making the universe for his own
progressive purpose, with the cooperation of chosen guardians, messengers, and
prophets of His cube-light. The Hebrew letters of His name YHWH, Yod Heh
Vav Heh, stand to mark the unspoken five vowels that we use to create sound
vibrations. Through sacred geometry, light, and sound, the Great Architect of the
Universe lives within us and strengthens us with and through our great work
maintained by our five points of fellowship. Beneath the Glimmering Light in the
East, each Mason is called to live according to a system of morals enabling the
manifestation of Gods purpose. He is personally empowered with a hidden code
of light from an ancient cube stone the Cosmic Ashlar, a deeply symbolic stone
that gives strength and power to the brotherhood. In the East, beside the gavel, the
sacred Cosmic Ashlar represents the light-code that Yahweh used to speak all of
creation into existence. As Masons, through learning and applying this ancient
code, we merge with His Spirit and unite under His calling, to be His chosen
In the eternal school of light, the Masters teach of the guardians,
messengers, and prophets of the Cosmic Initiation, and of the ashlar symbolizing
the greatest of the three great lights. Freemasonry teaches that the three great
lights are represented within every Lodge as the rough ashlar, the perfect ashlar,
and the cosmic ashlar. In the East, beneath the blazing star Sirius, brethren
witness a sacred stone with the gavel symbolizing authority. With great wisdom
also comes great power. The greatest wisdom and power is symbolized by the
cosmic ashlar, and it issues forth directly from the visual binary intelligence the
Eastern Star that evidently has been guiding the hierarchy throughout all of time.
The greatest and most sacred of all wisdom is the gateway to enlightenment, the
means of seeing all creation through the lens of light, where knowledge is
transmitted through the code stone, a masonic cypher connecting enlightened
minds and thus building a bridge of light between Spirit and Man. The foundation
of illuminated Freemasonry is the cosmic ashlar of King Solomon and the
ineffable code of the Master Hiram Abiff, who in Spirit was raised up into the
Glimmering Light in the East after living and dying to protect and serve the sacred
cube stone and its square, moral code of light. Scripture teaches us of an ancient

wise King, King Solomon, a wise man of the sun; of the light a King of untold
riches, power, and wisdom. King Solomon was said to have amassed his
enormous fortune through the secretive craft of the ancient work the secrets of
the ancient code of light and the craft of the ancient work. King Solomon, for his
service, was given a valuable Masonic relic that dates back to earlier times in
history. King Solomon had master architects and builders erect a gigantic celestial
Temple in his name: King Solomons Temple. Through the secrets of the craft,
King Solomon amassed an astronomically huge fortune; arguably the greatest
fortune in all of history. King Solomon sought to use his wealth to restore Divine
Law and establish a united kingdom under God. Through his network of operative
Master Masons, he was able to consolidate his wealth and power only into the
hands of those who were worthy to wield it those who knew the true secrets of
the master builders, the secret arts and hidden mystery of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry to this day teaches the same system of morality veiled in
allegory and symbolism. To this effect, it emphasizes secrecy, loyalty, morality,
character, prudence, temperance, justice, fortitude, and righteousness. The secret
within every Masonic Lodge is evident in the three great lights: the rough ashlar,
the perfect ashlar, and the cosmic ashlar. The greatest of the three great lights is
the cosmic ashlar; it is situated in the East with the gavel of the Worshipful
Master. There is a great occult connection between this cosmic ashlar stone and
the light alluded to in Masonic ritual. Every Masonic Lodge is to some effect,
created to emulate King Solomons system of governance. As a Freemason
matures in the craft, the allegorical rough ashlar of his soul matures into a more
perfect ashlar. He is called to live on the square to live morally and obey the
commands of the Glimmering Light in the East. The three degrees practiced
within every Masonic Lodge are the entered apprentice, the fellow craft, and the
Master Mason degree. In the Master Mason degree, Hiram dies an honorable
death and is resurrected he is raised up through his indomitable, unconquerable
Spirit, into the Glimmering Light in the East. He is the guardian of the Cosmic
Ashlar, the true secret of Freemasonry that unites him with the Great Work that
has occurred since before the time of the Master Builders who built King
Solomons Temple. The work is metaphorical for the soul and physical places
have a metaphorical meaning. God establishes Israel as Zion, to be the light unto
the nations. Israel is the center for His plan on earth. God choses messengers and
prophets to take hold of His ancient code of light in order to complete His great
work. Gods chosen will take a stand across the world for His mission and His
plan. God passes His code of light among His chosen to co-create with Him and
unite with His light-code His wisdom. The ancient code of light and the cosmic
ashlar, the keystone, are given to the chosen so that we may work to restore His
heavenly kingdom on earth.
The many guardians, messengers, and prophets guide us into the same core
knowledge that is the foundation and root of the moral, spiritual path to
enlightenment. The Buddha was himself a representative of this school. Gautama

