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Financial issues were a big problem in my own

life, and I can relate to what a mountain of

debt feels like. What was worse is that I was
energetically more aligned with creating debt
than creating money. Even as I learned to earn
more and more—the debt was still increasing!

I don’t know how many times I wrote out new

debt repayment schedules or how many books
I’d read on financial matters—nothing worked. Until I learned to
shift my energy and beliefs around money.

What we focus on, we create. Through the Law of Attraction we

know that LIKE attracts LIKE. So if we have a lot of debt, and think
about our debt often, it increases. Even if we learn to make more
and more money. If we are still energetically set to focus more on
the lack of money—that is what we create.

Another issue my husband and I had to deal with energetically was

the belief that we’d always have just enough to get by. So even as
we learned to create more cash flow than we were used to, new
expenses or unexpected bills came along to eat up the excess.

I know it takes a leap of

faith to be willing to
understand that money is
just energy. For the longest
time, I had resistance to this
idea. I had beliefs about
money –that it comes by
working hard, getting a

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good education, and being diligent. But I
had also done those things, and money
was still elusive. I had beliefs about my
own value that I had developed in
childhood. Until I could see value in
myself—just for being me—not for what
I did or created—I wasn’t able to create
money and create wealth. I learned if I
worked harder and harder, I could create more and more money—
but I couldn’t keep it. New expenses came along—and the money
would never stay for long.

But at the same time, experiencing this was a blessing—because it

helped me to see I had beliefs running my experience with money.
When you catch patterns in your life—especially with something you
have worked and worked to change—pay attention to them! Nearly
every time the problem is not with something you are doing, but
rather, something you are believing.

You can take a moment right now and feel your energy about money.
If you are already resisting this idea—notice that. I can tell you right
now you are just feeling negative energy—and you don’t want that
to be the case with money. In fact, we tend to feel negative energy
with money when we are
conditioned to hear the word
“money” and think of “lack of
money” instead.

Even if this makes you feel

nervous and uncomfortable—

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just for a minute—notice your feelings about money. Honestly, for
me, there was a time I hated the word “money.” It represented so
much stress and grief and endless trying—along with endless

But things really started to shift as I became aware of my money

beliefs—and they really shifted when I realized I was taking this issue
very personally!

When I would list out my debts with a hope that I could make things
different, by the end of the process, I was so
discouraged and depressed—it sucked any
joy I’d had right out of me. Sound familiar?

When I would notice my debts, I would also

begin to emit a strong energy of frustration
and lack and hopelessness. I would worry—
and as we know, worrying is simply creating a
future event NEGATIVELY. It’s thinking about
what you don’t want to happen, with great
emotion. It is a powerful creator—so if this is
your habit—hang in there, and I’ll teach you to stop it. For now, just
recognize these feelings are largely responsible for money problems

I came to realize, a lot of this negative energy was a result of the

judgments I was making about myself—and what all this debt meant.
Again, like I said, I took it very personally—but didn’t realize for the
longest time that this is what I was doing.

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In math, 2 + 2 = 4. There’s nothing personal
about it. Those are the “laws of math.” Even
if you have a large number and subtract away
a larger number and end up with a negative
result—it isn’t personal!

9543 – 23987 = -14444 Did that piece of math

negatively affect you? I doubt it! It’s just

But for some reason, if we turn these numbers

into dollars—we tend to feel the negativity.

When I would go over my finances, and especially my debts, I would

start out with a decent attitude—perhaps even a happy, positive
outlook. But as I would get all of the numbers written down, my
determination to remain positive would fade. I started to notice the
thoughts that would creep in.

“I can’t believe I still have this problem!”

“How many times have I gone through this—and it still isn’t


“But I’m an intelligent person—I graduated with honors! I have a

college degree—how could this be?”

“What’s wrong with me? They are just numbers, why can’t I get this

“I must make bad decisions. The worst part is I don’t even know
when I’m making them! I honestly try to make good decisions, and
be diligent, yet I keep screwing up—what is my problem?”

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“What if I can’t ever be trusted with money? What if I can’t ever
figure this out?”

