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An Initiation Key i for a Genesis Model


The Genesis process started with a letter or a word, which may have been a letter's name. In the
beginning was a word and the word may have been Yod.
Having the discovered the high concentrations of vowels in the divine names, the words for eternity
and the ego-pronouns the Yod could be identified as the initial root symbol of the Genesis process.
Basically all symbolism required long vowels which apart from the i-vowel had to be marked by
apices: VVV . The long I however was to be written taller as a long I-vowel which usually had
been used as an initial letter.
In Austria the letter i has been chosen as the first letter to learn reading & writing. The minimbased letters such as i, u, m, and n virtually are indistinguishable and required the introduction of
"mothers of reading1" to be deciphered.
The creation legends describe the separation process of a heaven and earth, day and night, man and
Attic numerals were used by the ancient Greeks, possibly from the 7th century BC. The sacred root
letter I may have been the root for the unity symbol in the Attic numerals.
The Pythagoreans adored numbers as the principles (maybe even Platonic ideas?) of all things.
For the Pythagoreans even abstracted things have their number: justice is associated with the
number four and with a square, marriage with the number five, and so on.
Odd numbers were considered masculine; even numbers feminine. "The gods delight in odd
numbers," wrote Virgil.
The monad ( 1st day) is good and a root for all numbers. At the first day of Genesis the light had
been separated from the darkness.
I noticed in Genesis that only the dyad ( 2 nd day) had not been registered as good. Especially the
second day in Genesis is known for its absence of the sentence: God was pleased with what he saw.
The triad (3rd day) had been considered harmonious and the tetrad (4th day) represented justice.
The pentad (5th day), started uniting the first female (2) and the first male (3) numbers, which is to
be understood as procreating the birds and the fishes. The hexad (6 th day) started feminine marriage
and perfection, which is to be understood as procreating the Creatures on Land including mankind.
The seventh day is a day of neither factors or product: a holy day of rest.
According to Aristotle, number speculation is the most characteristic feature of Pythagoreanism.
Things are number, or resemble number. To many Pythagoreans this concept meant that things
are measurable.
Alphabet and the number, respectively letters' symbolism had been transferred to the Greek traders,
who brought the system as a complete package home to their philosophers, including the alphabetic
letters, the vowels and the number symbolism.

1 Examples: the dot above the minim in i, breve on top of the u and the undertie for marking the ei and eu

Pre-Thalic Philosophy
Historians usually start their history of western philosophy with Thales2. According to Bertrand
Russell, "Western philosophy begins with Thales".
The analysis of vowel usage however reveals relevant philosophical pre-Thalic philosophical ideas.
One of the most relevant ideas had been eternity.
Eternity did not extend a time backwards towards an unlimited negativity ( - years ) nor
towards an unlimited negativity ( + years). Instead some peoples understood eternity as a
long period of time between a clear creation process and a determined end.
The Genesis process started with a letter or a word, which may have been a letter's name. In the
beginning was a word and the word may have been Yod.

High concentrations of vowels indicate sacred words such as eternity, very old, custom,
marriage, etc.
Symbolically relevant vowels usually are long vowels.
Words for long time (aion), eternity, high age, custom, law, marriage, etc. usually start with a low
vowel [a] or an A, to be followed by a front vowel such as [i] - I and eventually to be closed
by a back vowel such as [o] or .3
The most relevant vowels are the low vowel [a], the front vowels [i] [y] [e], a semivowel [w] and
the back vowels [o] [u]. Corresponding vowel characters are A, I, Y, E, W, O and U.
In Scandinavia the simplest word for eternity had been reduced to an .

Ego-pronouns4 such as jau usually start with an initial front vowel such as [i] - I, eventually to be
followed by a low vowel [a] or an A and eventually to be closed by a back vowel such as [u]
or U.
A relevant anomaly for the etymological transitions of ego-pronouns ieu, iau, iou and ih (and their
corresponding divine names) is found near the Rhine's bifurcation at Chur, Switzerland.
In his first translations of the Bible Wycliffe (c. 1328 1384) applied an Y as an English egopronoun, which may have been derived from Dante or from the Claudian letter Y, which may have
been understood as the IU-combination we already identified in IoU-piter.
The simplest of all ego-pronouns had be reduced to an I,respectively in Scandinavia an 5. I
noted that The Latin diphthong appeared both in native words (where it was spelled with ai
before the 2nd century BC) and in borrowings from Greek words having the diphthong (alpha
iota), which formally included an i inside the .


c. 624 c. 546 BC
Eternity - a Pre-Thales-Root for Western Philosophy (09/30/14)
Personal pronouns for the first person singular.
In many western, northern, and southwestern Norwegian dialects, and in the western Danish dialects of Thy and
Southern Jutland, has a significant meaning: the first person singular pronoun I, and it is thus a normal spoken
word; usually, it is written as when these dialects are rendered in writing