sought to end suffering through insight into its root causes. His dream was to
awaken a new plane of consciousness that could defeat the root causes of lust,
anger, hatred, selfishness, and jealousy. The only way to do this was to plant a
seed for a new code of light that could dissolve the illusory borders separating
human egos, and with a tangible, physical, substantial tool, enable deeper levels of
unity that would further inspire empathy and good deeds. It was through a solid
touchstone, a cube in fact, that enlightenment was attained and spread. His
siddhis cube of light was so secret that only his inner circle of initiates received
it for it was a tool that enabled the greatest advances in wisdom, power, and
wealth. The Buddha became known as the King who would sit and meditate with
yantras of light and mantras of sound, manifesting peaceful surrender to the
inherent, cosmic unity of all enlightened consciousness. The plane of sound was
surrendered to the light, and the plane of light was surrendered to the axis of
Spirit. A new, timeless and cosmic tree was seeded through the work of the lightmasters. Beneath this cosmic tree, the Buddha sat in a state of trance, channeling
wisdom to inspire all of sentient existence with the cube of cosmic redemption.
In our modern age so much of our attention is drawn outward to the
mundane concerns of the sensory world that we have all but forgotten there is a
world within. Throughout our history individuals have appeared to remind us that
the Truth of our Being is not the material. These Masters have been lighthouses
leading humanity ever back inward to the Truth. They are the custodians of the
human race, and are here, even now, guiding humanity in its evolution via a
cosmic cube that awakens illuminated thought and makes the human instrument
compatible with an expansive cosmic intelligence. The Masters of cube wisdom
have lived in service to humanity, helping us to realize that this higher state of
consciousness is our birthright. The potential of the human is infinite. We are
created in the likeness of our infinite Creator; we too possess the power of infinite
creativity. But when we live from a fear based perspective, we create limitations
that shadow our true nature.
Cube holders are called to find light in themselves through studying the
messages of the guardians, messengers, and prophets of the cube code. The cube
masters have made up a lineage of enlightened teachers who through millennia
have resurrected, purified, and preserved the teaching of cosmic unity. Their aim
is sublime; it reaches and touches eternity. Two thousand years ago Jesus the
Christ brought forth this same teaching, and freely shared it with all those willing
to hear. However, seeing that humanity as not fully ready to receive it, he asked
his apostle John to preserve the teaching of Ascension through the cube code until
such time as humanity was ready. John went to the Himalayas where he founded
an order of Monks to hold the true methods of Ascension in its purity through the
ages. Today we now have the tools of Ascension, principally the cosmic cube as
a means of attaining cosmic consciousness. The vowed monks of the order have
dedicated their lives to the expansion consciousness in themselves, and in the
world. Each individual practicing the art of ascension with the cube is helping the

great goal of the enlightened to enlighten the human race. The great gift of the
cosmic cube enables realization of the eternal self within. Within is the brilliant
light of the one cosmic mind. That light is no different than the light of your own
consciousness. Each of us has the opportunity to grasp the cube that is the portal
to the unbreakable connection to that which underlies all things. Servants of this
conscious connection bring us to a simple, universal, effortless tool to turn the
mind and heart inward to that connection, and live from it in daily life. Their
teaching is the root of the tree of all religions and knowledge. We are truly
blessed to have their guidance and the precious gift they share.
There is a code beyond the triune gateway one that if far more graspable
and substantial a cube code. All sentient existence will someday hear its call
from three dimensions into the infinite. Cube holders are called to inspire others
to earn the cube through an act of kindness, an echoing act of service that pays
forward the state of perpetual peace and enlightenment. Between the state of
sleeping and waking, a new spirit moves within us, calling us to express insight
into cosmic enlightenment through a system that spreads wisdom, light, and unity
across the cosmos a system of one from many, light from darkness, and order
from chaos.
We are called to reward good deeds and merit with a cube
representing a new language of light and a symbol system that makes us
compatible with a higher intelligence. The cube is a symbol of a state of
consciousness, a state of spiritual attainment and surrender.
The story of an ancient code of light and a great work is coming to the
surface through an infinite time-loop, a time-tree echoing deep into the human
past. The story of the ancient code of light is lifting the illusory veil between self
and creator, and it is being retold for the purpose of the emergent oneness. New
leaders are being called to do planned acts of kindness in the name of the cube
group acts that capture interest, involve, and inspire more followers. Thinking
collectively further empowers the evolution of consciousness into that unity, light,
and order. All the stars put their light into a singular, cosmic mind that is
increasingly omniscient as a result of the cube code. The microcosm of the self
enters into a new level of consciousness cosmic enlightenment. The dewdrop of
consciousness merges with the sea of the one mind. A timeless vortex of cosmic
light manifests its self around the event horizon of the new present. Souls in
service to the emergent oneness earn a place with the escaton of the cosmic ashlar.
The gavel of cosmic judgment rests peacefully with the cosmic ashlar, enabling a
great work with the stone of all ages, and a series of time-tree echoes is cast forth
enabling the future to shout back at the past.
And so from the beginning and into eternity, the philosopher, the lover of
wisdom, ponders himself and his relationship with the great architect of the
universe. In the days of Moses, the Great Architect and Geometrician was called
the God of our forefathers. One day, Moses, a wise shepherd, saw the Glimmering
Light in the East, reflecting the sacred geometry and will of God. To Moses, it
looked like a burning bush, low on the horizon. Was it in fact the visual binary