“I can’t believe I make such stupid mistakes. I must be a big screw-


“It’s hopeless—what’s the point? Nothing I do makes a difference.”

Yikes—can you see how my thoughts became very personal—and

turned into attacks on my own being? How do you think that
affected my own feelings of value? Not very well! And you want to
know the worst part? Too often I’d get myself in such a funk that I’d
turn to physical things to relieve
the pain—things like going out
to eat, or buying a new blouse,
or some other “Band-Aid”
method that didn’t help my
money issue at all—and much of
the time made it worse—as I’d
cope by spending more money!

Eating out or buying clothes or even spending money can all be

perfectly fine behaviors—those actions weren’t the problem. Using
those actions to avoid the negative feelings my financial situation
gave me was the problem. I was avoiding. If you find yourself doing
this about ANY issue in your life—just notice it. Just be kind to
yourself and notice the behavior. Sometimes when we are in
negative energy, we need to do ANYTHING we can to get out of it.
I’ve lived with deep depression before, and sometimes, just getting
out of that toxic space IS the most important thing you can do. But
just be aware that at some point, the issues behind the negativity will

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need to be cleared for you to feel truly happy. And please learn EFT!
Emotional Freedom Technique is excellent for clearing negative

Back to money issues specifically.

I’d been doing a lot of asking about the financial situation—and what
in the world I was doing wrong. I was working hard to earn more
money, I was asking all the time for more money, particularly to pay
off my debt (wasn’t that a worthy “universe” cause?).

Well, as you know, when we ask, we do receive. In time, I found

myself really thinking about the Law of Attraction again (though, I
was doing this a lot anyway) but specifically about how it relates to
money. What I wanted was to be wealthy—to be able to choose to
participate in any activity based on whether or not I wanted to or
found it valuable to me and my family—not whether or not I could
afford it. Like I once heard in this restaurant analogy, I wanted to
simply read the menu from left to right—not right to left, reading the
prices first. I wanted to choose just what I wanted—not limit my
choices based on cost.

With the Law of

Attraction, we understand
that like attracts like—
that which is like is drawn
to each other.

Just thinking about things

and putting our focus on
them begins to draw it

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into our experience. Many of you have probably experienced what I
call in my newsletter, The Lamoureaux Principle, where you can even
have a fleeting thought or question about something, and within a
few days, have the answer or object show up in your life. I was
wondering how the word “Lamoureaux” was spelled, when my
husband was eating a strange sandwich he’d given this name. Within
the next day or two, I passed a sign that said “Lamoureaux.” Things
like this happen all the time—if we are alert to notice. This is the Law
of Attraction at work. We focus on things, and they begin to appear
in our reality.

So with money issues, if you

keep experiencing debt, then
you are focusing on debt.
Like attracts like. Even with
all my efforts to be conscious
in my life, it took me a while
to recognize this one fully. I
think I kept getting caught up
in all of painful emotions surrounding the issue—so I couldn’t see it
clearly. But when I came to understand that my debt simply meant I
was thinking more about being in debt or lack of money—than I was
about wealth—it became “mathematical.” This plus this equals this.
There is no emotional reaction involved. There was no NEED to TAKE
anything personally. In fact, doing so had become a HUGE hindrance
to my financial progress! I had learned to equate thinking about
money with feeling embarrassed and even stupid at times. That was
definitely not a welcoming, allowing vibration I was sending out with

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Don’t take it personally! So many people do, and it keeps us spinning
our wheels and getting nowhere!

If you are still in a situation where it feels SO incredibly personal—

start with EFT—Emotional Freedom Technique. I don’t know why it
works to tap on certain energy points in the body as we focus on our
issues—but I’ve also decided—it’s okay to not know. It only matters
that it’s effective!

When I first learned EFT, I was in a pretty bad space with some
HEAVY negative energy. But now I can see that even that was a
blessing, because even though I was FEELING that energy so
strongly—I could also FEEL when it was leaving, as I went through the
tapping process of EFT.

