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European political system (take a look at the program)

Easy take home exame
Define separation and fusion of Power systems of govnement. In terms of everyday politics,
what are the most striking smilarities and diferences between these to costitucional regimes
What is the point of having na upper house senate in a non federeal politics sysrem in what
ways IF any is politics diferet when there is no upper house
Describe how procedures for changing constiutions difer from procedures for changing
laws.what are the reasons for these diferrences?
Describe and evaluete ways in wich those making decisions on behalf of european union (eu)
are acountable to citizens of eu member states
Discuss the aguments for and against a snior ciil chenges
Human recourses manegmant
About the first chapter of the book: representative govrnment in the european system
2 different constitutional regimes: executive (adm)X legislativo (fazer a lei)
Presidencial (separation of powers) X parlamentary( fusiono f powers) can the executive be
desmissed by the legislative?
Tomar cuidado porque presidentes so eleitos diretamente em parlamentaru regimes
Presidentes: Just a word, no political role
chief executive( primeiro ministo, presidente do governo, chanceler): britai, spain, germany]
head of state (king, presidente, etc)
britan and spain, conservative monarquia
parlamentary gornent: the chief is responsable to and can be desmised of the legislature
circulation of responsability makes th fusion o fpowers
we voe for na integrated relationship (thinking of it)
90s century the separation of powers was responsible for the captaition of local desires. So
the representats was elected by capting local desires. Wich made a loto f clientelism things
(book: the efficient secret. Gary Cox)

Montesquie: separation of powers

its due to (?)
Now the tendency is the aproximatin of porwers, elected separatly
Strategic electin timing: parlamet or predident call electin when the govrnment is well viewed
in mdia, or when the eonoic is going well, that means they tak advantage of the governments
In the separation of powers regimes neither onde nor other can desmiss eachselves
no simbiosese si, cohabitation
This creates exogenou tming for the political cycle. No incentive for surfing of for much
manipulation (strog contittional regularity and fixesds termsand time for election)
Divided X minority government
Sulth America( dived government, legislatura no suport the chief executive)
In eua its a desired blocking effect
(what about the judicirio?)
Dividement government in a parlamentaru regim is a minority governmant( sociologia
funcional) goverment is in minoria, pode sair a qualquer momento
Majoraty government quando o chefe tem o maior apoio
Issier= easier (Z)
Semi-presidencial government: combination of presidencial and parlamentary government
Presidente escolhe o primeiro ministro e o parlamente tem que concoda com isso
Both president( head of the state: nominate PM, make policy in delimitade reas, foreings, call
a referendum) and PM/cabinet(executive: legislation, finance and policy implementation) have
significante roles, independent powers.
The role of elections:
instituiesX politica consequences
relembrando: in parlamentary government citizens choose a governmant when they votee in
legislative elections
legislaive elections are much more about choosing na executive than about choosing a

the citizen hs to choose to vote whats more important having the right local candidate(of
the worg party) or a representative in the government. Deve-se pensar em nive nacional se se
quer ganhar a eleio
Party discipline
Legisative parties as far more disciplined in europea stye fusiono f powers systems than inder
us-style separation of powers, wich means legislators follow the party line on all matter, IF the
dabate takes place inside or outside the party ine setteled, legislaters form a disciplined
partied follow this X separation of powers= no to disciplinado ( no democrativo, no nos
representa), mas no existe partido no disciplinado
A tendncia do voto em partidos disciplinados, em partidos calcados, onde j tem suas idias
e polticas coerentes. Existem os mais e os menos coerentes mas a tdoso tem que ser
coerentes e ter poltica disciplinada
Us, only 2 parties
Europa: se vota para apoiar ou tirar o governo, no paramento. E eles sabem disso e cumprem
esse papel com disciplina.
Nos separados: ex, EUA, o governo no precisa do suporte do parlamento, ento meu vto para
o parlamento pouco importa para o governo
As pessoas geralmente esto mais saisfaitos com a democracia quando o governo dura
The likelihood of discipline parties is greater under parlamentary governmate- with far
reaching consequences for political competitial cpmpetition.

gabinet responsability hystorical terms (???) X Em polticas separadas ambas as eleies so

votadas separadamentes

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