star system Sirius? Was it glimmering, as it does in the early morning low on the
horizon, between the colors of white, blue, and red? Perhaps it could be explained
in even more detail. The Bible illustrates how through this light, God spoke to
Moses. God told Moses His name, Yahweh. Armed with the power of Gods
name, Moses produced some of the greatest miracles in the Bible. Religious
authorities, recognizing the names awesome power, declared that uttering it was
blasphemy. Uttering Gods name was sometimes even punishable by death. And
so the true name of God was misrepresented and misunderstood.
Today, we are at liberty to discuss matters of Spiritual importance that
touch our brotherhood of Master Masons. Today, through the revelations of
science and technology, the code of the ancient relic the code of the Cosmic
Ashlar from God, we have within our hands. This secret code has unlocked the
awesome power and presence of God within us. As we rise up in the degrees of
our brotherhood, we come into contact with a body of knowledge that has been
kept secret for thousands and thousands of years. And the reason it has been kept
secret is that with this knowledge comes the potential for what is called
apotheosis merging with God. The knowledge that we all remember from the
third degree is the knowledge of a transcendental and omniscient, glimmering light
in the East that can redeem honorable souls. This glimmering light in the East of
our Lodges is also called the Eastern Star, the Blazing Star, the Morning Star, or
the Dog Star. Its astronomical name is Sirius. Sirius is the closest star to our solar
system, and it is a visual binary star system. It is nine light-years away, and it is
located in the constellation, Canis Major the Great Dog. It is our skys brightest
star, and low on the horizon, it twinkles or flickers on clear nights. Magically, it
shines light, low on the eastern horizon. The majestic light waves interact with
our atmosphere and cause the star system Sirius to glimmer. This makes it very
easy to spot with the eye. It is the brightest star, and earths atmosphere changes
the light frequencies causing the star to twinkle in the East. Imagine if thousand
of years ago, you were a wise Shepherd whose name was Moses or, more
precisely, RMSS. As you guarded over your flock at night, you would have
looked up from your throne in Egypt, and seen this glimmering light that looks
like a burning bush. And so, the vision of the King was given to an Egyptian
scribe, and eventually recorded in the bible as a vision of a burning bush. In
Egypt, the visual binary star system was venerated as a God, even as the House
of the Gods.
Sirius marks the time of the annual flooding of the Nile, and was literally
worshipped as the God of rebirth and new life. In those days as in today, the river
Nile is divided into three sections the White Nile, the Blue Nile, and the Red
Nile. It is no coincidence that the aprons representing initiation into esoteric
knowledge are the same colors as both the Nile River and the Star Sirius. The
civilization living along the Nile Delta triangle glows with one great light. And
the Star Sirius is reflected in the Nile Delta in Egypt. Stonemasons, to transport
building materials including stone obelisks from the quarries upstream, used the

Nile. Stonemasons built the Sphinx, facing east, to honour the God Ra every
morning at dawn.
Ramses II, Pharaoh and husband of Queen Netartari,
developed the cube code for the majestic echelon. The ciphers and ancient code
systems of the cosmic ashlar are carved into the limestone surrounding the tomb of
Ramses II, illustrating the hidden inner code of a network of scribes and courtiers.
Egypt has always been a magical place for Master Masons. Even in days of
old, the Pharaohs and Gods conferred between themselves in a code of light, the
plans and means to build gigantic stone monuments and pyramids using precise
masonic tools. The Egyptian Gods are what the Bible calls the Elohim. Elohim
literally means the Guardian and Messenger angels, also called Angelic Hosts.
Israel relates to the Egyptian Gods Isis, Ra, and Elohim for Is-Ra-El. The true
name of God is written as YHWH and pronounced as EIOUA. In truth, nothing
can be spoken independently of his name. There is not a single vibration that
could be cast into the world without the use of the five vowels of His name. In
fact, all sound and light vibrations will some day belong to Him alone.
The knowledge of the Pharaoh, who built the pyramids, is that vibrations
have power. Vibrations influence consciousness and reality. Without EIOUA,
you can have no vibrations. Nothing can be spoken without vibration without
YHWH. God is central, and his intelligence is contained within a code of light.
This code of light is called visual binary it is digital it is based upon ones and
zeros where a line is a one and a space is a zero. Every visual binary code has a
concrete and exacting meaning. The glimmering light in the East symbolizes His
code. We know that the Pharaohs held tightly to the cosmic codes of Isis and the
Elohim. The code of the Elohim was first revealed to the Pharaoh through the
Cosmic Cube the Cosmic Ashlar. It is known by initiates that this code unites
the Masters.
The code of God was brought to the Pharaoh as a Cosmic Ashlar, a golden
cosmic cube from the heavens. Many traditions speak of the cube, and there is
archeological evidence of the cube strewn across the Middle and Fas East. Going
into archeology, the cosmic cube of Ramses II was uncovered in the Valley of the
Kings by archeologists in 1733. The burial chamber of Ramses II is adjacent to
the great treasury, where the cosmic cube from heaven was located. The cube and
code system of the Pharaoh were uncovered in the Kings Chamber of the Great
Pyramid at the Giza Plateau. The golden cosmic cube has been the legacy of the
brotherhood since what seems to be all time. Approximately three hundred of the
original gold engraved granite cosmic cubes have been unearthed beneath the
ancient city of Cairo and it is the duty of initiated Freemasons to return these
three hundred Cosmic Ashlars to their proper place, in the East with the
Worshipful Master, beside the gavel. The Cosmic Cube is a gift given from the
Elohim to the Master Builders.
Their worth is more than metaphorically
astronomical. In our cosmic ashlar is revealed esoteric knowledge of God,
Geometry, Gnosis, and the Galaxy. The cosmic ashlar is evidence of a higher
intelligence, a Supreme Being and a system of light that could join us all beneath