Now, I’m most often in a good space, but when I notice something I
need to clear—like taking my money beliefs personally—I do EFT. I
don’t usually feel the shift as strongly, because I’m already feeling
pretty good. But I do notice energy release symptoms—often just
yawning or sighs—feelings of relief. Sometimes there’s still an issue I
get emotional about and shed tears as well. But either way, the
energy gets to move and shift. And once I’m free from that negative
energy, it’s easier for me to create effectively. It changes my general
vibration as well, so the signal I’m sending to the Universe is more
closely related to peace and contentment, rather than dissatisfaction
and frustration.

See, the difference between a thought and a belief is essentially

repetition and the emotional energy behind it. We are usually
passionate about what we believe in. How do you know you are

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feeling passionate? You can FEEL it. You can feel the emotion and
energy behind it.

Remember, we live in a vibrational Universe. If that sounds a little

strange to you—consider this. We interpret sound waves through
our ears and call this “hearing.” We interpret light vibrations and call
this “sight.” We hear a good song and react emotionally. The music
is all vibration. I’ve been drawn to the guitar lately, and I think this is
precisely why—I can feel and hear the vibration created by
strumming the strings. We live in a vibrational Universe.

So when you are feeling passionate—what you feel inside is

vibrational. You may call it excitement or energetic—but what it
really is is energy in motion—VIBRATION.

This vibrational energy sends a signal out to the Universe, and the
Universe responds in like manner—through the Law of Attraction--
shaping our life experiences.

I came to realize I was pretty PASSIONATE about being in DEBT! Not

that I wanted to be, or intended to be. But when I thought about
debt and my finances, I became very emotional, and I could feel it in
my body. But rather than excitement—it was anxiety. Rather than
uplifting, motivational emotions, I would feel fear and
discouragement. Yet these emotions and the physical reaction of my
body (the anxiety) were incredibly strong, and fueled my belief—
creating passion, even if negatively aligned.

The Law of the Attraction—though largely emotionally fueled—is

also purely logical. What I mean is, though we strengthen our point
of attraction through emotion—the response from the Universe is

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completely logical. It matches whatever we are projecting. It doesn’t
think things through or figure, “Oh, well, even though you are
projecting “Lack” I know what you really mean is “Wealth” so that’s
what I’ll give you.” No sir. The Universe honors us in precisely what
we are projecting.

Remember, our main purpose in this world is to learn to shape the

energy around us. Some people call this working by faith—but
regardless of what you call it—it is what we are learning to do. And
the more we learn this, the more joyful our lives become. Taking an
active part in the creation of our lives can be just plain fun, when you
learn to use the Law of Attraction to your advantage.

We are here in physical form in a world filled with diversity. We have

many different experiences, and we learn to create preferences from
these experiences. We enjoy some things very much, and
others…not so much. Often, we come to the point of wanting to
know more—wanting to know how the world works, why do things
happen, what is the cause of all that is. We start asking, and we get
answers. It’s usually about this point in time you will come across
some materials on manifesting, and it will catch your interest. It’s
probably why you are reading this booklet right now!

As we experience life’s diversity, and notice our preferences—we

then learn about manifesting—about the power of focusing our
thoughts on what is wanted, and thereby drawing it into our
experience. But usually, previous to this, we have been unaware that
our thoughts create, and may have even developed some habits of
thought that do not bring us those things we desire. Sometimes, we

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even focus on what we don’t want, and thereby create more of what
we don’t want.

But as you become more intense about your desire to learn

manifesting, and to learn to receive, you will naturally become aware
of the power of your thoughts, and especially your ability to choose
what you focus your creative signal on. You learn to focus purely on
your desire, without mucking it up with contrary thoughts or beliefs.

I came to realize if I wanted to stop being in debt—I needed to stop

projecting that message to the Universe. And even beyond that—if I
wanted to experience WEALTH—I needed to START projecting that
message. Simple as that. There was nothing to take personally here.

I love math. That’s one of the main reasons it was hard for me to feel
like an artist—because I thought of myself more as a math-person!
But what I loved about math was that you could count on it. No pun
intended. Math was reliable. This plus this equals this—that’s the
rule, that’s the law, every time, no exceptions. Think about that for
just a moment. Isn’t it nice to have SOMETHING to rely on in our
ever changing world? It is indeed, and it really helps to simplify our
life experience.