Divine names
Ancient divine names usually are similar to ego-pronouns whereas modern divine names are being
generated by a formula: <divine name> = D & <ego-pronoun>.
Both Jupiter and YHWH are to be interpreted as vowel sequences. Most divine names had been
based on vowel-sequences such as: iaou, jous, Yow, Yaou, a, jeu, joi, Jov, Jou or Jovis, gio, joi,
jue, Iau.
From 900 BCE up to 1900AD West-European languages mostly used divine names for the Biblical
God YHWH, which had been based on an initial I6: Ia-u-a (Ia-u), YHW, Yah, Jehovah, YH (Yah)
& Yahu (Hebrew) and Ia & Ia (Greek), (Singing) A-E-H-I-O-Y-, IA, , Iaoue, IA
(, Iah), Iabe, IOA (), Ieue, Yohoua, Ieoa, Ihehoua, Jehovah, Hiehouahi, Ioua, Iehoua,
Iohauah, Iehouah, Iehue, , Iaoouee, Iabe, Iouiee.
In the Divina commedia Dante claims (Paradiso, 26.134)7: I was the name on earth of the
Sovereign Good, whose joyous rays envelop and surround me. Later El became His name, and that
is as it should be8.
Therefore among the simplest of all names the divine name had be reduced to an I.

According to Demetrius the priests in Egypt employed the seven (Greek?) vowels in their hymns to
the gods9.
In Greek the vowel letters (eta) and (omega) originally represented long forms of the vowels
represented by the letters (epsilon) and (omicron - literally "small o", by contrast with omega or
"large o"). The other vowel letters of Ancient Greek, (alpha), (iota) and (upsilon), could
represent either short or long vowel phones.
Latin started with 5 vowels A, E, I, O, U. The primary diacritic was the apex10 used to mark long
vowels, which had previously been written double. However, in place of taking an apex, the letter i
was written taller as a long I-vowel11.
Initially the ideal alphabets seem to have been designed for symmetrical arrangements of 5 vowels
in a pattern A, E, I, O, U around the central vowel I. An ancient version of the arrangement uses
3 vowels in a pattern A, I, U respectively A, I, around the central vowel I.
The pattern A, E, I, O, U is equivalent to Frederick III's device A-E-I-O-U. 12
The tradition of marking long i-vowels by writing the longer letter taller instead of marking it with
an apex promotes the letter i to a more prominent position. The long letter I is the central symbol
among the long vowels and the alphabet.


The Timeline of Vowel Symbolism and The Hermetic Codex II

E - of the Word Ei Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi
The Creation of West-European Pronouns
Demetrius On style, the Greek text of Demetrius De elocutione - , 71, pp. 224, 225
In written Latin, the apex (plural "apices") is a mark roughly with the shape of an acute accent ( ) which is placed
over vowels to indicate that they are long.
11 An apex is not used with the letter i; rather, the letter is written taller, as in LVVVCIAFLI (lci a fli)
See example in Inscription displaying apices (from the shrine of the Augustales at Herculaneum)
12 Proceedings in the Ego-Pronouns' Etymology (Overview).

Alphabetic Designs
In Austria the letter i has been chosen as the first letter to learn reading & writing 13 and may have
been the root for the minims in Blackletter-Textualis, Kurrent and Stterlin scripts.
The minim-based letters such as i, u, m, and n virtually are indistinguishable and required the
introduction of "mothers of reading14" to be deciphered.

Creation legends
The vowel symbolism in the pre-Thalic sources significantly influences etymology for the egopronouns and the divine names.
The creation legends describe the separation process of a heaven and earth, day and night, man and
woman. In this creation process language supports the creation process by introducing antipodes,
sometimes supported by gender opposites such as a male heaven and a female earth15.
The vowel i16 may have played an important role as an Initiation Key for the Genesis Process17.
In most West-European languages most initials for the illuminated medieval Bibles have been based
on the letter i (for In Principio)18. Most illuminated Biblical texts have been colored in bipolar
color schemes comparable to patterns like In Principio.
In Hebrew every letter of the alef-beis begins with the yud, a point19. The Genesis may start with
any letter and still the initial represented a yud as a root element.
The Biblical Genesis specified seven days, especially numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6 for the active creation
phase. I asked myself whether the symbolism of the individual numbers had been correlating with
any of the symbolic events at that specific day. Of course only the first seven days had been
recorded according to their order number.