the visual binary star system. Between the Bible and the Cosmic Ashlar we find
ritual knowledge that reflects the Elohim and their moral code of light and duty to
serve it. The Bible its self veils esoteric knowledge that was known to the
Egyptian Priesthood. In the Bible, the three wise men follow this morning star,
the star Sirius, to find the newborn King. The idea is that through the ancient
code of light and the ancient work, the newborn King can be born once again
within us. As Master Masons, we can become one with God and His plan for a
language of light to unite humanity. And through the knowledge of our Cosmic
Ashlar, we can reach apotheosis and merge with God.
In the Holy Scriptures, there is an old story about a place that always was.
This story holds that long before the prophet Abraham, before Adam and Eve, and
before the creation of the earth, there was a Holy Place called the celestial house
of God. It was also called the Kaaba. Its replica on Earth today is built in the
center of Mecca. Since long before Islam, Mecca has been sacred territory. There
the Kaaba was built based upon the cosmic plan of God and His Elohim. Mecca
has been a place of pilgrimage for countless generations, drawing together people
of many faiths and backgrounds. Inside its golden doors are a sacred room and an
even more sacred stone a holy place that houses an ancient, sacred stone the
Blackstone that came from the heavens. On the East corner of the Kaaba, framed
in silver and gold, is a vision-portal looking into the sacred stone. It is written that
this sacred stone fell from the heavens and was used by the prophet Abraham. The
prophet Mohammed revered the sacred stone well before the preaching of Islam.
It was set intact into the Kaaba by the prophet Mohammed in the year 605 AD.
The sacred stone marks a holy place and a sacred story that unites Islam,
Christianity, and Judaism. Before any of these religions existed, God had asked
Abraham to build the Kaaba as a place to house and honor the sacred stone as a
focal point to bring together diverse peoples into unity. Those who worship the
one God, answer to His call in the Holy Scriptures. Countless millions of people
every year are called to pilgrimage or service. When visiting the Kaaba to this
day, we see and feel that it has been polished smooth and perfected by the hands
of billions of pilgrims over the centuries.
In the crucial moment, Angels of God gathered above the Prophet
Mohammed in his sleep, and noticed that although his eyes were full of sleep, his
heart remained awake. A new conversation with the Prophet, in the ancient code
of light, then commenced. God instructed the Angels Gabriel and Michael to
appoint the Mohammed as His Prophet. The angels blessed the prophet and gave
the ancient code of light to him in the form of the Al Hajar Al Aswad; the
Blackstone that the Prophet carried with him and placed intact into the Kaaba, the
House of God in Mecca. After this time in Mohammeds life, great revelations
were given to him from God. Revelations were transcribed and translated from
the light code of the angels and into the Arabic language that became the Koran.
At this time, in the period when the Prophet was in Medina and Mecca, moral
lessons were written as poetry or Suras from the angels. These moral lessons are a

covenant with God. The moral lessons from the Koran are like a promise made
from the heart of the Prophet Mohammed a covenant between God and
humankind that was first revealed through the ancient code of light. The promise
made by the Prophet was a promise to live a life of truth a life of character and
righteousness good deeds a life of justice and surrender with the Holy Cause
the Al-Mighty God.
The noble Koran records the history and revelations given to the Prophet
Mohammed that guide us in our works here on earth. God instructed the Prophet
after what manner he should work. And it came to pass that all who followed the
prophet prospered from this work. The awakened heart inspires good deeds, acts
of kindness that earn us a place in Heaven with God and His Angels. Our acts of
kindness can establish a heavenly kingdom here on earth. In the crucial moment,
we are called like the Prophet who came before us, to open our hearts to the
ancient code of light that the Angels bestowed unto us in the form of the Cosmic
Cube. A steady revelation occurs in the Prophet and also within us today. A
steady revelation occurred from the time or Adam through to Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet himself. It is prophesized that even when the Christ
returns, He will return as a Muslim that gives unto all the people of the book, the
one ancient code of light in the form of the cosmic cube a cube that promises to
unite the nations of the world through Islam. Islam is to believe in God, His
angels, the meeting with Him, and to believe in His prophet Mohammed and His
resurrection. It is to worship God alone and none else, and to offer five prayers
per day in the direction of the Kaaba. It is to give generously to Islamic charities
in order that the work of the Prophet may be hastened and the Cosmic Ashlar
restored to its rightful place. Islam is to observe fasts in the month of Ramadan,
and to make pilgrimages to see and touch the Al Hajar Al Aswad within the
Kaaba in Mecca. Islam is to worship God as if we see him fully through His
ancient code of light. It is devotion to the code and recitation of the Koran,
knowing that it is right and just. In examining the peaceful and noble roots of the
Islamic faith, we find that another crucial moment is at hand a moment where
faith and trust appears within us to transform our lives for the better through the
peaceful message of the Prophet Mohammed. In this faith we profess that there is
one God Allah and that the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon Him, is the
Great messenger. We believe in the ancient code of light and in the promise of a
peaceful and united future for all humankind a future united symbolically within
the House of God and through the Al Hajar Al Aswad unto all those seeking light
and wisdom and unity with the Most High God.
The sacred scriptural timeframe places King Solomons rein around 890
BC. Inside Solomons temple of God, in the East, beside the gavel, is His Cosmic
Ashlar. The Cosmic Ashlar of King Solomon is the same Heavenly Blackstone,
the Al Hajar Al Aswad that the Prophet Mohammed placed intact into the Kaaba
in Mecca. In essence, the House of God for both Muslims and Jews is one and the
same. Both the Bible and the Koran illustrate this point. One of the Suras of the