If I am in debt and keep attracting more debt, it is ONLY because I am

focusing more on debt than on wealth. That’s the ONLY reason. It
has nothing to do with my gender, my skin color, my upbringing,
even my life experience. Now, my life experience and upbringing
may have fostered my debt-oriented thinking—but the only reason I
get debt is because I focus on debt, I have debt-related thoughts.

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The only reason I haven’t experienced wealth as I’ve desired, is
because I haven’t been focusing on wealth. I may have had a lot of
experience focusing on paying my debts, but that isn’t focusing on
wealth, no matter how sincere my intentions were.

If I focus on debt, think about it a lot, and especially if get emotional

about it, I create more debt. It’s that simple. It’s not personal. It’s
simply a Law of the Universe coming into play.

If you’ve created a lot of debt, take heart! You have an amazing

power of focus—look how intensely you can create that experience!
Now, granted, it isn’t one you desire—but draw the value of the
lesson here. You are a powerful creator! Your thoughts and focus on
debt created it big time!

But I don’t want debt. Now what?

Well, let’s stay mathematical here—let’s stay logical. If focusing on

debt created debt, then focusing on wealth creates wealth. That’s
pretty simple as well.

My next great discovery about money and the Law of Attraction was
this. I now understood that to create wealth, I needed to focus on
wealth—I needed to FEEL wealthy. So I asked myself, “What does
wealthy feel like?” ………..and there was a long pause. I could almost
hear the crickets chirping in the silence that followed…….And then it
dawned on me—the fact that it was taking me so long to conjure up
ANY feeling of wealth, or to even have an inkling of what that FELT
like—was THE PROBLEM! And then the joy of that revelation hit
me—NO WONDER! No wonder I’d had such a hard time creating
wealth! Watch what happens when I think of debt and

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lack…..hmmm…yep, almost immediately my stomach starts to churn
and I feel sick. I can feel debt and lack in a heartbeat! But with
wealth, I had to think about it. It was like the difference between
playing a piece on the piano that you know by heart, that just flows
out of you, and learning a new piece, especially when you aren’t very
good at reading music and the keys are slowly plunking into place!

Debt was natural to me—I’d practiced it so well, its feelings just

flowed out of me—without even having to think about any details. I
just thought “debt,” and suddenly I was there—I could feel what it
was like immediately.

But when I thought wealth…first, silence, and then my thinking mind

needed to kick in “….Okay, um, let’s see. I know it has to do with a
lot of money involved…..hmmm….and I get to spend it on what I
want…oh yeah, that feels better…I like spending money….
hmmm….but if I’m wealthy, I’m not spending it all because otherwise
that would be being in the same situation I am now, but with more
zeros in the numbers…hmmm…so it’s got to be more that than.
Hmm…Choice…Freedom….yes, freedom definitely feels wealthy….”

And I’d continue to explore. This was a good thing to do, and the
way to find out what it does feel like—by asking. Still, notice the
difference. Debt was so much a part of me that it was subconscious.
My thinking mind had to do nothing—there it was, instantly.

But with wealth, my subconscious brought up nothing. Just crickets

chirping! Obviously, wealth was not a part of me—not a part of my
core beliefs. I was still back in training with wealth, still trying to find
the right keys to plunk out on piano, and the music created only
sounded vaguely similar to the masterpiece it would one day be.

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So, I noticed the difference. But I didn’t stop plunking the keys and
through my hands up in despair saying “What’s the point?” I kept
plunking along. “Wealth…okay, what does wealthy feel like? Where
was I? Oh, yes, freedom. Yes, freedom feels great—and is healthy,
and isn’t avoiding an issue—good to notice.

“But it also feels like security. It feels like knowing there is plenty and
that everything is working out. Hmmm…wow…I’m noticing an
extreme lack of worry here, in this wealthy feeling. I get to choose
what I really want instead of substituting what I truly want for
something cheaper. I’m acting from my true desire, rather than
trying to shrink my desires into what I can afford. I get to choose.
Wow—and I feel really excited about it. In fact, the more abundant I
feel, the more I see ‘happy choosing’ all around me. Hmm…but as I
imagine myself choosing thing after thing…I notice I still don’t really
care for clutter…and I notice the more wealthy I feel, the less I feel
about hurrying and choosing—because I can see part of that is
related to a fear that the money will run out. Hmmm…that wouldn’t
be a part of being wealthy.