The Attic numerals20

Attic numerals were used by the ancient Greeks, possibly from the 7th century BC. The sacred root
letter I may have been the root for the unity symbol in the Attic numerals.
Other coding elements had been defined from the number words: 5 = for , 10 = for ,
100 = H for , 1000 = for / , 10,000 = M for (myriads).
The use of for 100 reflects the early date of this numbering system: (Eta) in the early
Attic alphabet represented the sound /h/. In later, "classical" Greek, with the adoption of the
Ionic alphabet throughout the majority of Greece, the letter eta had come to represent the
long e sound while the rough aspiration was no longer marked. It wasn't until Aristophanes
of Byzantium (c. 200 BC) introduced the various accent markings during the Hellenistic
period that the spiritus asper began to represent /h/. Thus the word for a hundred would
originally have been written , as compared to the now more familiar spelling

Genesis Starting as the Vowel Word AEIOU

Examples: the dot above the minim in i, breve on top of the u and the undertie for marking the ei and eu
initial line in Septuaginta (LXX) -
I's initial role may have been shared with the vowel in Scandinavian languages - (The Creation Legend
encoded in a Singular Vowel and other reports such as for ternity. The transit area is illustrated by Etymological
Etymology of the Genesis Legend
The Hermetic Codex II
This illustrates the inherent spirituality of every letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and that the Torah and G-ds
teachings are all for the sake of the Yid, or Jew. (from: Yud And the Tenth Shall Be Holy - Kabbalah, Chassidism)
Attic numerals

In modern Greek, the /h/ phoneme has disappeared altogether, but this has had no effect on
the basic spelling.

Pythagorean Number Symbolism


The Pythagoreans adored numbers as the principles (maybe even Platonic ideas?) of all things.
Aristotle, in his Metaphysica, sums up the Pythagorean's attitude towards numbers:
"The (Pythagoreans were) ... the first to take up mathematics ... (and) thought its principles
were the principles of all things. Since, of these principles, numbers ... are the first, ... in
numbers they seemed to see many resemblances to things that exist ... more than [just] air,
fire and earth and water, (but things such as) justice, soul, reason, opportunity ..."
Odd numbers were considered masculine; even numbers feminine. "The gods delight in odd
numbers," wrote Virgil.
The monad ( 1st day) is good and a root for all numbers. At the first day of Genesis the light had
been separated from the darkness.
I noticed in Genesis that only the dyad ( 2 nd day) had not been registered as good. Especially the
second day in Genesis is known for its absence of the sentence: God was pleased with what he saw.
The triad (3rd day) had been considered harmonious and the tetrad (4th day) represented justice.
The pentad (5th day), started uniting the first female (2) and the first male (3) numbers, which is to
be understood as procreating the birds and the fishes. The hexad (6 th day) started feminine marriage
and perfection, which is to be understood as procreating the Creatures on Land including mankind.
The seventh day is a day of neither factors or product: a holy day of rest.
According to Aristotle, number speculation is the most characteristic feature of Pythagoreanism.
Things are number, or resemble number. To many Pythagoreans this concept meant that things
are measurable and commensurable or proportional in terms of numberan idea of considerable
significance for Western civilization.
For the Pythagoreans even abstracted things have their number: justice is associated
with the number four and with a square, marriage with the number five, and so on. The
psychological associations at work here have not been clarified22.

Pythagorean interpretation of the numbers' symbolism

This pattern matches fine to the Pythagorean interpretation of the numbers' symbolism:
1. Monad. Point. The source of all numbers. Good, desirable, essential, indivisible.
2. Dyad. Line. Diversity, a loss of unity, the number of excess and defect. The first feminine
number. Duality.
3. Triad. Plane. By virtue of the triad, unity and diversity of which it is composed are restored
to harmony. The first odd, masculine number. At this day the earth is being organized and
4. Tetrad. Solid. The first feminine square. Justice, steadfast and square. The number of the
square, the elements, the seasons, ages of man, lunar phases, virtues. At the fourth day the
Creator created the sun, the moon and the stars, which are ruling the season and ages. The
Pythagoreans called the number Four the "Key-bearer of Nature."
5. Pentad. The masculine marriage number, uniting the first female number and the first male
21 Geometry in Art & Architecture Unit 3 - Dartmouth College
22 Metaphysics and number theory - Encyclopaedia Britannica

number by addition. This procreation may be aiming at the birds and the fishes.
6. Hexad. The first feminine marriage number, uniting 2 and 3 by multiplication. This
procreation may be aiming at the Creatures on Land including mankind.
The first perfect number (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). At the sixth day it had been noticed that God saw
everything that he had made, to be very good.
7. Heptad. The maiden goddess Athene, the virgin number, because 7 alone has neither factors
or product.