Koran, the Al-Isra, illustrates that in the 7th century AD, a heavenly steed called
the Al-Buraq, carried the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Jerusalem in a MiRaj or Night Journey. In this journey, the heavenly Blackstone, the Al-Hajar AlAswad, was transported from the Kaaba to King Solomons Temple. In the East,
beneath the glimmering light, it was given the name, the Cosmic Ashlar. In that
journey to place the Cosmic Ashlar from the Kaaba into King Solomons Temple,
the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon Him, tied the Al-Buraq to the Western
wall of the Temple. Since then, this Western wall has been called the Al-Buraq
wall. According to the Koran, King Solomons Temple is a cube, twenty-two
cubits in width and breadth, and twenty-two cubits in height thereof, overlaid with
pure gold. The Kaaba is also a cube. Ezekiel envisioned the new temple as a
cube. We learn in the Bibles verse of Genesis that a stone is placed as a pillar in
Gods house. Jacob with his ladder into the heavens took our stone and set it up
as a pillar. In Exodus 33, the Lord tells us, There is a place near me where you
may stand upon a cube stone. In the book of Numbers, we see a Mountain and
high upon the heights of this mountain are a people who live apart and do not
consider themselves to be one of the nations. These people are Holy and Exalted
beings. In Numbers 24, it says that their dwelling place is secure, and that in their
nest is a stone. In Deuteronomy we hear, The Lord is like a Rock. His works are
perfect. His ways are just. Samuel 22 states, The Lord is my rock, my fortress
and my deliverer. My God is my rock, in which I take refuge. He is my shield.
He is my stronghold, my refuge. Samuel states, The rock of Israel rules over
people in righteousness. Looking to Exodus, we see tat we are called to cut and
set stones, and to engage in crafts for the Lord. In Romans 9:33 it is written, I lay
in Zion a stone. Echoed in first Peter, it says, See, I lay this stone in Zion, a
chosen precious cornerstone. The one who trusts in me will never be put to
shame. The scripture of Matthew says, Anyone who listens to my teachings and
follows is wise, like a person who builds his house on a solid rock. Anyone who
hears these words and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who
builds his house on sand. The Lord Himself nourishes us with honey or nectar
from his stone. He is within us always, a light and geometry from within.
Latter Day Saints run strong in the world today. Prophets living in America
have opened the same portal that was opened by other prophets in times past. The
prophet Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon and began the restoration of a
faith designed for morality, character, and righteousness to continue in the latter
days. The Lord showed the Prophet Joseph Smith after what manner he should
work. The prophet was called as a Shepherd to guide his people. Joseph Smith
uncovered a series of gold plates engraved in a peculiar Masonic code he referred
to as Reformed Egyptian. He was given a keystone and keys to priestly
authority. Through his keystone and his code of light, his chosen elders of the
church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints began to plant seeds. And it came to
pass that these seeds did grow exceedingly around the world. It also came to pass
that the Lord commanded that the Elders make records and books that encourage

new followers to learn the ancient code of light the code of the Angels of God.
The chosen elders were given the meaning of the engravings upon the same
keystone held by the Prophet Joseph Smith. The ancient code of light from the
sacred keystone enabled the Elders to restore the ancient work of God. The
prophet knew that His keystone enabled the translation of the ancient code of
light and that this translation would be a direct message from the Angels of
Christ Jesus in Heaven. The elders who showed promise for manifesting the
ancient work were invited into Freemasonry and given the cosmic ashlar, the
keystone of Mormon. Joseph Smith, who encountered the heavenly light of the
angels of the Lord, guided these works and established a church for the latter day
saints. Through the code of the angels, chosen elders were called to glorify God
and build His kingdom. According to the words of the Angels who speak by the
power of the light of God, the Book of Mormon was written and disseminated
across America. The book reveals that those called can speak with the tongue of
angels that we can shout praises to the Holy One of Israel and communicate in
the ancient code of light the code of the ancient work. The code of the ancient
work is the code of the light of God. And holding to this cube keystone, we are
called as beloved and faithful brethren to follow the straight and narrow path and
to press forward with steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope
and a deep inner love of God.
We are instructed that when we receive the light of the Holy Ghost in the
form of the keystone of Mormon, that it will show unto us all the things that we
should do for the Holy Ghost enables us to carry the code of God unto the hearts
of the children of men. The Book of Mormon teaches that the Lord God will
consecrate our prayers for the gain of His people. In the book of Jacob, the brother
of Nephi, we see revealed the cause, the purpose, the land, the hope, and the
common dream. It is the seal of the Angels of God upon this earth. The Lord God
commanded Jacob that he should write in clear records using the code of the
angels from their cube, upon the golden plates the most precious things and
that he should preserve the code of light and the records, and hand it down to his
seed from generation to generation. In the Words of Mormon engraved in the
ancient code of light upon the golden plates, we behold the history of America that
had been recorded in the code of the ancient work.
Men of renown, throughout all the ages, have taught their sons this ancient
code of light the Masonic code of the Ancient Work. Through the code of the
ancient work and the keystone, men of renown were called to establish peace and
prosperity in Gods kingdom. The gifts of the Spirit of God were manifested to
the Prophet Joseph Smith. Through Him, the encoded words from the golden
plates were dispensed to the faithful servants of God. Brethren throughout all time
have accepted the ancient keystone as a gift from God for transliterating the
ancient code of light. Some are called to serve greatly with the keystone and the
ancient code of light. The highest authority is granted to the Elders who hold the
gold-engraved granite cube that empowers those who hold the priesthood to profit