“Hmm…as I feel wealthy, I can see that I tend to savor the choosing
process itself. How weird it that? It’s always been so much more fun
to actually GET what I’ve been wanting, and the wanting of it wasn’t
so fun. In fact, I kind of ‘endured’ that part. Hmmmm…wealthy feels
like there is no rush. I can take my time. I might even choose to take
my time. And I’m not worried about choosing the wrong one. I can
always choose again.

“I remember when I would go to a restaurant and only choose the

item that I knew I loved. Because I didn’t get to go out to eat much,

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what if I tried something different, and I didn’t like it as well? I would
have blown my chance to eat the meal I really enjoyed. Who knows
how long it would be until I got to eat out again! But in wealthy—
there is nothing like that. Wealthy knows there are always other
opportunities. It’s fine if what I choose isn’t my favorite—and I really
like trying new things, because sometimes I do find new favorites I
would have never known, back in that fear state.

“Wow, wealthy feels like really being able to choose, really having
freedom, and really connected to how God is. There are no ulterior
motives forcing my decisions. I’m not having to look out for costs or
prices or what are really just other people’s interpretations of value.

“I get to choose what I desire. I get to truly connect with my desires,

and act upon them—based only on my desires. I get to truly follow
my passion. I get to choose how I want to spend my time. I don’t
have to trade my time doing things I don’t enjoy, simply for money. I
wanted the money so I could make more choices, yet I’ve been
selling my time for money—but how I wanted to spend my time was
what I wanted to choose… in the first place!

“Wow—so much of what I have been doing on a daily basis was not
choosing or feeling wealth. And there are so many things that fill my
home that aren’t what I really CHOOSE. They are only the substitutes
I decided were better than nothing, or what I settled for because I
couldn’t have what I really wanted. Sure, there are some things I
have that I do love and appreciate—and I’d keep them no matter
how much money I had. They are already speaking to me in a way I
adore. But there’s a ton of stuff that doesn’t. So much of my home
even reflects my ‘not wealthy’ thinking!”

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When I got to this point in my thought process, I had to run down
and clean up a room I’d neglected. We had many things that we
didn’t know what to do with, so we’d end up sticking them in this
particular room. Through this process, I could see that the only
reason I didn’t know what to do with them, was because they were
objects I was holding on to that were substitutes—the things I didn’t
really want, but were “better than nothing”—or the cheaper version
of the things I’d really adore.

So I grabbed some bags and gathered the items up and donated

them to charity. When I am in the wealthy mindset, I can see that I
would only have things I use and love around me. I would release
everything else back into the flow of the Universe. Being in the
energy of my visualization was the perfect time for me to look again
at these objects, and I could see right away which would remain with
me in wealth, and which would need to be “outta there.”

What does being wealthy mean to you? What does it look like? Feel
like? How would your life be different if you were wealthy?

How would your life be different today if you were just a little more
wealthy right now? Have you thought about it? Have you defined
what wealthy is to you?

When we define something, we create a blueprint of what that

experience is like. Without definition, without a blueprint, how can
the universe answer our request?

Take a few minutes now and write down what it is you are desiring.
What does wealth mean to you? Putting it down on paper gives your

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desire another level of physicality. It makes it more real in the
physical realm already. When we write, we take that jumble of
thoughts in our head and make them into something we can see,
read, and refer to time and time again.

Don’t feel like this has to be the end all of all lists on wealth. You can
add to this list at any time, or take away from it, if a certain desire no
longer appeals to you. The important part is that you do something
now to move forward in your desires.

Writing down what you desire creates MOMENTUM. Momentum is

an energetic force. Momentum is an action you can feel that takes
you one step closer to your desires.

After you write down what wealth is like for you, move on to the
next booklet, The Meaning of Money. You can print out the
following page and use it to record your thoughts on wealth.

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What Wealth Means to Me

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Now, move on to the next booklet, The Meaning of Money.

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