The Tetraktys of Pythagoras

The Tetraktys of Pythagoras -- composed of ten dots arranged in four rows to form a triangle -- was
the sacred symbol upon which the Pythagoreans took their most binding oath.
One particular triangular number that they especially liked was the number ten. It was called
a Tetractys, meaning a set of four things, a word attributed to the Greek Mathematician and
astronomer Theon (c. 100 CE)23.

Genesis Specifications
The unity and indivisibility of the first day may be recognized. The negativity of the second day is
found in the diversity and a loss of unity.
The fourth day (a key number) the sun, the moon and the stars start ruling the seasons and time.
Both the fifth and the sixth day procreation has been introduced for the fishes end the birds,
respectively for the land creatures including mankind.
At the sixth day the perfectness of creation is considered very good. At the seventh day the
number seven symbolizes inertia - neither factors or product.
1. The first day the Creator separated the light from the darkness and he named the light Day
and the darkness Night.
2. The second day the Creator made a dome (heaven, the sky), and it separated the water under
it from the water above it.
3. The third day the Creator named the land Earth, and the water which had come together
he named Sea. The grass, the herbs and the trees had been created.
4. The fourth day the Creator creates the sun, the moon and the stars.
5. The fifth day the Creator created the birds and the fishes, including procreation: be fruitful,
and multiply
6. At the the sixth day the Creator created the Creatures on Land . God saw everything that he
had made, and indeed, it was very good.
7. And at the Seventh Day God blessed the day and rests.
In retrospect there is a chance that the seven days of Genesis may have been numbered and
characterized by Pythagorean interpretation of the numbers' symbolism.
Alphabet and the number, respectively letters' symbolism had been transferred to the Greek traders,
who brought the system as a complete package home to their philosophers, including the alphabetic
letters, the vowels and the number symbolism.

23 Geometry in Art & Architecture Unit 3 - Dartmouth College

The Roman numerals

The letters used in Roman numerals are: I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = Centum (100) ; D
= 500; M (Mille) = 100024.
The Romans also have used their alphabet to assign values to their letters. The sacred root letter I
may have been the root for the unity symbol, but the second letter V for 5 units may have
represented the U in IU-piter the name for the mightiest Roman deity.

Reasons to consider I as an Initiation Key for the Genesis Model

1. The Genesis process started with a letter or a word: In the beginning was a word.
2. High concentrations of vowels indicate sacred words such as eternity.
3. Symbolically relevant vowels usually are long vowels.
4. The simplest of all ego-pronouns had be reduced to an I, in Scandinavia an .
5. Ancient divine names usually are similar to ego-pronouns
6. Most divine names had been based on vowel-sequences such as: iaou, jous, Yow, Yaou,
a, jeu, joi, Jov, Jou or Jovis, gio, joi, jue, Iau.
7. In the Divina commedia Dante claims: I was the name on earth of the Sovereign Good.
8. Therefore in the simplest of all names the divine name had be reduced to an I.
9. According to Demetrius the priests in Egypt sang 7 vowels in their hymns to the gods.
10. In Latin the primary diacritic was the apex25 used to mark long vowels. However instead of
using an apex, the letter i was written taller as a long I-vowel26.
11. The pattern A, E, I, O, U is equivalent to Frederick III's device A-E-I-O-U.
12. In most West-European languages most initials for the illuminated medieval Bibles have
been based on the letter i (for In Principio).
13. In Hebrew every letter of the alef-beis begins with the yud, a point.
14. In Austria the letter i has been chosen as the first letter to learn reading 27 and may have
been the root for the minims in Blackletter-Textualis, Kurrent and Stterlin scripts.
15. The sacred letter I may have been the root for the unity symbol in the Attic and Roman
16. The second letter V for 5 units may have represented the U in IU-piter the name for
the mightiest Roman deity.

24 The letters D and M as numerals came up later.

25 In written Latin, the apex (plural "apices") is a mark roughly with the shape of an acute accent ( ) which is placed
over vowels to indicate that they are long.
26 An apex is not used with the letter i; rather, the letter is written taller, as in LVVVCIAFLI (lci a fli)
See example in Inscription displaying apices (from the shrine of the Augustales at Herculaneum)
27 Genesis Starting as the Vowel Word AEIOU

Pre-Thalic Philosophy......................................................................................................................2
Divine names...................................................................................................................................3
Alphabetic Designs..........................................................................................................................4
Creation legends..............................................................................................................................4
The Attic numerals...........................................................................................................................4
Pythagorean Number Symbolism ...................................................................................................5
Pythagorean interpretation of the numbers' symbolism...................................................................5
The Tetraktys of Pythagoras............................................................................................................6
Genesis Specifications.....................................................................................................................6
The Roman numerals.......................................................................................................................7
Reasons to consider I as an Initiation Key for the Genesis Model..............................................7

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