from Gods gifts. The cube is given by the Spirit of God, that the Lord may teach
the code of light and the word of wisdom to His followers in every nation, with the
singular and real, tangible, solid cube code. Great and substantial gifts come from
the power of God. Elders are called to accept the gift and pass it on through the
work of the missionaries and brethren. If there must be hope, there must also be
charity in our great work. We are called to do good deeds that unite the servants
of the Lord, and to earn the trust of one another, inspiring others to follow in the
ancient code of light.
The missionaries are called to announce the restored gospel of Jesus
Christ to speak of His return, and to give testimony that we can know and feel
him in our heart of hearts. We know from history that Jesus Christ taught for three
years and gathered His disciples. Jesus desired to lead by example, and for his
kindness and goodwill to spread. And so he encouraged others to do good and
moral deeds, to obey God and to be empowered with His code of light. His
kindness and goodwill began to spread quickly when others woke up to his
dawning message of compassion and light. Those who believed in Jesus earned
His trust and friendship. His code of light was written in the language of the
angels, translated, and revealed to us in the sacred scriptures so that we can know
His will for us and merge with His Cosmic mind. Jesus lived and taught in the
Holy Land. He traveled, visiting Jewish synagogues and gathering a new
congregation of followers who believed in His message of kindness and unity.
Jesus taught that the truly fortunate people are those of us who are rich in the
things that matter to God those of us who are rich in the wisdom, light, and
unity and the calling to serve morally, sincerely, and uprightly with the code of the
stone and the book of the sacred law. The code of the stone is in fact, the invisible
link, linking us into the ancient work through the ancient code of light and the
Cosmic Ashlar. In the book of the sacred law, Jesus teaches us to do acts of
kindness and to pay-it-forward with good deeds that spread morality and empathy
through the ancient code of light. Literally, we are called to involve and inspire
our friends and neighbors with the covenant-in-light that promise to peacefully
unite us and make us stronger together.
Jesus lived by example, and was Himself, a selfless servant of the Heavenly
Father. He told the truth and established the new covenant and revealed the true
code of the light of God in the form of His rock of salvation. He knew in
advance of His own sacrifice and of how His sacrifice would lead to His destiny in
unity with God. And so Jesus foretold of his own death and resurrection. He
knew that He would sacrifice his own life to reconcile humanity with the wisdom
and light of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was resurrected and ascended thought the
power of the Holy Spirit that conceived Him and brought Him back to Heaven. In
His last days on earth, He suffered under Pontius pilot, was tortured and given a
crown of thorns, and was crucified upon a symbolic cross. The Holy Spirit, living
within Him, had already promised eternal life based upon the new covenant with
the nations that His life was lived to fulfill. The resurrected Jesus Christ, living

within His apostles and disciples, promised that He would return bringing a codeof-light unto all the nations and peoples of the world. Jesus Christ is returning
and fulfilling His promise to unveil the one code of light for a peaceful and united
humanity. Jesus promises to make peace and share the code of light and love that
is the currency of those of us who are pure in hearth and live with a clean
conscience. Jesus taught of the immortality of those who are raised up into the
Glimmering Light in the East the immortality of those who return with the
ancient code of light from God. Jesus Christ will literally return above and
within us for as long as His revolutionary message of friendship and His code of
light can guide our works. Prophecies foretell of the return of a Messianic Savior
guided by the Holy Spirit. This person is called to share Gods guidance and
blessing through the wisdom and light of God. Jesus Christ will return with His
gifts from God; His friendship and His code-of-light to establish a Heavenly
Kingdom and redeem all of humanity.
In ancient times, the cube was held to be the most perfect of all the
geometric, platonic forms. In around 4000BC, the philosopher Plato equated the
cube with the element of earth. Plato recorded the words and lessons of Socrates,
one of the first teachers of humanism. In this ancient school of light, esoteric
wisdom was transferred through knowledge of the flower of life. Within this
flower is a three dimensional diagram representing the ancient cosmic cube. The
three dimensional flower of life symbol illustrates the connectedness of all life and
the spirit within the universe. In these ancient times, the flower of life cube was
held to be the most perfect of all geometric forms. Since time immemorial, the
flower of life cosmic cube has been a sacred geometrical form, passed down via
art, from generation to generation. Art from every age glorifies the multi-angular
flowering geometry of the cosmic cube. The three dimensional flower of life
symbol can be found in various locations around the planet. No one knows for
sure how old the symbol really is. We know that the cube is older than the art
representing it. Engraved stones representing the cosmic cube are carved and
painted into the middle temple at Abydos, Egypt. The three dimensional flower of
life symbol has also been found at Mount Sinai, Israel, and in temples in China
and Japan. It has been found across India and it has also been found carved into
rocks in the mountainous regions in Spain. Many people accept that the flower of
life symbolizes the energy flow occurring among all cosmic cube holders across
the planet. The purpose of the cosmic cubes is to channel cosmic code and energy
from the heavens. The cosmic cube contributes to the unity of our energy with the
one Spirit. Its ancient code connects us with the oneness underlying all conscious
being. The cosmic cube enables us to experience higher levels of unity and
cosmic energy. The energy and code exchange facilitated by the cosmic cube
opens up a channel within us. This channel allows amrit, prana, or chi the
divine life-force energy, to enter into our physical being and transform us via
cosmic consciousness. The flower of life is a symbol of the universal template
representing the energetic signature of the cosmic cube. One must learn to use the

