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\f0\fs24 \cf0 This past calendar year has been an active one in the automotive
industry. The federal government moved in to assist two of Detroit's brands
survive into the new year. We saw severe budget cuts, inventory and dealership
reductions, reorganizations and a renewed push towards a "greener" future.\
As we prepare for 2010, much is still the same. Politicians are still politicians,
we still have loved ones defending the world on foreign soil and consumers are
still buying cars and trucks.\
Before the world turns the calendar to the "green teens," here is a look back at
some highlights \'d0 my top nine from \'d509.
\fs22 \

\fs24 \'a5 My 2009 basically began with a visit to a very cold (by Texas
standards) Detroit and an introduction to what would eventually become car of the
year \'d0 the 2010 Ford Fusion and Fusion Hybrid. I proclaimed my adoration for
the makeover early on and others (eventually) followed.\
\'a5 Turbocharging is certainly not new in the automotive environment but one
automaker is using the technology to deliver V-8 performance from their new
vehicles while keeping the fuel economy of a six. Again, Ford makes my list with
their new EcoBoost engines. The turbo sixes came out this year and we should see
some hot fours under the hoods very soon.\
\'a5 Sorry for this but I am going to give Ford another tip of the hat. They were
the only one of Detroit's big three that did not line their pockets with my tax
dollars. And they have already begun paying back their private financiers. Way to
go big blue oval.\
\'a5 Chevrolet gets an attaboy for the new Camaro although they did wait until
after Dodge released a new Challenger before doing so (not to mention Ford never
quit building pony cars). Still, 'Transformers - Rise of the Fallen' is my
favorite movie of the year thanks in part to the role the GM vehicles played in
it. (And I bet some of you can guess another reason I enjoyed the movie so.)\
\'a5 As for the Chrysler Corporation, Dodge gets a nod for the new Heavy Duty Ram
(which was recently named truck of the year). As for spinning Ram into its own
division I will reserve judgement on that decision until 2010.\
\'a5 Safety technology took some big steps forward this past year. Volvo led the
pack with their new "City Safety" self-braking system designed to eliminate low-
speed collisions (rear-enders occurring under 19 mph by inattentive drivers). The
new XC60 was the host vehicle.\
\'a5 No. 7 was eliminated due to cutbacks this past year.\
\'a5 When thinking back over the past year to any one thing that really stands out
in my mind as making an impression, I keep coming back to the sound-reactive
lighting behind the speakers of the Kia Soul. Gimmicky perhaps, but memorable
nonetheless. Plus, I really enjoyed the humorous marketing campaign Kia utilized
to intro the Soul.\
\'a5 And finally, Volt. Kudos to Chevy for still being able to garner headlines
with it despite not delivering one to a paying customer yet. The world is also
waiting with baited breath in hopes the power grid can handle the load when 9-to-
5ers come home each day and plug their cars in to recharge at the same moment they
are kicking on the AC.\
\'a5This just in: The Obama administration has approved funding for No. 7. In due
turn, I give this one to the federal government for their "rescue" of General
Motors and Chrysler.\
Well there you have my "Nine from \'d409." \
Next time around I will offer up my "10 for \'d510."}

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