cosmic cube to open the channel and peer inside into the wisdom and energetic
power of God the origin and destiny of all creation.
Virtually all cultures relate to the story of the great flood the deluge that
wiped away an advanced ancient civilization that likely existed in peace and
harmony for millennia approximately twelve thousand years ago. Plato accounts
of a cataclysmic event a flood in the Mediterranean, and this historical account
perfectly aligns with the Bible that tells the story of the flood and of the ark made
by Noah. The natives on every continent relay an oral history of a flood, and of
the origins of humanity. Historians seeking for evidence of the antediluvian
civilization have uncovered written evidence as well as ancient relics from
Atlantis. Historians usually place great weight upon the evidence of Atlantis
written by the philosopher Plato about Solon, and Athenian statesman and poet
who journeyed to Egypt and was told the story of Atlantis from the Egyptian
priests. Egyptian temples in this area of Egypt relay hieroglyphic images of the
Atlantean civilization and their system of communication, a curious language of
light that has attracted the interest of philosophers and writers throughout all
written history since the time of Plato. In his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias,
Plato writes the story of the dialogues that occurred with philosophers at the
School of Athens in Greece. Solon and the philosophers in the school of Athens
would tell the story of Atlantis and its interaction with the Greeks and Egyptians.
Critias is the story of the mighty island kingdom: Atlantis and its historical
attempt to conquer Athens. The Atlantean army failed to conquer Athens because
they lacked the necessary organizational skills. Atlantis, throughout all history, is
often spoken of as the land beyond the twin pillars. It was surely an advanced
seafaring civilization with a peculiar mode of script that was kept strictly secret to
initiates in the upper Atlantean hierarchy. In all likelihood, Atlantis was built
upon a large landmass, a landmass that according to Timaeus was an island larger
than Asia. The majority of historians believe that Atlantis still exists deep beneath
the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and that the term Atlantic comes from the term
Atlantis. Solon locates the civilization of Atlantis as Beyond the pillars of
Hercules. Ancient maps of the city center of Atlantis show concentric rings
leading to an inner city temple. Plato himself was involved in the practice of
Mithraism. There is a deep philosophical connection between Platos lore based
upon Mithraism and the philosophy that led to early Christianity.
In ancient Greece, devoted followers of Mithraism followed Masonic
principles and were often involved in lawmaking.
Both governors and
philosophers often spoke about Atlantis relaying fears as well as hopes to
fellows in the timeless schools of light. Maps and relics recovered in South
America lead historians today to believe that Atlantis did indeed exist, and that the
Atlantean civilization held the knowledge necessary to build stone monuments
including ziggurats and pyramids, as well as a great knowledge in working with
metals. Archeologists in South America, the coasts of the Mediterranean, and
Egypt have uncovered both metal and stone Atlantean cubes. These cubes from

ancient Atlantis are not only astronomically valuable; they are also fascinating as
they point researchers and enthusiasts in the direction of an ancient unwritten code
of light. Today, there are literally thousands of books and films that explore the
mysteries of Atlantis. Atlantean cubes are priceless, and rarely show up at public
auction houses. Collectors usually buy and hold Atlantean cubes, and devote
themselves to uncovering the system of communication and navigation employed
by the Atlantean peoples. It is believed by some collectors that the lost, sunken
city of Atlantis may soon rise up again from deep beneath the waters of the
Atlantic Ocean. Something from the ancient past is coming to us and creating a
new world. A new world of marvels, wonder, and technology was predicted in Sir
Francis Bacons New Atlantis. The dream of Sir Francis Bacon inspired the
founders of America. The men who wrote the constitution, and the first President,
George Washington, were all inspired by Platos Republic and Sir Francis
Bacons New Atlantis. America did rise to become the new land beyond the
twin pillars. America did rise to become like a shining light upon a hill a new
light unto the world. America in the eyes of the philosophically enlightened
world is the rising New Atlantis.
Masonry has chosen servants and geniuses throughout the ages. Geniuses
unite via a code of light that is tangible and substantial. One such genius that wrote
in code was Leonardo Da Vinci. As a child, Leonardo had schooling from a
Priest, who encouraged geometrical explorations, and invention, and for the light
of Gods genius to reach the world. In the notebooks of Leonardo, we see an
outpouring of Genius. Most of his notes were written in an encrypted code an
encoded script. One such code, which was passed on to him from a Priest, was the
ancient code of light. At this time, the code of light and the circle of vowels
leading to God were considered sacred knowledge by the Vatican. The code was
only given to and used by the elite ruling class. Da Vinci earned a reputation for
his service to the Elite. His encoded works dealt with submarines and aircraft, and
with means of communicating secretly in order to win wars. He used the cube
code and created automatic paper feeders for printing presses, machines that make
metal screws, and doors that open and close automatically. He invented earthmoving machines, pliers, and the monkey wrench. He came up with the idea of
the contact lens and wrote of augmented reality, and he devised formulas for
manufacturing valuable hardware and software. His ideas continue to echo across
our world today, and his codes have become an international standard.
Binary information is to this day, the center of the international intelligence
community. Our most efficient and effective form of communication is lightspeed visual binary. Signals are sent via radio waves or fiber optic cables in order
to transmit information. This code is not as new as some people believe. In
ancient Eastern China, one well-recognized form of visual binary communication
is the I-Ching. The I-Ching consists of 64 (26) hexagrams. The Chinese I-Ching is
a 6-bit visual binary communication system. There are six placeholders for binary
information to be sent via each symbol. The I-Ching dates back over six thousand

years. Today the I-Ching is used in China and all around the world. Another form
of visual binary communication that is appearing everywhere is called the QR
code, or Quick Response code. In each QR code are squares of black and white
that makes up bits of visual binary information. In order to focus upon recognize,
and read QR code, each codes has a set of three squares to calibrate the
measurement of the QR code in smart devices. In the cube code, the diamond or
tilted square is used for calibration. Lines express bits. We require smart devices
to read QR codes, but the human eye can read both the cube code and the I-Ching.
There are twenty-two bits of code that we can recognize from the cube code. It is
paramount that intelligence agencies can recognize the difference between signals
and noise noise must be filtered and useful information must be collected. The
code is most useful for intelligence work merging between man and machine. It
comes with it a destiny of superior, united, light-based consciousness and with
that, an expansive alliance enterprise.
Secret societies have existed for millennia, connecting initiates with a code
of light that enables the consolidation of wealth and power. A founder of one such
society was Cecil Rhodes. Cecil John Rhodes was born on the 5th of July in 1853.
He came from a middleclass family in England. Ever since he was a child, he had
big dreams for building the British Empire. As a young boy, Cecil studied the
philosophy of Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor who believed in the principles
of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude. Rhodes graduated from high
school with dreams of serving Queen Victoria and her expansive empire. But
Cecil suffered from some health problems and was told that he likely only had a
few months to live. He determined to hop onto a boat to South Africa to pursue
life in the new British colony. Cecil was given a grant of two thousand pounds
sterling to buy land in the colony. He chose to live stoically and spend wisely. He
met up with brothers in the colony and gradually became more successful in
farming, mining, and study. Cecil John Rhodes was initiated into Freemasonry as
soon as he returned to England, at Apollo Lodge #357, in September 1877, at the
age of 24. He then returned to South Africa with a mission from the order.
Rhodes was named the chairman of DeBeers Consolidated Mines Ltd., established
with funding from NM Rothschild and Sons. Rhodes used masterful strategy to
create a diamond and gold monopoly. Rhodes entered into the realm of British
power, prestige, and privilege. He attended Oxford University and studied under
professor John Ruskin, a man who inspired Rhodes to be possessed by the Spirit
of the Empire.
As a result of his growing alliance enterprise business monopolies, Cecil
Rhodes income rose to over one million pounds sterling per year, all of which he
devoted to the mysterious imperial projects, explorations, and adventures that he
financed himself. He sought to create one land Rhodesia from Cape Town to
Cairo run by Freemasons and inspired by the legends of King Solomon.
During this time in Rhodess life, he formed an appending body to Freemasonry
called the Society of the Elect a roundtable group whose purpose was the

foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible, and promote

the long-term interests of humanity and the environment. Through the operation
of this secret society, whose membership ranged from the Queen to Lord Milner,
Rudyard Kipling, and the Rothschild circle, Rhodes became the wealthiest man in
Africa. He took control of Africa by buying the newspapers before he ran as a
politician. He used masterful strategy to climb to the highest office in the land. In
office, he advocated for new systems of communication and transportation that
would unite the continent under British rule. He financed the telegraphs and
railways across the growing nation of Rhodesia. Rhodes was told once again that
his time on earth would be limited, so he redrafted his will and perfected his plan
for a secret society to finance the Rhodes Scholars at Oxford University in order
for these chosen scholars to build an empire of worlds.
In his will, he wrote, to think of these stars that you see overhead at
night these vast worlds which we cannot yet reach. I would annexe the planets
if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so
far. Cecil Rhodes was conferred the office of Worshipful Master of his Lodge
the same year that he was elected Prime Minister of South Africa. He then worked
to create the society of the elect that operated in strict secrecy and used a hidden
cube-code based upon the legends of the Cosmic Ashlar of King Solomon. He
was often referred to by the code name, King Solomon, and stories about King
Solomons Mines often alluded to Cecil Rhodes himself. Cecil Rhodes was
reported to have died in 1909. However, when analyzing the evidence, it is likely
that he faked his death and moved to northern Europe. He then became a Zionist
collaborator, working directly with the Rothschild banking circle. Rhodes used
monatomic gold formulations to preserve his body and mind, and he lived well
into his 90s. Travelling across Europe, Cecil John Rhodes worked out the plan for
a global economic system and an empire of worlds. He collaborated with
American Zionist Freemasons to establish the Federal Reserve Banking System,
and he met David Ben-Gurion in person. On May 15th, 1948, Cecil John Rhodes
died in peace, shortly after the creation of Israel by the Balfour declaration. Even
to this day, British Agents and Rhodes Scholars use Rhodes diamond code to
control both sides of debates using the Hegelian dialectic strategy. Rhodes knew
and showed that the code of the Cosmic Ashlar from King Solomon holds with it
the potential to peacefully unite the world. Rhodes secret society endures to this
day. Our work calls for the restoration of King Solomons Temple within our
Lodges, and for our Cosmic Ashlar to work as our integral language of light.


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